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2019-2020年九年级英语培优试题12班级:_姓名:_座号:_一、选择填空。( ) 31.Have you got any books on cooking? Id like to borrow _ . A. it B. that C. one D. this( ) 32. Its said that a pianist will perform at Poly Theater on Friday evening. Is it Lang Lang? Yes, it _ him. He _ for a week. A. must be; has arrived here B. maybe; has been here C. must be; has been here D. maybe; has arrived here( )33. Is there _ in todays newspaper? Yes, its really cheerful to read that a group of _ kids joined the volunteers! A. anything new; ten-year-old B. something new; ten-years-old C. anything new; ten-years-old D. something new; ten-year-old( ) 34. Ive given all my pocket money to the people in Sichuan. _ . I hope they can get over the difficulties they are meeting. A. So am I B. So I have C. So have I D. So am I( ) 35. Tommy, do you know if Frank _to the zoo this Sunday if the weather _ ? Sorry , I have no idea.A. will go ; is fine B. goes ; is fine C. will go ; is going to be fine D. goes ; will be fine( ) 36. If you want to know _the mobile phone, youd better read the instructions first. A. where to mend B. how to make C. how to use D. where to buy( ) 37. If I _ you , I would _ electricity. Its dangerous. A. was ; stay away B. were ; keep far from C. were ; stay away from D. were ; keep from( ) 38.Mary is a girl full of questions. She always asks her mother _ . A. where does she e from B. that the earthquake takes place C. who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east( ) 39. The passage is quite hard to understand, isnt it? Yes, _ its very short and there are no new words in it. A. so B. and C. because D. though( ) 40. Few well-known singers came to the concert , did they? _ .Such as Andy Lau , Jay Chou and Kristy Zhang. A. No, they didnt B. Yes, they did C. No, they did D. Yes, they didnt( ) 41. The old man thanked the girl _ showed him the way to his sons home. A. what B. which C. who D. whom( )42. I _in this small mountain village when I was a child. But now I _ in the big city. A. used to live; am used to live B. used to living; used to live C. used to live; am used to living D. used to live; used to living( )43.I enjoy playing puter games, but I cant _ too much _ that. A. take ; doing B. spend ; doing C. cost ; for doing D. pay ; to do( )44. The duty of Project Hope is to help poor children, isnt it? Yes,it has built many schools _ those children can study happily.A. which B. where C. who D. that( )45. Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor? _ A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B. Why didnt you call earlier? C. Can I leave a message? D. Certainly! May I know your name?二、完形填空In one way of thinking , failure is part of life. In _46_ way, failure may be a way towards success. The “Spider-Story” is often _47_. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a cave from the English. He watched a spider _48_ a web. The spider tried to reach across a rough place in the rock. He tried six times and six times he failed. On the _49_ time he made it and went on to make his web. Bruce is said to have been encouraged by this and to have gone to defeat the English Edison, the inventor of light bulb, made _50_ models before he found the right way to make one. Once he was asked why he kept on trying to make new types of battery, when he had failed so often. He replied, “Failure? I have_51_ failure. Now I know 50,000 ways that it wont _52_.”So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were conditions right? Were you in top from yourself? What can you change ?So things will go _53_ next time.Second, is the goal youre trying to reach the right one? Try to do some . Thinking about what your real goals may be. _54_about this question ,“If I do succeed in this, where will it get me?” This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldnt be doing anyway.The third things to keep in _55_ about failure is that its a part of life. Learn to “live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, “You cant win them all.”( )46. A. other B. another C. first D. second( )47. A. told B. said C. talked D. spoken( )48. A. doing B. taking C. making D. playing( )49. A. tenth B. sixth C. eighth D. seventh( )50. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of( )51. A. not B. never C. no D. nothing( )52. A. do B. make C. take D. work( )53. A. high B. large C. right D. bright( )54. A. Think B. Tell C. Read D. Look( )55. A. heart B. eyes C. ears D. Mind3. 短文填词plants,year,quickly,lazy,sells, better, big, listens to, grows,musicTom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Toms garden all through the 1 and they are much _2_.Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and vegetables, but he _3_ most of them in the market. His vegetables, fruit and flowers are so _4_ and beautiful that they sold much more _5_ in the market than those of other villagers.How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so _6_ that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio. He _7_ the music all day.That is quite true. Tom _7_ things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything _9_. It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love _10_ as much as people.

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