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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit2TheUnitedKingdom单元检测卷新人教版必修. .阅读理解A very rapid increase in the number of ships sailing between American and European ports began almost immediately after the end of the War of 1812 in order to meet the new need for the regular rapid transportation of mail, light cargoes(货物), and passengers. It was the increase in emigration(移民) to America that for the first time made the carrying of passengers across the Atlantic more profitable than the transportation of heavy cargoes. A new type of sailing ship, the packet(邮船), appeared to meet this new demand, and the demand very soon resulted in strong petition among several packet lines. The earliest of these was the Black Ball Line set up in New York in 1816, only a year after the end of the war. The service of this famous line started with four of the new fast packets, each of 400 to 500 tons: the Pacific, the Amity, the James Cooper, and the William Thompson. During the first twenty years of service, the average time from New York to Liverpool was 23 days and the average trip back to New York took 40 days. By the middle of the century packets had increased in size to between 900 and 1, 000 tons and their speed had increased. The Red Jackel once sailed from New York to Liverpool in 13 days, 11.5 hours. The Mary Whiteridge took 4.5 hours off this record on a run from Baltimore to Liverpool. Such speeds were far greater than the average of from 19 to 21 days to Liverpool and from 30 to 35 homeward to New York, but the packets had still set a new standard for transoceanic travel. No wonder that steamships, the first of which tried to pete with the packets in 1838, only began to replace them in the 1850s.1.The fastest transatlantic voyage by a packet mentioned by the author was from_.A.Liverpool to New York B.New York to LiverpoolC.Baltimore to Liverpool D.Liverpool to Baltimore2.According to the author, in which decade of the 19th century did a steamship first attempt to pete with the transatlantic packets?A.The 1820s. B.The 1850s.C.The 1840s. D.The 1830s.3.Which of the following was the most important in the development of the fast packets?A.The increase in the number of people who wanted to go to America.B.The increase in the number of people who wanted to go to Europe after the War of 1812.C.The increased demand for the transportation of all kinds of cargoes.D.The increased volume of mail.4.The time of the fastest transatlantic crossing mentioned by the author was 13 days and_.A.11.5 hours B.7 hoursC.7.5 hours D.4.5 hoursCant get out of the office? Try these tips for a healthier, less stressful workday.l 5_For upper-body strength: stand a yard or move away from your desk, with your feet together. Place your palms on the edge of the desk a shoulders width apart. Lower your chest to the edge of the desk, and push back up. Remember to breathe out on the way up. Do 20 times.l The little mermaid(美人鱼)at work.Sit upright in your chair. Hold your right wrist over your head with your left hand and pull it, stretching your right side. Make sure to keep your shoulders down as you bend. Hold for 10 seconds. 6 _Take hold of your left wrist over your head with your right hand and stretch the other way. Repeat five times on each side.l Shoulder spin.A good move for flexibility. Sit tall in your chair and reach your left hand behind your back, between your shoulder blades(肩胛骨),palm out. Then reach your right hand up toward the ceiling, bend it down, and try to touch your left hand.7_ Hold for 10 seconds. If not, grab onto your shirt and keep practicing. Switch arms and repeat.l The wooden leg.For lower-body strength: sit in your chair, extend one leg out straight in front of you and hold for two seconds. Then raise it up as high as you can, and hold it again for two seconds. 8_l The magic carpet ride.This works your core and arms. 9_ Then place your hands on the armrests, suck in your gut(内脏)and raise yourself a few inches above the seat, using your belly muscles and hands. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat five times.A.Repeat with each leg 15 times.B.Invisible chair sit.C.Desk push ups.D.If you can reach it, great!E.Sit in your chair, legs crossed and feet on the seat.F.Return to upright posture.G.Release and raise your arms toward the ceiling again.完形填空It must have been after two oclock in the morning when the last guest took his leave. Though we had enjoyed their stay, my wife and I were quite 1 to shut the door on them. We 2 all the dirty dishes and glasses as they were, and after opening a few windows to let some 3 air in and the smell of food out, we climbed into bed and 4 asleep.I 5 have been asleep for more than half an hour 6 I awoke with a strong smell of smoke. 7 half asleep, I stepped into the living-room, and there, 8 heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of our curtains was on fire. I should have 9 the windows then without delay, 10 instead I tried to beat out the fire with a folded newspaper11this failed, I hurried into the kitchen to 12 a bucket of water. At the same time, I shouted to Barbara, who 13 phoned to summon the fire brigade(消防队)14 ing to help me. We had to work at top 15 carrying buckets of water from the kitchen to 16 the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, 17 . We were unable to 18 out the fire, but we managed to 19 it under control until the arrival of the firemen. 20 , they arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty in putting out the fire.1.A.nervous B.busyC.thankful D.free2.A.laid B.leftC.washed D.put3.A.hot B.warmC.fresh D.cold4.A.fell B.feltC.got D.went5.A.must B.mayC.couldnt D.mustnt6.A.until B.afterC.when D.as7.A.Just B.StillC.Yet D.Only8.A.through B.byC.from D.in9.A.broken B.openedC.closed D.removed10.A.and B.butC.so D.or11.A.For B.WhenC.And D.If12.A.bring B.findC.take D .carry13.A.eagerly B.nervouslyC.hurriedly D.certainly14.A.before B.forC.after D.when15.A.manner B.gualityC.means D.speed16.A.beat B.conductC.prevent D.make17.A.rising B.burningC.lighting D.spreading18.A.get B.putC.keep D.take19.A.keep B.leaveC.make D.hold20.A.However B.ThereforeC.Fortunately D.Especially.短文改错After school, I was about to enter into my apartment when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside the dustbin. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy. So I decided to take him home. I gave him some food and a bath. After the bath he looked energy and refreshed. What a lovely dog!When my parents got home, I asked that I could keep the dog. To my surprised and joy, they agreed. Up to now, he has bee member of our family and everyone had enjoyed his pany.Looked at the cute, happy dog today, I realize that I was right to help him. I offered him a shelter but he has brought ourselves great happiness and laughter.答案.阅读理解A语篇导读:1812年战争后,从欧洲去美国的人数大幅度增加,使得横渡大西洋往返于欧美的航运额急剧上升。为满足需求、赢得市场,邮船出现了并且航速也在不断提高。1.C细节理解题。根据最后一段第3句话“The Mary Whiteridge took 4.5 hours off this record on a run from Baltimore to Liverpool”可知答案选C项。2.D细节理解题。从文章最后一段最后1句话中的“the first of which tried to pete with the packets in 1838”可知答案选D项。3.A细节理解题。从文章第一段第 2 句话“It was the increase in emigration to America that”可知答案选A项。4.B细节理解题。根据最后一段“The Red Jackel once sailed from New York to Liverpool in 13 days, 11.5 hours. The Mary Whiteridge took 4.5 hours off this record on a run from Baltimore to Liverpool.”可得出结果。B语篇导读:总是没法走出办公室吗?这样怎么保持健康、减少压力?且听作者良言忠告。5.C本段主要告诉我们利用办公桌做俯卧撑,因此C项正确。6.F这一招叫小美人鱼式,是训练躯干力量和柔韧性的最好动作之一。在椅子上坐直,把右拳举过头顶,左手握住,使劲拉,向身体右侧伸展,保持10秒,还原。从上下文看,是指导做这一动作的指令语。7.D这一节讲的是肩部拉伸训练:右手向上伸出,弯曲,试着够左手。如果能够着,从上下文可以看出作者在指导拉伸动作,关键词“reach,touch”可以帮助我们作出判断。8.A这一节是“木腿运动”,是训练下半身的力量,上文讲到抬腿伸展,这里选项说到:每条腿重复15次。选项中关键词“leg”与此处行文吻合。9.E这套动作称之为“坐魔毯”,即这个运动可以锻炼你的躯干和手臂,交叉双腿,盘坐在椅子上该动作与文中“above the seat”符合,表明是坐着的运动,选项中“on the seat”是关键信息词。.完形填空语篇导读:本文是记叙文,讲述了我和妻子在深夜救火的经过。1.C毕竟客人走了之后“我们”可以放松一下,因此选C,“谢天谢地,客人总算走了”。2.Bleave表示“使处于某种状态”,与下文构成完整结构,leave sth.as it is表示“听之任之”。3.C开窗当然是为了让新鲜空气进来,让食物的气味排放出去。4.Afall asleep为固定短语,表示“睡着”。5.C与下一空相搭配,表示“我睡了顶多不过半个钟头”,用否定句式,是have hardly/not done sthwhen句式,而must 不用于否定句中表示判断推测。6.C与上一空相联系,本句用了“hardly/not/justwhen”句式表示“刚一/才就”。until表示某一延续动作的截止时间,即动作延续的时间,不可用于此处。7.B早上两点才睡觉,睡了才半个小时,此时仍然睡眼朦胧。8.Athrough指“从中间穿过”,透过满屋烟雾,“我”看见是怎么回事。9.C上文已提到“我”睡觉前将窗户打开了,因此A、B不对,remove表示“挪开,拿走,去掉”,此处应该是“我本该把窗户关上的”,下文(第16空所在句)提到窗外的风助火势。10.B根据上下文可知用but表转折,“should have done sth., but” 表示“本该,可是”。11.B从上下文看,fail这个动作已经发生,因此用when不用if,用报纸灭火没有用时,“我”就用其他办法。12.D“提一桶水”用carry,bring表示“带来”,take表示“拿走”,find表示“找到”,均不符合上下文的含义,此处指提水救火,用carry表示拿着笨重物体。13.C家里失火了要救火,当然迫在眉睫,用hurriedly才妥当。14.A先打电话给消防队再来帮“我”。15.D将水从厨房运到房里灭火,与第12空一样,用carry表示“运载”。16.C与下一空前面的介词from(被省略)构成搭配,表示“不让火势蔓延”,中间夹了过去分词短语作定语。17.D不让火势蔓延,与上文prevent构成搭配prevent (from) doing,与下文“it under control”相呼应。18.B“我们不能扑灭大火”,put out the fire表示“灭火”。19.Abring/keep sthunder control表示“控制”。20.C有了如此结果,应该算作“幸运地”了。.短文改错 After school, I was about to enter into my apartment when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside lyingthe dustbin. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy. with So I decided to take him home. I gave him some food and a bath. After the bath he looked energy and refreshed. What a lovely dog!energeticWhen my parents got home, I asked that I could keep the dog. To my surprisedif/whether surpriseand joy, they agreed. Up to now, he has bee member of our family and everyone hada hasenjoyed his pany. Looked at the cute, happy dog today, I realize that I was right to help him. I offered him a Lookingshelter but he has brought ourselves great happiness and laughter.us


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