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2019-2020年七年级英语上学期周周清4试题人教新目标版一、单项选择(30)1. _woman is Davids mother?The one in the red coat. A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where2. I know_and her sister. _are my friends. A. she;They B. her;ThemC. her;They D. she;Them3. The football match is really _ and everyone is very _. A. exciting;excited B. exciting;excitingC. excited;exciting D. excited;excited4. Would you like _ orange juice?_. Im not thirsty. A. some;No, thanks B. some;Yes, pleaseC. any;No, thanks D. any;Yes, please5. Peter is my best friend. He often helps_with Science,A. me B. you C. him D. her6. The books are on the desk. Can you see _?A. it B. they C. them D. their7. Are the rulers _?Yes, theyre_. A. your;our B. yours;myC. your;my D. yours;mine8. Look, the films(胶卷)are on the ground. Can you _ for me?A. pick them up B. pick up themC. pick it up D. pick up it9. Miss Gao is_ teacher. She teaches _ Chinese. A our;ourB. our;us C. us;our D. my;our10. Kobe is my favourite basketball player. I really like_. A. he B. him C. his D. her11.Whossingingoverthere?_isSandyssister.A.ThatB.ItC.SheD.This12._willspendthesummerholidayinHawaii.A.She,youandI B.You,sheandIC.I,youandshe D.Her,meandyou13.Betweenyouand_,heisnotarealfriend.A.meB.IC.heD.his14.Myuncleboughtanewbikefor_.A.theirsB.theyC.meD.I15.Heresapostcardforyou,Jim!Oh,_isfrommyfriend,Mary.A.heB.itC.sheD.its二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子(20). Excuse _16_, can you help _17_carry the box? _18_am too busy.(我). Where is Lily? _19_ is not here. I cant find _20_. Mother is looking for _21_.(她). _22_ has many friends. They often help _23_.(他). Thank _24_(你)for telling _25_(我们)the time.-Do_26_(他们)oftenwatchTV?-No.Mumasks_27_(他们)nottowatchTVtoomuch.Someofmyclassmateslike_28_(历史)becausetherearemanyinterestingstoriesinit. Ilike_29_(地理)bestbecauseIcanlearnalotabouttheworld.Thestudentsallliketheir_30_(生物)teacher,becauseheisveryhelpful.Thegirllikekeeping_31_(日记)everyday.Aretheremany_32_(开放的)parksinChangzhou?.Doyouknowthegirl_33_(穿)apinkdress?.Thanksfor_34_(帮助)mealot.Ourteachersareallniceto_35_(我们).三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。(10)36. 我想带你参观一下我们的学校。Iwant to _our school. 37. 在教室里,我坐在简的前面. I sit _Jane in the classroom. 38. 请从这边走。_,please. 39. 那栋楼里有18个教室。_ 18 classrooms in that building. 40. 这个操场这么大。The_ big. 四、完形填空(20)Its Thursday today. 41 very free. At 8 oclock we 42 Maths. Our Maths teacher gives us a lot of 43 to do. I dont like Maths because its 44 . Then we have English 45 9:00. The teacher asks us to recite(背诵) the new words. But I cant! Next, we have Chinese at 10:00. I like it 46 its interesting. So I 47 the teacher carefully in class. At11:0 we have History. Its really 48 because we can talk 49 something in class. History is my favourite 50 .We dont have PE today. I dont like to be in the classroom all day. ( )41. A.I not B. Im not C.I dont D.I am ( )42. A. have B. like C. want D. do ( ) 43. A. classes B. homework C. subjects D. answers ( ) 44. A. boring B. fun C. interesting D. beautiful ( ) 45. A. in B. at C. on D. for ( )46. A. because B. but C. so D. or ( ) 47. A. listen to B. listen C. look D. look at ( )48. A. fun B. sad C. boring D. difficult ( )49. A. in B. about C. with D .at ( ) 50.A.teacher B. game C. subject D. sport五、句型转换(10)51. My father often goes to work by car every morning. (对画线部分提问)52. It takes Sandy about an hour to get to school.(对画线部分提问)53. Sandy lives far away from the school.(改为同义句)54. Millie gets to school very early every day.(改为否定句)55. Our school library is usually open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. (对画线部分提问)六、首字母填空(10)Let me tell you about my n 56 school. My school looks b 57 . Its big and clean. There are a lot of classroom b58 in my school. My classroom is on the g 59 floor. There is a school hall. We often have m 60 there. Mr Zhang is our English teacher. We like h 61 lessons. I have some good friends. A 62 school, we like to play games. There is a big playground. Its in f 63 of our classroom. W 64 to our school. I will show you a 65 . 答题纸 一、单项选择(30)15_ 610_1115_二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子(20)16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_31_ 32_ 33_ 34_ 35_三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。(10)36. Iwant to _our school. 37. I sit _Jane in the classroom. 38. _,please. 39. _ 18 classrooms in that building. 40. The_ big. 四、完形填空 (20)4145_ 4650 _五、句型转换(10)51._ _your father often _ to work every morning?52. _does it take Sandy to get to school?53. It is _ _ _from Sandys home to school.54. Millie _to school very early every day.55. _ school library usually open?六、首字母填空(10)56_ 57_ 58_ 59_ 60_61_ 62_ 63_ 64_ 65_班级_姓名_考号_得分

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