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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题人教新目标版题号一二三四五六七八总分得分A.Theyll be upset. B.Theyll be angry. C.Theyll be happy.听下面一段对话,回答第8至9小题。( )8.Why doesnt the boy go to the zoo with the girl?A.Because he doesnt like animals. B.Because he went there last Sunday. C.Because he is tired.( )9.What animals does the boy like best?A.Tigers. B.Elephants. C.Pandas.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12小题。( )10.When will Henry take a trip to Sunland?A.This weekend. B.This Summer vacation. C.This winter holiday.( )11.What does Lisa think of people at Sunland?A.Friendly. B.Bored. C.Relaxed.( )12.How many days did Lisa stay at Sunland?A. Four. B.Five. C.Six.听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。( )13.Why didnt the girl want Lily to copy the answers?A.Because she thought it was wrong. B.Because she thought it was right. C.Because she thought it was normal.( )14.What does the father think of the matter?A. Lily is right. B.His daughter is right. C.Theyre both right.( )15.Whats the fathers advice for her daughter?A. She can call Lily. B.They can chat online. B. She can write a letter to Lily.听短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.What s the party?A. New years party. B.Christmas party. C.Birthdays party.( )17.Where is the party?A. Home. B.Restaurant. C.Classroom.( )18.Can students bring potato chips to the party?A. Yes,they can. B.No,they cant. C.They dont know.( )19.Does Miss Li have a lot of exprience?A. Yes,she does. B.No,she doesnt C.We dont know.( )20.Who wrote this letter?A. Zhang Ping B.Zhang Li C.Zhang Peng二、单项填空(本题有15小题,共15分)21. -Is there _ university near your home? -Yes, it is on_ first crossing.I can see it when I go home.A the;a B an;a C the;the D a;the22. -_do you go shopping ?-Three times a week.A How much B How often C How far D How long23. -My math is not as _as Yours. -Take it easy.I can help you.A best B good C better D well24. -Its important _ us to do exercises everyday.-Yes,it can keep us healthy.A about B with C for D of25. -Are you available this weekend ?-No, I want_to the doctor.A going B to go C goes D went26. -Is this _ English book?-No, this is Amys book. _ is in my school bag.A yours,my B your,my C yours,mine D your,mine27. -My brother is 10 years old.He is_ young _ go to a middle school.A so;that B too;that C so;to D too;to 28. -_do you_the news?-I like it a lot. A What;think B How;like C What;like D How;think of29. -What can I help you ?- I want_, please.A two glass of waters B two glasses of waters C two glasses of water D two glass of water 30. -There _more people in 10 years. And the city will be more crowded.A will have B are going to have C will be D is going to have 31. War Wolf (战狼2) is one of _films that I have ever seen.A the most exciting B more exciting C very exciting D much more exciting 32. Its very kind of you to keep _ me English Weekly. A send B to send C sending D to sending33. My little son wont go to sleep _ I tell him a story every night.A when B if C unless D because34.Susan, get some eggs and butter and _.A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it D. mix it up35.Can you go camping with me tomorrow?_. Catch you then.A Sorry, Im not available B Sure C. No, I cant D. Lets make it三、完形填空(本题有10大题,共10分)Chicken hamburgers are my favorite._36_you like them,let me tell you how to make a _37_hamburger .First of all,make sure you have all the ingredients(原料).You need two _38_of bread, some chicken and lettuce.You_39_need one spoon of cream and some relish.Next,put the chicken _40_one piece of bread.Put the lettuce on the chicken._41_some relish and the cream to the lettuce. Put_42_piece of bread on the top.Now the great chicken hamburger is_43_.But you cant eat it. Put it on a plate.Then put the plate in the oven and turn on the oven.After about ten seconds,_44_the oven and take out your chicken hamburger.You can enjoy it now. But you shouldnt eat hamburgers _45_, because they are not good for your health.( )36.A.Although B.If C.So D.But( )37.A.turkey B.duck C.chicken D.beef( )38.A.spoon B.spoons C.piece D.pieces( )39.A.also B.too C.cant D.dont( )40.A.in B.on C.into D.to( )41.A.Put B.Pour C.Add D.Mix( )42.A.other B.the others C.others D.the other( )43.A.delicious B.well C.good D.super( )44.A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn up( )45.A.ever B.hardly C.never D.often四、阅读理解(本题有10小题,共20分)( A )When Abraham Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after their farm. It was hard work and there wasnt anything interesting for him. Abraham wanted to go to school, but there was no school there. He was sad most of the time. Mrs. Lincoln loved the boy very much. She tried her best to make Abraham happy. One morning she got up early and went to the town. It was a long way, so it took her a long time to get there. She bought something there and went back. It was late in the evening when she got home. The next morning Mrs. Lincoln said to Abraham, “Today is your birthday, so were going to have a party. ”She put some food on the table, and then brought out a present. “A book!” Abraham cried. It was an old book, but he liked it. A smile came on his face. He looked up at Mrs. Lincoln and said,“ Thank you, Mom.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )46. Abraham Lincolns father was a _. A. farmerB. soldierC. workerD. teacher( )47. Abraham Lincoln couldnt go to school because _. A. his family had no money B. his mother wanted to teach him herselfC. he didnt like school D. there was no school near his home( )48. On the farm most of the time little Lincoln was _. A. happyB. unhappyC. worriedD. angry( )49. It took Mrs. Lincoln _ to make a trip to the town. A. a whole dayB. a quarter of a dayC. three hoursD. two days( )50. What was the present for Abrahams birthday?A. A mooncake. B. A new book. C. An old book. D. A school bag. (B)Yesterday Jane had a birthday party. This year she planned a very different kind of party for her birthday. It was a costume party (化装舞会). Everyone had to dress up as an animal, a thing, or a different person. Jane told everyone that they could not buy their costumes. They had to make the costumes by hand.Jane knew what costume she wanted. She used the clothes she wore to dance class. She got out her black trousers and black shirt.Then Jane borrowed some yellow paper from her mother. She put the paper around her legs all the way from her feet to the top of her legs. She also got a big pillow.She put the pillow under her shirt to make her body look like round. After that, she made two wings (翅膀) and covered them with yellow paper.All of Janes friends came dressed up. One boy came as a panda. He painted big black eyes on his face. Janes best friend Laura came as an ice-cream. She had covered herself with brown paper. On her head she wore a big pink ball that looked like strawberry ice-cream.Janes friends all had a good time making their costumes. At the party, they tried to guess (猜) what everyone was. Jim, one of Janes friends, came as Pac-Man, a character in a puter game. Jim fooled (使上当) everyone at the party and he won the prize.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 51. What was special about Janes party?A. Everyone had to bring their pets.B. Everyone must bring an old costume. C. Everyone had to make their own costume.D. Everyone must buy something for the party.( ) 52. What did Jane probably dress up as?A. A bird. B. A puter.C. A panda.D. An ice-cream.( ) 53. From the passage, we know that Laura _.A. put a pillow under her shirtB. wore a big ball on her headC. covered herself with pink paper D. ate lots of ice-cream in the party( ) 54. Why did Jim win a prize according to the passage?A. Because Jane loved his costume best.B. Because nobody could guess what he was.C. Because his costume was the most popular.D. Because he taught others how to make costumes.( ) 55. The passage is mainly about _.A. a partyB. a petition C. Jane s friends D. Jane s costume五. 短文填空(本大题有10小题,共10分) My name is Mike. I can 56 delicious apple pie. Now let me tell you 57 to make it. First, peel two apples and 58 them up. Next, 59 them into a bowl, and add two spoons of sugar and some water. You should 60 them all up well. Then put two cups of flour and four 61 of butter into the bowl. Break two eggs into the 62 and add some water again if you 63 . Mix them up. Roll them out with the rolling pin. 64 a little milk to them. 65 them at 170 or 180 for 20 minutes. Then you can enjoy it.六、单词拼写66. In summer I like swimming in the _(海洋) .67. Which do you think is the most popular of the two _(卡通片)?68. His life seemed _(毫无意义的)when his wife died two years ago.69. Amy _ (种植) many trees every spring.70. Mike likes telling_(笑话)and people like them very much.71. Ten years ago, people _(pollute) the river and lots of fish died.72. There are many_(factory) next to our school.73. Can you_(e) to my party?Sorry,I am not available.74. Drinking milk every day is good for our_(healthy).75.Mike is the most_(fun)student of the class.七、完成句子。76. 我不赞同你说的。I dont _ _ what you said.77. 莎士比亚写了大量优美的诗篇。Shakespeare wrote_ _ beautiful pieces of poems.78. 杰克,你正在找什么?Jack,what are you_ _?79. 谢谢你告诉那我。_ _telling me.80. 女孩们上年在舞会上装扮成天使。The girls _ _as angels at the party last year.八、读写综合。A信息归纳。Do you remember the funny cartoon Popeye the Sailor(大力水手)? Popeye wears the sailors uniform,takes a pipe in the mouth and loves to eat spinach.Of all the famous cartoon characters,Popeye is at the top.It encourages lots of young people to eat spinach to bee as strong as Popeye.The character Popeye, first appeared in the newspaper in 1929.And in 1933 it appeared on the big screen. A survey in 1938 showed that Popeye was the most popular Hollywood cartoon character.Almost everyone loves this super hero. Kids love him because he is strong. Young people love him because he loves his girlfriend Olive.For old people, Popeye is a brave and kind man, and always helps the poor people.Information CardThe name of the cartoon 81._The time when Popeye appeared on the screen 82._ The food Popeye loves to eat83._Popeyes girlfriends name84._The reason why kids love Popeye85._ B.书面表达(15分)为了提高英语写作水平,你们英语老师要求你们每天用英语写日记。假如今天是星期日(4月12日),你和你的家人出去春游了,玩得非常开心。请你根据下面表格中的提示,用英语写一则日记,可适当发挥。要求:80词左右,日记的格式已给出,不计入总词数。天气阳光明媚活动上午爬山,放风筝,植树中午在农场煮饭,食物很美味下午参观农场,喂鸡,鸭感受累但很开心Sunday, April 12th_

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