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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2LanguagePeriodFourProject讲义牛津译林版必修.单词自测1differ vi.相异,有区别difference n差别different adj.不同的differently adv.不同地,有差别地2deed n行为,行动3hunt vt.& vi.打猎,猎杀;搜寻4appearance n外观,外貌appear vi.出现,出场5represent vt.代表;展示,描绘6. simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的simply adv.简单地;简明地7bine vt.& vi.组合;(使)联合8distinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征9indicate vt.显示,表示;象征,暗示indication n征兆,迹象;指示10shorting n缺点,短处11press vt.(被)压,挤,推,施加压力;n.报刊;新闻界;出版社12convenient adj.方便的conveniently adv.方便地,便利地convenience n方便,便利13battle n& vi. 战斗14pattern n图案,花纹;模式,方式15drag vt.(使劲地)拖,拉16practical adj.切实可行的,实用的practice n& vt.实践;应用;练习17thus adv.以此方式;如此;因此,从而18version n版本.短语自测1differ from 与不同,不同于2instead of 代替,而不是3stand for 代表,象征4as a whole 作为整体,总体上5turn into 变成6in the 1950s 二十世纪五十年代7think of 想到8as a result of 由于.阅读P38课文,选出最佳答案1The main difference between the Chinese language and many Western languages should be that according to the passage.AWestern languages are usually formed by bining and mixing many different languages from different countriesBthe characters the Chinese language uses have meanings and can work alone as words, while Western languages cantCthe Chinese language has a longer history than Western languagesDthe Chinese language is easier to be understood than Western languages答案B2From the story of Cang Jie we know the first Chinese characters were invented to represent .Aobjects Bideas Cactions Dpictures答案A3Which is the correct explanation about the forming of the character “休”?AA man lying on the ground with his arms crossed.BA man lying against a tree.CA man running.DA tree lying beside a man.答案B4Which of the following is formed with one part showing the pronunciation and the other indicating the meaning?A明 B囚 C卡 D吓答案D5The passage is mainly talking about .Ahow the Chinese characters were inventedBhow the Chinese characters have developedChow the Chinese characters have been influenced by Western languagesDhow the simplified Chinese characters were introduced答案B.阅读课文完成下表,每空一词The development of Chinese charactersBrief introductionIn Chinese language,we use characters instead of an alphabet.Many words are formed by 1bining different characters.Sometimes a single character can also make up a word.OriginCang Jie,who was 2.inspired by the tracks of animals in the snow,invented the first Chinese characters.He used different shapes to 3.represent different objects.Different4.ways/methods of forming charactersSome characters were5.made up of two or more characters.Some were made for directions and numbers.Some characters consisted of two parts,one 6.indicating/suggesting the meaning and the other showing the pronunciation.Simplified Chinese charactersIntroduced in the 1950s and ing into widespread use now.The story of BrailleThe 7.inventorof BrailleName Louis BrailleExperiencesLosing his sight at the age of three 8.due to an injury.Going to school for the blind at ten.FormationIts development was9.based on a soldiers idea.Being a system with patterns of six raised dots which stand for each letter.AdvantagesBeing 10.easy/practical for the blind to recognize with the fingers and write with a special typewriter.1differ语境感悟(1)(教材P38)The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.汉语与西方语言的不同之处在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表达思想、物体和行为。(2)I have to differ with you on that. 在那一点上我不能同意你的看法。(3)I cant tell the difference between Tom and his twin brother.我分不清汤姆和他的孪生兄弟。(4)We are using memory differently.(xx安徽)我们正在利用不同方式的记忆。归纳拓展(1)differ vi.相异,有区别differ from.in.在方面和不同differ with sb. about/over/on sth.在某事上与某人意见不同(2)difference n不同,差别make a difference(对某人/物)有作用或影响,有差别(3)different adj.不同的(4)differently adv.不同地,有差别地即时跟踪(1)They differ with me about/on/over how to deal with the problem.关于怎样处理那个问题,他们和我的意见不同。(2)Changing schools made a big difference to my life.转学对我的一生有着重大影响。(3)He differed other people he always looked further ahead in his work.(xx南京师大附中高一下期中)Afrom;in which Bfrom;in thatCwith;in which Dwith;in that答案B解析句意为:他不同于别人,因为他总是在工作中能有远见。 differ from与不同;in that连词,意为“由于;因为”。2represent语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects.于是他想到可以用不同的形状来代表不同的物体。(2)This picture represents a scene at King Arthurs court.这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。(3)People can easily represent things as we wish them to be.人们可以很容易地把事物描述成他们希望的样子。归纳拓展represent vt.代表;展示,描绘,正式声明represent sb./sth.as sb./sth.把描绘成即时跟踪(1)She tied several chopsticks together,representing a family.(xx安徽)她把几个筷子绑在一起,代表一个家庭。(2)Dr.Zhong was chosen to our hospital at the international meeting.Arepresent Bstand forCinstead of Dtake the place of答案A解析句意为:钟大夫被选出来代表我们医院出席这次国际会议。instead of意为“代替”,是介词短语,无论词义还是词性都不符合题意;take the place of也是“替代”之意,不符合题意;stand for常用于“符号或缩写代表某一名称”的意思,而“代表某人或某单位(某国家)”时只能用represent。3bine语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Sometimes to express ideas,some characters were made by bining two or more characters together.有时为了表意,一些汉字通过将两个或两个以上的汉字合在一起而组成。(2)We should learn to bine work with pleasure.我们应该学会在工作中享受乐趣。(3)These two panies bined against their petitors.这两家公司联合起来反对竞争者。 (4)The bination of red and white forms pink.红色与白色调和后成为粉红色。归纳拓展(1)bine v组合;(使)联合bine A with/and B 把A和B相结合bine against为反对联合起来(2)bination n结合,联合即时跟踪(1)bined with(与联合) that big pany,the small firm bees more petitive.(2)With the number of migrants(移民) rising sharply, Europes leaders have struggled to find solutions that can both domestic political pressures and their legal and moral duties to home those migrants.(xx溧水高级中学高一期中)Aanalyze BrepresentCbine Dconvince答案C解析句意为:随着移民数量急剧上升,欧洲领导人一直在努力寻找解决方案,这种方案还要把国内政治压力和移民的法律义务与道德责任结合起来。bine结合,联合,符合句意。analyze分析;represent代表;convince说服。4distinguish语境感悟(1)(教材P38)It is easy to distinguish their meanings by looking at them,for example,the characters for up and down,which are opposites of each other.只要看它们的字形,就可以很容易地区别它们的意思,比如汉字“上”和“下”,其字形恰好相反。(2)You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.你应该能区分好坏。(3)The twins were so much alike that it was impossible to distinguish one from the other.这对孪生子如此相像以至于无法分辨。(4)She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.作为运动员她已享有盛名。归纳拓展distinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征distinguish between.and.区别/辨别和distinguish.from.使有别于,具有区别于的特征distinguish oneself 使出众;使著名即时跟踪(1)The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention.最根本的问题在于他们无法分清现实和虚构。(2)The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have right from wrong.(xx南通中学高一期中)AdistinguishedBto distinguishCdistinguishingDto be distinguished答案C解析句意为:这个演讲主要涉及青少年在辨别是非上的问题。本句使用了潜在的have trouble (in) doing sth.结构,因此答案选C。5indicate语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Therefore,a method was developed to have one part of a character indicate the meaning and the other suggest the pronunciation.因此就产生了一种方法,即汉字的一部分表意,而另一部分表音。(2)He indicated that he wanted to change his job.他表示他想换工作。(3)Indications are that the situation hasnt improved much.迹象表明,情况并未有大的改变。(4)This behaviour is indicative of her whole attitude, Im afraid.恐怕这种行为表明了她的整个态度。归纳拓展(1)indicate vt.表明,表示,显示;象征,暗示(2)indication n征兆,迹象;指示(3)indicative adj.显示出的;象征的即时跟踪(1)His signs indicate what we should do(暗示我们应该做什么)(2)The arrow indicates the way to(指向的路) the park.(3)The footprints on the floor that someone had broken into their house while they were out.(xx邗江中学高一期中)Arecognized BforecastCindicated Dobserved答案C解析句意为:地板上的脚印表明,在他们外出时,有人破门而入。indicate意为“表明;暗示”,符合题意。recognize辨认出;forecast预测;observe观察,遵守。6press语境感悟(1)(教材P39)In those days, books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wire to form letters. 那时候,供盲人阅读的书籍是将纸压在金属上来形成字母的。(2)If pressed, he will admit that he knew about the affair.如果逼问他,他就会承认对此事知情。(3)The event was reported in the press and on television.这件事已在报刊和电视上报道了。(4)I dont know whether to accept this new job, and the firm is pressing me to make a decision.我不知道是否该接受这份新工作,而公司正催促我作出决定。归纳拓展press vt.按,压;催促;逼迫;n.报纸,杂志,印刷媒体press on 向前推进,加紧press for不断要求press sb. into doing sth.强逼某人做某事press sb. to do sth.催促某人做某事即时跟踪(1)Its not wise to press them to leave here so early.催促他们这么早离开这里是不明智的。(2)The workers formed a union to press the boss into raising wages.工人们成立了一个工会以敦促老板加薪。7convenient语境感悟(1)(教材P39)The whole system was not convenient for use.整个系统使用起来很不方便。(2)It is very convenient to pay by credit card.用信用卡付款非常方便。(3)Please e whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。(4)We bought this house for convenience;its near the shops and the school.我们买这座房子是图个方便,它靠近商店和学校。归纳拓展(1)convenient adj.方便的,便利的,合适的It is convenient for/to sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事方便be convenient for sth.便利的,容易到达的(2)conveniently adv.便利地(3)convenience n方便,便利for convenience为了方便起见at ones convenience在某人方便的时候即时跟踪(1)Please send me an answer at your convenience.请在你方便时给我回话。(2)Ill go to see you whenever .(xx盐城伍佑中学高一期中)Ayou are convenientBit is convenient for youCyou will be convenientDit will be convenient for you答案B解析句意为:我将在你方便的时候去看你。 主句是一般将来时,那么whenever引导的从句中应用一般现在时。排除D选项。convenient的实际意思是“使人感到方便的”,而不是“(自己)感到方便的”,所以它的主语通常不能是人。常用it is convenient for you。(3)Shall we go to see the Avengers this weekend?Id love to, but well, I will check my schedule first. This Saturday evening? .(xx建湖二中高一检测)AWhen you are convenientBWhen there is convenienceCAt your convenienceDFor you convenience答案C解析句意为:周末我们去看复仇者,好吗?我很愿意去,但我要先查一下我的日程安排。这个星期六的晚上?在你方便的时候吧。at your convenience在您方便时。形容词convenient表示方便的,其句子的主语往往是it,要表达“如果你方便”时,句子主语一定不能够说成if you are convenient.,而应该用it做形式主语,即:if it is convenient for you to.。1stand for语境感悟(1)(教材P38)The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.汉语与西方语言的不同之处在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表达思想、物体和行为。(2)The letters WTO stand for World Trade Organization.字母WTO代表世界贸易组织。(3)The new road sign is easy to read;the words stand out well.新路标容易辨认,上面的字很醒目。(4)How can you stand by and let him treat his dog like that?他那样虐待他那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观?归纳拓展stand for代表,象征;支持;容忍stand out突出,显眼;杰出stand by袖手旁观,无动于衷;支持某人stand aside站到一边;让开;袖手旁观;不参与stand in (for sb.)代替,顶替(某人)易混辨析stand for/represent(1)stand for往往用来表示“(字母、数字、符号等)代表/象征什么”。(2)represent用来表示“代表某人/某个团体/政府等”,“某种标志代表什么”,“某物(书、雕塑等)表现的是什么”和“把某人/物描绘成什么”。即时跟踪(1)用stand for和represent的适当形式填空“UFO” stands for Unidentified Flying Objects.He represented the headmaster at the ceremony.(2)How can you stand by/aside and see him accused of something he didnt do?你怎么能眼睁睁地看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观呢?(3)After several rounds of petition,the little girl because of her excellent English and quick wit.Astood out Bpicked outCturned out Dcame out答案A解析句意为:经过几轮的竞争后,那个小女孩由于出色的英语和机敏脱颖而出。stand out显眼,突出,符合题意。pick out挑选;turn out证明是;e out出现,出版。2as a whole语境感悟(1)(教材P38)However,as a whole,the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.不过,总体上,汉字已经从图画形式发展成标准形式了。(2)The electronic waste stream is increasing three times faster than traditional garbage as a whole.(xx江苏)整体来说,电子垃圾的增长速度比传统的垃圾要快三倍。(3)On the whole,our population is getting older.(xx广东)总的来说,我们的人口正在老龄化。(4)The effects will last for the whole of his life.这些将会持续影响他的一生。归纳拓展as a whole作为整体,整体来说,总体上on the whole (generally)大体上,总的来说the whole of sth.全部,全体,所有即时跟踪(1)You have made several mistakes in your position, but I still think it is well written .(xx盐城中学高一期中)Aon a whole Bas a wholeCgeneral speaking Das the whole答案B解析句意为:你的作文中出现了好几个错误,但我仍然认为总体上写得很好。as a whole作为一个整体,总体上,符合句意。(2)Theres no high point in the logos design, but most of us are in favor of it .(xx邗江中学高一期中)Aon the wholeBin conclusionCon the contraryDwithout hesitation答案A解析句意为:对这个标志的设计没有到最好,但基本上我们大多数人都赞成它。on the whole基本上,总的来说,符合句意。in conclusion总之,最后;on the contrary与此相反;without hesitation毫不犹豫。1过去分词作定语语境感悟(1)(教材P38)According to an ancient story, a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing. 根据古代传说,是一个叫仓颉的人发明了汉字。(2)Those chosen as team members must be here at 7 am. tomorrow.那些被挑选为队员的人明天早晨7点必须到达这里。(3)I bought some painted chairs.我买了几张已漆好油漆的椅子。归纳拓展教材原句中过去分词短语named Cang Jie作后置定语修饰主语a man。作定语的过去分词如果是单个词,一般放在名词前;如果是短语,要放在名词后。即时跟踪(1)Everybody attended the meeting held last week.所有的人都参加了上星期举行的会议。(2)The number of children being home educated in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years.(xx扬州中学高一期中)Abeing recorded Bto be recordedCrecorded Drecording答案C解析句意为:英国接受家庭教育的儿童记录的数量在近6年内增加了65%。句中has increased是谓语动词,所以这里是非谓语动词的位置,数量和记录是被动关系,而且后面是已经增长,说明该动作已经完成,表被动表完成,用过去分词。2部分否定语境感悟(1)(教材P38)Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects.并不是所有汉字都是从物体的图画演变而来。(2)All American people didnt support Obama.并非所有的美国人都支持奥巴马。(3)Everybody was not rescued from the earthquake.那次地震中并不是所有人都被抢救出来了。(4)Not everyone can answer such an easy question.不是人人都能回答这样一个简单的问题的。(5)Your position is not altogether bad,the spelling is good but grammar is poor.你的作文并非都不好,拼写好,但语法差。归纳拓展not all.all.not表示部分否定,也称半否定。具有总括意义的代词(each,everybody,everyone,everything,all,both等)、形容词(plete,whole等)和副词(pletely,always,wholly,altogether等)与否定词not连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都;并非都”。而no,none,never,nobody,neither,nothing,no more,no longer等表示否定意义的词与谓语一起使用构成了全部否定。即时跟踪(1)Both his parents are not abroad.他的父母并非都在国外。(2)Neither of his parents is abroad.他的父母没有一个在国外的。(3)He does not always play volleyball.他并不总是打排球。(4)Everyone wants to live in a beautiful, fortable and livable place, but not know where it is.(xx泰兴四中高一期中)Aboth BallCeither Dsome答案B解析句意为:大家都想住在一个优美、舒适并适宜居住的地方,但并非所有人都知道它在哪里。前面用Everyone作主语,故后面用all来指代,在此,not all意为“并非所有人”。符合句意。both两者都;either两者中任何一个;some一些人。3be of抽象名词语境感悟(1)(教材P39)While the students found the soldiers idea interesting,the system was too difficult to be of practical use.虽然学生们都觉得这个士兵的想法很有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用。(2)This dictionary is of great help.这本词典是很有帮助的。(3)Collecting stamps is of great fun.收集邮票很有趣。(4)We are of the same age.我们年龄相仿。归纳拓展(1)“be of抽象名词”相当于“be形容词”,这一结构可以说明主语的性质。常用于这一结构的修饰语有great,little,some,any,no,not,much等,常见的抽象名词有importance,value,use,help,fun,benefit,significance等。(2)be of限定词抽象名词,限定词常是a,an,the,the same,my,your等,抽象名词常是size,weight,height,length,width,age,opinion,color,price,kind,type,shape,way等;“be of限定词抽象名词”表示主语的特征,意为“属于,归于”,这些抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式,因此不能用“be形容词”这一结构代替。但当ofa/an修饰“高度、年龄、尺寸、价格”等时,可用(of) the same代替。即时跟踪(1)We all think his words are of great importance.我们都认为他的话非常重要。(2)It is said that wool produced in Australia is of high quality.Athe;不填 B不填;不填Cthe;a Dthe;the答案A解析句意为:据说澳大利亚产的羊毛质量很好。“produced in Australia”是后置定语,修饰wool,所以前一个空格处用the表示特指;后一个空格处是“be of抽象名词”结构,名词前不用冠词。.单词拼写1Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.2She got up and dragged(拖) her chair towards the table.3We must arrange a convenient(方便的) time and place for the meeting.4Deeds(行动) are better than words when people are in need of help.5Do not judge a person by his/her appearance.选词填空1The novel was turned into a successful Hollywood film.2Students should bine what they have learnt at school with practice.3Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.4His name is James B. Clarke.What does the “B” stand for?5He is a kind of person who stands out in a crowd.完成句子1Not every girl likes singing.Every girl doesnt like singing.并非每个姑娘都喜欢唱歌。2None of the girls like singing.这些姑娘中没有一个喜欢唱歌的。3The way that he got dressed distinguished him from all the others.他的穿着方式让他有别于其他所有人。4Todays meeting will be of great importance.今天的会议将很重要。5Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.被邀请参加聚会的大部分人都是著名的科学家。.单项填空1Your ideas are very interesting,but we need suggestions to get us out of the mess.Aimpressive BsimilarCpractical Dtraditional答案C解析句意为:你的主意很有趣,但我们需要实用的建议帮助我们摆脱困境。impressive给人深刻印象的,感人的;similar相似的;practical实用的,切实可行的;traditional传统的。根据句意可知选C。2The workers the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”Acarried BdeliveredCpressed Dpacked答案D解析句意为:工人们把玻璃杯装箱,并给每个箱子贴上标签,写上“此面朝上”。carry提,搬,运送,携带;deliver递送;press按,强迫;pack(把)打包。由句意可知答案为D。3Youll find this map of great in helping you travel round London.Aprice BcostCvalue Dusefulness答案C解析考查“(be) of抽象名词”结构。句意为:你会发现这张地图对帮助你游览伦敦非常有价值。price价格;cost价钱,费用,成本,均不符合题意;of great valuegreatly valuable,意为“非常有价值”。4How will she behave in case of our failure?Shell put the blame on us if it badly.Aturns up Bturns downCturns off Dturns out答案D解析句意为:万一我们失败了她会怎样呢?如果结果很糟糕的话,她会把责任推到我们身上。turn out结果是,证明是,符合语境。turn up开大,出现;turn down关小,拒绝;turn off (把)关掉。5The young pianist named Lang Lang among the music circle and is well received by the audience.Astands out Bmakes outCpicks out Dtakes out答案A解析句意为:这位名叫朗朗的年轻钢琴家在音乐圈里很杰出,很受观众的欢迎。stand out出色,杰出,符合句意。make out弄明白;pick out认出;take out拿出。.单项填空1Jack,when shall we go to visit Mr. Smith?Its up to him. Well go to see him whenever .Ahe is convenientBhe will be convenientCit will be convenient for himDit is convenient for him答案D解析句意为:杰克,我们什么时候去拜访史密斯先生?由他决定,他什么时候方便我们就什么时候去看他。“对某人来说方便”应用句式it is convenient for sb.。在时间状语从句中如果主句用一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时。2Im thinking of doing something creative in the interview to myself other interviewees.Arefer;to Bname;afterCdistinguish;from Dattach;to答案C解析句意为:我正在考虑在面试中做一些有创造性的东西以使自己与其他的面试者不同。refer to提到,参考,涉及;name after以命名;distinguish. from使与不同;attach . to附属,加上。根据句意可知选C。3If your knowledge can be in some way with my experience,we are sure to succeed.Ajoined BunitedCconnected Dbined答案D解析句意为:如果你的知识和我的经验能以某种方式结合起来的话,我们一定会成功。bine with把结合,符合题意。4Considering the topic is difficult to understand, try to your speech in case it goes beyond the children.Apresent BreportCsimplify Dshorten答案C解析句意为:考虑到这个话题难懂,设法把你的演讲简化,以免孩子们听不明白。simplify简化,使简易,符合语境。5At the crossing there is an arrow the direction to the Andrew Farm.Aindicating Bto indicateCindicated Ddictating答案A解析句意为:在十字路口,有一个箭头表示去安德鲁农场的方向。此处应用现在分词作定语,相当于定语从句which indicates the direction to the Andrew Farm。6The exam was easy, wasnt it?Yes, but I dont think could pass it.Asomebody BanybodyCnobody Deverybody答案D解析句意为:这次考试很容易,不是吗?是的,但我认为并非每个人都能及格。not与everybody连用时表示部分否定。7Human beings differ all the other animals their ability to make tools.Awith;about Bfrom;inCabout;from Dfrom;on答案B解析句意为:人类与其他动物在制造工具的能力上不同。differ from . in .在方面与不同。8The performance will be great for our city and for the country .Aon a whole Bas the wholeCas a whole Das a result答案C解析句意为:这次演出对我们城市乃至整个国家都将是意义重大的。as a whole意为“作为一个整体,总体上”,符合句意。9To be frank,I really dont know what SOS .Can you explain it?Astands by Bstands forCstands up Dstands with答案B解析句意为:坦率地说,我真的不知道SOS代表什么。你能解释一下它吗?stand for象征,代表,符合题意。stand by袖手旁观


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