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2019-2020年九年级上学期期末自主检测英语每小题1分,计25分。15 CCBBA 610 BCABC 1115 BCABC 16-20 BAABC1. supper 2. twelve 3. wishing 4. another 5. midnight笔试部分.选择题(每小题1分,计10分)21-25 BDCCA 26-30 BCBCD. 完形填空(每小题1分,计10分)31-35 BDCBC 36-40 ADACC.阅读理解(每小题2分,计34分)41-44 CDAB 45-48 DACAD 50-53 BDCA.词汇知识(每个单词1分,计8分)意思正确其余单词也得分。 powerful, hopeless, wood, relationship, southern, flights, Generally, wealthier.词汇应用(每小题1分,计12分)1. successfully 2. seems 3. has bee 4. grew 5. tourists 6. bee 7. speaker 8. first 9. knowing 10.was set 11. later 12. should /will do.课文知识(10分)每个句子2分,用上词组得1分,主语、谓语正确得1分;错12个修饰词不扣分。1. Wele our monitor to present the prizes to the students.2. Dont throw away things to recycle, please.3.The farmers use the scissors to cut the wool off sheep.4.Now they dont take as much exercise as they used to.5. The doctor mainly gets information on the Internet now.书面表达(11分)One possible version:Changes in my hometownGreat changes have taken place in my hometown. People have fortable house, and the supermarkets are seen everywhere. Now for many people, life is a lot easier. Medicine and diet are improving, and people are getting healthier and living longer. There werent many factories in the past, so the air was very fresh and a lot of birds flew in the sky. The traffic was not heavy and it was safe in the street. People used to walk or ride bikes to work. However as more and more factories have been built. The environment is being worse and worse. Many fish in the river have been dead and the water has bee dirty. More people drive cars or take buses instead of riding bikes. Increasing traffic makes pollution worse, so the air is not as fresh as before. Too many cars have caused more traffic accidents. We must all work harder to reduce pollution. I hope everyone will do their best to save our hometown and make it more and more beautiful in the future.范文仅供参考,不作为评分依据。 五、四档得分学生数应占学生总数的50%以上评分标准:五档:语言流畅,包括所有提供信息,书写规范,无明显语法错误,句子在10句以上,可得1011分;四档:语言流畅,内容符合提供信息,书写较规范,有少量语法错误,句子在8句以上,可得8-9分;三档:语言较流畅,内容较有意义,书写较规范,有语言错误,不影响交流,句子在6句以上,可得6-7分;二档:语句内容较通顺,书写清楚,有部分语言错误,句子在4句以上,可得5-6分;一档:学生每写出一句符合所提供信息的句子,可得1分。

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