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2019-2020年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题仁爱版 总分(100分)时间(90分钟)得分 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.Making good and being in control of ones life is very important. A. decisions B. decide C. situation( )2.Lets_ planting the trees until tomorrow. I think it is going to rain.A. put on B. put up C. put off( )3.How much time do you _ playing basketball every week? -Less than an hour.A. cost B. spend C. take ( )4. People eat and speak with their _ . A. noses B. ears C. mouths( )5.If you have a toothache, you should see a _ .A. policeman B. dentist C. nurse( )6. _their surprise, we got to the meeting in time. A .To B. In C. On ( )7.Dont _ the bus until it stops.A. get out B. get off C. get down( )8.Nancy, thanks for_ care of my cat.A. take B. takes C. taking ( )9.He often borrows money_ others but he never lends anything_ anybody.A. from; from B. to ; from C. from; to ( )10. The woman in red _a teacher .She works in a hospital now. A used to be B is used to be C was used to be ( )11. The old man _all his money to a charity. He is really great .A. took away B. put away C. gave away ( )12We are all_ at the_ news. A. surprising; surprising B. surprising; surprised C. surprised; surprising ( )13. He is a funny boy. He often makes us _ A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing ( )14. Tom, your room is too dirty .You must _A. clean up it B. clean up them C. clean it up ( )15. The old man lives _,but he does not feel _ A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely C. alone, lonely二、完形填空 (10分,每小题1分)Dick had a toothache. His mother 1him to the dentist. Before they saw the dentist, they 2wait. Please e in! said a nurse in a 3dress. Dick looked afraid4he came into the dentists room. Now tell me. Whats wrong 5you? thedentist asked. I feel terrible. I think Ive a6tooth, said the boy. Well, let me have a 7, said thedentist kindly. Dick8his mouth9the dentist began to examine (检查) his10.( ) 1. A.took( ) 2. A.will( ) 3. A.white( ) 4. A.when( ) 5. A.to( ) 6. A.nice( ) 7. A.see( ) 8. A.closed( ) 9. A.as( )10. A.teethB. broughtB. mustB. blackB. ifB. aboutB. goodB. look atB. openedB. orB. armC.wantC. canC. greenC. thenC. withC. badC. lookC. heldC. andC. foot三阅读理解.(每小题2分,共40分)A My name is Max. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Most of them are as old as I. Some are older. Some are younger.My best friend is Bill. He lives near me. We go to the same school and we are in the same class. Bill helps me with my maths homework. I help him with his English homework.Bill is taller than me. He is quite fat. He doesnt like sports, so he doesnt get much exercise. We both have black eyes, but Bills hair is longer. I like sports and I play football or go swimming every day. Every Sunday morning Bill and I play puter games. Sometimes I win. Sometimes he wins.( )1. The main idea(主题) of the text is _ . A. Max has many friends B. Max and Bill go to the same schoolC. Max and Bill are best friends ( )2. Most of Maxs friends are _ .A. twelve years old B. older than Max C. younger than Max ( )3. Max and Bill live _ .A. near each other B. in different towns C. in the same house( )4. Max helps Bill with _ .A. his maths homework B. his English homework C. His sports lessons ( )5. Max and Bill both like to_ . A.swim B.play football C.play puter games BOnce there was a little girl in a village. She spent summers on her grandfathers farm. The year she was four, she knew some ducks. The ducks were white with orange feet. They lived in a little wooden house near the road. The little girl liked these ducks very much.Every day they walked down the road to the pond(池塘). The ducks went into the water. The little girl sat on the bank(岸) and saw them swimming in the pond. The little girl talked to the ducks and they quacked(嘎嘎叫)back.Then one day the ducks were gone. No one would say anything about them. The little girl was afraid to ask where they were. One night everyone sat down for dinner. The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didnt want to eat. Can you guess why?( )6. The story is mainly about _.A. eating chicken B. ducks and a little girl C. living on a farm ( )7. The ducks were _.A. yellow and orange B. yellow and white C. white and orange feet ( )8. The little girl _.A. doesnt like duck B. likes ducks a little C. likes ducks very much ( )9. At the end of the story, the ducks were probably _A. under the water B. on the plate C. in the wooden house ( )10. The little girl didnt eat because _A. she wanted nice cakes B. the food was ducks C. the food was too hot CDo you need friends? Im sure your answer is Yes, of course. Everybody does! You need friends when you play and when you work. If you have friends, you will feel happy. If you have no friends. you will feel lonely. Do you know how to make friends? There is only one good wayYou make friends by being friendly. A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful If you want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to him. ( )11. We need friends _. A. because we must play with them B. Because we must work with them C. when we play and when we work ( )12. If we want to make friends, we should _. A. be politely to them B. be friendly to them C. be afraid of them ( )13. A friendly person is _ other people. A. interested in B. worried about C. surprised at ( )14. If we want to make friends with a new classmate, _. A. we can talk with them B. we must try to help him C. A and B( )15. Which of the following is TRUE? A. No one needs friends. B. Everyone needs friends.C. Only classmates need friends. DMr Johnson had a son and he loved his son very much, because the boy was his only son. However, the boy was not very cute because he often made other people unhappy by some bad words. One day Mr Johnson was invited (被邀请) to a party. His son wanted to go there, too But Mr Johnson said, No, my good friend will have theparty in his house. It is for the first birthday of their daughter. There will (将) be a lot of important people to join in the party, and Im afraid (恐怕) that you may say some bad words. The son said to his father I will not say anything rude (粗鲁的) at the party. So the father agreed (同意). After they got to the friends house, the sondid not say anything at the party. Then when the party was about to (即将) end and all the guests stood up, healso stood up and said, You know, everybody, I didnt say anything today. So if the baby dies (死) this year, it is notmy fault(过错).阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答问题。16. How many sons did Mr Jackson have? 17. Why was the boy not cute? 18. How old is the friends daughter? 19. What did the boy say at the party at first? 20. Did the boy say anything bad at the party at last? 四 .补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)A.Icleaneditlastweek. B.CouldIborrowsomemoney? C.Thatsoundslikefun. D.Ineedtobuysomedrinksandsnacks. E.Couldyoutakeoutthetrash? A.CouldIinvitemyfriendstomybirthdaypartyonSaturday,Mom? B.Ofcourse!_1_. A.Yeah,Um_2_. B.Whatfor? A._3_. B.Well,Iamshoppingtomorrow.AndIcanbuysomedrinksandsnacksforyou. A.Oh,good.Thankyou,Mom. B.Yourewele.Oh,couldyoucleanyourroom? A._4_. B.Youneedtocleanitagainforyourparty. A.Ok,butIneedtodomyhomeworkfirst. B.Thatsright.Afteryoufinishyourhomework,letscleantheroom.Icansweeptheflooranddothedishes. A._5_. B.Yes,sure. 注:把正确答案的序号写在下列横线上。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五翻译句子(一空一词,每空1分,共15分,)1. 多亏了你的帮助,我考试才及格了。 _ _ _ _ _ your help, I passed the exam.2 .我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。My mom came over_ I sat down in front of the TV.3.为了取得好成绩,他们应该把时间花在学业上。They should spend time on schoolwork_ _ _ get good grades.4. 我奶奶习惯于早起。 My grandma_ _ up early.5.国家给学生提供课本。The country _ _ textbooks for the children.6.我不介意打开窗户。I dont mind _ _ the window.7.我做完家庭作业了。I finished my homework.六、书面表达。(15分) 假如你是李华,你的网友Peter打篮球意外受伤,请用英文写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1询问病情2提出建议3介绍一下近期的学校活动4表达祝愿字数60左右。开头与结束已给出,不计算字数。Dear Peter;_I am sorry to hear_ that_ Yours Li Hua

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