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37中xx学年(上)八年级收心考试2019-2020年八年级上学期收心考试英语试卷I. 听力测试。 (共30分)第一节 (每小题 1.5分,共6分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C、D四个图片中选出最恰当的图片。 1.-4. A B C D第二节 (每小题 1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。5. A. Its in July. B. Its very hot. C. I like summer best.6. A. On Sunday. B. At 8:00 a. m. C. In October, xx.7. A. Its ten minutes. B. Its ten minutes walk. C. Its not far.8. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt.9. A. Not bad. B. Not much. C. Sure.10. A. They are having supper. B. They are having an art class. C. They are playing basketball.第三节 (每小题 1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。11. A. He can play the violin. B. He can play the guitar. C. He can play basketball.12. A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 6:30.13. A. Lions. B. Tigers. C. Elephants.14. A. He has blond hair. B. He has straight hair. C. He has curly hair. 15. A. In the dining hall. B. In the library. C. In the classroom.16. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By subway.第四节 (每小题 1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。17. What does Lily like? A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Noodles. 18. Where does Lilys father e from? A. Chongqing. B. Sichuan. C. Shandong.19. What doesnt her father like? A. Dumplings. B. Rice. C. Fish.20. What does her mother like? A. Meat. B. Noodles. C. Vegetables. II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填在空白处的最佳答案。21. 下列单词中,划线部分发音不同的一个是 . A. planned B. stopped C. lived D. played 22. What does your English teacher look like? She medium height.A. has B. is C. has of D. is of23. Listen! Who _ in the classroom?A. sing B. sings C. sang D. is singing24. _ does it take to get to school? It takes about 15 minutes. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon25. I cant play basketball after school because I _ do my homework first. A. have B. can C. must D. may26. When _ he buy his bike? Two years ago. A. do B. didC. doesD. will27. _ does your mother go to work? She usually goes to work in a car. A. What B. When C. Where D. How28. People _ many trees so elephants are losing their homes. A. cut down B. blow out C. cut up D. put up29. Amy always at 6:30, but she late today.A. gets up; get up B. gets up; got up C. get up; gets up D. got up; got up30. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. Its the post office. A. after B. next C. across from D. in front31. Whats on the desk? There _ a pen, a book and two keys.A. hasB. have C. isD. are32. My mother often cooks food for us.A. strict B. funny C. natural D. delicious33. When was Judy born(出生)? She was born _ xx. A. inB. onC. atD. of34. Peter thinks pets are interesting but he isnt keeping pets. A. interesting with B. interested in C. interested with D. interesting in35. _ too quickly. Its not good for us to eat a quick lunch.A. Dont eat B. Not eating C. No eat D. Doesnt eat36. Which month is _ September _ December? October. A. in; andB. on; andC. from; andD. between; and37. My brothers reading in the library. Can I take a _ for him? A. surprise B. problem C. language D. message38. Im going to Guilin with my parents this holiday. !A. Have a good time B. Good luck C. Good idea D. Its OK39. Jack often _ music after class. A. listensB. listens toC. listen toD. listen40. Is there any _ on the table? Yes, only a little. A. eggB. eggsC. milkD. milks III. 完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分) 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。 Marys mothers birthday was ing. So she wanted to buy a gift for her mother. But she knew her family was very poor (贫穷的). And she didnt have any money to buy her an expensive gift. She was not 41 . She thought and thought. Then she had a(n) 42 . She could 43 a gift by herself. So she used a piece of paper (一张纸) to make a 44 . On the front, she drew a beautiful 45 with some flowers around it. On the back she wrote, “To my dear mom. One day, I will buy you a real house like this.” 46 her mothers birthday, Mary gave her the card. When her mother 47 the card, tears (眼泪) fell down from her face. “Why are you crying (哭), Mom?” Mary asked, “You dont 48 it, right?” “No,” she said, “I love it very much. I cry 49 Im the happiest (最幸福) mother in the world. I am very 50 that I have a great daughter. Thank you, my dear daughter.”41. A. warm B. clean C. busy D. happy 42. A. cake B. idea C. present D. flower43. A. find B. buy C. make D. borrow44. A. card B. book C. picture D. home45. A. cake B. house C. car D. garden46. A. On B. AtC. InD. For47. A. sees B. find C. saw D. found48. A. need B. miss C. forget D. like 49. A. so B. because C. but D. and50. A. lucky B. lovely C. lazy D. right IV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料, 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Different Festivals China Daily (日报) May 5thSymbol(象征)NameChineseNew YearBoys FestivalBull-running Festival(奔牛节)Halloween(万圣节)Christmas DayDateJanuary or FebruaryJuly 6th to July 14thMay 5thOctober 31stDecember 25thCountryChinaJapanSpain (西班牙)the USAWestern (西方的) countries51. Boys can enjoy a nine-day festival in _ in July every year. A. China B. the USA C. SpainD. Japan 52. _ es last in a year. A. Christmas Day B. Boys Festival C. Chinese New YearD. Bull-running Festival 53. The symbol of Chinese New Year is _. A. moon cakes B. the bull(公牛) C. dumplings D. fish BDear Dr. Know I am unhappy these days. I am a student in Grade 3 of a middle school. I want to be a policewoman in the future (未来). But my mother doesnt like the job. She always says it is too dangerous for a girl to work as a policewoman. She thinks girls should work in the office. She hopes that I can work as a doctor. But I really dislike being a doctor. Its terrible for me to work in the hospital. When I talk with her about it, she is often angry. She always thinks she is right. I dont know what to do. Can you help me?Nancy, Chongqing54. Where does Nancy want to work? A. In the police station. B. In the hospital. C. At school. D. In the office.55. Nancys mother wants Nancy to be _. A. a dancer B. an actor C. a singer D. a doctor56. Why doesnt Nancys mother like the job as a policewoman?A. Because its too busy. B. Because its too difficult. C. Because its too dangerous. D. Because its terrible.57. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Nancys mother is right. B. Nancy needs Dr. Knows help.C. Nancy thinks its terrible to be a policewoman.D. Nancys mother likes to talk with Nancy about the job. CWhats your favorite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy days? Many people like sunny days a lot. They dont like rain. They think rain makes them feel sad. During a long vacation, they like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine (阳光). Sunshine makes them feel very good and happy.I like sunshine very much, but I also enjoy rain. I enjoy the sound (声音) of rain. It makes me feel quiet. On rainy days, I like listening to music and reading books, or just looking at the rain and day dreaming (做白日梦). When you daydream, you dont think about other things. I think its a good way to relax when it rains.Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one quiet, so I hope you can feel happy, rain or shine.58. Many people dont like rain because it makes them feel _. A. happy B. sad C. tired D. relaxing59. Sunshine can make people _A. run around B. quiet C. relaxed D. sad60. We dont think about other things when we _A. sing B. dance C. shop D. daydream 61. The writer thinks daydreaming is a good way to relax when it _A. snows B. shines C. rains D. winds DMike went to a small town (城镇) for his holiday. On March 4th, he arrived there. He rented (租) a bike to travel around the town in the day. He visited some places of interest and had lunch in a restaurant. He had a good time. In the evening he stayed at an old hotel (旅馆) near the train station.Before going to bed, he went to the boss (老板) of the hotel and said to the old man, “Excuse me, sir. Will you please wake me up at a quarter to five? I must take the five oclock train tomorrow morning.”“Oh, sorry,” the boss said, “Im sorry I cant. I never get up so early.”“Do you have a clock? That can help me,” asked Mike.“Yes, here it is.”Mike took the clock to his room. But when he looked at the clock, he found it didnt work. So he went to the boss again.“Does it ring on time?” he asked the old man.“Of course! Just shake (摇晃) it when its time to get up, and it will ring.”62. Mike visited the small town _. A. on foot B. by car C. by bus D. by bike 63. Mike wanted to get up at _ the next morning. A. 4:15 B. 4:45 C. 5:00 D. 5:15 64. What does the word “ring” mean _ in the passage (文章)?A. 响铃B. 安眠 C. 计时 D. 录音65. Which is NOT true?A. The owner never got up so early. B. The owner of the hotel was an old man. C. Mike wanted to take a train on March 4th.D. There was something wrong with the clock.V. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分) 阅读下面对话, 从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 A. What are you doing? B. Whats the weather like there? C. Where are you now? D. Do you like the weather there?E. This is Bill. F. When did you go there?G. Where do you live? A: Hello, Lily speaking.B: Hi, Lily. 66 A: Oh, Bill. 67 B: Im in Australia.A: Really? 68 B: Last weekend.A: 69 B: Its windy and cold. 70 A: Im watching TV with my parents. But its kind of boring.B: Im going to the Opera House (歌剧院) tomorrow.A: Sounds great!B: Im ing back next weekend. See you.A: See you then. 第II卷(共50分)VI.任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共6分) 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。Many kids like to watch TV. Its very interesting. The programs (节目) on TV tell us many things about the country and a lot of news about the world. Judy likes watching TV on Sundays. There is an English programgetting to know America. Its her favorite program. It tells about the life of America, such as buildings, traffic, food,houses,movie stars. Why does she love the program? Because she likes English. She likes English best of all the subjects. When she is watching the program, she can remember every word she sees on TV. She learns many new words. That helps a lot. She likes learning English. On weekdays she doesnt watch TV, but reads English story books every night before she goes to bed. She also learns a lot from the story books. 71. Does she watch TV on school nights?72. Why does she love the program?73. What does Judy learn from the program? VII. 根据要求完成句子。(每空1分,共19分)第一节 根据所给提示,完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。74. Lily has a habit of reading English in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)_ Lily a habit of reading English in the morning?75. He told an English story to us yesterday. (改为否定句)He an English story to us yesterday.76. People exercise at 7 oclock after supper. (用now替换 at 7 oclock after supper ) People _ _ now.77. We like pandas because they are kind of interesting. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you like pandas?78. She can play only on weekends. (改为同义句)She _ _ on school days. 第二节 根据句意及提示填写适当的单词,使句子意思完整。79. I will buy Kate a _(特殊的) present for her birthday.80. How many _(儿童) got hurt in this accident? 81. Mum always cooks for the family in the _ (厨房) after work every day. 82. Students must be on time for class. This is very _ (重要的).83. _ (首字母为W) es after fall. Its usually very cold. 84. Its quiet here and I can _ (首字母为s) well every night. 85. She _ (bring) me the storybook three days ago.86. My best friend often _ (go) to school at seven thirty.87. How _ (be) your trips last week? VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共10分)根据短文内容,在短文的空格处填入一个恰当的词,使短文内容完整、意思正确。每空一词,含缩略词。 A boss closed (关闭) his shop in the evening and went home. He was very 88 , he didnt have dinner and went to bed. At that time the telephone rang. A man said, “ 89 do you open your shop, sir?” The boss was not happy. He thought the man played a trick (诡计) on him. He didnt 90 it and went back to bed. A few minutes later the telephone rang again. He got up and went to pick up the phone. He found the voice (声音) was the same man and he asked the 91 question. The boss answered angrily (生气地), “You neednt ask me that because I cant let you e into my shop. Its late now.” “No. I want to go 92 .” The man said, “My wife is waiting (等) for me at home for dinner now.” IX. 模仿例句,汉译英。(每小题2分,共10分)93. 我是一名教师。I am a teacher. 大象是聪明的动物。94. 他学习非常努力。He studies very hard.上周末我们到达电影院有点早。95. 我永远爱你们。I love you forever.我母亲英语说得非常好。96. 她昨天给了我两本书。She gave me two books yesterday.音乐家正在教他们一首受欢迎的歌。97. 老师叫我们上课专心听讲。The teachers ask us to listen carefully in class.老虎告诉老鼠要遵守规则。准考证号填涂区 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效第卷 选择题(满分100分)1 A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C 6 A B C 7 A B C 8 A B C 9 A B C 10 A B C 11 A B C 12 A B C 13 A B C 14 A B C 15 A B C 16 A B C 17 A B C 18 A B C 19 A B C 20 A B C 21 A B C D 22 A B C D 23 A B C D 24 A B C D 25 A B C D 26 A B C D 27 A B C D 28 A B C D 29 A B C D 30 A B C D 31 A B C D 32 A B C D 33 A B C D 34 A B C D 35 A B C D 36 A B C D 37 A B C D 38 A B C D 39 A B C D 40 A B C D 41 A B C D 42 A B C D 43 A B C D 44 A B C D 45 A B C D 46 A B C D 47 A B C D 48 A B C D 49 A B C D 50 A B C D 51 A B C D 52 A B C D 53 A B C D 54 A B C D 55 A B C D 56 A B C D 57 A B C D 58 A B C D 59 A B C D 60 A B C D 61 A B C D 62 A B C D 63 A B C D 64 A B C D 65 A B C D 66 A B C D E F G 67 A B C D E F G 68 A B C D E F G 69 A B C D E F G 70 A B C D E F G 第II卷 非选择题(满分50分)VI. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共8分) 71. _72. _73. _VII. 根据要求完成句子。(每空1分,共16分)第一节 根据所给提示,完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。74. _ _ 75. _ _ 76. _ _ 77. _ _ 78. _ _第二节 根据句意, 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。79. _ 80. _ 81. _82. _ 83. _ 84. _85 _ 86. _ 87. _请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效毕业学校 姓名 III. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)88. _ 89. _ 90. _91. _ 92. _ IX. 模仿例句,汉译英。(每小题2分,共10分)93._94._95._96._97._请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效3请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效大渡口区xx学年(下)七年级学业质量监测英语试题参考答案 I. 1-4 CABD 5-10 BBBAAB 11-16 ABACBC 17-20 ACBCII. 21-25 BDDAC 26-30 BDABC 31-35 CDABA 36-40 DDABCIII. 41-45 DBCAB 46-50 ACDBAIV. A) 51-53 DAC B) 54-57 ADCBC) 58-61 BADC D) 62-65 DBACV. 66. No, she doesnt.67. Because she likes English.68. She learns many new words.VI. 69. Does, have 70. didnt, tell 71. are, exercising 72. Why, do 73. cant, play 74. special75. children 76. kitchen 77. important78. Winter 79. sleep 80. brought81.goes 82.wereVII. 83-87 ECFBAVIII. 88. tired 89. When 90. answer 91. same 92. outIX. 93. Elephants are smart animals.94. Last weekend we arrived at the cinema a little early.95. My mother speaks English very well.96. The musician is teaching them a popular song.97. The tiger tells/told the mouse/mice to follow the rules.


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