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2019-2020年九年级上学期英语期中复习(10)阅读与表达10篇When 19-year-old Sophia Giorgi said she was thinking of volunteering to help the Make-A-Wish Foundation (基金会),nobody understood what she was talking about. But Sophia knew just how important Make-A-Wish could be because this special organization (组织) had helped to make a dream e true for one of her best friends. We were interested in finding out more, so we went along to meet Sophia and listen to what she had to say. Sophia told us that Make-A-Wish is a worldwide organization that started in the United States in 1980. “Its a charity(慈善机构) that helps children who have got very serious illnesses. Make-A-Wish help children feel happy even though they are sick, by making their wishes and dreams e true,” Sophia explained. We asked Sophia how Make-A-Wish had first started. She said it had all begun with a very sick young boy called Chris, who had been dreaming for a long time of being a policeman. Sophia said lots of people had wanted to find a way to make Chriss dream e true -so, with everybodys help, Chris, only seven years old at the time, had been a “policeman” for a day. “When people saw how happy Chris was when his dream came true, they decided to try and help other sick children too, and that was the beginning of Make-A-Wish,” explained Sophia. Sophia also told us the Foundation tries to give children and their families a special, happy time. A Make-A-Wish volunteer visits the families and asks the children what they would wish for if they could have anything in the world. Sophia said the volunteers were important because they were the ones who helped to make the wishes e true. They do this either by providing things that are necessary, or by raising money or helping out in whatever way they can.61. Did Sophia know how important Make-A-Wish could be?62. How does Make -A -Wish help children feel happy?63. What was the name of the first child Make-A-Wish helped?64. Why were the volunteers important according to Sophia?65. What is the passage mainly about?61. Yes.62. By making their wishes and dreams e true.63. Chris.64. Because they were the ones who helped to make the wishes e true.65. What Make-A-Wish is, how it started and what the volunteers do. 阅读与表达2Everyone enjoys music but did you know it could improve the lives of sick kids? A famous musician once said music could change the world! In fact in Australia, a scientist, Catherine, has made a music program thats been putting smiles on the faces of kids in hospitals across the country. It can make you happy, it can make you sad, it can make you want to get up and dance, and it can make you feel good and take away any stress(压力), said Catherine. For thousands of years people have believed that music has a great effect(效果) on both the mind and the body, but it was only about 70 years ago that scientists began to study its medical effects. At that time, doctors and nurses found that playing music in hospitals helped sick soldiers feel better. Since then its been used to help people with brain problems learn to speak again and help other patients feel less pain and sadness. Its even been used to help kids in schools get better marks because it allows them to relax and pay more attention. Now music is being used in a special program called Music Therapy(治疗). It helps people improve their life in many different ways by using music. It can include: listening to music, playing instruments, singing, song writing, action songs and games. Sophia is eleven. She got bone cancer five months ago, but playing music, learning new songs and singing have bee a part of her life. It takes my mind off feeling sick. While I am listening to music, it tells me not to give up hope. It feels like soon my life will turn around and I will be strong again.It seems that a few minutes of music a day can help keep the doctor away! 65.Who is Catherine?66. Can music help children to get better marks at school?67. What is Music Therapy?68. How does Sophia feel during her Music Therapy?69. Whats your idea for music?65. She is a scientist.66. Yes.67. It helps people improve their quality of life in different ways by using music.68. She feels better. (She feels her life will turn around, and she will be strong again.)69. I also think that music can do good to me.阅读与表达3 Music has always been an important part of Chinese peoples life. People enjoy listening to music at home and in concerts halls. As time goes by, music changes. Traditional(传统的) music is part of our culture, so it often stays with us for a long time. Many of the traditional Chinese songs have been around for many years. Young musicians(音乐家) learn songs from older musicians and the music changes only very little. Modern Chinese music, which is loved by many young people, however, is mainly pop music. That means the songs will be popular for a short time and then replaced(替代) by new songs. Todays musicians write new songs every year and we hear new songs on the radio every day. Before radio and TV were invented, music could only be heard live that is you had to go places where musicians gave performances(演出). The best musicians were very busy, so it was difficult and often expensive to hear really good music. For most people, the best chance to hear good music was during a festival or at a wedding. Today, people hear music all the time. Radio and TV play songs every day and night and you can even hear music played on the street. One thing that hasnt changed very much is what the songs are about. Both modern and traditional Chinese songs are about love and life. Some songs tell stories about past and some are about the news or the future. All of the songs have something to do with what it means to be a human being. Music, traditional or modern, Chinese or international, seems to be a world language that everybody can understand and enjoy. Music changes and styles e and go, but nothing changes our love for good music.65. Is music important for Chinese peoples life?66. How do young musicians learn songs?67. By what ways can people hear music today?68. How did people listen to music before radio and TV were invented?69. According to the passage, what is the difference between traditional and modern Chinese music? And what is their mon point?65. Yes. (Yes, it is.) 66. From older musicians.67. From radio, TV and on the street. 68. They could only listen to live music. or: They went to the places where musicians gave performances.69. The difference is that the traditional Chinese music is popular for a longer time than modern Chinese music. The mon point is that both of them are about love and life.阅读与表达4Do you want to know more cultures about other countries? Here are some messages you may be interested in.Taking off your shoes or notIts bad manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party. But in Asia if you dont take off your shoes before entering a home, you are not polite enough.What you should do instead: If you see a row of shoes at the door, take off your shoes. If not, keep the shoes on.Talking over dinnerIn some countries, like Japan, dont start talking while everyone else is having dinner. Youll meet with silence not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtime is for eating, not talking. Also dont talk in places like churches in Europe.What you should do instead: Keep quiet!Knowing your right from your leftSome cultures in Africa and the Middle East still like to eat in traditional ways using their hands. When people eat in this way, food is often offered for several people to share at the same time. That is why its important to wash your hands before eating. While eating, you have to follow the rule: Eat using your right hand, and use your left hand to do other things. Another thing to remember: Eat the food thats closest to you. Dont put your hand into the center of the table.What You Should Do Instead: Follow the others and use your right hand. Even children who are left-handed in this culture are taught to eat with their right hands. If you really cant, explain yourself to others before you eat.65. Is it good manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party?66. Why do Japanese people keep silent while eating?67. What is important in Africa and the Middle East before eating?68. How many rules should you remember while eating in Africa?69. What does the passage mainly talk about?65. No. / No, it isnt. 66. Because they think mealtime is for eating, not talking.67. Washing hands. / To wash hands.68. Two.69. Different countries have different cultures and how we can deal with them.阅读与表达5八、阅读与表达 (共10分,每小题2分)阅读短文, 根据其内容回答问题。 Happiness is U-shaped, for we are happier at the start and end of our lives but hit a slump(低潮) when we are middle-aged, scientists from England and America say. They have studied the information on the mental (心理的) health of two million people from 80 countries. In England, the probability of low spirits for men and women reaches the highest point at around 44 years of age. In America, though, there is a big difference between men and women. Among women, unhappiness reaches the highest point at around the age of 40, but among men, it is about 50. But the U-shape of happiness is unchanging around the world, and the mid-life sadness happens regardless of marital status (婚姻状况), changes in job or pay. It happens to men and women, to single and married people, to rich and poor, and to those with and without children. One possibility may be that people realize many of their dreams wont e true at middle age. The researchers said another reason could be that seeing their middle-aged friends die one by one, people begin to value their own remaining years and their love of the nature and long for peaceful and free life once more. But the good news is that if people make it to aged 70 and are still physically fit, they are on average (平均) as happy as a 20-year-old person. For the average people in the modern world, the fall in mental health and happiness doesnt e on suddenly in a single year. Only in their fifties do people get out of this low period.65. Do people feel happy at the start and end of their lives?66. Where are the scientists in the passage from?67. When does the unhappiness reach the highest point among men in America, at the age of 40 or about 50? 68. What is the good news for a 70-year-old healthy man?69. How will a teenager feel in his future life according to the passage?65. Yes./ Yes, they do.66. England and America.67. About 50.68. He is as happy as a 20-year-old person.69. Unhappier first and happier later.阅读与表达6八、阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分)阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。Who was Leonardo da Vinci? You may answer without thinking: “He is the painter of the Mona Lisa.” What else do you know about him? Da Vinci was more than just a great artist in history. Hes also famous as a scientist and an inventor. Recently, the Grand Rapids Public Museum in the US had an exhibition to introduce this great talent. In one of the shows, named “Leonardo da Vincis Machines in Motion”, visitors could see and touch 30 full-size machines built according to his sketches including a crane (起重机) and a robot! Leonardo da Vinci was born to a rich family in Florence, Italy, in 1452. From childhood, Leonardo was given a good education and he showed talent at painting. By the age of 26, da Vinci had already bee a famous painter. However, he showed that he had multiple talents in 1482 when he began to work for the Duke of Milan as a chief engineer. In the dukes military factories, da Vinci developed an interest in war weapons. He designed many important machines, including helicopters and parachutes. He also drew and wrote about an armored car, which could carry eight men inside and allow them to fire weapons through holes in its walls. Da Vincis idea led to the modern tank. Though da Vinci never built many of the inventions he designed, some of the things he imagined in the late 1400s are in use today. As a scientist, da Vinci was interested in the human body. He spent a whole year cutting up dead bodies in hospitals to learn about human anatomy (解剖). He made more than 200 drawings of bodies. Amazingly, da Vinci wrote backward, so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror!65. Was the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci?66. When was Leonardo da Vinci born?67. What did Leonardo da Vinci design?68. Why did Leonardo da Vinci cut up dead bodies in hospitals?69. What was Leonardo da Vinci according to the passage?:65. Yes.66. In 1452.67. Many important machines. 68. Because he wanted to learn about human anatomy.69. Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a famous scientist and an inventor.阅读与表达7八、阅读与表达。(共10分,每小题2分)阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。Do you want a happier, healthier family? Heres a simple way: Eat with your family more often. Increasingly, researchers are discovering the importance of family mealtime. Several recent studies have pointed to the same result: Children who often eat dinner with their parents are happier and have fewer behavior problems. Dr. Blake Bowden, an American researcher, carried out one study. He found that young people who have family dinners at least five times a week may not use drugs. They are often happier and do better in school. Clearly, family dinners are important for a childs development. Why? Because dinnertime offers busy families a good chance to sit down together and talk. The relaxing conversation at the dinner table helps keep good family relationships(关系). And good family relationships help children develop self-respect and a sense of belonging. Family relationships can also influence a persons health. One study shows that children who enjoy close relationships with their mothers will not develop serious health problems.Sadly, however, meaningful family time is too often forgotten. Parents are busy working and children are busy studying for tests. According to Dr. Blakes study, nearly 25 percent of people say that they have little time for family. According to another study, people spend only about 50 minutes of free time with family each day. And those 50 minutes are not well spent on meaningful conversations, either. Many parents say they know little about their childrens friends. So how can families find more time for each other? How can they enjoy more family meals and conversations? They need to make choices. For children, theyd better not spend so much on their tests, but they may risk(冒险) falling behind their classmates. For parents, they need to go back home earlier and risk not getting a high position.But for families who do make those tough choices, the rewards are rich. Making time to eat dinner with family does more than feed the bodyit nourishes(滋养) the heart. 65. Are family dinners important for children?66. Why is meaningful family time often forgotten?67. According to a study, how long do people stay with family each day?68. What should parents do to keep good family relationships?69. How do good family relationships help children? 65. Yes, they are. 66. Because parents and children are too busy.67. About 50 minutes.68. They should go back home earlier.69. They help children to keep healthy physically and mentally./ They help children develop self-respect and a sense of belonging. Whats more, children may not have serious health problems if they enjoy happy family relationships.阅读与表达8八、阅读短文回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分) I love to write! Ever since I was a five-year-old girl, I wrote stories in my notebooks and on small pieces of paper. I told stories to my friends. As a grown-up, I have written over 100 books! Thats a lot! As a teacher, its my goal to encourage all of my students to love to write. Writing is easy if youre careful enough, I told them. Everyone I meet is a possible character. Everything I see or do is a possible scene in a book. Start looking around you. Youll be amazed at what you discover. Anyone can be a writer. You just put your pencil on your paper and write what you like to read, step by step:Create great characters. If you know your characters well, theyll write the story for you.Interest the reader right at the beginning. You can start your stories with dialogue or action. If you can make the reader ask questions, then he has to keep reading to find out the answers.Follow the steps. The steps for every story are almost the same: Introduce the characters and the conflict(争端);things get worse; all seems lost; the hero saves the day!Balance is the key.Remember, when writing, it doesnt hurt to add some humor(幽默).65. What did the writer begin to do when she was five years old?66. Whats the writers goal as a teacher?67. How many steps are mentioned about writing according to this passage?68. Does the writer think it hurts to add some humor when writing?69. What does the passage mainly talk about?65. The writer wrote stories in her notebooks and on small pieces of paper, and she told stories to her friends. 66. To encourage all of her students to love to write. 67. Four/4. 68. No, she doesnt. 69. Anyone can be a writer. 阅读与表达9A 108-year-old Message in a BottleOn November 30, 1906, George Bidder dropped a bottle from a boat into the North Sea. The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor, and then it moved slowly for 108 years and 138 days.Its journey ended when Marianne Winkler found the bottle in xx. Winkler was then on vacation on Amrum Island. She picked up the bottle when it was washed up onto the beach. She saw a piece of paper inside, but didnt break it open. She could tell that the bottle was old, so she didnt want to damage it. Finally she got the piece of paper out of the bottle. She found that the paper was actually a postcard. On the back of the card there was this message: The Marine Biological Association (海洋生物学协会) would pay a shilling (先令) for the bottle. A shilling was a unit of money that was used in Great Britain before the early 1970s.Winkler filled out the card and posted it. The association was surprised to get a postcard addressed to George Bidder, the president of the association from 1939 to 1945. The workers of the association searched on the Internet to find a shilling. They found one and sent it to Winkler as a reward. The message in the bottle was the oldest ever re-discovered. For this reason Marianne Winkler got a place in “Guinness World Records” (吉尼斯世界纪录). She broke the record for the oldest message in a bottle. Winklers bottle was not the only one Bidder sent to sea. Between 1904 and 1906, he sent away more than one thousand bottles. He placed postcards inside them. The bottles were part of a research project to map currents (洋流) in the North Sea. This was the best method at that time. But whether the association could get the bottles back depended on the people who found them. The association reported that about 55 percent of the bottles were returned. They added that the experiment was a success as it showed the east-to-west flow of the North Seas currents. 61How long did the weighted glass bottle move in the sea? 62Did Marianne Winkler find the bottle in xx? 63What was in the bottle?64Who was George Bidder?65Why did Bidder drop bottles into the sea? 61. For 108 years and 138 days.62. Yes, she did.63. A postcard.64. The president of the association from 1939 to 1945.65. Because he wanted to map currents in the North Sea.阅读与表达10

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