2019-2020年八年级英语10月月考试题 人教新目标版(II).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语10月月考试题 人教新目标版(II)题号一二三四五六七总分得分( )7.The old woman is very well because she often_. A.exercises B.drinks C.sleeps D.plays( )8.There are people on the bus.Its crowded. A.too much,much too B.too many, many too C.too many,much too D.much too,too much( )9.You see a doctor if you have a headache. A.may B.should C.need D.cant( )10.This time I want to do . A.anything different B.different anything C.something different D.different something( )11.It 40 minutes to do homework evry night. A.spends B.takes C.pays D.costs( )12.There are students in our school. A.five hundreds B.five hundred of C.hundred of D.five hundred( )13.What do you usually do weekends? A.on B.of C.in D.with( )14.Who did you go to the movie ? Nobody. I went alone.A.with B.about C.for D.from( )15.Some word puzzles in this book are_difficult that few students can solve them.A. such B. so C. very D. quite二完形填空(10分) How often do you eat chocolate and chips? Five l6 a week? Thats a bad 17 habit. Every day we eat 18 food. Some are good 19 our health,and some are bad for our health. Whats good food? Here 20 a food pyramid( 金字塔 ). Every day,we should eat bread and rice and we should 21 some vegeta-bles and fruit, maybe two apples or three oranges. A lot of bread, rice, vegetables and fruit help you 22 in good health. We should have one glass or two glasses of milk and less fish, meat, chicken or eggs. Of course, we should 23 ever eat junk food. Although sweets and cola are very delicious, 24 we cant often eat them. They are 25 food.( )l6.A.time B. a time C. times D./( )17. A. eat B. toeat C. eats D. eating( )18. A. totsof B. lot C. alot D. many( ) 19. A. in B. at C. of D. for( ) 20. A. are B. have C. is D. has( ) 21. A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. eats( ) 22. A. keep B. keeping C. make D. making( ) 23. A. hard B. hardly C. often D. usually( ) 24. A. but B. for C. of D. /( ) 25. A. healthy B. unhealth C. health D. unhealthy三阅读理解(30分)A Mr Smith was a strange man. He had a toothache, but he never went to a dentist.He was afraid of the dentist. He thought it would give him much pain. But things became very serious. He had to see the dentist. The dentist looked over his bad tooth, and spent three hours curing (治愈) histoothache. At last there wasnt any toothache at all! Mr Smith felt happy and left. Three days later, Mr Smith gave the dentist a call. He said, You didnt ask mefor any money for your work. How much is it? Oh, the dentist said. thirty dollars,but I never ask a gentleman (绅士) for money. Then how do you make a living? Mr Smith asked. Most gentlemen pay me quickly, the dentist said, but some dont. I. will wait for my money for five days and I say, That man isnt a gentleman. Then I ask him for my money.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 26.What was wrong with Mr Smith?A. His back hurt. B. He had a bad cold.C. His tooth hurt. D. He had a headache.( ) 27.Why didnt Mr Smith go to see the dentist at first?A. Because he had no money.B. Because he thought it was painful.C. Because the dentist lived far away.D. Because he couldnt walk.( ) 28.It took the dentist hours to cure Mr Smith s toothache.A. two B. three C. four D. five( ) 29.After Mr Smith heard what the dentist said, he would Afeel very happy B. ask for help Ccall the police D. pay the dentist at once( ) 30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Mr Smith didnt want to pay the doctor.B. The dentist didnt want Mr Smiths money.C. Mr Smith should pay the doctor thirty dollars.D. The dentist never got any money from gentlemen.BTrain No.FromToDeparture(离开)timeArriveTime11BeijingShenyang6:3517:50186ChengduTaiyuan22:505:05185TaiyuanChengdu13:0919:30271TianjinBeijing8:3510:21( )31.The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at_. A.5:05 B.6:35 C.8:35 D.17:50( )32.We have to spend_on the train if we go to Shear.rag from Beijing. A.17 hours and 50 minutes B.24 hours and 25 minutesC.6 hours and 35 minutes D.1 hours and 15 minutes( )33.If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan,you can take the_train. A.11 B.No.185 C.No.186 D.No.271( )34.The No.186 train arrives in Taiyuan at_. A.10:50 a.m. B.10:50 p.m. C.5:05a.m. D.5:05p.m.( )35.It takes_from Tianjin to Beijing by train. A.about two hours B.half an hourC.about an hour D.mote than two hoursC There is an old saying:Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. It means that we should go to bed early and get up early the next morning. By doing this, we will be in good health. And well also be rich and clever. Its true that our bodies need to have enough sleep to be healthy. Children should have a ten-hour sleep every night. Those who do not have enough sleep cant do their work very well.They will not be clever and they may not get wealthy in the future. The body needs exercise as well. Walking,running,jumping, riding bikes and playing games are all exercises. Exercise helps to keep the body strong and fit. It also helps the blood ( 血液 ) to move around inside the body. The blood takes food to all pans of thebody. The head needs blood too. So exercise helps people think better.( )36.What does the word rise mean? A. To do exercise. B. To get up. C. To stand up. D. To put up.( )37.If children dont sleep for l0 hours, they may . A. not be late for school B. bee wise C. do badly in their work D bee rich( ) 38.A person needs exercise because . A. it makes him healthy B.he has lots of work to doC.he is strong D.he does exercise( )39.Which of the following is NOT exercise? A.riding bikes B.reading books C.playing games D.jumping( )40.Which of the following is NoT true?A. Exercise is good for peoples sleepB. Its good for you to get up early and go to bed earlyC. If you have enough blood,you will be wiseD.A student should have 10 hours sleepDWhen you are learning English, it is very important to practice it as often as possible. 41 But what can you do after school or if you are studying alone (单独地)? In fact, there are many things that you can do outside the school to improve your English. Listening is one of the most important things. 42 Just listen and you willsoon understand. Listening to English songs can help you to feel the language. How can you speak English outside the school? That depends on where you are. 43 In a large city, it isnt difficult to find people who speak good English.There may even be some English or American clubs where people speak English. 44 There may even be some English or American clubs where people speak English. But you need to read the right level of English. If it is too difficult,you may bee discouraged (气馁的 ). If it is too easy, you will make no progress.Try to understand the meaning of a new word from the context.45 Today, with the Internet this is very easy. You can write letters by email.根据材料内容,把下面方框中的句子还原到文中合适的位置。A. But you should make a big effort to find somebody for practice.B. As for writing, you can practice it by writing English letters to a pen friend.C. Do not try to understand (理解) everything.D. If you are studying in a school, you have same good opportunities (机会) topractice.E. Reading is an excellent way to learn new vocabularies.41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 五词语运用用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文,使短文完整正确,每空一词,每词限用一次。to,too,good,after,before,find,watch,also,sport,surprise,time,activityLast month we asked our students about their free time 46 Our questions were about exercise,use of the Internet and 47 TV.Here are the results.We 48 that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.Forty-five percentexercise four to six 49 a week.Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week.We all know that many students often go online,but we were 50 that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.The answers 51 our questions about watching television were 52 interesting.Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week.Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week.And eighty-five percent watch TV every day. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,but we think the 53 way to relax is through exercise.It is healthy for the mind and the body.Exercise such as playing 54 is fun,and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.And remember,“Old habits die hard.”So start exercising 55 its too late!46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._六.补全对话(10分)A:Hi Jim,46. ?B:Hmmnext week is quite full for me,Jack.A:Really?47. ?B:I have dance and piano lessons.A:48. ?B:Oh,swing dance.Its fun!I have class once a week,every Monday.A:49 ?B:Twice a week,on Wednesday and Friday.A:Well,how about Tuesday?B:Oh,I have to play tennis with my friends.But do you want to e?A:50. !七.书面表达(15分)书面表达:王兰和刘丽是最好的朋友,看着下面的表格写一篇介绍她们的文章(70字左右)Wang LangLiu LitallTallLong straight hairShort straight hairLikes readingLikes sportspopularpopularoutgoingoutgoingseriousFunnyHard-workingSmartWang Langs best friend is Liu Li.They are both tall,but


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