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英语貌合神离句与特殊难点 50例讲评,英语貌合神离句与特殊难点 50例讲评,1.According to the plan, they must finish the work by Monday. 按照计划,他们必须在星期一以前完成工作 (修饰全句) By Monday they must finish the work according to the plan. 在星期一以前他们必须按照计划完成工作。(修饰finish),2. That is my all. 我一切都在那里。 (那是我的一切,all为名词) All that is mine. 那一切都是我的。 (all为形容词),Oh,3.Jack has also decided to spend a few days in Austria on his way to Switzerland. 杰克也决定在前往瑞士途中在奥地利亚也要逗留 几天。(修饰谓语) Jack has decided also to spend a few days in Austria on his way to Switzerland. 杰克决定在他前往瑞士途中在奥地利亚也要逗留 几天。(修饰不定式),4. She had the grace at least to admit that she was partly in the wrong. 至少她很痛快,承认她自己也有一部分过错。 (修饰had the grace) She had the grace to admit that she was at least partly in the wrong. 她倒很痛快,承认自己至少也有些过错。 (修饰partly in the wrong),5. Her speech was reported at length in the newspapers. 她的演讲词在报纸上详细地登载出来。 (=in great detail) At length, her speech was reported in the newspapers. 她的演讲词终于在报纸上登载出来。 (=at last),6.We were passing by a boat house when we met her. 我们从游艇停泊处经过,碰上了她。 (a place where boats anchor) We were passing by a house boat when we met her. 我们从一艘住家船边经过,碰上了她。 (a boat serving as a house),7.The police made a careful study of the book case. 警察仔细察看了书橱。 The police made a careful study of the case book. 警察仔细研究了案例。 (判例,案例),8. He took her to a bus station. 他带她到一个汽车站。 He took her to a station bus. 他带她到一辆往返(火)车站的 公共汽车那里。,I know !,9. They found the empty bottle. 他们找到了空瓶子。 (empty 作定语) They found the bottle empty. 他们发现瓶子是空着的。 (empty作宾语补足语),Ha,ha,10. How people can be such fools! 怎么会有人这么傻! (对真人真事感到惋惜,惊奇) How can people be such fools? 谁可能会那么傻呢? (未必有的事情),11. How old she is! 她竟然这么衰老! (同样,How young she is! =She is extremely young) How old is she? 她多大年纪? (同样,How young is she? 她有多年轻?),12. I gazed at the broken case glass and didnt know what to do. (镂花厚玻璃) I gazed at the borken glass case and didnt know what to do. (玻璃橱柜),13. He likes this kind of chocolates. 他喜欢这种牌号的巧克力。 (式样,牌号) He likes chocolates of this kind. 他喜欢这种口味的巧克力。 (质量,特征),14. He kept her company. 他陪着她。 He kept company with her. 他和她交朋友(谈恋爱)。 (结交,要好),15.We didnt buy it, did we, because it was cheap. 我们没买,对不对,那东西质量很差。 (did we 强调主句) We didt buy them because it was cheap, did we? 我们不是因为便宜才买,对不对? (反意问句),16. It never occurred to her to doubt that the story might be false. 对于情节可能纯属虚构这一点,她深信不疑。 (相信故事是虚构的) The doubt never occurred to her that the story might be false. 她从来没怀疑过故事可能是假的。 (相信故事是真的,that为同位语从句),17.Can you tell me all you know about a flower garden? 你可以把你所知道关于花园的一切都告诉我吗? (不同于 vegetable garden) Can you tell me all you know about a garden flower? 你可以把你所知道关于园中种植的花卉的一切情况都告诉我吗? (不同于wild flower),18. She simply spoke. 她只不过说说而已。(没有行动) She spoke simply. 她说起话来,简洁、直率。,19.Two of my brothers friends came to see him off. 我哥哥的朋友当中有两个人来给他送行。 (不只两个朋友) Two friends of my brothers came to see him off. 我哥哥的两个朋友来给他送行。 (可能只有两个朋友),20. The orator made himself generally unpopular with the crowd. 这个演说家,群众普遍地不喜欢他。 (修饰unpopular) The orator generally made himself unpopular with the crowd. 这个演说家通常不受群众欢迎。 (修饰made),21.Thank you, This is a piece of good advice for me. 谢谢你,这意见对我真有好处。 (benefit me) Thank you, This is a good piece of advice for me. 谢谢你,你真是金石之言! (I think highly),22. Half a bottle is left. 剩下半瓶。 A half-bottle is left. 剩下半瓶装的一瓶。,23.Jims father gave him half a crown. 杰姆的爸爸给他半克朗的钱。 (可能是若干个钱币) Jims father gave him a half-crown. 杰姆的爸爸给他一枚半克朗的钱币。 (一个钱币),24. He drank half another cup. 他又喝了半杯。 He drank another half-cup. 他把另外半杯也喝了下去。,25.He poured himself out a glass of water. 他自己倒一杯水喝。 (不是给别人倒的) He poured out a glass of water himself. 他亲自倒一杯水喝。 (可能给别人),26. She saw him through. 她对他帮助到底。 She saw through him. 她看透了他的为人。,27.He gave him a tip about the horse races. 他教了他一些赛马径。 (指注押在哪一匹马上) He gave him a tip about the race horse. 他告诉他这些比赛用的马的底细。 (该买哪一匹)。,28. Only yesterday I met her and discussed the matter with her. 我昨天刚看见她,还和她讨论过这件事情。 (时间之近) Only yesterday did I meet her and discuss the matter with her. 我到昨天才见到她和她讨论了这件事情。 (时间之迟),29. She will explain quite clearly in future what she intends to do. 今后她会说得很清楚,她打算做什么。 (修饰主句) She will explain quite clearly what he intends to do in future. 她会说得很清楚,她今后打算做什么。 (修饰从句),30. She tried in vain to prevent the work from being done. 她试图阻挠工作的完成,结果失败了。 She tried to prevent the work from being done in vain. 她试图防止工作做得劳而无功。,31. I hope she will soon get over it. 我希望她很快就会忘掉这件事。 (忘掉,克服) I hope she will soon get it over. 我希望她很快就会结束这件事。 (结束),32. I should like to have gone. 可惜我没去,要去就好了。 (I wish I had gone) I should have liked to go. 可惜我不知道,要知道我就去了。 (I liked to, but I didnt know.) (当时不知道,不然一定会去的),33. This district is new to him. 这地方他以前没来过。 He is new to this district. 他刚在这里定居不久。,34. She had nothing more to say. 她再也没有什么好说的。 She had to say nothing more. 她不该再说什么。 (had to 相当于should),35. I often wake up during the night. 我常常在半夜里醒来。 I wake up often during the night. 我夜里醒来好多次。,36. Quite properly she was punished. 她受处分,理所应当。 (修饰全句) She was punished quite properly. 她所受的处分恰如其分。 (修饰punished),37. They have come rather a long way. 他们已经走了相当长的路。 They came a rather long way. 他们来的这条路相当长。,38.Some authors write because they have a story to tell. 有些作家写文章是因为感到有东西可写。 (乐意写) Some authors write because they have to tell a story. 有些作家写文章是因为非写不可。 (为了养家等),39. It is a sort of wine. 这是一种酒。 It is wine of a sort. 这也算是酒吧。 (of a sort 含贬义),40. I noticed that while she was present he would never say a word. 我注意到她在场时他总是一言不发。 I noticed while she was present that he would never say a word. 当她也在场的时候,我注意到他一言不发。,41. He is inexperienced, he is quite clever though. 他没有经验,不过他很聪明。 (=nevertheless, however) He is inexperienced though he is quith clever. 虽然他很聪明,可是他没有经验。,42. When Jack arrived, I was just going to bed. 杰克到达时,我正要上床睡觉。 I was just going to bed when Jack arrived. 我正要上床睡觉,恰恰在这时候,杰克却来了。 (=and then),43. The fruit is good to eat. 这种水果可以吃。 (不脏不烂) The fruit is good eating. 这水果很好吃。 (enjoyable),44. I dont like to punish first offenders. 我不愿意处分初次犯错误的人。 (like 的宾语为 to punish) I dont like punishing first offenders. (like 的宾语为punishing first offenders) 对初次犯错误的人就给予处分,我不赞成。,45. I dont like to talk with her. 我不愿和她谈话。 I dont like talking with her. 我讨厌和她谈话。(厌恶),46.He was seen to lie down on the grass. 看到他在草地上躺了下来。(动作) He was seen lying down on the grass. 看到他正在草地上躺着。(状态),47. He must have had a busy time since he started to cycle. 自从他骑车出发以后,肯定够他忙了。 ( (set off by bike) He must have had a busy time since he started cycling. 自从开始骑车后,肯定够他忙了。 (不再坐汽车),48. He went on to question me where she had been. 他接着问我她刚才上哪儿去了。 (前后动作不同。刚才他在做别的事情,而现在却问) He went on questioning me where she had been. 他继续问我她刚才上哪儿去了这个问题。 (继续),49. She was accustomed to walk for ten minutes after lunch. 她经常在午饭后散步十分钟。 She was accustomed to walking long distances. 她已惯于长途步行。,50. The servant was afraid to wake up his master. 那个仆人不敢叫醒他的主人。 (叫醒他要挨骂、挨打) The servant was afraid of waking up his master. 那个仆人怕把他主人惊醒。 (趁他睡觉逃跑,万一惊醒他,就跑不成了),THE END,Ive got it !,

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