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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修5,Carnival,Module 4,第三课时 Cultural Corner & Task,1.1.1 集合的概念,Module 4,.重点单词 1多元文化的;跨文化的(adj.)_ 2标志(着)(vt.)_ 3运输;运送(vt.)_ 4引进;进口(vt.)_出口(vt.)_ 5废除(vt.)_废除(n.)_ 6华丽的;富丽堂皇的(adj.)_ 7庆典;庆祝(n.)_庆祝(vt.)_ 8自由(n.)_自由的;空闲的(adj.)_ 9联合(vt.)_ 10起源(n.)_最早的;最初的(adj.)_,multicultural,mark,transport,import,export,abolish,abolishment,magnificent,celebration,celebrate,freedom,free,unite,origin,original,.重点短语 1_ force 用暴力迫使 2_ the same time 与此同时 3take _ 接管 4take part _ 参加,by,at,over,in,1.trade n. U 贸易 vi. 做生意 vt. 交易,交换 Trade between the two countries has increased. 两国之间的贸易增加了。 Our products are now traded worldwide. 我们的产品现在销往世界各地。 They had to travel into town to trade the produce from their farm. 他们不得不到镇上去出售他们农场的产品。,即学即用 完成句子 他用三个苹果换了一串香蕉。 He_ _ _ _ a bunch of bananas. 答案:traded three apples for,2transport vt. 运输,运送 n. U运输(工具);运送 They transported the wheat from the farm to a mill. 他们把小麦从农场运到了面粉厂。 For short distances, the bike is surely the best means of transport. 距离不远时自行车的确是最好的交通工具。 The transport of goods by air is very expensive. 货物空运是很昂贵的。,助记 trans(from.to.)port(carry)运送 词语辨析:transport, traffic transport作“交通”讲,是指运输工具。 traffic 作“交通”讲,指街上的行人车马,着重数量的多少。 译很多地方交通中断了。 误Transport is interrupted in many places. 正Traffic is interrupted in many places.,即学即用 完成句子 那些妇女被送到一家就近的医院进行治疗。 The women _ _ _ a nearby hospital for treatment. 答案:were transported to,助记,即学即用 单句改错 Japan has to import most of its raw materials to other countries. _ 答案:把第二个to改为from,4abolish v. 废止;废除(法律、制度、习俗等) These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible. 这些迷信做法应尽早禁止。 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States. 亚伯拉罕林肯废除了美国的奴隶制度。 知识拓展 abolition n. 废止,革除 the abolition of slavery 奴隶制度的废除,即学即用 完成句子 许多不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。 Many bad customs and laws ought_ _ _. 答案:to be abolished,5unite v. 联合;团结 The people should unite to fight against the discrimination. 人们应该团结起来反对歧视。 Our town was united with the neighbouring town. 我们镇跟邻镇合并了。 知识拓展 unite in doing sth. 联合起来做某事 unite to do sth. 联合起来做某事 unite with sb. 与某人联合起来,即学即用 完成句子 他们应该能团结同学。 They should _ _ _ _ students. 答案:be able to unite,6origin n. 起源;起因;来源 Nobody can tell exactly about the origin of the earth. 没有人能够准确地说出地球的起源。 We cannot change our origins, however hard we try. 无论如何努力,我们都不能改变我们的出身。 Two thirds of the pupils in the summer camp are of Asian origin. 夏令营中三分之二的学生是亚洲血统。,知识拓展 originate vi. 起源 original adj. 原来的;原始的 originality n. 独创性;创新 originator n. 创办人;发起人 the origins of civilization 文明的起源 be of noble/humble origin 出身高贵/卑贱,即学即用 完成句子 传染源依然不明。 _ _ _ the infection is still unknown. 答案:The origin of,1.by force 用武力;用暴力 The thief took the money from the old man by force. 窃贼用暴力抢了老人的钱。 知识拓展 in force 大批地;大规模地 into force 开始实施;生效 join/combine forces with 同联合;与通力合作 force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事,即学即用 完成句子 改变必须通过协商,而不是运用武力。 Change must come by negotiation, _ _ _. 答案:not by force,2take over 接管,接收;借用;承袭 This large company has taken over many small ones. 这家大公司接管了许多小公司。 They took over our meeting room to give lectures. 他们借用了我们的会议室来举办讲座。,知识拓展 take in 欺骗;吸入;包括; 理解;领会 take off 脱掉;起飞;(事业)成功 take on 呈现; 承担(工作、责任等) take place 发生 take up 占据;开始从事;继续,Be cautious or you will be taken in by the false advertising. 谨慎点,否则你会被虚假广告欺骗的。 His career took off at last. 他的事业最终成功了。,即学即用 单句改错 Was it in 1948 that the government took up the railway in Great Britain? _ 答案:把up改为over,3take part in 参加 We often take part in physical labour. 我们经常参加体力劳动。 All the students took an active part in the thorough cleaning. 所有的学生都积极参加了大扫除。,词语辨析 attend, join, take part in 1)attend是正式用语,指参加会议、仪式、上课、报告会等。强调的是“发生”这一动作本身,而不强调参加者在活动中起的作用。 I will attend an important meeting tomorrow. 我明天要参加一个重要的会议。,2)join指加入到组织或者团体中,并成为成员之一,如参军、入团、入党等。 My wish is to join the army after graduation. 我的愿望是毕业后参军。 3)take part in指参加会议或者活动,重在说明句子的主语参加了该活动,并且在活动中起作用。,即学即用 用attend, join, join in, take part in填空 An old party member who _ the Party in 1949 _ the meeting.He _ our group discussion and encouraged us to _ various social activities. 答案:joined; attended; joined in; take part in,The arrival of Europeans in America, and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton, fruit and vegetables, meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them. 欧洲人到了美洲,开辟了栽种棉花、水果和蔬菜的大农场与大种植园,这意味着急需干活的人手。,句中“There is/was(no)need for sb. to do”是一常见句型,意为“某人(没)有必要做”。 There is no need for us to get involved in the quarrel. 我们没有必要参与到争吵中。 There is no need for you to come if you dont want to. 如果你不想来,就不必来了。,知识拓展 1)There is no possibility that. 是不可能的。 There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问。 2)以下句型中it一般不换为there。 It is no use doing sth. 做某事没用。 It is no good doing sth. 做某事没有好处 It is no wonder that. 难怪。,即学即用 翻译句子 没有必要为他的安全担心。 _ 答案:There is no need to worry about his safety.,.完成句子 1他没有必要在北京停留。 _ _ _ _ _ him to remain in Beijing. 2你退休后谁来接管公司? Who will _ _ the company when you retire? 3他们取笑她穿着如此怪异的衣服。 They _ _ _ _ because she wore such strange clothes.,4东西方国家间的贸易已经有了明显的增长。 There has been a marked _ _ _ _ East and West. 5这里的华人社区在放烟火,庆祝春节。 The Chinese community here are shooting off fireworks _ _ _ the Chinese New Year. 答案:1.There is no need for 2.take over 3.made fun of her 4.increase in trade between 5.in celebration of,.改正下列各句中的错误,每句只有一处 1This machine is quite similar with that one. _ 2He wants to open a company that trades to the US. _ 3There was immediate need for people to look after the injured. _ 4The goods will be transported for Tokyo by air. _,5We celebrate with Mothers Day in honour of our mothers. _ 6Can you watch television and do your homework on the same time? _ 7Peter will take on as managing director when Bill retires. _ 答案:1.withto 2.第二个towith 3.immediate前加an 4forto 5.去掉with 6.onat 7.onover,写一封介绍中国节日的电子邮件 写作技巧 1介绍节日属于说明文,是对客观事物或事理的一种介绍与解释。要抓住事物的特点,采用多种方式说明事物。因此写说明文首先要根据描写对象的特点,认真考虑,安排文章结构。可采用举例法、分类法、对比法等,并按一定的逻辑顺序,条理分明,层次清楚地把内容表达清楚。要考虑到前后的呼应问题,前面概括点题,后面要总结节日的意义。 说明文的语言表述应该尽可能地给人以客观可信的感觉。,2书信开头常用句式: I am very glad to receive your letter. I am writing to you in connection with. Thanks so much for your letter, which arrived. 3书信结尾常用句式: Please remember me to your whole family. Give my best regards(wishes) to your mother. Best wishes. With love.,Wish you a pleasant journey. Wish you success. Wish you the best of health. I hope to have a letter from you before long. Please write to me soon and tell me all about yourself. Looking forward to your next visit to China. Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you. Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.,4签名时的用语: Yours, Yours truly, Yours sincerely, Yours ever, Your loving等。 5说明节日的常用句型: It is a festival that. The festival is on. It dates back to. There are many traditions. As a festival, it has. When we celebrate the festival, we also celebrate.,典题示例 假如你是李华,昨天收到你的澳大利亚朋友Dick的电子邮件,他想询问一下有关中国春节的情况,请你根据下面的提示给他回复。 春节是中国的传统节日,是农历新年的开始。春节是一段快乐的时光,家人朋友团聚、相互问候,到处喜气洋洋;还有一些人忙着旅游。 要求:词数100词左右。,【审题谋篇】 1时态:一般现在时; 2人称:第三人称; 3结构:首段表明写信的目的,引出话题(春节);第二段介绍春节的基本情况,节日气氛等内容;最后稍作总结。,【写作关键】 1每一个家庭都会聚集在一起。 聚集在一起 _ 2人们见面时会互相祝福。 见面时 _ 祝福 _ 3在节日期间很多人会选择旅游来放松自己。 选择做某事 _ 放松自己 _,【连句成篇】 _ _ _ _ _ _ _,参考答案: 写作关键 1. get together 2. when/whenever they meet give best wishes to. 3choose to do sth. relax oneself,


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