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地震 What is earthquake?An earthquake is the result of a sudden release 释放 of energy 能量 in the Earth's crust 地壳 that creates 创建 seismic 因地震引起的 waves(地震波). Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer(地震检波器), also known as a seismograph(地震仪). The moment magnitude 震级 of an earthquake is conventionally 照常例 reported, or the related 有关的 and mostly 主要的 obsolete 老式的 Richter magnitude(里氏量级), with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible 感觉不到的 and magnitude 震级 7 causing 导致 serious damage over large areas. Intensity 强度 of shaking 震动 is measured 测量 on the modified Mercalli scale(麦加利震级, 麦氏震级).At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest 明显的 themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement (位移)of the ground 地面. When a large earthquake epicenter (震中)is located 位于 offshore 海上, the seabed 海底 sometimes suffers 遭受 sufficient 充分的 displacement 位移 to cause 造成 a tsunami(海啸). The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger 引发 landslides 山崩 and occasionally 间或 volcanic 火山 activity 活动.In its most generic 一般的 sense 感觉, the word earthquake is used to describe 形容 any seismic eventwhether a natural phenomenon 现象 or an event caused by humansthat generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture(破裂, 裂开) of geological 地质 faults(断层), but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine 矿山 blasts爆炸, and nuclear 核 exploded 爆炸.An earthquake's point of initial 最初的 rupture 破坏 is called its focus 中心 or hypocenter 震源. The term 术语 epicenter 震中 means the point at ground level directly above this.地震防范 Get prepared for the possibility of a great earthquakeIn your day-to-day 日常生活 living, earthquake may seem a distant 远 possibility. Yet natural disasters 灾难 such as great earthquake can strike 打击 any community 社区, including yours,at any time. If you're unprepared for a disaster, it can shatter 毁灭,破坏 your life. Then before the earthquake strikes, what should we do? Its a serious question we have to discuss. First, you and your community need to develop stronger building codes. Building codes 规范 are the public's first line of defense抵御 against earthquakes. The codes specify the levels of earthquake forces that structures 结构,建筑物 must be designed to withstand 抵挡,禁得起.Second, please develop a Family Disaster Plan to let your and your family gain 增加 the mastery 掌握 of Earthquake and know how to take precautions 防范 against 防备 earthquake.Before a great earthquake, you have to define 明确 the evacuating 疏散 path 路径 and the refuge 避难所. Think of any special needs that someone in your family might have. Include any other items 物品 that your family would need. Such as a flashlight 手电, a lighter 打火机, crank 曲柄,易怒的 radio 收音机, food, water for at least 3days and blankets 毛毯, etc 等等. If you already have part of an emergency 紧急的 survival 生存 kit 工具. All you have to do is assemble 集合 the supplies 用品 in an easy-to-carry 携带方便 container 容器 (in case you have to evacuate 疏散). Then you should move 迁移 or secure 缚住 objects that could fall 坠落 and injure 伤害 you: books, plants, mirrors, lamps 灯具, china 瓷器 . Secure objects that could tip 翻倒 and start a fire: water heater 热水器, gas appliances 燃气用具. Including teaching 教 members 成员 of your family where and how to shut off 关闭 the water, electricity 电 and gas supply 供气.You can also learn about other community emergency plans. There are many things we need to do to get prepared for a great earthquake. Don't be afraid before hazards 危害. Heed the Weather condition 留意天气条件, get fully prepared to reduce 减少 the damage to the least.校园向游客开放 Should the university campus be open to the tourists?Nowadays 当今 many universities have become famous tourist sites 地点, such as the Beijing University and Tsinghua University. Then is it right or not? Some people say “yes”.However, my view on this matter is different. Firstly, university campus should be a quiet place for the students. Students work is to study, so a quiet place is necessary. Secondly, university is a place for teaching and learning. So we shouldnt link it with the tourism 旅游业. Thirdly, with too many people on the campus, security will become a hard work. If there is any accident 事故,意外, the university staff will be responsible for that.  In short, I think we should not open the university campus to the tourists.老龄化问题 Population BurdenMany countries will experience 经历 aging 老化 populations in the next century because of declining 下滑的 birth and mortality 死亡 rates 比率. China will soon join their ranks 队伍,行列.As for the issue 问题 of aging, its situation has been growing 生长 increasingly 渐增地 severe 严峻 in spite of 尽管 the fact most people are still ignorant 无知的 of the problems it brings about. Firstly, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating 逐步上升, it is even graver 严重,雕刻师 for families to care for aged members adequately 充分地. Secondly, aging causes a relative decline 下降,衰退 in working force 力量,促使 in that fewer 较少的 people have to support 支持,供养 the increasing aged people. Consequently=so 因此, the productivity 生产力 of the whole society is affected 影响 to some extent 程度. Thirdly and most importantly, the aging of population in China resulted from the successful implementation 实现 of family planning has not been synchronized 同步的 with national economic progress.The rapidity 急速  of the population's aging has made it more urgent 急迫的 for the adoption 采用 of countermeasures 对策. No doubt 怀疑 they key is to build a solid 可靠的 economic foundation 基础. Meanwhile 同时, importance shall be attached 附上 to overall 全部的 social progress by changing the backward 滞后的,迟缓的 situation in social security 社会保障, welfare 福利 and service 服务. What's more 更重要的是, family care 家庭护理 and community services 社区服务 shall also be encouraged.关于人口 Residence 注册   permit 许可              registered residence  户口Temporary residence permits  暂住证     Residence permit  居住证Look at your watch for just one minute. During that time, The population of the world increased by 259. Perhaps you think that is not much.However 不管怎样, during the next hour, over 15540 more babies will be born on the world. So it goes on, hour after hour. In one day, people have to produce food to feed 370000 more mouths. Multiply 乘以 this by 365. Just think how many more there will be in one year! What will happen in a hundred years? The increasing population may be the greatest challenge of the world today. The world's population is growing faster and faster. Two thousand years ago, there only 250 million people on the earth. At the beginning of the 21st century,  the world's population was about 6 billion people. In 1990,it reached more than five billion people. Now at the beginning of the 21st century. The world's population has passed 6 billion. People say that by the year 2050 it may be 10 billion people. That means in about 200 years, there will by standing room only on the earth. Each person will have one half to one square meter of space to live in. 1 日期写右上角,月,日,年2 称呼与左边线对齐,标点用逗号3 结束语 Yours Truly ,第一个字母大写,后面用逗号4 署名低于结束语一两行,从信纸中间偏右地方开始5 如果写电子邮件,还要加上以下:From:邮箱地址;To:邮箱地址Subject: Greetings 问候 / Invitation 邀请 / Thanks June 1stDear Peter,Were so glad youre coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. Well have our picnic 野餐 in the Peoples Park. You know where it is, dont you? After you enter the park by the main gate 大门, walk straight on till 直到止 you come to a small river. Cross the river. Cross the river and turn right. After walking for a while youll come to a hill. Walk round the hill, youll see a lake. Well have our picnic there in the small woods 树林 by the lake. Im sure youll have no trouble finding us. Do come!一定要来Yours Truly,                                         Li Hua参观  NoticeAll the classmates will visit the Science Museum tomorrow (Friday), and everyone has to go to the school gate at 8 in the morning. We will go there on foot. We should take our notebook and pen so that we can write down what we are interested in. When visiting, we should listen 听从 and look carefully. In the museum, we cant shout and take photos. The most important, we have to hand in a visiting report next Monday.报社信I am writing to tell you something about one of the discussion among our classmates. The main topic is whether the students should do some sports or not.60% of the classmates think that the students should do some sports everyday. They suggest that the students do morning exercises, play table tennis, or play basketball, but not for a long time. They believe that will make them more healthy, and reduce 减少 the chances to get ill, and so they can study better. However, 40% of the classmates disagree with those students. They think doing sports is wasting time. And they think doing sports will make them tired. Sometimes sports will make them too excited 兴奋 to sit down for study. Moreover, people are easy to hurt 受伤的 themselves when doing sports.I want to know your opinion on this matter.Your Truly,Li HuaDistinguished 高贵的 HR manager of Good Hope:First of all, thanks for your precious 宝贵的 time to read my application Letters 求职信. And then, Hereunder 以下 is my brief 简短的 introduction 介绍:My name is Wang dongfang, I graduated from Wuhan University majoring in international trade with a bachelor 学士 degree in July 2009.The principal 主要的 courses 课程 I acquired 取得 during my study include 包含 international trades, Corporation Law, law and Accounting and so on.As far as 至于 my character be concerned 有关, I think I am a outgoing 外向的, straightforward 坦率的 and humorous guy 幽默的家伙. Besides, I also possess 持有,掌握 strong professional ethic 职业道德 and communication skill and teamwork spirits.So my writing to your company to apply 申请 for the position of Foreign Trade clerk 职员, I am highly interested in this position, and I also believe that I have competent 胜任 for this job. I will extremely 非常地 appreciate 感激 if you can give me an interview opportunity 面试机会. I look forward to your apply!Thanks for your attention 关注 again!Best regards!Sincerely yoursWang dongfang贷款申请 Dear Loan Section Head 亲爱的信贷科科长:Im writing this letter in applying a two-year loan 贷款 of CNY 150,000 china yuan 人民币 from your bank for opening 开 a western cuisine 烹饪 restaurant. Ive carried out a survey 调查 in the vicinity 附近 of our University and found that there is only one small cafe selling western-style foods within 4 square 平方 kilometers around here. The potential 潜在的 western food market is large as there are quite many westerners in our district 区域 and they have been calling for 呼吁 the setup 设置 of a western cuisine restaurant- even the foreign professors and students have shown their eagerness 热心,渴望 for it. In addition, more local 当地 people has great interest in Beef牛肉 Steak 牛排 and Pizza, so we have sufficient 足够的 customers. Most important of all. We have employed excellent cooks 厨师 that can ensure 确保 the quality of the meal 膳食 we supply. The loan money will be used in the inner 内部 decoration 装饰, utensil 用具 purchases 购买 and staff 职员 training 训练. The family of my partner 合伙人, Zhou Jiang and I support our plan and provide real 实际的 estate 房地产 of our two families that worth CNY 300,000 as guaranty抵押物.With such a bright prospective 预期 and strong supports, we have every reason to succeed in running the restaurant. Lead us the loan will prove 证明 a wise 明智的 choice. Please consider 考虑 our application seriously 认真地 and we are looking forward to your response 回答!Sincerely yours,Wang Fan面试 Advantages of a Job Interview Nowadays, when a person is hunting 寻找 for a job, there are almost always job interviews. I think a job interview is beneficial 有用的 to both the interviewer 面试官 and the interviewee 面试人.On the one hand, through the interview, the interviewer can see the interviewee in person 本人,外表. He can tell the interviewee something about the job. These may include such things as the wage, the working conditions and other things which are relevant 有关的 to the job so that the interviewee can decide 决定 whether the job is really suitable 适当的 for him. On the other hand, through the interview, the interviewee can know something about the employer and the company he is going to work. Most important of all, a job interview is a good chance for the interviewee, because, he can impress 给人印象 the interviewer by good behavior 行为. He can show his educational background 背景, his ability and his confidence 信心. Then the interviewer can figure out 断定 whether he is the right person for the job.In a word, I think the interview will do good to both the interviewer and the interviewee.  By the interview, the interviewee can find a suitable job and the interviewer can find a suitable person if both of them make the best of the job interview.固定工作 or 跳槽 My View on Job-HoppingJob-hopping has become a hot topic among people recently 最近. Opinions vary 多样 form person to person 人们议论纷纷.Some people are inclined 倾向于 to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently 频繁地 are superficial 肤浅的 and tactless 不老练的. They believe that the only way to success is to stick 坚持 to one job, for constant 不断的 practice 实践 in a professional field helps make an expert.On the contrary 相反地, some other people like to change their jobs at times. They argue 主张 that change means progress, and every change is a step 步,迈向 to further 进一步地 success. When a person is not satisfied with his present job, replace it with a more challenging and better paid one.For my part 对我而言, I think it reasonable for a man to change his job if he gets a better opportunity, However, once he has found a position to fully display 表现 his abilities, settle down 安顿下来 and devote 致力于,奉献 himself to the job. Only in this way can he enjoy achieving 达到 his goals 目标.事业还是家庭? Career or Family?I used to be radical 激进的 and thought one could not be a success in career and, at the same time, have a happy family life. Sometimes I even subconsciously(下意识的) refused such things as love and marriage.Now I think man engages in 从事 a career in the hope of having a happy life, except for these "extremely intelligent"绝顶聪明, who would choose career to the exclusion 排斥 of family. In fact, their lives are not complete ones they have defect 缺点 s. Most people, including many great men, scientists and merchants 商人, have experienced 老练的 much the same experiences 经历 (of course, with the details varying 不同的). They are from birth出身 to carefree 无忧无虑的 childhood 童年时期 to troublesome 麻烦的 adolescence 青春期, to dating 约会, to work, to love, to marriage, to success in career, then to old age.Read while you read. Love while you love. Whatever you do, do it whole-heartedly 全心全意地. Even if one day I become a housewife, that is nothing to be afraid of. What is important is that, in my heart, I have a deep love for life. I will keep in high spirits 精神,激情. I love 恋爱. I marry 结婚. But I still dream my own dream. I will follow the law of nature 自然规律 and pursuit 追求 what is beautiful in life. I will bring myself into full play. Only by so doing, I will not regret anything in life. Do you think so?学英语 How to learn English wellEnglish is always my favorite subject and I am good at English. I would like to share 4 good studying habits 习惯 with you. First, remember 20 new words, and never give up. Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly 定期地. Third, read an English article 文章 in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition作文 every week and ask teacher to revise 修正 that for me to improve the writing level. If you do things above, I am sure your English will also be improved.英语考试 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?A test of spoken English will be included as an optional 可选的 component 成分,部分 of College English Test. Many people believe it's very necessary to take such a test. To begin with, as a basic part of the language, spoken English is getting more and more important in this information age 信息时代. One won't achieve 达到 much in intercultural 不同文化间的 communication unless one can speak perfect English. In other words, fluent 流利的 English is an indication 象征 of one's mastery 精通 of the language. Therefore, a test ought to be designed 有计划的,设计的 to assess 评定 one's ability of spoken English.However, some people don't think it's necessary to take such a test. They hold 拥有 that written exam 考试,测验 is enough to indicate 表明 one's English level. As far as 至于 one doesn't want to study abroad 国外 or cooperate with foreigners in foreign enterprises 企业 or companies, one needn't worry about taking a test of spoken English. Because written English enables 使能 students not only to read reference 参考 books but also work on Internet. Therefore, in their opinion, a test of spoken English will only add 增加 to the students' over-study-load. It's not absolutely 完全地 necessary for students to take it.I believer it's very necessary for students to take it. On the one hand, such a test will stimulate 激励 students to improve their oral 口头的 English. On the other hand, it will help make students competent 胜任 in the fierce 激烈的 competition 竞争, and push their English to a higher level. To sum up 总结, with China's entry into the WTO and the arrival 到达者 of knowledge economy age, it's more and more important for students to improve their oral English. Therefore, a test of spoken English is not only necessary, but also vital 生死攸关的 important.打工 or 父母完成学业 Earning 获得 a Degree 学位 by Working or by Family Support.Some students in the United States work while they are doing their degrees; others receive support from their families. Both methods 方法 have advantages 优点. I will argue 主张 in favor of family support. In a society where independence and individual 个人 success are valued 重要的, a student who earns his degree by working is greatly 大大地 admired 赞美. Friends will praise him for his initiative 主动权,首创精神. Future employers will be impressed by his work record. However, in a society where cooperation and family dependence are valued, a student who receives support is fully understood. Friends will praise him for his efforts 努力 on behalf 方面 of his family. Future employers will not expect a work record from him. For my part, I would like to argue in favor of family support. While I study at university, my older brother sends me money every month. When I get my degree and find a good job, I will send my younger sister to a school or university. It may not be the best way, but it is a way that my society approves 批准,证实 of.手机 My Opinion on Cell PhonesCell phones do play an important role in peoples daily life, but every coin has its two sides.To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, its convenient 方便的 for the user at any time to contact others. Secondly, its a helpful companion 朋友. With a multifunctional 多功能的 cell phone in hand, one can easily surf 冲浪 the net, downloading what he needs.However, the cell phone has many disadvantages 劣势. For one thing, the machine itself is very expensive and its local service is very costly 昂贵的, not to mention 说起 its global service. For another, the radiation 辐射 from the mobile phones might do harm 伤害 to the users health.In my opinion, with its expenses 费用 being reduced 减少的 sharply 急剧地 and development will have a brighter future. Therefore its advantages will far outweigh 胜过 it disadvantages.广告利弊 AdvertisementsInformation is spreading 传播 rapidly 迅速地 in todays society. Taking a look around, you'll find advertisements appearing everywhere. They give us the latest news of sales and much information about goods. For a company or a factory, advertising may be the most effective 有效的 means to let their products known. Meanwhile 同时, advertisements can guide 引导 the customers. They may help us a lot before we make a choice. But sometimes, you may be misled 误导 to an unwise 不明智的 decision by advertisements. They exaggerate 夸大 advantages 优点 that the goods may not have at all. Some credulous 易受骗的 customers will regret having bought something of no use or of poor quality 低质量, only due to 由于 the tempting 吸引人的 pictures and words. It is a waste of money. As a result, more and more people begin to lose their trust. The original effect 原有的作用 of advertisements dies away 消失. As we know, everything has t


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