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2019-2020年九年级中考适应性测试英语试题一、 听力测试(本大题25分,每小题1分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上,录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节下面你将听到8段短对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话只播一遍。1. What are they talking about?A. Rain. B. Weather. C. Umbrella.2. Who won the first prize in the English speech petition?A. John and Mike. B. Rose and John. C. Mike and Rose.3. How much will the man pay for the tickets?A. $60. B. $240. C. $180.4. What did Pierre use to be like? A. He was a little shy and quiet. B. He was not shy and quiet. C. He was quite clever but a little shy. 5. How does the woman improve her speaking? A. By reading aloud in the morning. B. By talking with foreign teachers. C. By practicing spoken English with friends.6.How does the boy feel about the next Math exam? A. Worried. B. Stressed. C. Confident.7.Where are the two speakers? A. On a boat. B. On a plane. C. On a train.8.What do you learn from the dialogue? A. The man and the woman are talking on the No.6 bus. B. The No.6 bus runs every thirty minutes. C. The man is unlucky because the last bus has already left.第二节下面你将听到5段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案,听完每段对话或独白后, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,对话或独白播两遍。听第一段材料, 回答第9至11小题。9What was Susan doing when Robert called her last night?AShe was seeing a film.BShe was singing.CShe was reading.10Why cant Susan climb the Wudang Mountain tomorrow morning?ABecause shell call up Robert. BBecause shell see a film in the cinema.CBecause shell have to stay at home and study. 11How will they get there?ABy bike. BBy bus.CBy taxi.听第二段材料, 回答第12至14小题。12. What is Lucy going to do?A Send some postcards. B Go shopping. C See her Chinese teacher.13. What day is the day after tomorrow?A Mothers Day. B The Spring Festival. C Teachers Day.14. What is Lucy going to buy for Miss Zhao at last? A postcard. B Some flowers. C Some books. 听第三段材料, 回答第15至17小题。15. What is Robert doing? A. He is writing a letter.B. He is reading a book.C. He is reading a newspaper.16. Who is a big fan of movies? A. Robert.B. Roberts father.C. Roberts mother.17. When are they going to watch the movie? A. Friday, July 10th.B. Saturday, July 9th.C. Saturday, July 10th.听第四段材料, 回答第18至20小题。18. What is the man busy doing?A. Making a travel plan.B. Visiting his pen friends.C. Preparing for his final exams.19. Why does the man suggest going camping ?A. Its cheaper than staying in a hotel.B. The woman has never camped before.C. They can camp wherever they like.20. Where can the woman camp ?A. Anywhere. B. In some certain places. C. No place is allowed these days.听第五段材料, 回答第21至25小题。21. When did the accident take place? A. Last Monday morning. B. Last Sunday afternoon. C. Last Wednesday afternoon.22. What caused the clerk to drop the money? A. A hard push from the crowd. B.A sudden strong wind. C. Some sand into her eyes.23. Where was the clerk going when the accident happened? A. To her pany. B. To a bank. C. To the bus stop.24. How much money was lost in the end? A.¥15,500 B.¥34,500 C.¥15,00025. What did the clerks boss ask her to do at last ? A. Wear pants to work. B. Try to find the lost money. C. Leave the pany.二、选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分) 从各小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该标号涂黑。26.- How is the _ in Xiangyang ?- Its getting worse and worse. There are always long lines of cars on roads .A. culture B. food C. weather D. traffic 27. - Is John an _ boy? - Yes, he never tells lies.A. honest B. active C. athletic D. outgoing28.- Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?- Sometimes. Its an interesting program, but I _Sports News. A. prefer B. accept C. dislike D. refuse29. - Now the government is trying to solve the problem the school bus safety. - So we believe there will be fewer accidents in future.A. loudly B. strongly C. lovely D. carefully30. -It is reported that a Boeing 777-200 plane became lost in munication (失去联系) at midnight _ the early morning of March 8th -I was amazed to hear that.Aat BinConDof31. You must _ your son. Oh, I see. He must make mistakes at school again. A. be angry with B. be kind of C. be strict with D. be pleased with32.-The Olympic Games of xx will in Brazil. -I hope our country can do better than in London. A. take after B. take off C. take place D. take away33. How about your journey to Shanghai? Everything was wonderful except that our car _.A. slowed downB. put downC. got downD. broke down34. - Who will send you to the new school, your mom, your dad or your uncle?- _. Ill go there by myself.A. All B. Either C. Neither D. None35. - Dad, do you like my picture?- How wonderful! Its _ one Ive ever seen!A. nice B. the nice C. nicer D. the nicest36. - Can I join their club?- I am afraid you will be refused _ youve passed all their tests.A. if B. when C. unless D. since37. - When did you buy this puter? It looks so new.- I it for only a couple of days. My sister bought it for me as a birthday present.A. bought B. have bought C. have hadD. had 38.- _ ways to get on well with your classmates, or you will get yourself very lonely. -OK, Ill try my best. A. To find B. Find C. Finding D. Found39.-If more roads in the future, it will be much easier for people to travel around Xiangyang.-I agree. A. will be finishedB. have finishedC. are finishingD. are finished 40.-What did your granddaughter say just now?- She wondered _. A. what time was it B. whether the book was written by Mark Twain C. how could she use the MP4 D. when she will have a final test三、完形填空 (本大题满分10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,是短文完整、通顺, 并在答题卡上将该标号涂黑。Around two weeks ago, I was invited to be a judge(裁判) at a college. All of the students had been given a piece of paper with a topic written on it. The first one to speak looked a little 41 . “My dear friends and judges,” he said loudly, “this is an unfair 42 ! I have been given the paper,” he continued, “to speak on the topic with just a few minutes preparation, 43 those who e after me have more time to 44 their speeches!” He then left the stage and went out of the hall.I met him later by chance. “Who said life is 45 ?” I asked him with a smile, and I asked him to walk with me to my car. “Have you seen the figures(数字) they show when a new car is 46 into the market, saying how good it is?”“Yes,” he nodded.“But they put a 47 after all these figures. They say all the figures are in ideal road conditions!”“Yes,” he said again.“Can you show me some ideal road conditions?” I asked him, and he smiled. “The car that sells well is the one 48 will provide power and speed on the 49 roads. That car is the winner.”We had got to the car. “Dont look for ideal petition conditions,” I said. “ 50 the unfair and e out a winner!”I looked back as I drove away and saw him smile and wave, and I knew he would do as I said.( ) 42. A. unhappyB. afraidC. ungratefulD. tired( ) 42. A. idea B. petition C. topicD. judge( ) 43. A. whenB. soC. sinceD. while( ) 44. A. wait forB. care about C. work onD. find out( ) 45. A. easyB. fairC. interestingD. boring( ) 46. A. producedB. importedC. advertisedD. introduced( ) 47. A. wordB. guideC. lineD. letter( ) 48. A. thatB. whatC. whoD. whose( ) 49. A. bestB. worstC. busiestD. longest( ) 50. A. fightB. balanceC. blameD. change四、阅读理解(本大题满分20分, 每小题2分)阅读下面三篇材料,根据材料内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该标号涂黑。(A)We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this high tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.“Look down, Elsa, Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw several streets leading to the square. See, my dear, Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you cant get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another.Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the bad lunches that were served at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said.When I turned to Father for help, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.At school the next day, I poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to serve it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked perfectly. She tried one spoonful and sputtered. “The cook must have gone mad!” Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother promised that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldnt stop working until I tried every possible way. Fathers wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.51. Father brought Elsa to the top of the church tower to_.A. have sports with ElsaB. explain what he means clearlyC. enjoy the viewsD. have a rest there52. Elsa wanted her mother to_ earlier that day.A. do something delicious for lunch B. know he was plaining about his lunchC. speak to the school about lunch D. change the terrible eating habit53. By sharing her own experiences, Elsa tries to tell us_A. when one road is blocked , try anotherB. how bad the lunch of her school isC. how wise her father isD. how terrible her mother is(B) Taking away a citys rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks e into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we cant eat or use. If we kept these things, we would soon have a mountain of rubbish. In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of city to a dump. Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used wate r from toilets, bathtubs and other places. To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally , a house or a school may be built there, and then youd never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus, which looks like black earth. It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow.54. The underline word “sewage” in the passage means_ A. 排污 B.染色 C . 洗涤 D. 洗尘55. According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_. A. to feed animals B. to feed plants C. to build a house D. to make machines56. The main idea of the passage is _ A to let us know taking away rubbish is a big job.B. to explain the need for rubbish collectionC. to introduce different ways to treat rubbishD. to tell people to take useful things out of rubbish(C)I am a professor of sports and exercise so I often deal with nervousness in my research with sports people. Actually, most people experience nervousness at some time or another.If you are feeling anxious, my advice is to first find the cause or causes. Make s list of those things that are making you nervous and work out which ones you can do something about. Focus all of your efforts on managing the causes that you can control.Most people cannot tell the difference between controllable(可控制的) and uncontrollable causes, so things they cant control bee a big reason for nervousness. Dealing with this is very important if people want to keep a healthy mind.Simply try to accept the uncontrollable causes of nervousness. You might be worried about the weather on a big day, an accident or an attack on the train, or perhaps just things that other people are doing at work. The results may be very important but there is still no use worrying because you cant control any of these things. Accept that you cant control everything. Once you understand this, it bees easier not to worry.If a situation, such as swimming, is causing you to be anxious, try to face it as often as possible so that you can get used to it.It can often help to think about yourself doing the thing that make s you nervousthen close your eyes and imagine it going well. Imagine how the flight or job interview is going to happen so that you can get used to it. This will help you understand that the thing you fear most is probably not going to happen.57. The writer thinks there is no use worrying about some causes of nervousness because_.A. most are not very important B. they are not the real causes of the problemC. they cannot be controlled by people D. its better to deal with one cause at a time58. If swimming makes you nervous, what should you do according to the writer?A. Go swimming often to get used to it. B. Avoid going to the swimming pool.C. Find a swimming teacher. D. Imagine watching others swim.59. What is true about nervousness according to the passage?A. It usually has only one cause.B. It is usually caused by people.C. People can easily manage it.D. Most people suffer from it.60. What is the main purpose of this passage?A. To introduce the writers sports experience.B. To advise on how to deal with nervousness.C. To help people remember their fears.D. To explain the dangers of nervousness.五、补全对话(本大题满分10分,每空2分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择5 个恰当的句子完成对话,使对话完整、通顺,并将所选句子前的字母代号填写在答题卡上相应的题号后。Tom: Mum, look at the boy over there! Why is he nodding his head like that all the time? He looks so strange.Mum: Tom! (61)_ The boy is our new neighbour, Warren.Tom: Oh, Im sorry. I wont do it again. Mum: (62)_She wants to take care of children who need special help. Warren is one of them.Tom: (63)_ Mum: Of course. But the first thing you should know is, though we look different, we are all the same. (64)_ Tom: I see, Mum. (65)_Mum: OK, well do that.A. Mrs Hooper brought Warren home last month.B. I cant agree with you.C. We all need love and care. D. Its not polite to talk about others like that.E. Lets find some time to visit Mrs Hooper and Warren.F. What about you?G. Can I help, too?六、完成句子(本大题满分14分,每小题2分) 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的题号后。(注意: 只写答案,试题的其它内容不得抄入答题卡)七、短文综合填空(本大题满分11分,每空1分)66.-I cant make plete sentences.- Dont _(不要怕犯错), because its very mon.(make) 67. -Wanglin won the first prize in the speech contest.-Yeah, he was _(激动得说不出一句话来).(that)68.-How can I improve my English. -Doing more listening and reading can_(使你可能学好英语).(make)69. -He _(过去厌恶踢足球 ), but now he loves it.( used) -Oh, people sure change!70.-What did your head teacher ask you to do just now?-He _(鼓励我们参加保护) the environment.(encourage)71.-Thanks for _(给我提供一些有关那架航班的信息) for Beijing.(provide) -Not at all.72. -We must pay_(注意刚刚挂起来的标牌) by the side of the road.(that) -They warn people of traffic accidents.七、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在短文空白处填入一个恰当的词,使短文内容完整、通顺,将所填单词填写在答题卡上相应的题号后。Young people are the future masters of the country. Being a youth is one thing, and being a good one is a_(73). Everyone tries to be good, but not e_(74) has the right idea about it. Age will test youth, and youth will create age. Because well have heavy responsibilities(责任) upon our shoulders in future. We must educate ourselves to be good. What are the qualifications(素质) for a good young person?A good youth should have these qualities: F_(75) of all, health, a healthy body is the best riches. W_(76) it, nothing can be done well. If you are poor in health, youll have to take m_ day after day. Even you cant work, do sports and so on; Secondly, one must be of good quality. Always do something for others. Help those in t_(77) and care about the people around you. If everyone did the same, what a wonderful world this w_(78) be! Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others.Cooperation(合作) and munication are two important keys to better human relations. Everyone n_(80) friends because no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.Besides the examples above, patriotism(爱国主义) is the one we should never forget. Patriotism means a love of ones country. It is one of the h_(81) qualities of humans. Everyone should love his o_(82) country. I think a good youth of today should also have some training in art. If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live b_(83) and enjoy more.八、书面表达(本大题满分15分) 各地纷纷在中考中全面组织实施初中毕业生升学体育考试,并且体育成绩在学生中考成绩中占有的分量。中考体育考试已经结束,但是我们体育的锻炼还应该继续。请你以中考体育考试备考经历写一篇短文。1. 写作要点提示: 1)你的中考体育考试发挥的怎样?什么做得好、什么还要努力?2)你平时是怎样锻炼、克服困难的?3)你的感受和对此的今后打算?2. 写作要求:短文的内容应包含所提示的要点。语言要流畅。可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,以使短文的意思连贯;短文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;短文的词数在90词左右。参考词汇:体育中考senior high school entrance examination of P.E. 跳绳rope skipping躯体前伸Body front参考答案一、听力测试1-5CBCCA 6-10BBBAC 11-15BBCBB 16-20CBCAB 21-25CBBAA评分说明:本大题满分25分, 每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。二、选择填空26-30DAABC 31-35ACDDD 36-40CCBDB评分说明:本大题满分15分, 每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。三、完形填空41-45ABDCB 46-50DCABA评分说明:本大题满分10分, 每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。四、阅读理解51-53BCA 54-56 ABC 57-60CADB评分说明:本大题满分20分, 每小题2分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。五、61-65 DAGCE 评分说明:本大题满分10分, 每空2分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。六、完成句子66. Dont be afraid of making mistakes/ to make mistakes.67. so excited that he could say a word/any words/anything.68. make it possible for you to learn English well69. used to hate/dislike playing soccer70. encouraged us to take part in/joining in protecting71.Thank you/Thanks for providing me with some information72. attention to the sign/signs that was/ were(just) put up just now/ a moment ago评分说明:本大题满分14分,每小题2分;1. 结构正确、用给定的英语单词完整表达所给的汉语信息,给满分;2. 未用所给词的不给分;3. 语法结构不正确,一处扣0.5分;4. 结构正确,信息完整,有一处或一处以上拼写错误扣0.5分;5. 结构正确,信息有遗漏,添加无关信息扣0.5分。七、短文综合填空:73. another 74. ourselves 75 First 76. Without 77. medicine 78. trouble 79. needs 80. means 81. highest 82. own 83. enjoy评分说明:本大题满分11分,每空1分,与本答案不符,但该答案在意义、结构、逻辑上均正确。该空可考虑给分,否则该空不给分。八、书面表达:书面表达评分要求:(一) 评分说明: 本大题满分15分。1. 卷面书写:1分;2. 内容:7分(要点3分、语意连贯4分)3. 语法结构、单词拼写、标点、字数:7分;(二) 评分标准一类(13-15分)写出全部内容要点,语句流畅,无语法错误或基本无语法错


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