2019-2020年九年级上学期第二次月考英语试题 Word版无答案.doc

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2019-2020年九年级上学期第二次月考英语试题 Word版无答案关晨音 陈琳 黄芬 陈点华 文伊莎时 量:100分钟 满 分:100分第一部分 听力技能(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节 对话理解(共15小题,计15分)根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。听下面五段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答1个小题。( ) 1. Who did Peter go to a trip with?A. His dad.B. His uncle. C. His aunt.( ) 2. Whats wrong with the father?A.He worried about his kids.B.He had a toothache. C. He had a stomachache.( ) 3. Where was Kate during the rainstorm?A. A library. B. A bedroom. C. A bookstore.( ) 4. What was Jim doing when the earthquake happened? A. Taking a walk. B. Taking a shower.C. Shaking.( ) 5. What was the weather like on June 5th.? A. Windy.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.听第六段对话,回答第6-7小题。( ) 6. How long has Tom had the toy car?A. Two months. B. Three months. C. Five months. ( ) 7. How much did the woman pay for the bookcase?A. $ 2. B. $12. C. $20.听第七段对话,回答第8-9小题。( )8. Why did Bob fight with his brother last night ?A. Because his brother made him room a messB. Because his brother broke him favorite penC. Because his brother threw him books on the floor( )9. How does Bob feel now ?A. Angry B. Calm C. Sorry听第八段对话,回答第10-12小题。( ) 10. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. A teacher and a student.B. Two students.C. A brother and a sister.( ) 11. Is Lucy Lilys sister? A. Yes, she is .B. No, she isnt. C. We dont know. ( ) 12. Who is good at math? A. Jack.B. John.C. Both A and B.听第九段对话,回答第13-15小题。( ) 13. Where did Nancy go before ing back home?A. To the net bar. B. To the cinema. C. To the hospital.( ) 14. What happened to the old woman?A. She was hit by a car.B. She fell off her bike. C. She was hit by a bus.( ) 15. What about Nancys test?A. She worried about it. B. She prepared for it. C. She didnt know that.第二节 笔录要点(共5小题,计5分) 根据你所听到的内容,填空下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。Chinese 16._ Festivals The Spring FestivalChinese people 17. _ the ing new year on these days.The Dragon Boat FestivalWe can learn the knowledge of Chinese legends about rice dumplings and enjoy the exciting 18._.The Mid-Autumn FestivalPeople like 19. _ mooncakes.20._It is called the “Golden Week Holiday”. 第二部分 知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节 语法填空(共10题,共10分)( ) 21. She usually gives other _ advice on how to pronounce correctly.A. a B. an C. / ( ) 22. How do you learn English for a test? I learn _ listening to the tapes.A. for B. in C. by( ) 23. Have you got anything to do this afternoon, Lucy and Lily? Yes. _ of us are going to the Hope School. A. Either B. Both C. All( ) 24. There are two _ are talking with the students.A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. women teacher( ) 25. When we visited him, he weled us warmly and _ out some fruit.A. laid B. lay C. lain ( ) 26. I want to know _ .A. whether he is right or notB. ifhe is right or notC. that he is right or not( ) 27. _ great writer Mo Yan is! Yes, he is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in literature.A. What B. What a C. How( ) 28. I found it difficult _ politely than directly. A. speakingB. to speak C. speak( ) 29. The _ you work at your lessons, the _ results you will get.A. hard; good B. harder; better C. hard; better ( ) 30. Could you please tell me _?A. how to get the library B. how can I get to the library C. how I can get to the library 第二节 词语填空 (共10小题,计10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Sometimes it is 31 to ask for help. We prefer to solve problems 32 . Sometimes we get help from our family or friends. However, sometimes we have 33 problems at once, or we may feel 34 discussing the problems with our friends or family.For most of us, it is hard to ask help from people we dont know. 35 help may make you feel shy. It may stop you from asking for help. Just remember that needing help is a very 36 thing. We all have to ask for help when we are 37 .Another barrier(障碍) is when we worry about what people would think or what would happen if classmates found out. It is true that many people feel nervous about it. However, we sometimes need to ask for help from people who can help us 38 our problems, such as doctors, lawyers, or teachers. 39 you decided to do, you should try to make yourself feel better 40 making feel nervous. You should ask different kinds of people for help with different kinds of problems. ( ) 31. A. interesting B. difficult C. easy( ) 32. A. by ourselvesB. by themselves C. by yourselves( ) 33. A. many too B. too much C. too many( ) 34. A. impolite B. funny C. unfortable( ) 35. A. Asking for B. Caring for C. Looking after( ) 36. A. good B. bad C. mon( ) 37. A. in danger B. in troubleC. in silence( ) 38. A. deal withB. increaseC. review( ) 39. A. WhateverB. Whoever C. Whenever( ) 40. A. more thanB. instead of C. instead第三部分 阅读技能(两部分,共20小题,计40分)第一节 阅读选择(共15小题,计30分)ABefore Christmas, Mr. Smith broke his right leg and had to stay in hospital. When he was there, he always asked his doctor when he could go home. He didnt like to spend Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best, Mr. Smith didnt get better. So on Christmas Day he was still in hospital. He was very anxious. He spent a bad day in bed thinking that he missed a lot of fun on such a happy day.The next day, the doctor told him that he might be well enough to leave hospital in time for the New Year. Mr. Smith was very happy to think that he would spend New Years Day outside hospital. Soon Mr. Smith left hospital and on New Years Eve he went to a party. He enjoyed himself there. But he drank a lot. On his way home that night, he had a fall and broke his left leg. What an unlucky man he was! So he had to get back to the hospital again, and he could not spend with his family. He was so disappointed that he lay in the bed of the hospital without saying anything. The next day, his wife and daughter went to the hospital and brought him some flowers. His daughter sang some happy songs to cheer up his father. They all wished him to go back home very soon.( ) 41. Mr. Smith stayed _ because he broke his right leg.A. at home B. in hospital C. in the restaurant( ) 42. The underlined word “anxious” means “_”.A. relaxedB. well C. worried( ) 43. Mr. Smith had a fall and broke his left leg because_.A. He went to a party. B. He drank a lot.C. He had to get back to the hospital again.( ) 44. Which of the following statement is TRUE?A. Mr. Smith broke both of his two legs. B. Mr. Smiths wife and son went to the hospital to see him.C. Mr. Smith is a lucky man.( ) 45. From the passage, we can know Mr. Smith would have to spend _ in hospital.A. a long time B. Christmas Day C. New Years EveBIf you have a lot of homework to do and cant finish it on time, what should you do? Here are some tips to help you finish your homework on time every day.1. Write your tasks down clearly. You cant plan your homework time if you dont know exactly what needs to do. Remember the following information:l Know which subject has homework and ask other students if you cant remember it.l Know page numbers. Which pages you need to read, study, or refer to (参考) in order to finish your homework.l Know the time you had to hand in the homework.2. Estimate (估计) how much time you need to finish each subject. If you finish one subject early, you can do another subject. Remember that if you have extra(额外的) time, you can do something interesting like watching TV, or playing puter games.3. Write in break times. A ten-minute break for each hour of homework is the good time for you to rest. You can stretch your arms, wash your face or do some chores for your mother and then return to homework. It can stop you from being too tired.( ) 46. The passage can help students_.A. Finish the homework on time. B. Get on well with teachers.C. Behave very well at school. ( ) 47. You can plan your homework time if you _.A. Write your tasks down clearly.B. Estimate how much time you need to finish each subject.C. Write in break times.( ) 48. Which of the following statement is TRUE?A. You can ask the teacher if you forget what homework to do. B. You can play puter games if you finish one subject early. C. You can watch TV if you finish your homework and have extra time.( ) 49. The underlined word “stretch” means “_”. A. 伸展 B. 弯曲 C. 折断( ) 50. What can stop you from being too tired?A. Helping your mother do some chores. B. Stretching your arms and washing your face.C. Both A and B.C阅读下面的图表,回答第51小题。( ) 51. How can you get to the Sunlight Hotel?A. Go along the street and turn right at the first crossing.B. Go down the street and turn left at the second crossing.C. Go straight and turn right at the second crossing.YOURE INVITED TO A AT THE SMITHS!FROM 6 PM TO MIDNIGTH!125 HARROWOOD DRIVE, ATLANTA, GA 30103PARKING AVALABLE ON THE STREET阅读下面的图表,回答第52-53小题。( ) 52. What is this?A. A letter.B. A card.C. An invitation.( ) 53. When does the Christmas party end?A. At 6:00 pm. B. At 12:00 pm.C. At 10:00 pm.阅读下面的图表,回答第54-55小题。xx FIFA World CupHistoryIt was found in 1930.Date & PlaceIt opened in Brazil on June 12th, and it lasted about one month.Theme Song(主题曲)The theme song is We Are One. It means people all over the world are family.ActivitiesThere are 32 teams from 32 different countries joining in the 64 matches.( ) 54. The FIFA World Cup started _ years ago.A. 84 B. 64 C30( ) 55. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The xx FIFA World Cup opened on June 12th.B. The theme song We Are One means we are family.C. There are 46 matches in the xx FIFA World Cup.第二节 回答问题(共5小题计10分)阅读下列材料,然后根据材料内容回答所提问题。A recent survey showed that the British are officially (官方的) the worst language learners in Europe! Lets look at some statistics(统计): 62% of people cant speak any other language apart from (除了) English. 38% of the British speak at least one foreign language, 18% speak two and only 6% of the population speak three or more.Learning a foreign language is not a popular option (选项) at school in Britain. In the UK schools it is mon for children to start studying a foreign language at the age of 11 and many students give up languages pletely at 14. Many students think that it is more difficult to get good grades in languages than in other subjects such as science or history. The British government is now looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One idea is to start much younger. There are plans to introduce foreign languages from the age of 5. Another plan is to give school children more choices.Chinese is predicted (预言) to bee the second most popular foreign language learned in UK schools. It is already studied by more children than German or Russian. It may be an ambitious task to change the British attitude toward learning languages, but the government is determined to try!56. Are the British officially the best language learners in Europe?_.57. When do British children start studying a foreign language at school?_.58. Why do young people give up languages at school?_.59. What language is predicted to bee the second most popular foreign language learned in UK schools?_.60. What may British government try to do to improve language learning at school?_.第四部分 写作技能(两部分,共6小题,计20分)第一节 翻译语篇(共5小题,计10分)阅读下面的短文,将画线部分译成英文或中文。61.Asking for information or help is a very mon and necessary activity, especially when we visit a foreign country. So knowing how to ask for information politely is important. In English, “Where are the restrooms?” and 62. “您能不能告诉我洗手间在哪?” are similar requestsboth are correct English, but the first could sound rude. 63.使用正确的语言是非常重要的。 But sometimes this alone is not enoughwe need to learn how to be polite when we make requests.In English, just like in Chinese, we change the way we speak when talking with different people. 64.The expressions you use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them. If you say to your teacher, “Where is my book?” this will sound rude. But if you say, “Excuse me, Mr West. Do you know where my book is?” your question will sound much more polite. On the other hand, it might be alright to say “Where is my book?” in some situations, perhaps with people you know well.It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct. 65.And doing this will also help you bee better at English.61_ 62_63_ 64_ 65_ 第二节 书面表达(计10分)66. 假如你是李慧,你的美国笔友John想要来中国读书并写信向你咨询。请你用英语给他写一封回信,就如何提高汉语水平,和尽快融入中国的学习生活提出你的建议。要求:(1)请使用正确的写信的格式;建议不少于三条。(2)词数: 80-100词左右。(3)短文中不得出现你的真实姓名、班级及学号。_

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