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2019-2020年八年级下学期期末教学质量调研英语试题一、听力选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)A)听对话回答问题1. Where may Bob go for his holiday?2. Which charity can the girl ask for help?3. What will the woman do to be a volunteer?4. What is the sign about?5. How much money did Mr Chen make a donation of? A. 5,000,000 yuan. B. 50,000 yuan. C. 150,000 yuan.6. What does the man mean?A. Dalian is quite cold most of the year. B. There are many panies in Dalian. C. Dalian is a beautiful place.7. What kind of sport is better for old people? A. Walking. B. Climbing. C. Running.8. Whats the machine used for? A. Its used for helping us play the game. B. Its used for helping us learn English. C. Its used for watching TV plays on it.9. How much time is left for the woman? A. 10 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes.10. When will they discuss the plan? A. Before dinner. B. During dinner. C. After dinner.B)听对话和短文回答问题听第一段对话,回答1112小题。11. How long may it take to make Taihu Lake clean? A. Less than five years. B. Five to ten years. C. More than ten years.12. How many times has Dad been there? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.听一篇短文,完成信息记录表中1315小题。13.A. kiss B. move C. greet14.A. Japan B. Europe C. America15.A. always B. sometimes C. never昕一篇短文,回答16 20小题。16. How many courses will be given this summer holiday? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.17. What will the students learn in English Class? A. How to read fast. B. How to write a good article. C. How to improve their listening and speaking abilities.18. When will Cooking Class begin? A. On the 16th of July. B. On the 30th of July C. In early August.19. What doesnt the passage tell us? A. When to have the classes. B. Where to have the classes. C. Who teaches the classes.20. What may be the speakers job? A. A painter. B. A cook. C. A teacher.二、选择填空(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)A)单项填空 从A、B、C、0四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。21. Mr. Jiang, as _ elderly man, took part in the Special Games for_ elderly, and finished_ second in the race. A. a; the; the B. an; the; C. an, an; the D. the; an;22. Before the discussion, the host_ the forms to all the students to fill in. A. tired out B. put out C. handed out D. ran out23. Practice makes perfect._, you can improve your spoken English. A. On the way B. By the way C. In this way D. In the way24. -Do you mind me_ in the dining hall? -Sorry. Its not_. A. smoking; allowed B. smoking; allow C. to smoke; allow D. to smoke; allowed25.-You cant reach_ something_ someones plate. -OK, I wont. A. for; over B. to; over C. for; through D. to; through26.-How long_ the film_? -For about an hour, yes, it finished an hour ago. A. has; been over B has; finished C. did; over D. did; finish27.-What a thick fog!1 went the wrong way at the corner and finally got lost. -Its easy to make a wrong turn here even under an ideal weather_. A. conversation B. conclusion C. condition D. munication28. Is it possible_ around the world in eight hours? A. of us to travel B. for us to travelC. of us traveling D. for us traveling29.-How does Jack usually go to work? -He_ drive a car, but now he_ there to lose weight. A. used to; is used to walk B. was used to; is used to walking C. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking30.-Is there_ hed like to share with us about this kind of disease? -He says we are_ to see that it can be cured today. A. something else; lucky enough B. anything else; enough lucky C. anything else; lucky enough D. something else; enough lucky31. He said he would e to see us_ the next afternoon. A. sometime B. at times C. sometimes D. some times32.-Excuse me, but wheres Liu Ming? I want to know about his experience as a volunteer. -He_ the school radio station and you can find him there. A. has been to B. went to C. was in D. has gone to33.-How many people lost their lives in the air crash? -More than 200, _ a four-month-old baby. A. includes B. include C. included D. including34. His_ expected him to develop the idea_. Otherwise, no one would be interested in discussing it A. farther; father B. father; further C. father; farther D. farther; further35.-I have decided to work in that pany, Mum. -Why not try some more? _ A. Dont put all your eggs in one basketball. B. Its never too old to learn. C. Actions speak louder than words. D. Every dog has its dayB)完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。 Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now heres a true story of an American girl, Sarah. 36 Sarah left university, she began to live in New York on her own. She found a job in a publishing house, but the salary(薪水)was 37 $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah could live on her salary and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that 38 in one of the most expensive cities in the world? Cheap living always starts with keeping the big cost small. For most people, that 39 housing. So Sarah chose to share a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was 40 . When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants. Once she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then 41 the chicken bones home and made soup out of them. Nowadays young people often 42 a lot of money on entertainment(娱乐).But Sarah said,“I enjoy walking 43 in New York City. I love going to museums and parks. Did Sarah feel poor by cheap living? Not really. She even managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, 44 to Portland. “Dont think of saving money as something 45 .Its a kind of game, said Sarah.36.A. Until B. Because C. After D. Before 37.A. more than B. less than C. at least D. higher than 38. A. difficult B. possible C. useful D. different 39. A. helps B. bees C. makes D. means 40. A. food B. rest C. study D. hobby 41.A. prepared B. took C. caught D. picked 42.A. pay B. cost C spend D. save 43.A. along B. up C. down D. around 44.A. the other B. another C. other D. the others 45. A. hard B. interestingC. easy D. tiny三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。A Many Americans find silence unfortable. They will keep on talking to fill any quietness if it lasts for more than a moment. Students often study with their radios on, housewives leave their TVs on for the panionship(陪伴) of sound even though they may be working in some other rooms. If you are silent for a long time, they will do their best to draw you out or will ask if you feel all right or if theres anything they can do to help you. However, one way of silence can be puzzling(迷惑的).If Americans dont agree with you, many of them will keep quiet. This may not show agreement, often it only means that they think it rude to have a quarrel(争吵).46. If you dont speak for a moment, an American will_. A. feel unfortable B. go outside C. keep quiet, too D. be very angry47. American students often study with their radios on because_. A. they dont like to work on their study B. radios often help them with their study C. theyre afraid of silence even when studying D. they enjoy listening to the radio a lot48. Which of the following is wrong? A. Often Americans silence shows their good manners. B. American housewives leave TVs on though they may not be watching. C. Americans usually try their best to do what they can to break silence. D. If Americans dont agree with you, they Wdraw you out,B Once there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song. I cant sing, said the man. But the lady told the waiter, Im tired of(厌倦) listening to the piano. I want the player to sing! The waiter shouted across the room, Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song! So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully! He had talent(天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found that he could sing well, he carried on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole. You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Moreover, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent. 49. The words sit on in the passage probably mean _. A. 搁置 B. 列席 C. 发展 D. 展示50. From the story we know if you have some talent, you should_. A. hide it and wait B. ask others for help C. pay no attention to it D. work hard to improve yourself51. Which could be the best title for the passage? A. Sing in the Bar B. Be Successful in Life C. Never Lose Heart D. Find Your Hidden TalentC Hundreds of years ago, news was carried from place to place by people on foot or by horse. It took days, weeks and sometimes months for people to receive news. Now it is possible to send words and pictures around the world in seconds. Billions of people learn about news stories of their own country and all over the world every day either by watching TV or reading newspapers. Newspapers have been an important part of everyday life since the 18th century. Many countries have hundreds of different newspapers. How do newspaper editors(编辑) decide which news stories to print? Why do they print some stories and not others? What makes a good newspaper story? Firstly, it is important to report new stories. TV stations can report news much faster than newspapers, but newspapers give more about the same story. They may also look at the story in another way, or they may print pletely(完全地) different stories from those on TV. Secondly, a new story has to be interesting and unusual. People dont want to read stories about everyday life. As a result, many stories are about some kinds of danger and seem to be bad news. For example, newspapers never print stories about planes landing safely, instead they print stories about air crashes. Another factor(因素) is also very important in many news stories. Many people are interested in news in foreign countries, but more like to read stories about people, places and events in their own country. So the stories on the front page in Chinese newspapers are usually very different from the ones in British, French and American newspapers.52. According to the passage, how do people learn about news stories in the world now? A. They tell others news stories from place to place on foot or by horse. B. They learn about news stories by watching TV or reading newspapers. C. They tell each other what they have seen with their eyes. D. They listen to the radio every day to get some information.53. The difference between newspaper stories and TV news reports is that people can_. A. learn more about the same news story from a newspaper B. read the news story more quickly in a newspaper C. read news stories in other countries D. watch TV news reports about their own country54. According to the passage, which of the following can you most possibly watch on TV? A. Every day most people go to work by underground. B. A student in our class was hurt when we had a PE lesson. C. A tiger in the city zoo has run out and hasnt been caught. D. The bike in front of your house is lost for a few days.55. Which of the following is NOT true in this passage? A. People like to read interesting and unusual news instead of stories about daily lrfe. B. News stories on the front page of every country are always the same. C. Both TV and newspapers can help people learn what is happening around the world. D. Newspapers have been an important part of everyday life for more than 300 years.D SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA-Nearly eight hundred million people in this world cannot read or write, most of them in developing countries. Two-thirds are women and girls. John Wood who started the Room to Read campaign(运动), has set up 1,650 schools and 15,000 libraries in some of the worlds poorest munities. He said that from the beginning, Room to Reads goal was to reach 10 million children around the world in the poorest countries. In xx, on a three-week vacation journey in Nepal, Wood met a local headteacher who invited him to visit. his school in a far mountain village. The experience changed Woods life. This headteacher had 450 students at the school, but he didnt have any books, Wood said. Wood promised to fill the library shelves and returned to the village a year later with some of his friends with 3,000 books. And that was just the start. Later, Wood used some of his personal money to start Room to Read. He believes that world change begins with educated children. Today, the programme can be found in 10 countries across Asia and Africa. Wood believes the key to the programs success is local support. While Room to Read givesaway money and provides books, munities offer land and parents help build the school. Agnes, a Room to Read teacher in Zambia who also runs the library, is happy to say the literacy at her school has improved. Room to Reads biggest challenge(挑战) is the huge need. Hundreds of munities have asked for literacy programmes. One way of Room to Reads success is that it will reach 10 million kids by xx, five years earlier than it is planned.56. Room to Read campaign works to_. A. ask parents to read together with their children B. help poor children to learn to read and write C. tell more people the importance of reading D. help 10 million children to go to college57. When John Wood travelled in Nepal in xx, he_. A. visited many local schools B. sent many books to local children C. started the Room to Read campaign D. met a man who changed his life58. The underlined part the literacy in the last paragraph refers to(指)_ A. the teaching environment B. the teaching quality C. students ability to read and write D. the money teachers get every month59. John Wood is a person that is_. A. helpful and generous B. honest and polite C. careless but friendly D. active but rude60. We probably can read the story_. A. in an advertisement B. in a magazine C. in a travel book D. in anovel四、单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 根据所给汉语注释或对话情景,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写1个词。61. Those apples were (分开)into several piles by him just now.62. The further you get into Siberia, the (空的)the streets are.63. The bird (展开)its wings and quickly flew into the sky.64. Is the disabled girl one of the (幸存者)of the terrible earthquake?65. Simon (表达)himself clearly every time he makes a speech.66. Houses in England are (大部分地)built of brick or stone.67. We may have no trouble (实现)our goals if we work hard.68. - Have you heard that Ricky crashed into a tree as a result of driving so fast? -Yes. Anyway, remember that almost nothing happens by 69. - Mum, we helped to collect many warm clothes for poor people today. - Well done. I do feel of you.70. - Can you tell me how to plant a tree? - Sure. The first is to dig a hole.五、句型转换(共5小题,每空1分,满分10分) 按要求改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题卷上。71. The water is not clean enough for us to drink(同义句) The water is for us drink.72. We recycle waste so that we can protect the environment.(同义句) We can protect the environment waste.73We invite some deaf children to our charity show once a term(改为被动语态) Some deaf children to our charity show once a term.74. Most patients dont have enough money to pay for their treatment(同义句) Most patients their treatment.75coat,similar, is,hers,is,different,to,my, but,it,a,size(连词成句) 六、动词填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 用括号里所给动词的正确形式填空,并将答案写在答题卷上。76. Hurry up! There is little time (leave).77. The purpose of the event is (reduce) pollution.78. J.K. Rowlings new book, as well as Parry Potter series, (sell) well.79. Mandeep has made up her mind (attend) course after work.80. 70 percent of the students in our class want to risk (ride)a roller coaster at high speed because its so exciting.七、翻译句子(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分) 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。81在公共场合表现得有礼貌的正确方式是遵守规则。82他生来就有智力缺陷,但他从未放弃。83教育对我们的日常生活有很大影响。84这个病人不久以后要被动手术。85Daniel让水龙头不停流水,真是太粗心了。八、书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) 生活中的污染越来越严重,绿色生活已经成为大家的共识。请你以“How to live a green life”为题作一次演讲,从以下几个方面谈谈你的看法。 1节约用水;2节约能源;3减少污染;4你的看法(至少2点)。要求:1文章条理清楚,语句连贯,必须包含以上要点,可适当发挥; 2词数90左右(给出部分不计入总词数); 3不得出现真实的校名和人名。 How to Live a Green Life Our environment has bee more and more polluted, so its important for us to live a green life to make it change for the better._

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