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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater测试题(新版)人教新目标版一、 单项选择( )1.This box is that one .A. heavy than B. as heavy as C. so heavy than( )2.When we speak to people, we should be .A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possibly C. as politely as possible( )3.Our classroom is larger than theirs A. more B. very C. much( )4.When spring es , it gets A. warm and warm B. warmer and warmers C. hotter and shorter( )5.LiLei is student in our class.A. tall B. the tallest C. taller ( )6.The fifth orange is of all . Give it to that small child.A. big B. bigger C. the biggest( )7.Which city is , Beijing , Shanghai or Fuzhou?A. beautiful B. the most beautiful C. more beautiful( )8. Mike , I have to tell you . A. important something B. something important C. important anything( )9.Is Mrs . Brown badly ill ?-No. . Only a little cold.A. quite well B. nothing serious C. anything serious( )10.I have nothing mon with Kate.A. on B. in C. of 二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词11. The room has many c seats.12. I have two t to the film. Do you want to go with me?13. She can sing many English s .14. You should eat more f and vegetables ever day .15. He did w than Jack.16. Larry is the most c in her class. He can draw many beautiful pictures,17. They are talking about a school t show.18. John a the best in the movies.19. You must wash your hands before m . 20. Look at the m of this restaurant , it has only 10 dishes.三、补全对话Reporter : Hi, Im doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News.21 Boy: I guess Jammin 107FM is the best.Reporter : Why?Boy: 22 its much better than the other stations in town.Reporter : What about Oldies 102.1 FM?Boy: Well, I think Oldies 102.1 FM is very bad.23 .Reporter :I heard that .24 Boy: Not for me .Reporter :Why not?Boy: 25 They re worse than the mercials of All Take 970 AM!A. Because it has the best clothing.B. It has the worst music .C. What s the best clothing store?D. Because it has the most interesting music.E. But Easy Listening 979 AM is the most popular.F. Just listen to their mercials.G. Whats the best radio station?四、完形填空Its was the last lesson before 26 holiday. The students 27 very happy. Their English teacher was very happy , 28 , The teacher 29 played nice games with them . He sang some nice songs , and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES” 30 it . “ This is one of the 31 words in English” ,he said to the class. The 32 class laughed, and then one girl 33 and said,” Why is it one of the longest word s in English”?” The teacher said 34 . Then he smiled and said ,” Because there is a mile between the 35 letter and the last.”( )26. A. a B. an C .the D. much ( )27.A. is B. are C. war D .were( )28. A. too B. either C. Neither D. also( )29. A. a little B. little C. any D. also ( )30.A. before B. on C. in D. in front of( )31. A. long B. longer C. longest D. shortest( )32.A.whole B. each C. all D. both ( )33.A.stand up B.sit down C. stood up D. lay down( )34.A.something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )35.A. one B. first C. two D. second五、阅读理解The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for the Chinese people . For the Chinese , the New Year es with the first day of the first moon, between January 21 and February 19. People get ready for the holiday for fifteen days. Finally , at midnight it is the first day of the first moon. People close the shops and the streets are empty. Everyone locks the doors and stays at home. It is an important time for the family . The younger people bow to the older people . The Chinese call this KeTou . This means “ to touch the ground with the forehead.” Then the younger people wish the older people a happy New Year . The older people give children gifts of money inside envelopes. The family then go to sleep. In the morning , people are dressed in their best clothes . Some people stay at home , others go out to pay a New Year call. They are very polite and do not use bad words. Its the most important day of the year.( )36. “The Chinese New Year “ in the passage means “ ”.A. Mid- AutumnB. the Spring FestivalC. Christmas DayD. the Dragon Boat Festival( )37.It takes about to get ready for the Chinese New Year. A. a few daysB. twelve daysC. half a monthD. three weeks( )38. At midnight you can see people in the street . Everyone stays at home.A. lots of B. hundreds ofC. many D. few( )39. Which day is the most important in a year ?A. The first day B. The second dayC. The third day D. The last day( )40.On the Chinese New Years Day , what do people usually say to each other when they meet?A. Good luck B. Best wishC. Good morning D. Happy New Year

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