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2019-2020年八年级上学期英语期中试卷含答案注意事项:1. 请将第I卷(选择题)的答案填涂到答题卡上,否则无效。2. 请将第II卷(非选择题)的所有答案写在答题纸上。第I卷 (选择题 共60分)一、听力部分(每小题1分,共20分)听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A B C ( ) 2. How does Jim usually go to school ? A. B. C.( ) 3. Where does Bobs father work now? A. B. C. ( ) 4.What animal does the man like? A. B. C. ( ) 5. Who is the tallest boy in Mikes class? A. Jim B. Simon C. Mike( ) 6. When will the womans train leave? A. At 9:15. B. At 9:50. C. At 10:50. ( ) 7. Who is the man looking for?A. A man. B. A boy. C. A ball.( ) 8. Why does the girl look tired today? A. Because she went to bed too late. B. Because she didnt sleep last night. C. Because she did homework all night. ( ) 9. When will the petition take place? A. On Tuesday.B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.( ) 10. What are the two speakers going to do? A. Go to school. B. Go to watch games. C. Go to the cinema.听一段长对话, 回答第1112小题。对话读两遍。( ) 11. What is Amy doing with the paper? A. She is making paper lucky stars. B. She is making paper roses. C. She is making paper birds.( ) 12. Which of the following is TRUE? A. It will be Toms mothers birthday next week. B. Amy needs paper and scissors to make the birthday present. C. Tom doesnt think it is fun to do a DIY job.听短文,回答第13-15小题。根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。短文读两遍。Mr BlackHow long he has been a sheep farmerFor over 13 years.Where his farm is 14 .Why he doesnt want to move to the cityHe enjoys 15 .( ) 13. A. 35 B. 30 C. 33( ) 14. A. In the hills B. By the lake C. Near the city( ) 15. A. living with the country.B. working with his sheep C. living alone 听短文,回答第1620小题。短文读两遍。( ) 16. The young man wanted _ . A. to learn to draw B. to buy an egg C. to learn to draw an egg ( ) 17. The old man _ . A. didnt teach the young man B. couldnt draw well C. became the young mans teacher( ) 18. The young man drew an egg quickly and _ . A. gave it to the old man to look at B. left the old mans houseC. didnt draw eggs any longer( ) 19. The old man asked the young man to draw _ . A. an egg in two minutes B. some good eggs in a few days C. many eggs( ) 20. The old man thought _ . A. he had no time to teach the young manB. it wasnt easy to draw an egg wellC. he was too old to teach the young man二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 21. John is _ excellent runner. He often es _ first in the race. A. an , theB. the, theC. a, / D. an, / ( ) 22. - Why do you like living in the countryside? - Because theres _ noise and _ cars there. A.less, lessB. fewer, lessC. less, fewerD. fewer, fewer( ) 23. - Do you like volleyball or basketball? - I like basketball better. I think volleyball is _ basketball. A. more exciting than B. not so exciting as C. as exciting asD. less excited than( ) 24. I dont like this pair of shoes. Please show me _. A. the other oneB. other pairC. another one D. another pair( ) 25. There _ a lot of traffic in the street. We will give _ to the government. A. are, some advicesB. is, some advice C. is; an advice D. are; some advice( ) 26. When something _ me, I can always go to my friends for help. A. worryB. is worried C. worries D. worried( ) 27. You can _ the bottle _ water, Jim. A. fill, ofB. full, of C. fill, with D. full, with( ) 28. Sandy, _ up your room after you finish your DIY. A. tidyingB. tidy C. to tidy D. tidies( ) 29. - What are you doing, Amy? - I want to _ these pictures on the wall. A. put onB. put up C. put out D. put down( ) 30. British people say “holiday” while Americans say “_”. A. fallB. eraser C. vacation D. soccer( ) 31. - _ is the museum? -It is about ten kilometers away from here. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon( ) 32. The _ joke often makes the children _. A .fun, laughing B. funny, to laugh C. fun, to laugh D. funny, laugh( ) 33. We love to go to the park in spring as the flowers smell so _ . A. wellB. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely( )34. - Mothers birthday is ing, Ill make a card for her. Please keep it secret. - _.I wont tell anybody about this. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I do C. OK, I will D. OK, I wont( ) 35. - Everybody is playing basketball outside. Can I join them, Dad? -_, but you must finish your homework first. A.Yes, of courseB. Thats all right C. Im afraid not D. I hope not三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) A mother planted many kinds of vegetables in her garden. One day, she said to her 36 , “Betty, e here. Look at all these little yellow marks(斑点)on the 37 of the cabbages ( a kind of vegetable ). They are eggs of a kind of insect(昆虫). They are very beautiful but very bad for cabbages. This afternoon you must 38 all the eggs on the leaves and kill them. In this way, you will help us have 39 , greener and bigger cabbages.”Betty didnt think she could do it 40 and in the end she forgot all about it. The mother fell ill for a few days and 41 work in her garden. When she was well, she took Betty with her to the garden to see the cabbages. To 42 surprise, the insects have eaten every leaf. When Betty saw this, she began to 43 . Then her mother said to her, “We should never put off(推迟)what we have to do today till 44 . And you must learn to deal with (处理) the bad things 45 they are small, or it will turn into a big problem.”( ) 36. A. sonB. motherC. daughterD. sister( ) 37. A. treesB. leavesC. grassD. top( ) 38. A. seeB. look atC. findD. look for( ) 39. A. betterB. worseC. thinnerD. newer( ) 40. A. at mostB. at lastC. at the momentD. at once( ) 41. A. mustnt B. couldntC. neednt D. cant( ) 42. A. myB. ourC. herD. their( ) 43. A. cryB. shoutC. runD. work( ) 44. A. yesterdayB. todayC. tomorrowD. later( ) 45. A. butB. whenC. andD. before四、阅读理解(每小题1分,共15分)A Are you thinking about what to do in your free time ? e and join us Youth Club! Join in lessons and activities. Its fun! For more information , call 34789256!LessonsActivitiesMondayFriday6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.puter lessons for beginnersSaturday and Sunday 8: 00 a.m. 9:00 p.m.Basketball and volleyball playgrounds open Monday and Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m.Dance lessons for dancer lovers You can learn and enjoy wonderful dances Monday Sunday Swimming pool open Tuesday , Thursday and Friday6:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.Cooking lessonsLearn to cook delicious dishes from all over ChinaThe second and last Saturdays of every month 7:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Concert time Enjoy Swedish rock , American jazz and beautiful songs from different parts of the world! ( ) 46. On which of the following days cant you have puter lessons ? A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday D. Sunday ( ) 47. Rose is free after 7:20 p.m. Which lessons can she take? A. puter lessons . B. Dance lessons. C. Cooking lessons. D. Both puter and cooking lessons.( ) 48. If Dick wants to swim after playing basketball, when can he go to the club ? A. Monday and Wednesday. B. Monday and Sunday. C. Saturday and Sunday. D. Monday and Sunday. ( ) 49. How often can you enjoy music in the club ? A. Twice a month. B. Twice a week. C. Four times a month. D. Five days a week. ( ) 50. If you want to know the cost of the lessons, you can _ to get the information. A. call 34789256 B. only go to the club C. read the ads above carefully D. join the club and ask others B A school for stars In this school, most students e from rich families and some of them have famous parents. People from Hollywood sometimes go to Beverly Hills High School to look for future actors. School life There are lots of good things about going to this school: There are two theatres, a television studio(演播室) and a radio station. The students make TV programmes and films in their drama(戏剧) classes. The biggest activity of the school year is the school dance. Travelling to school In California, children can learn to drive three months before their sixteenth birthday. Lots ofstudents in Beverly Hills High School have their own cars, but they have to pay a lot of moneyto park(停) their cars in the school parking area. What the children think Most children enjoy going to Beverly Hills High School because it is fun and there is much to do. But some children do not like the school if their parents dont have enough money to buy them a fast car or expensive clothes. ( ) 51. From the first paragraph, we can know that_. A. some students in Beverly Hills High School may bee actors in the future B. all the students in Beverly Hills High School e from the USA C. the parents of the students in Beverly Hills High School are not famous. D. the students in Beverly Hills High School are poor( ) 52. The students make TV programmes and films_. A. in a theatre B. in a television studio C. in a radio station D. in their drama classes ( ) 53. Lots of students in this school e to school_. A. by bike B. by car C. by plane D. on foot ( ) 54. Why do most children enjoy going to Beverly Hills High School? A. Because they will be actors in the school. B. Because they will have a fast car and expensive clothes C. Because they can make TV programmes and films in their drama classes. D. Because it is fun and there is much to do in the school. ( ) 55. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Not all the students like the school. B.The biggest activity of the school year is the school dance. C. In California, children can learn to drive three months before their fifteenth birthday D. Lots of students have to spend much money parking their cars in the school parking area. C DIY is quite popular in UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programmers show people how to DIY. English people like DIY. There is a saying in UK-As Englishmans home is his castle (城堡). If there is anything that needs fixing around their homes, such as painting the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY experience (经验) with their friends. More and more people enjoy the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also D1Y for saving money. They like making their house better without spending a lot of money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular. DIY can be difficult. There is a huge market for DIY furniture(家具) which people need to get together themselves with a few basic tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they cant understand the instructions(结构). DIY can also be dangerous. For example, anything electrical should be done by a professional(专业的) worker. Unluckily, many people dont care about this warning and put themselves in danger. It is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders. D1Y can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as we think if we bite off more than we can chew. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and safer for us to DIY. ( ) 56. How do many English people spend their holidays according to the passage ? A. Making their homes beautiful.B. Visiting friends. C. Travelling.D. Making money.( ) 57. Why do English people like DIY ? A. Many stores sell DIY things.B. DIY can bring them fun. C. TV programs teach them to DIY.D. All DIY projects are easy.( ) 58. What can we learn from the passage ? A. DIY always costs a lot of money.B. It is always difficult to DIY. C. We should be careful when doing DIY.D. It is useless for us to DIY.( ) 59. In the passage, “we bite off more than we can chew ” probably means_. A. we can eat everything we likeB. we should do something difficult C. we do something that is too difficultD. we eat too much food that is not safe( ) 60. Which of he following is not DIY? A. Making a postcard.B. Colouring the walls of the house. C. Repairing a bike.D. Feeling the desk moving. 第II卷 (非选择题 共40分)五、词汇运用(每小题1分,共15分)A.请根据中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。61. Good friends should be _. You can trust them because they never tell lies.62. President Obama arrived in Beijing to _ (go to) the 22nd APEC Ecnomic Leaders Meeting on November 10, xx.63. He offen listens carefully to my problems and _ (自愿给予) me help. 64. -How do you like your _ (a long trip) to Guangzhou? -Wonderful.65. Nick always takes an _ (积极的) part in different activities. B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。choose patient week direct humour choose patient week direct humour choose patient week direct humour choose patient week direct humour dish easy bad humour they 66. He was very sad. He did _ of all in this maths test. 67. He is _. I never feel bored with him.68. He is clever. He can _ answer all the questions.69. Mr Wu asked the children to be careful and not to hurt _.70. Its a pity that wild animals may bee _ on the table any time. C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。choose patient week direct humour choose patient week direct humour choose patient week direct humour choose patient week direct humour choose say take rain plan 71. At yesterdays class meeting, they all _ Tony as their hero.72. Dont go out now. It _ hard.73. May is sweet. She never _ a bad word about anyone. 74. -Where are the children? - They _ a day out under the tree.75. - _ your parents _ you to the World Park tomorrow? -Yes, they are. 六、句型转换,根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 (每空0.5分,共5分)76. He didnt do his homework. He watched TV instead. (合并句子)He watched TV _ _ doing his homework.77. Sandy doesnt draw as well as Amy. (改为同义句) Amy _ _ than Sandy.78. The bridge is very wide.(改为感叹句) _ _ the bridge is!79. Lucy is shy and quiet.(对划线部分提问) _ Lucy_?80. Youd better play puter games now.(改为否定句) Youd better_ _ puters now.七、根据首字母的提示完成短文。 (每小题0.5分,共5分) Learning English is not an easy job. Almost every student sometimes asks q 81 like these: Can I really learn English well? Can I really learn it well e 82 to talk with others? The answer is yes. From some studies we know that almost anyone can learn a foreign language well if he or she wants to. Some people might learn it f 83 and some might learn it slower. But anyone can learn it well if he or she has the right w 84 . Many students have their own special ways to learn English. Here are some e 85 . Han Mei gets up early every morning and the first thing she does is to l 86 to an English radio program(节目). This helps her a lot. Lin Tao often practises speaking English not only in c 87 but also after class. At first he was very nervous. After trying several times, he found it was not as d 88 as he thought. Now he speaks English b 89 of all the students. Wang Bin likes to watch American m 90 . If it is a good film, he will watch it many times. And he also likes to read English aloud. 81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _ 86. _ 87. _ 88. _ 89. _ 90. _ 八、根据短文内容回答问题。(每小题1分,共5分) SIXTEEN is a special age in the USA. Theres a special celebration for a girls 16th birthdaya big party called Sweet-16. It is like a wedding reception(结婚庆宴) in the number of guests and gifts handed out. About a month before the party,the girls family sends out invitations to the guests(宾客). The guests must buy a special present for the birthday girl and the girl guests themselves find good dresses to wear. A Sweet-16 present usually costs $40 to $60. This is about $20 more than the usual cost of a birthday present. The party itself is not held at someones house. The hostess rents(租) a reception hall. Food,cake and a DJ are provided. Around 6 oclock, the guests arrive and greet the birthday girl. Then the girl and her father have a special father-daughter dance. After that,guests dance for about 30 to 45 minutes. Then there is the most important part of the Sweet-16 party, the Candle-Lighting ceremony. The sweet-16 hostess stands behind 16 unlit candles,and dedicates(献给)each candle to her friends,family,and anything that she feels is important to her. A lot of crying and hugging(拥抱)goes on at this time. Afterwards,people sit and eat. Most guests begin leaving around 11 oclock. This school year, I went to two Sweet-16s. I am one of the youngest students in my grade. Ill have to wait another year before I can have my own special Sweet-16 party. I cant wait for it!91.WhyissixteenaspecialageforanAmericangirl? 92.HowmuchdoesausualbirthdaypresentforateenagercostintheUSA?93.WhatisthemostimportantpartoftheSweet-16party?94.Howoldisthewriter?95.WhatdoyouthinkoftheSweet-16partyintheUSA?(请自拟一句话作答)九、书面表达 (10分)青少年杂志社邀请你参加每年度的中学生写作竞赛,请以“My American friend” 为题,根据所给信息完成下面的小短文。 要求:要点齐全,书写工整。Looks 明亮大眼睛,长长的直发Personality慷慨,乐于助人School life 所有科目中最喜欢法语,觉得学外语其乐无穷A travel experience 上周,乘飞机抵达北京参观一些名胜古迹,A DIY job 痴迷于自己动手做。昨天,她和我一起装饰我的卧室, 我们合作得很愉快。 My American friend Suzy is my American friend._紫石中学xx学年度第一学期期中考试八 年 级 英 语 听力部分听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。1. W: Did you hear the weather report just now? M: Yes, I did. It will be a fine day tomorrow. 2. W: Hey, Jim! You rode to school today? Why didnt your father drive you to school as usual? M: He went to London. And there is no bus stop near my home

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