2019-2020年九年级上册上Unit 4 Problems and advice 单元测试题.doc

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2019-2020年九年级上册上Unit 4 Problems and advice 单元测试题I. 词语释义(15分)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分)( ) 1. In this country, the weather is usually awful. A. very nice B. very funC. very bad( ) 2. Rose was always late for school and her teacher got mad with her.A. sad B. angry C. excited( ) 3. I hate Monday mornings, because I dont want to go to school. A. dont like B. dont start C. dont follow( ) 4. I studied very hard, but I failed the exam. A. didnt promise B. didnt pass C. didnt win( ) 5. Do you have a lot of exams at the end of the term?A. suggestions B. testsC. matches( ) 6. Though you are unhappy, you shouldnt lose your temper with your mother.A. Although B. ButC. However( ) 7. She regretted saying the bad words to her mother. Now she feels ashamed. A. was sorry for B. was happy withC. was interested in( ) 8. He won the match because he took the advantage of his height. A. played a joke on B. made full use ofC. came up with( ) 9. He felt embarrassed when he became the centre of attention.A. happy B. sad C. shy( ) 10. I suggest that you should get up earlier.A. advise B. thinkC. remind ( ) 11. I didnt want to walk into the room, because it was in a mess.A. clean B. noisyC. untidy( ) 12. When I was sleeping, he talked loudly. He was annoying. A. made me laugh B. made me excited C. made me angry( ) 13. I am worried about my brother. He has been in hospital for a month.A. care B. missC. love( ) 14. I try to be on a diet. And I cant eat too much meat.A. lose weight B. put on weightC. be on time( ) 15. I havent heard from her for a long time. A. heard of her B. received her letter C. listened to herII. 语法填空(10分) 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)My father died when I was (16) _ little kid. We were too poor (17) _ buy food. My mother got two part-time jobs to pay for (18) _ (I) education. She did everything to make me live (19) _ (happy). At (20) _ age of twenty-two, I found a good job. However, a few (21) _ (month) later, the doctor told me I had a stomach cancer. Its difficult for me to (22) _ (accept) the fact. My mother (23) _ (cook) simple but delicious food for me. After another CT, the doctor told me my tumor (肿瘤) got much (24) _ (small) than before, and I was away from the (25) _ (dangerous) of the cancer. 完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选(共10小题,每小题1.5分)Madan was able to make clothes. And he was famous for the clothes. The people in the whole town wanted the clothes. One night, Madan said, I am sure I can _26_ a dress for the moon. I will be famous on the moon too. The wind carried his _27 _ to the coconut(椰子) tree. The tree said, You cant do one thing. The coconut tree _28_ to say something more, but Madan would not _29_. Madan made a dress for the moon. He called out to the coconut tree, You must give this dress to the moon, because I cannot _30_ her. The coconut tree agreed. Soon the coconut tree said, The moon _31_ your dress is too big. Madan was _32_, but the moon really returned the dress to him. So he had to redo(重做) it. He spent the night making the dress a little _33_ and gave it back to the tree. But the moon gave it back to him _34_. I tried to tell you about it before, said the tree. After the moon is full, she grows smaller each day until you cant _35_her at all. So how can you make one dress that would fit the moon?( ) 26. A. help B. invent C. make( ) 27. A. words B. stories C. mistakes( ) 28. A. improved B. tried C. forgot( )29. A. leave B. imagine C. listen( ) 30. A. reach B. accept C. raise( ) 31. A. talks B. speaks C. says( ) 32. A. interested B. excited C. surprised( ) 33. A. smaller B. fresher C. darker( ) 34. A. yet B. again C. still( ) 35. A. watch B. look C. see IV. 阅读理解 (30分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A.B.C .D四个选项中选出最佳选项。,(共20小题,每小题1.5分)ABig Bear was Skinny Rabbits friend and neighbor. Big Bears birthday came and Skinny Rabbit sent him a hammock(吊床). Two trees grew in the space between the friends houses. Skinny Rabbit and Big Bear tied the hammock between them. Big Bear climbed into the hammock. “How does it feel? Skinny Rabbit asked.“Just wonderful! Big Bear said. But do you see how the sun shines through the branches (树枝), Skinny Rabbit? I do. It shines straight onto the hammock, Skinny Rabbit said. I have an idea. He put his beach umbrella beside the hammock. Hows that? he asked. Its almost perfect, Skinny Rabbit, said Big Bear. Soft music would be nice for someone sleeping in a hammock. Skinny Rabbit went back into the house and came out with a radio. He tuned it to a station. The station was playing music. Enjoy your sleep, Big Bear, said Skinny Rabbit. Ill go and clean up the lunch dishes. Wait a minute! I thought of something else. What is it now? asked Skinny Rabbit wearily This hammock needs a friend to share with, Will you join me, Skinny Rabbit? Afterward we can do the dishes together. Skinny Rabbit said happily, What a fine idea, Big Bear. ( ) 36. Why did Skinny Rabbit send Big Bear a hammock? A. To give him a birthday present. B. To thank him for some help. C. To encourage him to sleep more.D. To ask him to enjoy the life.( ) 37. Where did Skinny Rabbit and Big Bear put the hammock? A. At Big Bears home. B. Between the two friends houses. C. At Skinny Rabbit s home.D. In a forest near their houses.( ) 38. Skinny Rabbit put his beach umbrella beside the hammock to_. A. keep the rain away B. make a secret room C. keep the sunlight away D. get the branches( ) 39. Which is the right order? Put the beach umbrella beside the hammock. Clean up the lunch dishes. Tie the hammock. Turn on the radio.A. B. C. D. ( ) 40. What did Skinny Rabbit do after turning on the radio? A. Skinny Rabbit cleaned up the lunch- dishes. B. Skinny Rabbit slept with Big Bear in the hammock. C. Skinny Rabbit invited Big Bear to his house. D. Skinny Rabbit played with Big Bear in the trees.B Ive been acting strangely and one of my friends started to get really worried about it, so she asked me to take a depression quiz online. All six of the quizzes said I had depression. Im really scared and I dont know what to do. I cant tell anyone because they wont really care. I am scared and lonely. What should I do? Thanks for helping. Kate, 12 Dear Kate, There are a number of reasons for your depression and the most important thing you can do now is to see a doctor. If you cannot do that through your family, go to the school doctor and ask for help. Before you go, make a list of your symptoms (症状). If you understand the reasons for your feelings and behavior, you can begin to find out good solutions. And you should not do that again. Your friend is worried about you, and that friend can help you make a full list of symptoms and questions for the doctor. Im sure you can find an adult. The adult should care about your problem. I hope my suggestions will help you a lot. Sue( ) 41. Whats the matter with Kate? A. She has been acting strangely. B. She has taken too many quizzes. C. No one cares about her. D. She knows a little about adults.( ) 42. What can we know from Kates letter? A. Kate is kind. B. Kate is lonely. C. Kate is friendly. D. Kate is helpful. ( ) 43. Whats Sues advice? A. To face the problem herself. B. To see a doctor. C. To ask help on the Internet. D. To leave school.( ) 44. What does the underlined word solutions mean in the passage? A. Suggestions. B. Information. C. Answers to the problem. D. Confidence in oneself.( ) 45. What can the friend do to help Kate in Sues mind? A. She can take her to the hospital. B. She can tell the problem to the adult. C. She can help her find an adult. D. She can help her make the list.CIt is easier to float in the ocean than in a swimming pool. Do you know why? Ocean water is full of salt - and salt water can hold up more weight than fresh water. See for yourself! (Ask an adult to help you.)You will need:3 cups warm water; A wide-mouth jar(罐);Salt;A spoon;A potato.You will do:1. Pour l.5 cups of warm water into the jar.2. Add l/3 cup of salt. 3. Stir(搅拌) until the salt is pletely dissolved(完全溶解)4. Add another l.5 cups of water. Pour it slowly over the back of the spoon into the jar so that the two kinds of water will not mix together.5. Softly place the potato into the jar. Dont drop it.What will happen: The potato will sink - but only halfway! Why:Salt water is heavier than fresh water, so it will stay on the bottom. The fresh water will remain on the top. The potato is heavier than the fresh water, but it is lighter than the salt water. That is why the potato will sink only halfway down.( ) 46. What dont we need for the experiment? A. Some water. B. Some juice. C. Some salt.D. A potato.( ) 47. In the experiment, what should we do right after we first pour l.5 cups of warm water into the jar? A. Add the salt to the water. B. Stir the water quickly. C. Put the potato into the jar. D. Add some more warm water into the jar.( ) 48. Why do we pour the water over the back of the spoon slowly? A. It is easier to see what you are doing. B. It keeps the water from running out. C. It pushes the fresh water to the bottom. D. It will keep the two kinds of water from mixing together.( ) 49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Salt water cant hold up more weight than fresh water. B. The potato is heavier than the salt water. C. The potato will directly sink in the fresh water. D. The potato directly sinks in the experiment.( ) 50. What can we learn from the experiment? A. Ocean water is full of salt. B. The fresh water and the salt water cant mix together. C. Drinking salt water sometimes is good. D. Salt water can hold up more weight than fresh water.DAs parents, you can help children deal with the fear of natural disasters (自然灾害) and help protect them from being hurt by telling them how disasters happen, and what to do when disasters happen. Here are some tips for you: Find out what disasters are possible in your area by visiting your local library; Think about where your family should go if your house is destroyed(毁坏). Teach children the warning signs and signals in your area and practice what to do if a disasterhappens. Once you know the danger, ask your children to help check the safety in your house. You and your children can also work together on a disaster plan and prepare a disaster box with food, water and necessary tools. If a disaster does happen, pay attention to your childrens behavior. Changes in behavior, for example, acting strangely, mean that your children need help. Allow children to share their feelings about what has happened such as drawing a picture or writing a story. Let friends and neighbors help you if they can. Continue to tell your children that they are loved.( ) 51. The passage was written for _.A. students B. parentsC. policemen D. doctors( ) 52. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Teaching children the warning signs and signals. B. Practicing what to do when a disaster happens. C. Watching disaster films with children. D. Going to a library to find out what disasters may happen in your area.( ) 53. When we prepare for a natural disaster, which of the following is necessary? A. A disaster box. B. Finding changes in behavior. C. Sharing feelings. D. Drawing pictures.( ) 54. What are the last four tips mainly about? A. What parents can do before a disaster happens. B. What parents can do when a disaster happens. C. Childrens behavior before a disaster happens. D. Childrens behavior after a disaster happens.( ) 55. Where may you read the passage from? A. A newspaper about history. B. A book on drawing and writing. C. A book about childrens body language. D. An article about human beings and disasters.V. 书面表达(15分) 假如你的好朋友Lynn的父母对她期望很高, 希望她每科都拿到A, 她努力了但怎么也达不到。她写信给你, 希望能得到你的帮助。请根据以下要点提示写一篇英语短文。要点提示:1. 告诉父母你已尽力, 并跟他们讨论, 请教方法;2. 向老师询问学习方法;3. 按照父母以及老师教的方法学习, 不断努力。要求: 1. 信中不得出现真实校名和姓名;2. 条理清楚, 意思连贯, 语句通顺, 标点正确;3. 80词左右。_笔试部分I. 1-5 CBABB 6-10 AABCA 11-15 CCAABII. (One possible version)16. a 17. to 18. my 19. happily 20. the 21. months 22. accept 23. cooked 24. smaller 25. dangerIII. 26-30 CABCA31-35 CCABCIV. 36-40 ABCDB 41-45 ABBCD46-50 BADCD 51-55 BCABDV. (One possible version)Dear Lynn,I can understand you because my parents used to push me to get As too. In my opinion, you should first talk with your parents and tell them you have tried your best. If they think you can do better, ask them the ways to study. Secondly, you can ask your teachers about how to study. They may have better ideas too.Thirdly, put their ways into practice. Your grades might improve. Keep working hard. I believe you can make it.Best wishes!Yours,Tina【书面表达写作指导】此篇书面表达为提示型作文。我们需要按照提示内容写出Lynn处理难题的几种主要方式。时态应以一般现在时为主。注意语言不要过于直白,要注意连接词的使用,以便使文章语句通顺、条理清楚。

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