2019-2020年高考英语短二轮复习 阅读类练习(1).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语短二轮复习 阅读类练习(1)热身阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文话题:公共服务时间:7分钟The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men.But there is one small taxi pany in Delhi,where all the drivers and passengers are female.Womens safety is a hot topic in India at the moment,so its proving a very popular service.“When Im on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud,because this is the first taxi service only for women,”says 31yearold Shanti Sharma,who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women.The last couple of months,since the rape and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a bus,have been particularly busy for her and her colleagues.“After this case,our workload has increased so much,” says Sharma.“Women who used other cab services are also turning to us now.”Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment(骚扰),and worse,especially on public transport.Sharma,a single parent with three daughters,has been working as a taxi driver since xx,when the service was first set up,and it has changed her life.This is the first time that she has earned enoughabout 250 a monthto support her family.Of course,she and the other female taxi drivers are pletely outnumbered by male cabbies.“When I park somewhere there are always men there and inevitably five or six of them get together and hang out,” she says.“Im usually the only woman in the parking lot,so I just stay inside the car.”Its not much better when she is out on the road.Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time.“As soon as they see a woman at the wheel they start honking(按喇叭) for no reason.Theyll try to overtake you.Im always worrying about how to avoid getting hit by someone.”The pany behind Cabs for Women by Women,Sakha Consulting Wings,had a number of goals when it set up the service.It wanted to give women from poor backgrounds an opportunity to earn money.By putting women in charge of technologies,it also wanted to change peoples attitudes,and open up boundaries for women.【语篇导读】德里一家出租车公司专门推出了女性司机只为女性乘客提供服务的Cabs for Women by Women 出租车业务。生意异常火爆。1The taxi service Cabs for Women by Women _.Ais greatly needed at present in IndiaBcauses a hot debate in IndiaCwas set up in xxDis free of charge for women解析细节理解题。根据第一段第三句中的“its proving a very popular service”可知,这项女性出租车服务在现在有很大需求量。答案A2Why are women who used other cab services turning to Cabs for Women by Women?ABecause it is cheap. BBecause it is safe.CBecause it is famous. DBecause it is convenient.解析推理判断题。根据第三、四段内容可推知,那些以前乘坐其他出租车的女性现在选择Cabs for Women by Women,是因为这种由妇女驾驶的出租车能为女性乘客提供安全保障。答案B3What do we know about Sharma?AShe is the first female taxi driver in Delhi.BShe lives in harmony with her husband.CShe has regretted being a taxi driver.DShe has a better salary after being a taxi driver.解析细节理解题。根据第六段可知,从xx年Sharma成为出租车司机后,她才赚了足够多的钱来养家糊口。答案D4What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AThe opportunities Cabs for Women by Women provides for women.BThe main purposes of Cabs for Women by Women.CPeoples attitudes towards Cabs for Women by Women.DThe background information of Cabs for Women by Women.解析段落大意题。根据本段的主题句“The pany behind Cabs for Women by Women,Sakha Consulting Wings,had a number of goals when it set up the service.”可知,本段主要讲开展Cabs for Women by Women 出租车服务的目的。答案B【长难句解读】原文Sharma,a single parent with three daughters,has been working as a taxi driver since xx,when the service was first set up,and it has changed her life.译文Sharma是一个独自抚养三个女儿的单亲母亲,自从xx年首次开展这项服务以来,她一直是一名出租车司机。这改变了她的生活。分析and前后为两个并列分句。在第一个分句中,a single parent with three daughters 是Sharma的同位语。when引导一个定语从句,修饰xx。第一部分完形填空完形填空训练完形填空。阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B. C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be 1 to other people. It is also right to look after the environment. Some things are 2 wrong, too. For instance, we should not hurt or bully (欺负) others, nor should we litter. Rules often tell us what is right or wrong.Rules can help the public make the right 3 , and remain safe. Car drivers have to obey traffic regulations that tell them the right things to do on the road to avoid crashes. Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent 4 .If people follow rules without taking other matters into consideration, it will be 5 for them to form what is sometimes called a “black and white” view. For example, they may believe that people should always tell the truth, and that lying is 6 acceptable. Such people always stick to their views, even if it means that they may get into 7 .Sometimes it may not be so easy to know 8 what is right or wrong. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is 9 to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and 10 be kind to animals; some insist that stealing is always wrong, but others think that one does not need to feel so 11 when stealing some food to eat, if he lives in a really poor area and he is 12 .Rules help us live together in harmony, because they show us the right way to 13 others. However, some people argue that rules may be 14 , having observed that rules change all the time, and that some schools have some regulations and others have different ones so who is to 15 what is right?1. A. kindB. sensitiveC. fairD. generous2. A. equallyB. slightlyC. clearlyD. increasingly3. A. suggestionsB. conclusionsC. turnsD. choices4. A. accidentsB. mistakesC. fallsD. deaths5. A. interestingB. vitalC. easyD. valuable6. A. seldomB. rarelyC. merelyD. never7. A. troubleB. powerC. prisonD. control8. A. roughlyB. eventuallyC. deliberatelyD. exactly9. A. awfulB. cruelC. unhealthyD. unnecessary10. A. stillB. evenC. laterD. somehow11. A. nervousB. anxiousC. afraidD. guilty12. A. beggingB. starvingC. growingD. wandering13. A. followB. instructC. treatD. protect14. A. disgustingB. confusingC. unsafeD. unimportant15. A. predictB. explainC. decideD. consider参考答案:-完形填空15 ACDAC 6-10 DADBA11-15 DBCBC完形填空训练完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳答案。 To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts(才能)of a good actor. You must be able to 1 the attention and 2 of your audience; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your 3 ;and you must be able to act 4 you are teaching, in order to make its 5 clear. Watch a good teacher, 6 you will see that he doesnt sit still before his class: he stands the whole 7 he is teaching; he walks about, 8 his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations. Listen to him, then you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his 9 always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact 10 a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesnt 11 that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage(舞台),for there are very important 12 between the teachers work and the actors. The actor has to speak words which he has 13 by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays small part, even his 14 is usually fixed beforehand(事先).What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem 15 on the stage. A teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play. They ask and answer questions, they 16 orders, and if they dont understand something, they say so. The teacher 17 has to suit his act to the needs of his audience. He cannot remember his part, but must 18 it as he goes along. Teachers are fine actors in class but unable to take part in 19 because their brains wouldnt keep discipline: they could not keep 20 to what another had written.( ) 1. A. pay B. know C. turn D. hold提示:文章第一句说老师应具备演员的某些才能。作为演员,他应抓住观众。那么作为老师,他应能够抓住学生的注意力和学习兴趣。答案:D( ) 2. A. care B. idea C. feeling D. interest答案:D( ) 3. A. hand B. attention C. use D. control提示:从下文看,老师的声音应抑扬顿挫,富有节奏感和音乐感,总之,老师要能控制自己的声音。答案:D( ) 4. A. how B. that C. as D. since答案:C( ) 5. A. play B. sound C. meaning D. aim提示:老师讲课的目的是为了将有关内容及意思表达清楚,故选C。答案:C( ) 6. A. before B. after C. when D. and提示:考查“祈使句+and+陈述句”结构。答案:D( ) 7. A. time B. class C. lesson D. text提示:从句子结构看,选项应作连词,引导时间状语从句,故选A。答案:A( ) 8. A. using B. raising C. slowing D. dropping答案:A( ) 9. A. voice B. song C. singing D. smile答案:A( ) 10. A. of B. for C. which D. that提示:that引导同位语从句。答案:D( ) 11. A. refer B. mean C. point D. insist答案:B( ) 12. A. points B. relations C. differences D. things提示:文章前部分叙述了老师的工作与演员的工作的相同点,后部分讲述他们的不同点,故选C。答案:C( ) 13. A. learnt B. recited C. kept D. remembered答案:A( ) 14. A. body B. movement C. face D. way提示:way在此句中意为“(表演)方式”,它包含movement。答案:D( ) 15. A. clear B. right C. beautiful D. natural提示:舞台表演强调的是自然、逼真,故选D。答案:D( ) 16. A. give B. receive C. obey D. repeat答案:C( ) 17. A. also B. therefore C. just D. however答案:B( ) 18. A. invent B. act C. discover D. think of答案:A( ) 19. A. relaxation B. film C. concert D. stage play答案:D( ) 20. A. carefully B. quietly C. strictly D. almost提示:最后一段是全文的概括和总结:从某种意义上说,教师是很好的演员,但他不能参加舞台演出,因为教学工作是发明、创造的过程,不是简单的重复,不能严格遵守已写好的东西。答案:C第二部分阅读理解训练阅读理解训练【xx高考英语广东省梅州市质检试卷】 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。In October xx, I left my hometown and family in Virginia and moved to Iowa so I could be coached by Liang Chow. Id been dreaming of an Olympic gold medal since I was eight but gradually, that dream seemed like a million miles away. On January 2, xx, while Mom was visiting me in Iowa, I told her, “I dont like gymnastics anymore. I want to try dancing, or bee a singer. I can get a job in Virginia. I just want to e home.” Moms eyes narrowed and her expression turned to stone. “Youre breaking my heart, Brie,” she said. “Youve been doing gymnastics for ten years, and now you want to quit? Have you lost your mind?”I hadnt lost my mind, but I had lost my fire. Its an entirely different thing to push toward that dream when you feel alone.“Im not trying to break your heart, Mom,” I said. “I just dont want to do it anymore.”“I know you miss home. But youve signed a contract that says you will represent your country to the best of your ability. Youve got a responsibility to your teammates. And now you just want to walk away? I will not let you be dishonorable. If you dont like gymnastics, then at the very least, you will finish the season.”The next afternoon as I dragged myself into Chows gym, I thought of the efforts Mom had made in order to pay for my training. I thought of my two sisters: Arielle, who gave up ballroom dancing, and Joyelle, who stopped ice skating so that our single mom could afford to keep me in gymnastics.For now, heres what you need to know: Exactly 210 days before I ever attempted my first vault (跳跃) in the London Summer Olympics, my leap of faith came this close to ending in a crash of disaster.26. The author wanted to give up gymnastics because _. A. she thought she loved music moreB. she was overe with homesickness C. an Olympic gold was beyond her reachD. the training for the Olympics was too hard 27. How did the authors mother feel on hearing her words? A. Heart-broken. B. Sympathetic. C. Helpless. D. Calm.28. We can infer from the passage that the author _. A. was born into an athletic family B. realized her Olympic dreamC. changed her mind in the end D. had a bad childhood 29. What would be the best title for the passage? A. A dream e true B. My leap of faith C. My mother D. A quitter30. Who will be interested in the passage?A. A medical student who will graduate from university. B. A healthcare professional who will give a lecture on cancer.C. A marketing professional who is looking for customers.D. A gymnastic player who wants to give up petition.【参考答案】26-30 BACBD 答案解析:A篇(人文)本文是记叙文。作者因为想家想放弃体操训练,但母亲的一席话让她最终选择了坚持。26. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的I just want to e home,第四段的Its an entirely different thing to push toward that dream when you feel alone和第六段的I know you miss home可知,作者独在异乡,因太想家而产生了放弃的念头。27. A。推理判断题。根据第三段的Moms eyes narrowed and her expression turned to stone和母亲所说的话可以看出,作者半途而废让母亲很伤心。28. C。推理判断题。母亲的话让作者想起家人为她所做出的牺牲。文章最后一段的Exactly 210 days before I ever attempted my first vault in the London Summer Olympics说明作者改变了最初的想法,选择了坚持。29. B。标题归纳题。作者最初想放弃体操,但最后选择了坚持。B项标题概括了文章的主旨并与文章最后一段的my leap of faith came this close to ending in a crash of disaster呼应。30. D。推理判断题。此题是推断人物对象,作者因为想家想放弃体操训练,但母亲的一席话让她最终选择了坚持,故答案选D项。

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