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2019-2020年九年级英语中考复习:介词2单项选择1On my visit to Australia, I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways.A. withB. inC. toD. at2Sydney Opera House _ a usual theatre and it symbolizes Australia.A. likesB. doesnt likeC. isnt likeD. looks like3 Kelly, whos the girl _ glasses in the photo? Its me. I used to wear glasses and have long hair.A. by B. of C. on D. with4Michael would like to travel _ the world instead of staying _ home during the winter holiday.A. to; at B. around; for C. in; at D. around; at5The man makes a living _ teaching.AwithoutBwithCby6It is reported that a lot of adults take lessons online _further education.A. after B. to C. with D. for7- Where are Diaoyu Islands?- Look, they are here, in the east of China, _Taiwan Province.A. inB. nearC. beforeD. around8-Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)?-Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flying_ them.A. inB. amongC. betweenD. through9The workers will build a new railroad_ the two cities.A. sinceB. betweenC. asD. during10Is your father _ home? No,hes working late _ the office.A. onB. atC. ofD. to词汇运用 (用下列介词of, without to in against in between with at on since among by 填空)1. Its generous _ you to donate a lot of money _ Project Hope.2. What do you often do _ classes to relax yourself? Listen to music.3. In the UK, smoking kills about 114,000 people each year. 300 people die every day because of smoking and _ them many are young smokers.4. He can improve his spoken English _ reading a lot.5. I got up late this morning. As a result, I came to school _ having breakfast.6. They found their nice presents _ surprise and screamed _ excitement.7. Porter arrived _ school _ a rainy afternoon.8. Daniels English is perfect! He has learned it _ 8 years ago.10. Mum always thinks she is right. So I cannot do anything _(反对) her words.11. How soon will you leave for Canada, Sandy? _ about one week.完形填空The Internet is making the world smaller and changing every aspect of our lives. The impact of this, in my opinion, will be strongly felt in the field of education. There are three reasons for this. First, the Internet provides equal opportunities for all students, as long as they can get access to it. In the traditional form of education, students who get higher marks in examines may enter a good school, and those who do not, have to enter a relatively less good one. With the Internet, every student is provided with access to the same educational materials, so they have equal opportunities to improve themselves. In that case, the general quality of education will be highly improved in our country. Second, the Internet poses a challenge to teachers. Traditionally, teachers have controlled education. With the Internet, a student may choose any teachers instruction as he wishes. Faced with this, a teacher is likely to try his best to improve his instruction and this will in turn improve the educational quality of our country. Last but not least, the Internet makes education more convenient for students. A student can learn at any time he likes and, at the same time, he can save the money spent on tuition and board. All of these may lead to a revolution in education. It is true that the Internet may still remain out of the reach of some people and maybe less amicable than human teachers. But the point is that, the Internet is sure to accelerate the development of education in our country. Theme The Internet is strongly affecting _1_._2_ for this1) All students are _3_ equal opportunities by the Internet, as long as they can _4_ the Internet.In this way, our countrys education will be of high _7_.2)With the Internet, education bees a little bit _5_ to teachers. Teachers have to try to improve their instruction to _6_ more students to his classes.3) The Internet brings _8_ to the students and helps them save some money.ConclusionThough the Internet is not _9_ for every person and it is not so amicable, it will make education _10_ faster.首字母填空

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