2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第一次阶段测试试题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第一次阶段测试试题 人教新目标版(试卷满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)听录音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍。(每小题1.5分) A BC1. A BC2ABC 3.ABC4.听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍。(每小题1.5分共9分)5.A. In Shanghai B. In Beijing C. In Chengdu6.A.She stayed at home B. She went to summer camp. C. He went to the farm.7. A.A sweater. B.A hat . C.A cup.8. A.Always B.Hardly ever. C.Never.9. A.She listens to music. B.She eats vegetables. C.She exercises.10. A.Peter. B.Tina. C.Bill. 听一篇对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答。听两遍(每小题1.5分共9分)。TEXT A11.The speakers will go_ tomorrow.A.swimming. B.shopping. C.skating.12.The speakers will take_ with them.A.sunglasses. B.umbrellas. C.food and water.13.The speakers will meet_A.outside the school gate B.at the NO.3 bus stop . C.at Nancys home.TEXT B14.Li Ming went to Tiantan Park with his_.A. friends B.parents C. brother and sister15. They _ in the park.A.flew kites B.ride a bike C. took pictures16.They _ in the eveing.A.talked about the life in Beijing B. saw a film about the life in Beijing C. enjoyed the life in BeijingIV. 听一篇对话,用恰当的单词填空,每空一词。听三遍。(每小题1.5分共6分)Information CardMark went to visit his friends in New York last 17_.On Saturday morning they went to a farm.After the meal ,Mark and his friends sang and 18_ late into the night.When they got back to New York, it was about19_oclock in afternoon.Mark stayed in New York for 20_ day(s) but he had a great time there.*(二)基础知识与运用(共30分).选择填空:从A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(每小题1.5分, 共18分)21.What are the _ between the two pictures? I think they look the same.A. problems B. differences C. programs 22. Why were you so _ yesterday? Because my mother didnt let me go to the movies with my friends.A. weak B. angry C. tired 23. Where did Jack go _ vacation last year? A in B. . on C. from24. Did you eat _ for breakfast this morning? No, I_. A. anything; everything B. anything; nothing C. everything; something25. Who is _, you or he? A. more heavy B. heavy C. heavier26. We _ play sports in the school on weekdays, you know, we dont have enough time.A. hardly B. usually C. often27. Chinese is quite different _ English.A. to B. from C. as 28. Simon watches TV four _ five _ a week.A.and;times B or; times C.or; time29. Gina _ goes to see a doctor because she has a healthy lifestyle.A. often B. hardly ever C. sometimes30. Mike decided _the museum this Sunday.A. visit B.visits C. to visit31. _ do you take a vacation, Mr. Hu? About twice a year.A. How often B. How many C. How long32. Katrina, can you tell me something about your hobby? _.A. Good idea. B. Of course C. Thank you. 完型填空。(每小题1.5分, 共12分) What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to 33 at home, but others like to go for a walk 34 play football. My friend Jack works hard on 35 . At the weekend he always does different things. On Saturday he 36 his car and on Sunday he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a 37 one, but theres always much work to do on the farm. The children 38 with the animals and give them their 39 . Jack and his wife help his uncle in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all 40 and Jacks aunt give them a big meal.33. A. play B. live C. stay 34. A. and B. or C. but 35. A. weekdays B. weekends C. weekday 36. A. watches B. drives C. washes 37. A. small B. big C. hard 38 A. help B. eat C. feed 39. A. clothes B. places C. food 40. A. clean B. friendly C. hungry (三)阅读理解(每小题2分,共50分)VII. 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答4165小题。AWhen the Americans were planning to send their first men to the moon, an old Australian was watching TV in a restaurant. There was an Englishman in the restaurant, too, and he said to the Australian, “The Americans are clever, arent they? They are going to send some men to the moon. It is a very long way from our world.”“Oh, thats nothing,” the Australian answered quickly. “Our country is going to send some people to the sun in a few months. Thats much farther away than the moon, you know.”“Oh, yes, it is,” the Englishman said, “but the sun is too hot for people to go to.”The Australian laughed and said, “We wont go to the sun in the day, of course. Well go there at night.”41. The Americans were going to send their first men to _.A. the moonB. the sunC. the earth42. The Australian and Englishman were talking _.A. in the cinemaB. in a restaurantC. in an office43. The Englishman thought _ were clever.A. the AmericansB. the AustraliansC. the Englishmen44. Both the Englishman and the Australian knew that _.A. the moon was much farther away from our earth than the sunB. the sun was much farther away from our earth than the moonC. the sun was much hotter in the day than at night45. The Australian thought that _ at night.A. the sun was very hotB. the sun was too coldC. people could land on the sunB CCTV PROGRAMSCCTV-1CCTV-4 18:10 Childrens Program18:10 English Classroom19:10 News18:40 Animal World19:30 Weather Report19:10 TV play: Monkey King19:40 On TV Next Week20:10 Around China20:00 TV play: Mother20:40 China Today22:35 Talk Show21:00 Sports23:30 Around the world22:00 English News00:00 English for Today22:30 Foreign Arts46. You are a football fan. You may watch at _. A. 19:40 on CCTV-1 B. 21:00 on CCTV-4 C. 19:10 on CCTV-4 47. If you want to know something about Australia, which program is the best? A. Weather Report B. Animal World C. Around the World 48. How long does the TV play “Monkey King” last(持续)? A. 30 minutes B. 50 minutes C. 60 minutes 49. You can watch _ if you want to learn English on TV. A. English for Today B. Animal World C. Sports50. The longest(最长的)program below is _. A. China Today B. TV play: Mother C. Talk Show CWhats the hottest news recently? It is the ice bucket challenge(冰桶挑战). It is an activity that held(举办) by an America charity organization(美国慈善组织). In the activity, people need to pour the ice water down from their heads, and then nominate(提名) another three people, they can choose to accept(接受) the challenge, or donate(捐款) 100 dollars, or do the both. The money people donate is used to help the ALS patients(渐冻人) to heal their disease(疾病)The ALS(肌萎缩侧索硬化) is the most serious type of disease, the ALS patient bees disabled and die due to the effects of the disease. There are over 200,000 ALS patients living in China at present, and about 100 of them live in Xiamen. Now the ice bucket challenge is very popular around the world. More and more people get to know it and join in it, such as Bill Gates and Kobe Bryant. On September 6th, xx, 1000 people took Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for ALS patients in Guanyinshan Water World in Xiamen, and it broke the Guinness World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录). Ice bucket challenge is a great success, it makes more and more people know about the disease so that people give more care to the patients. Until now, a big donation has been received and we hope the patients bee better.51. Who hold the ice bucket challenge?A. ALS patients B. the challenger C. an America charity organization52. Why do they hold the ice bucket challenge?A. to earn moneyB. to make the challenger popularC. to make more people know about the ALS 53. How many ALS patients are there in China now?A. 20,000 B. 200,000 C. 10054. Who joined the ice bucket challenge?A. Obama B. Bill Gates C. I 55. Which statement(阐述) is true?A. On September 6th, xx, 100 people took Ice Bucket Challenge in Xiamen.B. A big donation has been received until now.C. The challenger nominates another three people to donate 100 dollars.D A friends grandfather came to America from Britain. He went into a cafeteria(自助餐厅)in lower Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order. Of course nobody did. At last, a woman with a plate full of food sat down in front of him and told him how a cafeteria worked. “Start out at the end,” she said, “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end theyll tell you how much you have to pay.”“I soon learned thats how everything works in America,” the grandfather told a friend. “Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want only if you like to pay(支付) the money. You can even get success, but youll never get if you wait for someone to bring to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”56.The old man was .AEnglishBAmericanCGermany57.“Take his order” here means .Ahave some food bookedBput everything in orderCeat something58.Which of the following sentence is true?AThere was nobody eating in the cafeteria.BThe woman was a friend of that man.CThe old man hadnt been to a cafeteria before.59.From this story, we know if you want to get success in America, you should .Atake your orderBknow how a cafeteria worksCtry to get everything by yourself60.The best title of the story is .AFrom Britain to AmericaBLife is Like a Cafeteria in AmericaCHow a Cafeteria Worked E More and more parents leave their home and e into the big cities to make money, But their children cant go with them because their children must go to school in their hometown. They are called home-left children (留守儿童). The problems of home-left children bee more and more serious. And it bees a big burden (负担)of our society (社会). The first problem is that some home-left children bee very lonely without parents love. And they are too young to tell right or wrong in many things. So they are fooled(欺骗)very easily by others.Xiao Mei, a 14-year-old girl, is a home-left child. Her parents are all in Shanghai. She is in her hometown with her grandpa. She likes playing games on the Internet. Her parents and grandpa only give her money and food. One day, she had no money to pay for the games in the net bar (网吧). So she stole some money from her neighbor (邻居). Just at that time, Xiao Fang, a 9-year-old girl saw it. Xiao Mei was so afraid that she cut Xiao Fangs throat with a knife。 The sad story reminds (提醒)the parents to care for their children no matter how busy they are.I think most children need love mostly rather than food or money. Lets care for the group (群体)together.61More parents have left their children at home when they go to the big city _ A. to travel B. to visit friends C. to make money62.Home-left children are very _ because their parents cant live with them. A. lonely B. glad C. afraid63.Some home-left children are _ to tell right to wrong in many things. A. too clever B. too young C. too lazy64.Xiao Mei likes _ on the Internet, so she often goes into the net bar. A. playing games B. chatting C. making friends65.Everybody need to give the home-left children more _. A. food B. money C. love第二部分(非选择题)(四)情景交际运用(共20分). 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词,每空一词。(5分)A: Hi, Jenny! Long time no see. Do you 66._ every day? B: Yes, I do. I like exercising very much.A: What is your 67._exercise?B: I like running best. I often play basketball, too. How about you?A: I dont like to exercise at all. I 68_ play any sports.B: Oh, no. I think exercising can keep(保持) us 69._.A: Yes, you are right. Its good for both(都) our mind and body. How 70. _do you play basketball?B: I play basketball four times a week.A: How long do you play each time?B: I usually play it for an hour each time. Do you want to e.A: Sure . Thats a good idea. . 根据情景提示,写出恰当的句子。(10分) 71.你想告诉你的同学你一周看一次电影,你可以这样说:_.72. 你想告诉别人你哥哥比你更外向,你可以这样说:_.73. 我们都知道吃蔬菜和水果有益于我们的健康,这句话可以这样表达:_.74. 你想知道Lisa去哪里度假了,你可以这样问:Lisa, _?75 你告诉你的同学你从不熬夜,你可以这样说: _(五)写作(共25分). 段落编写(10分)使用所给的词语,编写一个意义相对完整的语段。提示词:smart, than, twin, run, as要求:1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下滑波浪线“” 标出提示词;2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义,字数50词左右,不超过80个词。. 短文写作。(15分)以上为上周学校德育处针对我校1000名学生的课外活动中的运动,上网,看电视三个方面展开调查的结果。请根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容:1、 调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象;2、 我校学生的课外活动中的运动,上网,看电视三个方面有何不同;3. 谈谈自己对调查结果的感受,建议等


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