2019-2020年高中英语 Unit8 动词与动词短语 II最新题型综合检测.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit8 动词与动词短语 II最新题型综合检测一、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词两种形式。(201=20分)1. bee _ _ 2. grow _ _3. fly _ _ 4. quarrel _ _5. sit _ _ 6. hold _ _7. swim _ _ 8. study _ _9. sell _ _ 10. give _ _11. understand _ _ 12. permit _ _13. hurt _ _ 14. flee _ _15. prefer _ _ 16. catch _ _17. shave _ _ 18. teach _ _19. cost _ _ 20. fall _ _二、选词填空(下列方框内的副词或介词常与动词构成短语动词,请根据句意选择适当的副词或介词填空,可以重复使用)。(201=20分)as, across, along, aside, back, down, for, into, to, on, off, out, through, up, with1. I couldnt get _. The line was busy. 2. e _, or youll miss the train.3. I was still sleeping when the fire broke _, and luckily I escaped.4. The climate here does not agree _ me. 5. Their marriage broke _ after 25 years.6. The parents set _ money every month for the childrens holidays.7. When we got to the cinema, the tickets had been sold _.8. Last night the shop was broken _, and a lot of jewels were stolen.9. Our car broke _ on the half way and we had to push it.10. When she came _, she found herself in hospital.11. The police have called _ everyone to watch _ for the escaped prisoner.12. We came _ this little hotel when we were wandering about.13. You didnt see the sign which reads “Keep _ the grass”?14. His wife is trying to get him to cut _ the number of cigarettes he smokes each day.15. Its the sort of work that calls _ a particular skill.16. It took them over ten years to pay _ all their debts.17. The farmer built a long fence around his garden to keep pigs and chickens _.18. Our house is rather small and Im sorry we cant put you _ for the night.19. If you find the trousers are too short, you can take them _ to the shop and change them.20. Madame Curie is known _ the discoverer of the element radium while Einstein is known _ the Theory of Relativity.三、用一个最恰当的动词填空(注意动词的正确形式)。(101=10分)1. The heavy rain _ on for several days and all the roads were flooded.2. Its raining outside, but Ive left my umbrella in the office. Ill have to _ it.3. The child _ to the teacher for being late for school.4. His pale face _ that he was ill.5. Something has _ wrong with our washing machine. Ill get it repaired this afternoon.6. In autumn, leaves _ yellow.7. In Britain today women _ up 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.8. Jack agrees with me. He is the only person who _ my opinion.9. The beautiful young dancers _ the audiences attention the moment the curtain went up.10. I was so familiar with him that I _ his voice the moment I picked up the phone.四、选词填空(注意动词的正确形式)。(52=10分)1. rise; raisea) The speaker _ his voice so as to be heard by all.b) The speakers voice _ and now everyone could hear him clearly.2. lie; laya) The young couple _ on the grass, their eyes looking at the sky.b) Mother came out of the kitchen and _ the table for supper.3. wish; hope a) My parents _ me to e back home for the Spring Festival family reunion. b) All my teachers _ that I will be able to go to Oxford University for further study.4. spare; leavea) With only a few minutes _, he hurried to the cinema before the film started.b) They started off late and got to the railway station with only a few minutes to_.5. expect; suppose a) The train was _ to arrive at 11:30, but was an hour late.b) He returned to the pany three days later than we _.五、语法填空(阅读下面短文,根据短语动词的搭配,在空格处填入一个适当的副词或介词,或者使用括号里所给的动词用其正确形式填空)。(151=15分)During a dinner party, a self-important businessman said, “The problem with our education system starts with teachers. What can our kids 1 (learn) from people who decided their best option in life was to bee a teacher? Those who can, do. Those who cant, teach.”A guest protested (反驳), “I 2 ( be) a teacher for 20 years, and thats simplistic and unfair.”“Really?” the businessman said. “Then 3 (be)honest, what do you make?”“I suppose youre thinking 4 money,” the teacher replied. “I earn enough, but let me 5 (tell) you what I make.“I make other peoples children read, think, write, wonder, and talk 6 important things such as the world and their role in it.“I make them appreciate the value of education, not simply as a way 7 ( make) a living, but as a way to make a life.“I make them work harder than they want to and acplish more than they thought possible.“I encourage them 8 (be) skeptical (多疑的) without being cynical (愤世嫉俗的) and optimistic without being nave (幼稚的).“I make them understand that the quality of their life 9 (determine) by their choices, and I make them take responsibility 10 their actions.“I make them feel proud, capable, and worthy when they 11 (try) hard. “I make them appreciate the importance of integrity (正直) and honor in a world that too often shows little regard for either.“I make them respect themselves and 12 (treat) others with respect.“I make them feel proud and grateful 13 (live) in America where people are treated fairly and with respect and 14 (judge) by their acplishments and character, not by their color, creed, or size of their bank account.“Most of all, I 15 (make) a difference.“So now,” the teacher said to the businessman, “tell us what you make?”六、短文改错(下面短文中有10处动词错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)。(101=10分)A man hadnt been felt very well and so he goed to his doctor and has a plete checkup.After was examining him the doctor said, “I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which you want to hear first?”“Tell me the bad news first,” sayed the man.The doctor replying, “The bad news is, you had Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默氏病) .”“And the good news?” asking the man. “The good news is, when you arrive home you didnt remember the bad news!”七、完成句子(阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子)。(101.5=15分)1. When we departed, she told me _ (和她保持联系) by e-mail. 2. He _ (陷入沉思) and didnt notice me standing nearby.3. My foot hurts, and thats why _ (我不能跟上其他人).4. We find that most children _ (认为理所当然) that their parents should give them more pocket money.5. She kept it a secret so as _ (不失去工作).6. Enough _ (已引起重视) to the development of the western part of China.7. As _ (众所周知), the xx Beijing Olympic Games was a great success.8. The local people on both sides of the river _ (获益不浅) from this bridge which is _ (明年竣工). 9. They want _ (向公众澄清) that their government always _ (把人民的利益置于一切之上).10. We _ (已作决定) our minds _ (好好利用) this summer holidays _ (补课).一、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词两种形式。(201=20分)1. became; bee 2. grew; grown 3. flew; flown 4. quarrel(l)ed; quarrel(l)ed 5. sat; sat 6. held; held 7. swam; swam 8. studied; studied 9. sold; sold 10. gave; given 11. understood; understood 12. permitted; permitted 13. hurt; hurt 14. fled; fled 15. preferred; preferred 16. caught; caught; 17. shaved; shaved (shaven); 18. taught; taught19. cost;cost 20. fell; fallen二、选词填空(201=20分)1. through get through意为“(打电话时)打通”。2. on / along e on / along意为“赶快”。3. out break out意为“(火灾)发生”。4. with agree with 意为“适应(气候)”。5. up break up 意为“(婚姻)破裂”。6. aside set aside 在此意为“储存(钱)”。7. out sell out 意为“售完”。8. into break into 意为“破门而入”。9. down break down 意为“抛锚”。10. to e to 意为“苏醒”。11. on; out call on 意为“号召”;watch out意为“留心”。12. across e across 意为“(偶尔)遇到”。13. off keep off 意为“远离”。14. down cut down 意为“消减”。15. for call for在此意为“需要”。16. off pay off意为“还清(债)”。17. out keep out意为“挡在外面”。18. up put sb. up (for the night) 意为“留宿”。19. back take back 意为“拿回”。20. as; for be known as意为“被称为,作为而著称”;be known for 意为“因而出名”。三、用一个最恰当的动词填空。(101=10分)1. went 2. fetch 3. apologized 4. suggested 5. gone 6. turn 7. make 8. shares 9. caught 10. recognized四、选词填空。(52=10分)1. raised; rose 2. lay; laid 3. wish(ed); hope 4. left; spare 5. supposed; (had) expected五、语法填空。(151=15分)1. learn 2. have been 3. be 4. of 5. tell 6. about 7. to make 8. to be9. will be determined 10. for 11. try 12. treat 13. to live 14. judged 15. make六、短文改错。(101=10分)A man hadnt been feeling very well and so he went to his doctor and had a plete checkup.After examining him the doctor said, “I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?”“Tell me the bad news first,” said the man.The doctor replied, “The bad news is, you have Alzheimers disease.”“And the good news?” asked the man. “The good news is, when you arrive home you wont remember the bad news!”七、完成句子。(101.5=15分)1. to keep in touch with her2. was lost in thought3. I cant keep up with the others4. take it for granted5. not to lose her job6. attention has been paid7. is known to all8. will benefit greatly from; to be pleted (built up) next year9. to make it clear; put the peoples interests above everything else10. have made up; to make good use of; to make up for our lost lessons

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