2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 What should I do?-grammar教案 牛津上海版S1A.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 What should I do?-grammar教案 牛津上海版S1A一章节分析(Chapter 4 Grammar section )(一)语法地位(Grammar Position)1. 动词非谓语形式是高中英语语法的重要组成部分,也是高考语法部分的考查重点,而在牛津英语高中第一册第四章节就出现现在分词、过去分词,对高一学生来说有一定难度,所以教师有必要做好教学铺垫,紧扣课本内容,不做语法点的展开,结合书本上练习进行讲解和操练,配以补充题加以巩固。2. 高一学生对let / make的意义和用法有初步了解,但教师要讲清let和make的意义差异,帮助学生翻译、写作时准确使用。3. 教师必须讲清动词let/make在主动语态和被动语态中表达时的不同。(二)语法目标(Grammar Target)1)知识目标 运用动词的现在分词、过去分词来表达时间和原因;动词let/make在被动语态中的用法。2)能力目标 熟练地运用状语从句和分词短语表达时间、原因。3)情感目标 追求语句表达的多样性和完美度。(三)语法重点和难点(Important and Difficult Points)1)关键知识点 现在分词和过去分词作状语的区别,即何时用现在分词,何时用过去分词。2)。主要语法点1 现在分词作时间状语,表示主、次动作几乎同时发生。2 on/ while / after / before + v-ing,作时间状语。3 现在分词作原因状语。4 过去分词作原因状语。5 let / make在被动语态中的用法。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 introductory teaching要求学生课前做准备,在课文中找出带有v-ing短语和v-ed短语的语句,在课堂上呈现,以培养学生良好的自主学习的习惯。学生可能会找出所有含现在分词、过去分词短语的语句,教师都可以一一罗列,以引导学生识别动词的非谓语形式。学生可能罗列的含v-ing短语的语句及老师的讲解见链接12 main part 在引入部分的基本讲解后,转入本章节的语法学习。1. 教师可以按语法部分的罗列顺序进行讲解,并要求学生当堂完成随附的练习,Ex.A2,B,C,D。教师要仔细观察这些练习的完成情况,一旦有问题出现,要及时讲解。2. 教师可以根据学生的学习程度,适当地添加相关练习进行巩固。 链接23教师讲解动词let/make在被动语态中的用法,完成书本上练习。3 follow-up这是对语法的拓展部分活动,为了让学生能运用刚学的分词短语状语,设计一个课堂任务。链接4链接1说明: 这是教师指导学生如何利用课本这个教学资源进行自主学习的契机,让学生回到课文,根据学生原有的理解,去寻找教师要求的信息(V-ing / V-ed),从中教师也可掌握学生对相关信息(V-ing / V-ed)的了解情况,以便教师更好地把握教学步骤。1教师找两句课文中的原句,对动词的非谓语形式进行说明。例句1:One evening night last month, I was visiting a close friend in her new high-rise flat when she accidentally knocked a flower pot from her window. visiting, V-ing 形式,在句子中作be动词的表语,帮助构成进行时态。 knocked,V-ed形式,在句子中作谓语动词,表示一般过去时态。例句2:Returning home later that evening, my friend learned that the police had been to the flats. returning, V-ing形式,在句子中不作谓语,称为动词非谓语形式。例句3 :Late last night, while traveling home by train, I saw three tough guys enter my almost empty carriage. traveling, V-ing形式,跟在while之后,不作句子谓语,称为动词非谓语形式。2教师要求学生回到课文中,找出象例句中一样不作句子谓语的动词形式: V-ing / V-ed。(原因)Frightened of losing her job in the civil service, my friend has said nothing.(时间)Sitting down beside a young boy who was traveling alone, they began to tease and bully him.(原因)I wanted to help him, but not being Superman and hating violence, what could I do?(时间)On discovering the error, I went back to tell her about it.(时间)I had done my best, before leaving, to correct the error.3教师要求学生把这些动词非谓语形式进行分类,学生很快可以分出时间和原因两类。4教师要求学生把这些动词非谓语形式改成相应的状语从句,让学生更好地理解状语从句到状语短语的转变,从而学会使句式多样化。原因状语从句:Because my friend is frightened of losing her job in the civil service, he has said nothing.I wanted to help him, but because I was not superman and I hated violence, what could I do?时间状语从句:When they sat down beside a young boy who was traveling alone, they began to tease and bully him. As soon as I discovered the error, I went back to tell her about it.Before I left, I had done my best to correct the error.5. 教师需要让学生分清何时用现在分词,何时用过去分词。说明:当非谓语动词与其逻辑主语是主动关系,则用现在分词;当非谓语动词与其逻辑主语是被动关系、或表示状态,则用过去分词。教师再次借用上面的从句,进行举例分析。补充:用动词see填空。Seeing from the peak, we can enjoy a superb night view of Victoria Bay.Seen from the peak, Victoria Bay has a superb night view.链接21用现在分词翻译短语,以完成句子。Seeing her fall (看见她摔倒),he rushed to help.Falling asleep (入睡了),he dreamed that he was at sea.Screaming excitedly (兴奋地叫喊着),she ran towards the rock star.Winning the prize (赢得了这个奖),she felt very proud.Ringing the bell (按了门铃后),he waited at the door.Seeing the snake (看见了蛇),I froze in fear.2. 用adverb +V-ing 的形式翻译句子。1)做完功课,我去了趟书店。After finishing my homework, I went to the bookstore.2) 坐在公交车上,我考虑了一下我的计划。While sitting on the bus, I thought about my plan.3) 一看见她,我就冲了过去。On seeing her, I rushed over to her.4) 一摔下来,女孩就开始哭。On falling down, the girl started to cry.5) 去购物之前,我列了一张购物清单。Before going shopping, I made a shopping list.3. 用分词改写句子。1)I felt hungry, so I went to Pizza Hut. Feeling hungry, I went to Pizza Hut.2) Because I have no money, I didnt buy the nice dress. Having no money, I didnt buy the nice dress.3) I saw a tough guy, so I ran away. Seeing a tough guy, I ran away.4) I heard a joke, so I laughed. Hearing a joke, I laughed.4. 把表格中的信息连成完整的、符合逻辑的句子。1Hurtby the witness,iron sinks.2. Lovedcheaply,he died slowly.3. Dropped by his wife,the thief was soon caught.4. Seeninto fire,the watch was no good.5. Caughtin the desert,he could not walk.6. Lostin water,paper burns quickly.7. Thrownby the rain,he lived happily.8. Boughtby his fall,he got very wet.Key: 1. Hurt by his fall, he could not walk.2. Loved by his wife, he lived happily.3. Dropped in water, iron sinks.4. Seen by the witness, the thief was soon caught.5. Caught by the rain, he got very wet.6. Lost in the desert, he died slowly.7. Thrown into fire, paper burns quickly.8. Bought cheaply, the watch was no good.链接31. 教师借助板书讲解:make sb./sth. do sb./sth. is made to do let sb./ sth. do sb. /sth. is let (to) do sb./sth. is allowed to do 比 sb. /sth. is let (to) do 更常用。2教师要求学生以小组形式开展学习活动,用英语讲解班规、校规,要用到动词let/make。链接41 展示几幅图片,教师要求学生对其中的人物所作的事情进行描述,以动作为主。学生可以先用状语从句描述人物,再请另一学生改成分词。三幅图片之后,要求直接用分词短语进行描述。2 教师要求学生以同伴合作学习的方式,完成一次采访任务,主要用到动词非谓语形式。1) 先对课文文章中出现的非谓语形式设计问题,然后整理,为采访做准备。2) 教师帮助学生检测问题的可行性,进行改进。3) 指导学生开展采访,教师要强调运用动词非谓语形式。


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