2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习21 祈使句30例.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习21 祈使句30例1、Are these your pencils? _ me at Cindyxxhotmail. ACallBAskCFind DE-mail答案 D2、- _ drive so fast! Its dangerous.- OK, I wont.ANot BNo CDont DPlease not 答案C3、Lets _ football after school!Ato plaBplayingCplay Dplays 答案C4、_ carefully, Michael! Theres a school ahead.ADrive BTo drive CDrove DDriving 答案 A5、_, please! Lets begin our lesson.ABe quietBBe noisy CDont be quietDNoisy答案 A6、 Please _ late for school. Sorry, I _.Aisnt; dontBarent; wontCdont be; wontDnot be; dont答案 C7、_ for the photo of your family.AThank BThanks CThanks you DThank your答案B8、_, or youll fail the exam.A. Studying hard B. Study hard C. To study hard答案 B9、Im leaving now. _ you turn off the lights and the puter.ATo make sure BMake sure CMade sure DMaking sure 答案 B10、- _ go to the theatre together with me? - Good idea. AWhy not BWhy do you CHow about DWhat about 答案 A11、Why_ you e and play basketball with us ?Anot you Bnot Cnot to Ddont 答案 D12、_ travel all over China during the summer holiday?AWhy not you BWhy dont youCWhat about DIt is a good idea答案 B13、_ play_ volleyball.A、Lets; the B、Lets; / C、Lets; a答案 B14、Lets _ for a walk after dinner, shall we?Ato goBgoing Cgo Dgoes答案C15、Bob, its getting cold.take a jacket with you?-All right, Dad.AWhy notBWhat about3 CHow aboutDWhy not to答案 A16、Lingling,please _ translate the sentence into ChineseAtry to Btries to Ctried答案A17、_your turn when the traffic light is red. Youre right. A.Wait B.Wait for C.Waiting for答案B18、Youre late. _ late again.ADont be BDont are CDont DArent 答案 A19、-_ to give the letter to Mr. Wang. Its very important.-No, I wont.ARemember BDont forget CBe sure DMake sure 答案B20、Dont _ stressed out. Its not good for your health.AgetBneed Ctake Dfelt 答案 A21、Please _ these books here .I need them.Atake Bto take Cbring Dto bring答案C22、_ volleyball here, _ you may break the windows.APlay, or BDont play, or CPlay, so DDont play, so 答案 B23、When you read English newspapers, please _translate every word. A do try to B try to not C not try to D try not to答案 D24、If the green light isnt on, _ a minute.AwaitingBto waitCwaited Dwait 答案 D25、We are at the library . Please _ quiet .Ado Bbe Ccan Dare答案 B26、-Please _the puter with something,or itll get dirty easily.-OK,Ill do it right away.Aplay Bwash Cset Dcover 答案D27、 Its raining, Kathy. Please _ an umbrella with you.- Thanks. Ill return it to you when I _ next week.Abring; will e Bbring; eCtake; will e Dtake; e1 答案D28、_worried about me,Mom. Ive grown up.ADont BDont be CNot DNot be答案B29、-_ to give the letter to Mr. Wang. Its very important.-No, I wont.ARemember BDont forget CBe sureDMake sure 答案 B30、Dont throw litter around. Please_.Apick it up Bpick up itCpick up them Dpick them up 答案 A

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