2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Design Section Ⅱ知能演练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Design Section 知能演练 北师大版必修2.品句填词1The city lay in _(ruin) after the earthquake.2Do you really think he did it _ purpose?3This castle _(date) back to Roman times.4These two events were _(relate) to each other.5Shirley will try _ for the lead in the play.6The word “dentist” denotes a doctor_work is the care of teeth.7_ far as Im concerned,the beige one is better.8He had put _ a basket on a pole in the back yard.9They have found cave paintings _(date) back to thousands of years.10He resembles his father very much _ character.答案:1.ruins2.on3.dates4.related5.out6whose7.As8.up9.dating10.in.阅读理解Perfect DisasterAll around us buildings shook.We decided to leave the town.We stopped once we had left the buildings behind us.The carts were moving in opposite directions,though the ground was perfectly flat,and they wouldnt stay in place even with their wheels blocked by stones.In addition,it seemed as though the sea was being sucked(吸) backwards,as if it were being pushed back by the shaking of the land.Certainly the shoreline moved outwards,and many sea animals were left on dry sand.Behind us were frightening dark clouds that opened up to show firelike lightning,but bigger.Not long after that the clouds reached down to the ground and covered the sea.Now came the dust,though still thin.I looked back.A dense cloud appeared behind us,following us like a flood pouring across the land.Then a darkness came that was not like a moonless or cloudy night,but more like being in a closed and unlighted room.You could hear women and children crying,men shouting.Some were calling for parents,others for children; they could only recognize them by their voices.Darkness and ashes came again,a great weight of them.We stood up and shook the ash off again and again;otherwise we would have been covered with it and crushed by the weight.At last the cloud became thinner and thinner until it was no more than smoke or fog.Soon there was real daylight.The sight that met our still terrified eyes was a changed world,buried in ash like snow.from Plinys letter to a friend【解题导语】文章是Pliny给朋友写信,介绍地震后的情景,和人们惊慌失措的样子。1Pliny left the town after_. Athe eruptionBthe sky became darkCthe buildings began shakingDthe sea went back解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段叙述可知Pliny离开城镇是在房屋开始摇晃以后。2The carts wouldnt stay still because_Athe earth was shakingBthe sea sucked them backwardsCthe wheels had stones under themDthe lightening frightened the horses解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句叙述可知答案。3The reason why it was dark is that_Ait was very late at nightBclouds of ash covered the sunCthere was a very bad stormDthere was no moon that night解析:选B。根据第三段叙述可知天黑是因为灰尘掩盖了太阳。4People tried to find their relations by calling out their names and_Alistening to their voicesBrunning about looking for themCshaking the ash off peopleDwatching people as they ran past解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可以推断出选A。You could hear women and children crying,men shouting.Some were calling for parents,others for children; they could only recognize them by their voices.人们想通过叫他们的名字和听他们的声音找到他们的亲戚。故选A。B There once was a very honest shopkeeper whose business was to provide goods to the local people.He would open his shop at 8:00 am.after having his breakfast and at 1:00 pm.he would go for lunch.In the evening at 8:30 pm.he closed his shop to plete his daily routine. However,to get time for lunch was really difficult because he didnt have anybody to help him at that time.Therefore,it was his daily practice that whichever customer was shopping at 1:00 pm.would be asked to oversee(看管) the shop until the shopkeeper returned from lunch. One day,a group of four thieves planned to steal from his shop while he was gone for lunch.One of the thieves went at 1:00 pm.to be the customer that would be asked to oversee the shop. The thief,pretending to be a customer,went in at 1:00 pm.and started buying several items.As planned,the shopkeeper asked the thief to sit on his chair for thirty minutes until he returned from lunch. Then,the other three thieves quickly came and told the pretended customer to help,but something had changed within him and he knew deeply in his heart that if he was given responsibility for the shop,he should not perform any dishonest acts during that time.His friends did not agree.As the now honest man tried to stop them,they resisted(抵抗) and a fight started.And at the same time the shopkeeper returned and asked why there was a fighting.The now honest man explained the entire plan. The shopkeeper had been searching for an honest man who could take ownership of the shop and run it.The shopkeeper felt that he had found the right man.【解题导语】一个店老板因为没有人帮忙看管商店,就让每天下午一点去的顾客帮忙照看商店;几个小偷利用这个规律,让一个小偷下午一点去商店然后帮忙看管商店,其他小偷去偷东西。但是那个帮忙看管商店的小偷感到自己的责任,不同意其他小偷偷东西。最后店老板感觉那正是他要找的诚实的人。5What is the problem for the shopkeeper?ANobody could prepare lunch for him every day.BHe had nobody to keep the shop when he went for lunch.CHe was too busy to have lunch every day.DHe couldnt find a person to work at the shop. 解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句However,to get time for lunch was really difficult because he didnt have anybody to help him at that time.可知B正确。6Why did the thief go to the shop at 1:00 pm.?ABecause he thought he would be asked to keep the shop.BBecause the shopkeeper invited him to lunch then.CBecause the shop was closed at that time.DBecause he thought he could buy cheap things then.解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句叙述,以及全文叙述可知一点去的顾客会让帮忙看管商店。故选A。7When the shopkeeper returned from lunch,he found_Aeverything in his shop was stolenBthe thief became the new owner of the shopCthere was a fighting in his shopDthe thief helped his fellows steal things from his shop解析:选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段And at the same time the shopkeeper returned and asked why there was a fighting.一句可知选C。8From the passage,we can infer that _Aonce a thief,he will always be a thiefBan honest man will be responsible for his actionCyou cant believe in a dishonest man forever Dtrust can change a thief into an honest man解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章的叙述那个小偷感觉到老板的信任,而不让其他小偷偷东西,可知是因为信任让他成为一个诚实的人。课时作业10(B卷).阅读理解Last summer,after finishing our work in China,I took a trip of a lifetime on the TransSiberian Railway.Leaving Beijing early on a Wednesday morning in July,my wife and I traveled through some gorgeous countryside before we arrived in Moscow the following Monday evening. The first part of the journey took us past the Great Wall and through the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.At the Mongolian Republic border,we had a delay(耽搁) while the wheels were changed because the railway is different. On our way to the capital,Ulan Bator,we saw herdsmen(牧人) on horseback looking after their cattle.There was a terrible thunderstorm as we crossed a vast open plain.Later we had a quick tour of Ulan Bator. Next,the train took us into Siberia.After a stop at Irkutsk,a popular holiday resort (胜地),where a tour group left the train,we passed the great Lake Baikal.Later,we saw some lovely wooden houses in pretty,sunny countryside.This surprised us,as we had imagined Siberia as being covered in thick snow. Over the next few days,we passed through Novosibirsk,Omsk and other cities in the heartlands of the Russian Federation.By now,our body clocks were losing their sense of time.We wanted to sleep and eat at the wrong time! At last we reached Moscow.We were too tired and slept for 16 hours that night.The next day we went sightseeing.We saw the Kremlin and some other great buildings in the Russian capital.Then,all too soon,it was time for us to return to our home in London.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。在中国的工作结束之后,作者和妻子乘坐从北京到莫斯科的火车奔驰在西伯利亚铁路上。火车经过了长城、内蒙古、蒙古国之后进入了西伯利亚,西伯利亚明媚的阳光让作者感到惊讶。1How many days did it take the author to reach Moscow? AFour.BFive.CSix. DSeven.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段“Leaving Beijing early on a Wednesday morning in July,.we arrived in Moscow the following Monday evening.”可知,作者周三早上从北京出发,第二周的周一晚上到达莫斯科,用时大约6天,故选C。2Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AUlan Bator is the capital of Mongolian Republic. BThe author travelled with a group of friends. CThe authors body clock ran faster than the others DThe train broke down at the Mongolian Republic border.解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段“At the Mongolian Republic border,we had a delay(耽搁) while the wheels were changed”和第三段“On our way to the capital,Ulan Bator,”可知,作者乘坐的火车经过了长城、内蒙古,后来在蒙古国首都乌兰巴托的边境更换车轮,之后进入蒙古国境内,故选A。3The author was surprised by what he saw in Siberia because_ Ait was covered with thick snow though it was sunny Bthe houses there were so pretty Cthere were a large number of tourists there Dit was not covered in snow but it was sunny解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段“we saw some lovely wooden houses in pretty,sunny countryside.This surprised us,as we had imagined Siberia as being covered in thick snow.”可知,作者原以为西伯利亚是被冰雪覆盖着,当他们看到了晴朗的天气时,作者他们感到很吃惊,故选D。4The passage mainly tells us_ Ahow to travel to Moscow from Beijing Bthe trip from Beijing to Moscow Chow wonderful the capital of Russia is Dthe transSiberian Railway解析:选B。主旨大意题。根据第一段“I took a trip of a lifetime on the TransSiberian Railway.my wife and I traveled through some gorgeous countryside before we arrived in Moscow”和以下各段的首句可知,文章主要介绍了从北京到莫斯科一路上的见闻,故选B。.完形填空Early in the morning,I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck.I felt horrible as well as_1_What would she do with me?She was almost mad after the_2_of her husband.A few minutes later,I heard the truck_3_its engine and move fast.I kept making sounds to show my plaints,but failed to make any_4_Finally she put me down in a_5_place.Maybe she didnt want me to die from lack of air; she untied the bag.I_6_out and looked up,only to see many strange faces and fingers pointing at me.It turned out that my owner meant to_7_me.I saw my owner on the truck,which was going farther and farther away.So I cast my head_8_the direction of the truck.The days we spent together were like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck.I saw my male owner,who suffered liver cancer,looking at me with his sad eyes.I saw myself _9_ my owner everywhere; I saw him lie in his dying bed,she all_10_I ran as fast as I could.And the _11_ I saw her wave to me,my eyes became wet.I wouldnt blame(责备) her for treating me like this for she was such a(n)_12_lady.She seemed even somewhat_13_at his leaving her alone,trying many ways to_14_the pains of losing him.She _15_ his pictures and clothes,she redecorated the whole house.Now I was the only _16_ thing to remind her of him._17_later,I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this.The truck finally stopped when I was almost _18_She ran up to me and hugged me _19_I heard her_20_,“I know you are a present he left to me.” 【解题导语】这是一篇记叙文,主人公是一条狗,家里的男主人患病去世了,为了忘掉生活中的不幸,女主人用车把它带出去,想把它送掉,可是它拼命追赶卡车,终于回到女主人的怀抱。 1A.frightenedBexcitedCentertained Dpuzzled解析:选D。从语境看,这里表示主人公觉得困惑,感到害怕,它被主人装进尼龙袋子里上了卡车,不知道主人要把它如何处理。2A.death BabsenceCseparation Dleaving解析:选A。从后文可知,它的男主人患了肝癌,后来去世了,因此本题选A项。3A.run Bbegin Cstart Doperate解析:选C。听见车发动了。4A.sense Bdifference Ceffort Dtrouble解析:选B。我一个劲儿地抗议,可是这一切都是徒劳的,结果还是一样。make a difference表示“不一样”。5A.usual Bdark Cbeautiful Dstrange解析:选D。后文说它被从口袋里放出来的时候看见的是陌生脸孔,由此推断应为被带到了一个陌生的地方。6A.ran Bwalked Cstruggled Drushed解析:选C。口袋被解开,我从口袋中挣扎出来。7A.throw Bharm Cpunish Dsell解析:选A。此刻我明白了,女主人要抛弃我,将我给别人。8A.into Bat Cin Dto解析:选C。in the direction of表示“往某个方向”。9A.guide Bfollow Csupport Dbring解析:选B。主人走到哪里我就跟到哪里。follow表示跟随。10A.in peace Bin silenceCout of breath Din tears解析:选D。男主人奄奄一息地躺在床上,女主人泪流满面。 11A.time Bway Cdirection Dmoment解析:选D。the moment引导状语从句表示“一就”。12A.cruel BunfortunateCunfair Dunfriendly解析:选B。女主人就这样抛弃了我,可是我不怪她。她失去了丈夫,已经够可怜够不幸的了。13A.confused Bsad Cangry Dcalm解析:选C。注意语境的“甚至有点”,失去亲人她觉得伤心,甚至有点愤怒了。14A.prevent Bremove Cbear Dkill 解析:选B。下文说房屋重新装饰,要把我送走,看来她是要将家里会勾起对往事回忆的一切都“消除掉”。remove表示“清除,消除,搬走”。15A.burned Bkept Csold Dhid解析:选A。从语境可知本题选A项,将丈夫的遗物都烧毁,把我送人,消除生活中带有丈夫影子的东西。16A.walking Bmoving Cexisting Dinspiring解析:选C。能烧的烧了,能掩盖的掩盖了,现在就剩下我是能让她回忆起过去的东西。17A.But BAnd CSo DThen解析:选A。这里表示转折关系,可是她以后一定会为自己当初把我赶走的决定后悔的。18A.made out Bknocked outCleft out Dworn out 解析:选D。我快精疲力竭的时候女主人把车停下了。19A.firmly BpatientlyCdisappointedly Dsadly解析:选A。此刻女主人自然是百感交集,将忠实的我紧紧地抱在怀里。20A.shout Bwhisper Cspeak Dtalk解析:选B。女主人把我抱在怀里,对我喃喃私语。.语法填空1_is possible that we simply do not stay in one place for a true friendship to develop.However,there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us 2._(think) carefully about the kind of friendships we want. To most of us,friendships are considered 3._(importance),but need to have clear in our own minds 4._kinds of friendships we want.Are they to be close or 5._(keep) at arms length?Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface?For some people,many friendships on the surface are quite enoughand thats all right.But at some point we need to make sure that our expectations are the same as our 6._(friend) expectations.If one wants more from the friendship than the other,7._if this is not talked about,one is likely at last to feel that hes holding the short end of the stick(不利的处境)The sharing of personal experience 8._(include) our tears as well as our dark dreams 9._(be) the surest way to deepen friendships.But it must be started slowly and carried on only if there are signs of interest and action 10._return.答案:1.It2.to think3.important4.the5.kept6friends7.and8.including9.is10.in


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