2019-2020年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 含答案(IV).doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 含答案(IV)高三年级 英语学科(考试时间120分钟,总分150分)第I卷(共103分)I. Listening prehension (30分)Part A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Relaxed.B. Thrilled. C. Worried.D. Satisfied.2. A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Nine.3. A. June 8.B. July 8.C. June 5.D. July 5.4. A. At a cinema.B. At an airport.C. At a railway station.D. At a stadium.5. A. Classmates.B. Student and teacher.C. Parent and child.D. Colleagues.6. A. The salesperson says they will fit.B. His son already has a pair of glovesC. Only one size will fit.D. The gloves are all the same size.7. A. He is quite easy to recognize.B. He is an outstanding speaker.C. He looks like a movie star.D. He looks young for his age.8. A. Consult his Spanish teacher.B. Take a more interesting class.C. Continue his Spanish class.D. Make more effort after class.9. A. The man did not trust the doctor.B. The man took medicine three times a day.C. The medicine the men took wasnt effective.D. The man didnt follow the doctors instructions.10. A. Urge Jenny to spend more time on study.B. Help Jenny to prepare for the ing exams.C. Talk with Jennys teacher.D. Send Jenny to a volleyball training center.Part B PassagesDirections: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Strike while the iron is hot.B. God helps those who help themselves.C. Where there is a will, there is a way.D. Time is money.12. A. China.B. America.C. France.D. Brazil13. A. They are more widespread than ever before.B. The value they taught became less important than before.C. Their value was shared by more cultures.D. They were taken more seriously by the people all over the world.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. It is purchased overseas.B. It covers a limited medical service, but gives you a choice of good doctors.C. You have to pay the medical expenses first and it takes time to get your money back.D. The insurance doesnt need your receipt.15. A. The entire bill.B. A certain percentage of the bill.C. You dont have to pay at all.D. No less than 50% of the bill.16. A. Two Types of Popular Insurance. B. Good Health Insurance for Overseas Students.C. How to Claim Money from an Insurance pany.D. Advice on Buying Health Insurance.Part C Longer ConversationsDirections: In Part C, youll hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on you answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.What is the name of the mans pany?Sonic _17_.What is the cause of the wrong delivery?The puter _18_ system.What is the right mode of the printer? _19_.How does the man feel in the end?_20_.plete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.What does the woman plain about?No _21_.What does the man suggest the woman do first?She should _22_ all the way to the right.Why is the woman in such a hurry?She has _23_ this morning.What is the engineer responsible for?_24_.plete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Grammar and Vocabulary (26分)Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. Write your answers on you answer sheet.(A) Every one of us has been hurt by others 25_ by their words or actions. In those moments, you may feel so much anger 26_ you want to hurt the other person too. But we all know that revenge doesnt get us anywhere. So, in order to live a happy life, the best way 27_ (deal) with the problem is, perhaps, as the old saying goes, to “forgive and forget”. The wisdom of this saying 28_ (prove) in scientific studies. “It is well established that one should learn to forgive others 29_ the positive benefits of ones physical and mental health,” said Saima Noreen, a scientist at the University of St Andrews, UK. And now, Noreen and her research team may have found one more reason that you should stick to this principle30_ (forgive) somebody who has hurt you makes it easier for you to forget the unhappy memory.In the study, researchers asked volunteers to read descriptions of 40 different situations that contained bad actions 31_ _ stealing, lying and cheating. Volunteers then had to decide 32_ they would be able to forgive the person if they were the victims. (B)Two weeks later, volunteers took part in a memory test. In the test, they 33_ (show) a series of words related to the situations theyd read about and were asked to recall certain ones and forget 34_.The results showed that people were less likely to remember the details of the unpleasant experiences if they had found forgiveness in their hearts. In contrast, if they hadnt forgiven the mistake, they could always recall 35 _ had happened, 36 _ _ they were told to forget it.According to Noreen, our abilities to overe strong emotions 37_ someone and to deliberately forget about bad memories are linked to the same mechanism in our brains. And it might be this mechanism that 38_(connect) forgiveness to forgetting.However, healthy and wise 39_ it is, to forgive someone who has hurt you is always 40_(easy) said than done. So, Noreen hopes that one day in the near future research will “give rise to powerful therapeutic tools (治疗手段)that will enable people to forgive and forget more effectively”Section B Directions: plete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. explore B. originally C. objective D. themselves E. prospect F. strangers G. frustrated H. source I. universal J. traditionally K. eco-consciousYour age reflects your state of mind, which is something _41_ despite different family, social or cultural backgrounds.In Western culture, 21 was the age at which young people _42_ received a key to their parents door, as a symbol of entering adulthood. Now, the age of 21 is a time when people ask _43_: where to go from here? The 21-year-old college students are thrilled at the _44_ of starting their careers within a year. But in the current global recession, some have to scale down their ambitions. They will realize that being realistic, instead of _45_, is the solution.The age of 21 is also a time to step out of your fort zone. Its a time to _46_ the outside world, when you are ready to do so. Being open-minded is not a task to be pleted, or a fashion to be pursued. Its a bridge to an/a _47_ view of oneself.Reaching the age of 21 encourages young people to shoulder responsibility for their own lives. Also, its a time when they begin to take the interests of _48_ into consideration.Whether traveling, partying or shopping, 21-year-olds remain _ 49_while having fun. They value supportive relations between countries. They see a countrys rise as a new _50_ of global stability in difficult times.III. Reading prehension (47分)Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Below are some major cultural touchstones of young Chinese people born in the 1990s. They are _51_ the results of both online discussions and our observations. We fully understand that the Class of xx has shown a rapidly evolving _52_ of individuality.Lifestyle They dont read the instruction manuals that e with electrical_53_.With friends, they never stop talking; with strangers, they never _54_ the ice.They seldom pass a reflective surface without checking their_55_, especially hairstyle.TechnologyA new QQ name lasts one day, and a new ringtone lasts two weeks.Posts with more than 500 words are too long.They _56_ make phone calls. Text messages are preferable.Attitude toward the worldNobody else can really understand them.Never ask a question. Just _57_it for the answer!Although the media favor stories of angst (忧虑)and_58_, the large majority of the youth are happy, or at least content._59_ with Chinas Class of xx, the American peers show similar traits _60_ differences.LifestyleVery few of todays students know how to write in cursive.Leasing (租赁) _61_students to upgrade their cars more regularly.Students dont realize that, when another person _62_to their wrist, they are asking for the time. (They dont wear watches!)TechnologyE-mail is just too slow, and students seldom, _63_, use snail mail (平信).he first home puter that todays students ever touched was an Apple II or Mac II; such puters can now only be found in _64_.Attitude toward the world“Go West, young college grad,” has always implied “and dont stop until you get to Asia- and learn Chinese along the way.” A quarter of all freshmen entering college this _65_have at least one immigrant parent. 51. A. leading toB. heading for C. made fromD. based on52. A. senseB. passionC. symbol D. passing 53. A. appliancesB. faultsC. engineersD. bulbs54. A. touchB. taste C. break D. melt55. A. faceB. lookC. pictureD. body56. A. habituallyB. frequently C. seldom D. never57. A. ignoreB. search C. dismiss D. Google58. A. societyB. shortage C. shockD. sweet59. A. ContrastB. pared C. AcpaniedD. Access 60. A. rather thanB. as great as C. instead ofD. as well as61. A. pushesB. allows C. forcesD. helps62. A. pointsB. returnsC. esD. sends63. A. howeverB. for ever C. if ever D. hardly ever64. A. universitiesB. stadiumsC. GalleriesD. museums 65. A. fallB. way C. tripD. daySection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of theme there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Leadership matters more than management, according to the boss of the worlds largest toy pany.Robert Eckert is chairman and CEO of Mattel, whose products include Barbie dolls and Matchbox cars.He was speaking at the University of Arizona in Tucson recently.He spoke about leadership. His four main points were:1. “That was then and this is now.” Good leaders recognize and seize “entrepreneurial moments”. These are unique circumstances where timely leadership is crucial.2. “Business is not basketball.” Eckert claimed that sports and the military are poor models for modern business. “Athletes train and give their all for an event, but when its over, its over,” he stated. “But, in business, theres question after question.” 3. “Not all personal leadership qualities are the same.” Eckert warns people to “beware of the leadership laundry list”. He does, however, cite certain maxims: business literacy, conceptual skill and judgment are the first, and Eckert believes they can be learned. Next is a business track record, which Eckert stated can be developed over time. Finally, came character and people skills, which Eckert believes are inborn.4. “Personal qualities alone are not sufficient.” Eckert stated that a business vision is crucial. He also stated the importance of looking for and seizing crucial leadership moments. Eckert believes that this is where leaders gain the trust and respect of their followers. 66. The passage mainly deals with _.A. CEOs management ability B. the personality of a boss in a big pany C. what a leader should do to gain respectD. the problem of how to be a powerful leader67. A “laundry list” most probably refers to _. A. a long list of people B. a list of conceptions C. a business of service D. a process of washing68. From the passage we learn that _. A. Barbie dolls and Matchbox cars control the largest world market B. leadership is likely to be more important than management in a pany C. sports are something similar to business in training for events D. only by winning trust and respect can a person bee a powerful leader69. According to the passage, _. A. personal leadership qualities are obviously inborn B. it takes time and effort to achieve a success in business C. a large business never neglects questions it es into D. we should always look for and sieve (筛选)a moment to be a leader (B)Sydney Town Hall is well known as a performance and multi-function venue. Here is a program of uping events being held in Sydney Town Hall. Should you have any enquiries about Sydney Town Hall as a venue for hire, please call (02) 9265 9189.Note: This information is correct at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice. For further information or updates, please contact City Info on (02) 9265 9007Check our internet site on .sydneycity.nsw.gov.auOctoberSunday 5Singers xx Australia presents Centennial HallThe SBS Radio & Television Childrens Choir, Youth choir & Adult choir and The Radio Denmark Girls Choir in concertPerforming music from the great classics to popular songsmences: 5:30pm Tickets: $25, $15 Tickets & Enquiries:9430 2895Monday 6-Saturday 18ANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show Lower Town HallAustralias Largest coin, note and stamp show -local, interstate and over seas dealers keen to buy and sellCost $10. $5 Enquiries: 0413 156 417Tuesday 7Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus inSongs From Scotland Centennial HallConductor: Christopher Bell Organist: Amy Johansenmences: 8pm Cost: $35,$25,$15 Ticketek: 9266 4800Enquiries: 9380 6544 0r 9361 3810Wednesday 8Nostalgia Productions presentsThe Good Old Days Centennial HallFeaturing Tony Fenelon, celebrated theatre organist, LeslieMartin, soprano, and Dean Sinclair, tenorTwo performances: 11am & 2pm Cost: $16, $12Tickets & Enquiries: 9810 3297Thursday 9Entertainment Seminar Centennial HallA step by step guide outlining how to break into the industrymences: 2pm Enquiries: 0412 685 553Cost: $ 39 Ticketmaster:13 61 00Friday 10NSW Masons Grand Installation Centennial HallSpecial guest: His Excellency The Governor of NSWmences: 7:30pm Enquiries: 9267 9100Saturday 11The Sydney Church of Christ presents“Noah” a play Centennial Hallmences: 7pm Cost: Free Enquiries: 9281 5755Treasury Club Baris open from 10am to 4pm Monday to FridayEnjoy a light lunch, coffee or a drink.Available for private functions (subject to availability)Phone: (02) 9265 957370. If you dont want to miss some events you are keen on held in Sydney Town Hall in November, you d better contact on_. A. (02) 9265 9573B. 0413 156 417C. 9267 9100D. (02) 9265 900771. If you are interested in music but have to work on daytime, you can enjoy yourself in Sydney Town Hall _. A. on October 5th B. on October 7thC. on Friday evening D. at the weekend72. You can have lunch or coffee in Sydney Town Hall while you are there for _. A. The SBS Radio & Television Childrens Choir B. Songs From Scotland C. Entertainment Seminar D. The Sydney Church of Christ presents73. If any associations need to have a meeting or alike, _. A. Treasury Club Bar will always be the place for break coffee or drink B. Centennial Hall is always available C. its possible for them to rent a place in Sydney Town Hall D. Lower Town Hall is really a good choice for that(C)Should we stay or should we go? This is a question that Scottish people have been facing recently, as they decide whether or not to stay in the UK.Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom for more than 300 years. However, many Scottish people want to leave the UK and Scotland to be an independent country, which will be decided in the referendum on Sept 18.Opinion polls as of August 28 put the percentage of votes for “yes” to independence on 42 percent and “no” on 48 percent, with 11 percent still undecided, according to whatscotlandthinks.org. Although the Better Together campaign has talked about Scotland and UKs shared history, saying, “We are proud that we fought together to defeat fascism, and worked together to build a welfare state,” many Scottish people would still like to leave.The idea of a separate Scotland has been talked about for a long time. Scotland was originally independent, and fought several wars against England from the 13th to 16th centuries. In 1707, Scotland joined the United Kingdom to save itself from economic troubles by signing the Acts of Union with England. However, the question of Scotlands separation from the UK has been around since then. In xx the Scotland Act gave Scotland its own Parliament. This meant Scottish people could vote on issues such as education, transportation, health care, culture and environmental protection in Scotland alone. The next step could be a pletely independent Scotland as its own country.Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond said in an interview with The Economist that if people voted “yes” in the referendum, England would lose a “surly lodger”(傲慢的房客) and gain a “good neighbor”. And to many Scottish people, Scotland has a pletely separate identity, especially from English. You can perhaps see this most clearly at the soccer World Cup, when Scotland fans usually support any team that England plays against.There are also economic reasons why Scotland would like to be independent. Alex Salmond has often spoken of Scotlands oil reserves and how the country would be able to support itself using them if they were separate from the rest of the UK. He once said that the oil reserves could help save”300,000 pounds” for every man, woman and child in Scotland”, though others said this figure was untrue.UK Prime Minister David Cameron doesnt agree with those who want an independent Scotland, however. He said in a speech that “centuries of history hang i

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