2019-2020年中考英语复习资料及试题:7A-Unit 4题组一(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年中考英语复习资料及试题:7A-Unit 4题组一(含答案).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年中考英语复习资料及试题:7A-Unit 4题组一(含答案)一、选择填空1. There is _ “h” and _ “u” in the word “hurry”.A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an2. There isnt _ milk in the glass, but there is _ tea in it. Would you like to have _?A. any, some, any B. some, any, someC. some, any, any D. any, some, some3. There a car show next week.A. is going to B. will have C. will be D. is going to have4. - _ do you think of the film? - It is _.A. How, wonderful B. What, wonderful C. How, wonderfully D. What, wonderfully5. That music sounds _. I want to listen to it again.A. good B. well C. badly D. bad6. There are many _ of the road. A. apples trees on both side B. apples trees on each sideC. apple trees on both sides D. apple trees on each sides7. - _ do you sleep every night? - At ten to eleven.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. What time8. You shouldnt watch _ TV or play _ puter games.A. too many, too much B. too much, too many C. too many, too many D. too much, too much9. _ there _ good news in todays newspaper?A. Is, any B. Is, some C. Are, any D. Are, some10. - _ do you go to the cinema every week? - Three times a week.A. How many times B. How often C. How long D. How much11. My mother would like to buy _.A. a kilo beef B. two kilos of beefsC. a half kilo beef D. half a kilo of beef 12. - Do you often walk _ home? - No, I often go home _ a bike.A. to, on B. to, byC. /, onD. /, by13. He _ the flowers every day. A. neednt water B. needs not water C. doesnt need water D. need not to water14. I dont know _.A. what to eat B. what do they eat C. when is her birthday D. how old is he15. She always finishes her homework on time. She _ leaves it for tomorrow.A. always B. never C. usuallyD. sometimes二、根据所给提示,填入合适的单词16. The Blacks are _ ( 计划 ) a trip to Hong Kong.17. I want to know what your _ (搭档) name is.18. A good habit is very _ (重要) for us.19. Is it _ (容易) to make a flower out of a carrot?20. The child sleeps for _ (少) than 8 hours, so he often feels sleepy in class.21. I feel t_ after three hours hard work.22. L_, he has passed the exam. 23. The boy s_ plays football, but now he is playing football on the playground.24. My cousin doesnt like drinking coffee with much s_ in it.25. I always eat h_ at MacDonald and I am getting fatter and fatter.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空26. Look! The lovely dog _ ( lie ) under the table.27. The meal gives him enough energy for _ ( play ) basketball later.28. Kathy is too fat. She needs _ ( exercise ) more.29. The girl often helps her mother _ ( do ) some housework on Sunday.30. _ ( eat ) too much is bad for us. 31. The boys _ ( carry ) the shopping bags for their mothers now. 32. I want him _ ( help ) me with my English.33. My father has a lot of work _ ( do ) every day.34. There _ ( be ) some bottles of juice and some fruit on the table.35. You should not spend much time _ ( sit ) in front of the puter.四、介副词填空(10%)36. We cant live _ water.37. There are two differences _ the two pictures.38. Be careful _ fire. It is dangerous.39. There are many things _ the shopping list.40. The teacher often starts his lesson _ a story.41. It is time _ them to have an English lesson.42. The girl practices singing _ an hour every day. She wants to be a singer. 43. The girl, _ her father, likes drawing.44. Good luck _ your ing test.45. Where are you going _ dinner?五、中译英46. 她是中国拔尖的舞蹈演员之一。47. 如果他想要做个健康的人,他需要改变他的饮食和生活方式。48. 早餐你通常吃什么?两片面包,一个鸡蛋和一杯蔬菜汁。49. 这个戴眼镜的女孩一点都不擅长划旱冰。50. 我再也不在两餐之间吃像饼干之类的甜的零食了。Unit4 of 7A中考中考复习题(一)一、单选 1-5 BDCBA 6-10 CDBAA 11-15 DCAAB二、单词16. planning 17. partners 18. important 19. easy 20. less21. tired 22. Luckily 23. seldom 24. sugar 25. hamburgers 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10) 26. is lying 27. playing 28. to exercise 29. (to) do 30. Eating31. are carrying 32. to help 33. to do 34. are 35. sitting四、介词填空(10)36. without 37. between 38. with 39. on 40. with41. for42. for 43. like 44. with 45. for五、中译英(15)46. She is one of the top dancers in China.47. If he wants to be a healthy person, he needs to change his diet and lifestyle.48. -What do you usually have for breakfast? -Two pieces of bread, an egg and a glass of vegetable juice.49. The girl with glasses is not good at roller skating at all.50. I dont eat sweet snacks like biscuits between meals any more.

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