2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Music素材 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Music素材 新人教版必修2话题词汇1amusement n娱乐2applaud v鼓掌欢迎3appreciate v欣赏4award n奖品;奖金5concert n音乐会6hit n(演出等)成功;打击7performance n演出;表演8pose a song创作歌曲9make a hit流行10cooperate with与合作经典语篇假如你是李华,你最喜欢的歌手Justin Bieber(贾斯汀比伯)下个月将到你们市演出。近日你准备和几个朋友成立Justin Bieber的歌迷俱乐部。请你给你的加拿大笔友Freddy发一封email,表明你们喜欢Justin Bieber的理由,并希望Freddy就如何办好歌迷俱乐部提供一些建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。佳作欣赏Dear Freddy,Im glad to tell you that Justin Bieber,my favorite singer,will e to our city to perform next month.Im so pleased at the news that I decide to form a Justin Bieber fan club with some of my friends recently.All of us like him and enjoy his songs very much.He is very charming and fantastic! His songs make us feel the true love.We can sing most of his songs and would like to know more about him.But we dont know what we should do,and where we can pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans.Could you give us some advice?Look forward to your reply.Best wishes,Li Hua思维发散 1.用定语从句改写第句Im glad to tell you that Justin Bieber,who is my favorite singer,will e to our city to perform next month.2用not only.but also.改写第句We can not only sing most of his songs but also would like to know more about him. 3用不定式短语改写第句We dont know what to do,and where to pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans.重点单词A写作单词1roll (vt.& vi.)滚动;(使)摇摆;(n.)摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈2pretend (vt.)假装;假扮3attach (vt.& vi.)系上;缚上;附加;连接4form (vt.)(使)组成;形成;构成5earn (vt.)赚;挣得;获得6rely (vi.)依赖;依靠7familiar (adj.)熟悉的;常见的;亲近的8sensitive (adj.)敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的9perform (vt.& vi.)表演;履行;执行performance (n.)表演;演奏10confident (adj.)自信的;确信的confidence (n.)信心11painful (adj.)痛苦的;疼痛的pain (n.& v)痛苦B阅读单词12folk (adj.)民间的13jazz (n.)爵士音乐14studio (n.)工作室;演播室15millionaire (n.)百万富翁;富豪16broadcast (vi.& vt.& n)广播;播放17extra (adj.)额外的;外加的18instrument (n.)工具;器械;乐器19cash (n.)现金20pub (n.)酒馆;酒吧21addition (n.)增加;加;加法22dip (vt.)浸;蘸23afterwards (adv.)然后;后来24beard (n.)胡须25musician (n.)音乐家music (n.)音乐musical (adj.)音乐的;配乐的26passerby (n.)过路人;行人passersby (n.)行人(复数)27actor (n.)男演员;行动者actress (n.)女演员act (v.& n)行动;演(戏)28humorous (adj.)幽默的;诙谐的humour (n.)幽默29attractive (adj.)吸引人的;有吸引力的attract (v.)吸引;有吸引力attraction (n.)吸引;吸引力30brief (adj.)简短的;简要的;(n.)摘要;大纲briefly (adv.)简短地31devotion (n.)投入;热爱devote (v.)把献给devoted (adj.)献身的;忠诚的32invitation (n.)邀请;招待invite (v.)邀请;招待.重点短语1dream of梦见;梦想;设想2to be honest说实在地;实话说3attach.to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接4in cash用现金;有现钱5play jokes on戏弄6rely on依赖;依靠7be/get familiar with熟悉;与熟悉起来8or so大约9break up打碎;分裂;解体10in addition另外;也11sort out分类12above all最重要;首先.经典句式1Sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。2The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。3Anyhow their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups.不管怎样,他们的表演非常幽默以至于其他的乐队也开始模仿。4Now whenever we go to the pub,we play our songs and buy drinks for the regulars.现在无论我们何时去酒吧,我们都会为常客们演奏我们自己的歌曲并为他们买喝的。5Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷德和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。.课文语法填空If we are honest with 1.ourselves(us),most of us have dreamed of 2.being(bee) famous.Most musicians form a band because 3.of the same interest in writing and playing music.They may play anywhere to earn some extra money as 4.well as fulfill their dreams.5.However,“The Monkees”,which started 6.differently(different),began as a TV show with musicians playing jokes and music in the programme.Only after a year or so 7.did(do) they bee more serious and they produced their own records and later became even more popular 8.than “The Beatles” in the USA.The band once 9.broke(break) up and reunited.In memory of their time as a real band,10.they produced a new record in 1996.1. attach vt.把固定,把附在上(fasten;join);认为有重要性,重视(value);vi.与有联系(connect)应试指导非谓语动词句法功能的考查(1)attach sth.to.把某物连接到/附在attach oneself to依附;缠着attach importance/significance to.重视;认为重要/有意义(2)attached adj.喜爱的;依恋的;附属的be attached to被连接到;爱慕;附属于(1)The country will not attach itself to any big power.这个国家不依附任何大国。(2)The old man is very attached to old customs and habits.这个老人非常依恋旧的风俗习惯。多维训练(1)完成句子The hospital is attached to(附属于) that university.You attached great importance to(非常重视) what that man said.(2)同义句改写He is so attached to the network games that he often plays truant(逃课)So attached to the network games,he often plays truant.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Attaching himself to the network games so much,he often plays truant.(用现在分词作状语改写)So attached to the network games is he that he often plays truant.(用倒装句改写)2. sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的(1)be sensitive to对敏感be sensitive about神经过敏的;易生气的(2)sensible adj.明智的;意识到的be sensible of意识到;认识到 (1)There is no doubt that the consumers are still very sensitive to the price.毫无疑问,消费者仍对价格十分敏感。(2)She is very sensitive about her overweight.她很忌讳别人说她胖。多维训练(1)她对外表很在乎。She is very sensitive about her appearance.(2)你觉察出你处境中的危险了吗?Are you sensible of the dangers of your position?(3)一些植物对温度如此敏感以至于它们只能生存在阴凉的地方,这在自然界是常有的事。As is often the case in nature,some plants are so sensitive to temperature that they can only survive in cool places.3. rely on/upon依靠;依赖应试指导后接it作形式宾语再接that从句的考查rely on.to do/doing.依赖做rely on sb./sth.for sth.在某事上依赖/指望某人/物rely on it that.指望;相信 (1)They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers.他们非常依赖职业咨询师提供的建议。(2)I know I can rely on you to sort it out.我相信你会把它解决好的。(3)The villagers here rely on wells for their water.这里的村民用水全靠井。多维训练(1)同义句改写 You may rely on his ing on time.You may rely on him to e on time.(用不定式改写)You may rely on it that he will e on time.(用含有it作形式宾语的复合句改写)(2)单句改错You can rely upon that it will rain this weekend.upon后加it4. above all最重要的是;首先after all毕竟;终究,all in all整体说来;总而言之,first of all第一;首先,in all 全部;总共,at all (否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟(1)Above all,make sure you keep in touch.最要紧的是你们一定要保持联系。(2)First of all,you should not have scolded the boy at all;he is a child after all.Above all,he made only two mistakes in all.首先,你根本不该责备那个男孩,毕竟他还是个孩子;最重要的是,他总共只错了两处。多维训练根据句意用all的相关短语填空(1)It isnt so much whether he works hard;the question is whether he works at all.(2)I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend.After all,shes a big girl now.(3)Think about what I have told you,but above all,dont breathe a word of it to others.(4)Jack works hard and always gets ready to help others.All in all,he is a good student.(5)There were in all a hundred persons present.5. pretend v.假装;假扮(behave to make people believe sth.is true or not true);装扮多维训练单句语法填空(1)Dont pretend to understand(understand) when you dont.(2)When his mother came in,he pretended to be studying(study)(3)He pretended to have known(know) the answer to the problem already.(4)He shuffled(搅乱) the papers (around) on the desk,pretending(pretend) to be busy.6. perform v.表演;履行;执行多维训练(1)单句语法填空The performer promised that he would give a performance the next day.(perform)Once performed(perform),the works of Bethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.Either Tom or his twin sisters are going to put on a performance tomorrow evening.(2)同义句改写After the operation was performed,the doctor had a rest. With the operation performed,the doctor had a rest. (用with复合结构改写)The operation performed,the doctor had a rest.(用独立主格结构改写)7 .familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的多维训练单句语法填空(1)She is familiar with at least five foreign languages,but it so happens that this language isnt familiar to her.(2)You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.(3)Lily took a few friends to my birthday party,none of whom I was familiar with.8 .break up打碎(separate into pieces);解散,驱散;结束(e to an end);分手;拆开多维训练写出下列句子中break up的汉语意思(1)Police were called in to break up the meeting.解散,驱散(2)My girlfriend has broken up with me.分手;绝交(3)Sentences can be broken up into clauses.拆开(4)They decided to break up the partnership.结束(5)The ship broke up on the rocks.打碎,破碎9. Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.,弗雷迪和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。句型公式:not.without.(1)not.without.意为“没有就不能”。这是一种双重否定句式,表示肯定意义。其中否定词也可以是no,never或加否定前缀构成的否定意义的词。(2)常见的双重否定结构还有:no (not).no (not).没有没有no (never).without.没有不;除不,nothing.not/no/含否定意义前缀的词 没有不(3)常见的用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:cannot.too.越越;无论怎样也不为过cannot wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事cannot help doing sth.禁不住/忍不住做某事(1)Use your head and you will find nothing is impossible in the world.动动脑筋你就会发现世上无难事。(2)You cant leave the country without a passport.没有护照你就不能离开这个国家。(3)I can hardly wait to hear the news.我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。多维训练(1)没有事先问过医生不要吃安眠药。Do not take any sleeping pills without first asking your doctor.(2)我不禁想到我们犯了一个大错误。I cant help thinking that weve made a big mistake.(3)不掌握一定的数学知识是没有办法对物理学进行系统的研究的。A serious study of physics is impossible without some knowledge of mathematics.(4)你应该非常重视这件事。You cant attach too much importance to the matter.语境填词1The late musician(音乐家) Dennis Brain is said to have asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio.(xx重庆)2I dont see how musical instruments(器械) can help improve manners in public.(xx重庆)3Traditional wisdom also has it that heavy televisionwatching lowers IQ scores and affects school performance(表现)(xx广东)4No matter how attractive(吸引人的) they look in the store,once I get them home theyre unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless.(xx全国)5He is confident(自信的) about the future of the project.(xx山东).单句语法填空1Over the next few days,they sent out invitations(invite) and prepared desserts for their guests.(xx北京)2She showed special concern for the college students and attached much importance to education.(xx广东)3She would open a book,pretending to read(read),with tears dropping on the open page.(xx北京)4Many of their shops relied on passing(pass) car drivers for some of their trade.(xx山东)5For many years,the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers.(xx安徽)6Status is the honor or respect attached(attach) to a persons position in society.(xx陕西)7The children,all of whom had played the whole day long,were worn out.(xx浙江)8Relying(rely) too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically.(xx江苏)9People who are multitasking are generally less sensitive to risky situations.(xx北京)10From my first job at the restaurant,I learned teamwork and devotion(devote)(xx湖南).短语填空1But every day,we would sit by the lake,looking at the house and dreaming of what it would be like to live there.(xx天津)2When he was approaching me,I found there was something in his hand that I was familiar with.(xx湖南)3These patients deserve a chance at a normal,happy future and they rely on the kindness of strangers to make that happen.(xx福建)4I hope you can enjoy them.In addition,the climate here is very similar to that in the USA,so there is no need for you to worry about it.(xx天津)5He must,above all,be skilled in sharing responsibility and setting tasks to others.(xx浙江)6Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken up.So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them.(xx江苏).完成句子1第二,你应该经常与中国人交流,这样才能提高你的汉语口语水平。Second,you should often talk with Chinese so that you can improve your oral Chinese.(xx四川)2无论何时你买礼物的时候都应该从接受礼物的人的角度考虑。Whenever you buy a present,you should think about it from the receivers point of view.(xx湖南)3在火车上阅读是最好的打发时间的方法。的确如此。我出行绝对不会不带书的。Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.Thats true,I never go traveling without a book.(xx安徽)4为了听他们说汉语,我尽可能靠近他们,并且像在中国那样,说“你好”。I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese,and I said “Ni Hao,” just as I might do in China.(xx四川)5玛丽娅已写了两部小说,它们都已被拍成了电视剧。Maria has written two novels,both of which have been made into television series.(xx山东)写作素材(关于人物介绍)1Helen说她向往成为明星,但是我以为她是跟我开玩笑的。2说实话,她连乐谱都不熟悉。3大约两年后,她的家庭破碎了。4她只好依靠她的姨妈生活。5最重要的是,她姨妈足够好心来帮助她。6在姨母的帮助下,她最终实现了自己的梦想。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用适当的关联词,复合宾语等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)Helen said that she dreamed of being a pop star but I thought she was playing a joke on me.To be honest,she was not even familiar with music score.After two years or so,her family broke up.She had to rely on her aunt for living.Above all,her aunt was kind enough to help her and with the help of her aunt,she made her dream e true in the end.七选五Unique New Years Traditions from Around the WorldHow do you celebrate New Years?If I had to take a guess,you probably celebrate New Years surrounded by family and friends,enjoying drinks of your choice and watching the ball drop with Dick Clark. 1 Listed below are four of the top ten “Unique New Year Traditions from Around the World.”Breaking Dishes on Neighbors DoorA strange Danish New Year tradition,depending on how you look at it,is throwing dishes at neighbors door. 2 The family with the tallest tower of broken plates,glasses,cups and other crockery is considered to be the luckiest person because it symbolizes their large amount of loyal friends.Talking to SpiritsTalking to spirits is a part of Mexican belief.Mexicans strongly believe that they can municate with the souls of their dead loved ones. 3 And this is not done at home on an individual basis but is a legal Mexican practice.Taos Inn,in New Mexico for example,offers 15 minutes session of spiritualism and meditation for 15.6.Not a bad price for some helpful guidance!Wearing Polka DotsImagine streets full of people wearing polka dots and dining room tables full of round shaped food and fruits on one single day of the year. 4 Philippines believe that this will bring them prosperity by associating the round dots to coins and wealth.Burning Scarecrow DummyEcuador has a unique custom of crafting Scarecrows and then burning them at midnight.They adorn them and fill the scarecrows with newspapers and pieces of wood.As midnight approaches,everyone gathers outside their home and each family burns their own scarecrow. 5 The scarecrow also scares away bad luck,which in turn,fills their new year with luck and happiness.ANew Years Eve is considered the best time to municate with dead spirits to convey a message or ask for guidance.BIt is also believed in the Irish culture that this act will help them get rid of bad luck.CHave you ever imagined how New Years would look in another country?DThis all actually happens in the Philippines on New Years Eve every year.EStrangely,this makes them happy instead of annoying them.FWe all want to start a new,fresh year with renewed enthusiasm and hope.GThe tradition says that this destroys all the bad things that took place in the past months.答案1.C2.E3.A4.D5.G.完形填空I went deaf in my right ear and was left with 50% hearing in my left when I was a little boy.My doctors 6 that I would be pletely deaf by now,and today,my remaining hearing 7 to 20%,so I think Im doing pretty 8 .I love music.For my 18th birthday,my dad,a DJ,asked me to deejay at the restaurant he owned.I was 9 .I emailed a wellknown New York City DJ: “I know you like a challenge.How about teaching a deaf person to deejay?” He wrote back the next day: “Challenge 10 .” He tutored me twice a week for two years,helping me develop proper skills.I practiced four hours a day.Now when Im 11 ,muscle memory takes over. 12 I started,I wouldnt tell the club managers I was deaf.I would just 13 ,introduce myself and start playing music.At the end of the night,someone would say,“Oh,heres the check.” And Id say,“What?Oh,I cant hear.” They were always so 14 .Sometimes I would bring doctors 15 because they wouldnt believe me.It was reassurance (安心) that they were giving me gigs (特约演奏) not out of 16 ,but because I was good. 17 people started calling me “Deaf DJ”Music is not all about 18 .For each show,I can hear some of the lower frequencies and feel the 19 in my feet.I can feel the energy of the song and the 20 goes crazy.The next time you go dancing, 21 your ears,and youll feel a little bit of 22 I do it.Youll start using your other senses.Youll start seeing that youre able to hear the music in a 23 way.Now,I play all sorts of gettogethers on various occasions.I also go to schools for the deaf and talk to the students about 24 and believing in themselves.I tell their parents,“My 25 to you is to let your kids chase their dreams.Im a deaf DJ,so why not?”6A.agreed BconfirmedCpredicted Dadmitted答案C解析predict 预测,这里指的是大夫在我小时候预测我到现在这个时候会完全耳聋。故选C。7A.increased BstayedCdropped Dkept答案C解析drop下降,我左耳残存的听力由50%下降到20%了。8A.well BmuchCbad Dlittle答案A解析我没有像医生预言的那样完全耳聋,所以我做的是非常好了,故选A。9A.disappointed BmovedCembarrassed Dhooked答案D解析我对父亲让我在他的饭店里跳DJ的建议着迷。10A.refused BacceptedCfound Dobtained答案B解析根据下一句“He tutored me twice a week for two years,helping me develop proper skills.”可知,那位DJ老师接受了挑战,要教我这个“聋”学生跳DJ。11A.singing BwatchingCperforming Dlistening答案C解析我每天练习4个小时,现在每当我表演的时候,我的肌肉记忆就会恢复。12A.When BWhileCAfter DUntil答案A解析when在此处引导时间状语从句。当我开始(跳)的时候,我不告诉经理我耳聋。13A.cheer up Bshow upClook up Dcall up答案B解析show up露面,这里指的是上台。我上台做自我介绍,然后开始表演。14A.satisfied BfrightenedCworried Dsurprised答案D解析到晚会最后人们才发现我是耳聋,联想我的表现,他们当然是“惊讶”了。15A.notes BordersCschedules Dletters答案A解析doctors notes医生的诊断证明。有时,我要带着医生的诊断证明,因为人们不相信我。16A.encouragement BfavorCsympathy Drespect答案C解析人们邀请我特约演出,不是出于同情,而是确实是因为我做得好。最终人们称我为“聋”DJ。17A.Occasionally BEventuallyCRegularly DImmediately答案B解析见上题解析。18A.sensing BplayingCfeeling Dhearing答案D解析根据作者的实际情况可知音乐并不是仅仅是听的。每一次演出我都会听到一些低频,并且感受到脚底的颤动。19A.beat BnoiseCclap Dwave答案A解析beat跳动,这里指的是作者对音乐的感受。20A.music BsongCcrowd Dmanager答案C解析人们听到音乐变得疯狂。21A.fold BcoverCclose Dtouch答案B解析下次你去跳舞时,捂上耳朵,你就会以我的方式感受到音乐了。22A.what BthatCwhy Dhow答案D解析how引导宾语从句,且在从句中作方式状语。23A.funny BtraditionalCstrange Ddifferent答案D解析你会发现自己能够用不同的方式听音乐。24A.motivation BtalentCability Dqualification答案A解析作者去聋哑学校,当然是和学生谈论“励志”的问题了。motivation动机,积极性。25A.chance BadviceCidea Dmotto答案B解析此处表示作者给家长的建议。.语法填空A boy trembled in the cold winter,26.wrapping(wrap) his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.He 27.wasnt_wearing(wear) warm clothes and the temperature was 10.A heartbreaking scene!But the good deeds of the ordinary people who witnessed 28.the 11yearold Johannes were both joyous 29.and inspiring.A woman,sitting next to the boy,discovered he was 30.on a school trip and was told to meet his teacher at the bus stop.She 31.selflessly(self) covered her own coat around his shoulders.Later,32.another woman at first gave him her scarf,and then wrapped him in her large jacket.Throughout the day,more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs.33.Actually(actual),it was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Village as part of their winter campaign to collect 34.donations(donate) to help Syrian children get through the winter.Synne Ronning,the information head of the organization,also noted that the child was a volunteer who was never in any 35.danger(dangerous) during t

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