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第三部分 写作技能培优,第二课时 如何写好谓语,谓语动词是句子中最关键、最核心的部分。写好谓语动词的关键是要考虑到句子的时态、语态、语气等的变化。 一、谓语的时态 动作的发生和状态的存在有一定的时间和表现方式,这就是英语动词的时态。英语动词的时态主要由动词的不同形式来表示。 1常见文体的时态 时态错误是写作中的常见错误,时态的准确应用是英语写作的一项基本技能。不同文体会用到不同的主要时态。如记叙文常用一般过去时,说明文常用一般现在时,通知等应用文常用一般将来时。因此,在审题时,首先要确定是何种文体,然后根据题目要求,确定用到的主要时态。,2写作时常见的时态错误 (1)混用现在完成时和一般过去时 这个外国教授来中国五年了。 The foreign professor has come to China for five years.() The foreign professor has been in China for five years.() The foreign professor came to China five years ago.(),【温馨提示】 有些瞬间性动词不能用于现在完成时,如果与表一段时间的状语连用,需要用相应的表示状态的动词。 (2)误用现在进行时代替一般现在时 现在我懂得这一课了。 I am understanding the lesson now.() I understand the lesson now.(),【温馨提示】 一般来说,表示状态而不表示动作过程的动词没有进行时。 (3)误用过去时代替过去完成时 我到电影院时,电影已经放映了15分钟。 The film started for fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.() The film had been on for fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.(),【温馨提示】 当叙述过去某一行为之完成早于另一行为之完成时,先完成的用过去完成时,后完成的用一般过去时。另外, start为瞬间动词,不能和一段时间连用。 (4)错用复合句中的时态 如果他邀请我,我就参加他的聚会。 If he will invite me Ill go to his party.() If he invites me Ill go to his party.(),【温馨提示】 如果主句里的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么条 件或时间状语从句里的谓语动词用一般现在时代替一般将来 时。如果主句是过去式,从句一定是过去的某种时态,如果主句是现在时,从句可以根据句意用任何一种时态。,练一练 用所给动词的适当形式填空 There _(be) many examples around us.Some allstudents in school _(turn) out not to be as successful in society as they _(be) expected. I _(not see) you for a long time since we _(part) last time and it _(be) a month since you _(come) to Beijing.How _ you _ (get) on with everything?,are,have turned,were,havent seen,parted,is/has been,came,are,getting,二、谓语的语态 英语句子有主动语态和被动语态两种。被动语态作为英语句子的一种非常重要的表达手段,在写作时适时使用,不但可以丰富文章的句式,有时也可以化解一些表达上的难题。受母语的影响,学生在写作中使用被动语态这种高级表达形式的频率不高,因此在语言的驾驭能力上显得不是那么随心所欲。 (2013高考江苏卷书面表达)Immediate actions should be taken,like stopping cutting down trees,to better the environment. 为改善环境,应立即采取像停止砍伐树木之类的措施。,【温馨提示】 不能使用被动语态的情况: (1)不及物动词或一些动词短语无被动语态,如happen,last,sit,stand,break out,take place等; (2)有些表示状态、属性的及物动词不能用于被动语态,如have,marry,own,wish等; (3)系动词无被动语态。,三、谓语的语气 在英语写作中,根据不同的表达需要,要使用动词的不同语气。英语句子中谓语动词的语气有三种: 1直陈语气 表示动作或状态是现实的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。 He has written quite a number of articles this years. 他今年已写了很多篇文章。,2祈使语气 祈使语气用于提出请求、命令、建议或劝告等。 Wait outside until you are asked. 请在外面等候,请你进时再进去。 句式升级:恰当地使用祈使句可以起到加强语气的作用。 We should turn off the electric facilities when we finish our work. Make sure to form the habit of turning off the electric facilities whenever we finish our work.(祈使句和whenever的使用让语气显得更强烈),3虚拟语气 恰当地使用虚拟语气能够让写作锦上添花,在写作中常用的虚拟语气句型有:,I wish you were more careful. 但愿你更细心一些。 句式升级:恰当地使用倒装句,可以使句式显得更加高级。 If I had worked hard at school,my life today would be quite different. Had I worked hard at school,my life today would be quite different.少了一个词(if),前进一大步(倒装),练一练 我要是钱多一点,我就多买一些书。 _,I would buy some more books. 老师坚持要我们使用英英词典。 The teacher insisted _ _.,that we(should) use an EnglishEnglish dictionary.,If I had/Had I more money,.基础巩固(用所给动词的适当形式填空) 1The young man _(plan) to come to Beijing for a better job last month. 2The workers demanded that their living conditions should _(improve) 3By the end of last year we _(build) many new houses. 4Tom _(write) a book about China last year but I dont know whether he _(finish) it.,planned,be improved,had built,was writing,has finished,5The students _ often _(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs. 6That play _(put) on again sometime next month.,are,told,will be put,.能力提升 1按要求翻译句子 (1)在2015年3月9日7点将在报告厅举行(give)一场文艺演出。 (将来时;被动语态) _ _ (2)所有学生应该(suppose)在演出开始前10分钟到达。 (被动语态) _ _ (3)所有人应该(expect)做文明观众。(被动语态) _,A performance will be given in the lecture hall at 7 oclock on March 9th,2015.,All students are supposed to arrive 10 minutes earlier before the performance begins.,All are expected to be civilized audiences.,(4)确保(make sure)不要在大厅乱丢垃圾。(祈使句) _ (5)我希望大家能有个愉快的夜晚。(虚拟语气;wish从句) _,Make sure you dont leave litter in the hall.,I wish we all would have a nice evening!,2选用以上句子组建一篇通知 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,One possible version: Notice A performance will be given in the lecture hall at 7 oclock on March 9th,2015. All students are supposed to arrive 10 minutes earlier before the performance begins. All are expected to be civilized audiences and make sure you dont leave litter in the hall. I wish we all would have a nice evening!,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,

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