2019-2020年七年级英语上学期期中试题 牛津译林版(I).doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上学期期中试题 牛津译林版(I)一、听力部分 (本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A) 听对话,从A、B、C三幅图片或选项中选出最佳选项,听两遍。( ) 1. Where will Millie spend her holiday?A. B. C. ( ) 2 How is Lily going to Xiamen? A. B. C. ( )3. Where did Lucy put her shoes?A. B. C. ( )4. What are they going to do this Sunday? A. B. C. ( ) 5. When is Alices birthday? A. On June 1st. B. On June 2nd. C. On June 3rd.( ) 6. What is Helens uncle?A. A cook. B. A waiter. C. A doctor.( ) 7. What time does the bus leave on Friday? A. At 6:30. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:00.( )8. Which sweater does the man like? A. The blue one. B. The red one. C. The white one.( )9. How many students are there in all the clubs? A. 100. B. 40. C. 20.( )10. What does Lilys father want her to be in the future? A. A teacher. B. A nurse. C. A doctor.B) 听对话和短文,回答问题,对话和短文听两遍。听第一段对话,回答1112小题。( )11. How will Susan and Simon go to the Summer Palace? A. By bus.B. On foot. C. By bike.( )12. Where will they meet? A. At the school gate. B. At the park gate. C. At the bus station.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Lost(寻物启示)WhenOn the morning of 13 2nd.WhereIn the reading room of the school.WhatA school bag.The things insideThree English books and a 14 .The losers addressIn Room 15 , on the fourth floor.( ) 13. A. September B. April C. October( )14. A. pencil B. pen C. pencil case( ) 15. A. 405 B. 504 C. 505听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。( )16. How many people live in Lilys town? A. Less than a hundred.B. Three hundred.C. Four hundred.( ) 17. Whats the bridge like? A. New. B. Old. C. Golden.( )18. Where is the supermarket? A. On Golden Street.B. Across the river.C. Beside the cinema.( )19. Where is the cinema? A. Near the supermarket.B. In another town.C. Beside Lilys house.( ) 20. When does Lily usually go to see a film? A. On Friday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday.二、单项选择 (本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项途黑。( ) 21. -Who is _ man over there? -Its Jim Brown. We often play _ tennis together in our free time. A. an, a B. a, / C. the, a D. the, /( ) 22. Miss Smith is a very _ swimmer. She swims very _ A. good, good B. well, wellC. good, well D. well, good( ) 23. I can meet him _ the morning _ November 12th. A. on; in B. in; of C. on; of D. in; in ( ) 24. - _ your school look, Mike? -Its beautiful. I like it very much. A. What is B. How is C. How does D. What does( ) 25. Music can make me _ great , so I like music. A. feelB. feelsC. to feelD. feeling( ) 26. -What about _ this afternoon? -Good idea.A. go shoppingB. to go shoppingC. go to shopD. going shopping( ) 27. I want to _ the CD from you. Please _ it here tomorrow.A. borrow; take B. borrow; bring C. lend; take D. lend; bring( ) 28. My father likes reading. There _ a pen and many books on his desk. A. areB. isC. haveD. has ( )29. Which underlined part(下划线部分) has the same sound as the word house ? A. boy B. wait C. bowl D. down( ) 30. Well travel to different places for the ing holiday! _. A. Have a nice holiday! B. Good luck. C. Best wishes. D. Me too.三、完形填空 (本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Do you know Wang Junkai ? He is the leader of TFBOYS. Wang 31 a new TV show Give Me Five高能少年组. It was first broadcasted on April 1st on Zhejiang Satellite TV. Wang 32 difficult games with four other young stars, including (包括) Zhang Yishan and Liu Haoran. Wang is good 33 singing and dancing. And he is very funny. Many of 34 funny answers are popular online. For example, someone asked the 35 , “How will you spend your lucky money?” “Youd better 36 my mother about that,” he answered. Wang often shares 37 stories in life on Weibo, 38 Sept 21 st, xx, he made a post on Weibo about his bands new 39 . By 12 oclock on June 19th ,xx , the post had got 42,776,438 reposts. (转发). 40 became the most reposts Weibo post. This down-to earth style interests many people. He even made a Guinness World Record (吉尼斯世界纪录) for that.( ) 31. A. likedB. joinedC. movedD. missed( ) 32. A. picksB. savesC. playsD. makes( ) 33. A. atB. withC. forD. to( ) 34. A. yourB. myC. herD. his( ) 35. A. problemB. questionC. orderD. show( ) 36. A. askB. tell C. writeD. read( ) 37. A. boringB. difficultC. interestingD. scary( ) 38. A. InB. OnC. AtD. For( ) 39. A. bookB. jobC. messageD. song( ) 40. A. ItB. OneC. HeD. They四、阅读理解 (本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (A ) Do you want to know some interesting things? Read the following Im Amy. I was very sad yesterday when I got to school, because I left my English book on the school bus. But when I had my English class, my English teacher gave it to me. Im Bill. Yesterday afternoon, on my way home from school, I saw a blind (盲的) girl with a dog. Guess what? There was a piece of paper and some money in the dogs mouth. The dog ran into a shop and came out with some flowers in its mouth! How amazing it was! Im Mike. My grandfather has a pet bird. The bird likes listening to music and eating meat . The bird can dance when it hears music, and it can dance differently to different music. Im Kate. My pet dog saved my life last week. I became badly ill last Wednesday night. Nobody else was at home. And I couldnt move. My pet dog helped me call 120. ( ) 41. Who gave the English book to Amy?A. The bus driverB. Her motherC. Her teacher D. Her friends( ) 42. Bill felt very _ the dog.A. amazed atB. excited about C. bored withD. worried about( ) 43. What can we know from the blind girls dog?A. The dog liked eating meat a lotB. The dog could buy thingsC. The dog liked flowers very muchD. The dog could talk with people( ) 44. Which of the following is NOT true about the bird?A. It can sing songs very wellB. It likes listening to musicC. It likes eating meat very muchD. It is good at dancing( ) 45. How did the dog save Kate?A. It brought her some waterB. It sent her to the hospitalC. It took good care of herD. It helped her call 120 for help(B) Students learn their lessons in class. In class, teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is, students can teach themselves. For example, if you cannot remember anything when you are doing your homework, you can look through (浏览) your book to find the answer. This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time. How to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is read. Read something interesting. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. Many clever students often do this. This questions are about something you dont understand or want to know more about. You can write down these questions. The third is to answer the questions yourself by thinking hard, by reading the texts or other books, and sometimes by asking other people. These are the ways of teaching yourself. And if you do these things for a long time, you will be sure to study better.( ) 46. Listening to the teacher is _for students to learn something.A. not a wayB. the best wayC. the only wayD. not the only way( ) 47. If you want to study better, you need to learn _. A. how to teach othersB. how to teach yourself C. to read and writeD. how to ask questions( ) 48. In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is _.A. writeB. readC. askD. answer( ) 49. A clever student usually likes _.A. asking questionsB. answering questionsC. find answersD. teaching others( ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE?A. A student can teach himself only in class.B. It is a bad way to learn from the teacherC. A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to D. Students know very well how to teach themselves. (C) The Beijing News reported that about 90% of buses had offered (提供) free Wi-Fi by the end of xx. Now there is free Wi-Fi on 18,000 buses in Beijing. Beijing bees the top service of free Wi-Fi on buses in China. To use free Wi-Fi service , passengers, people on the buses, need to download (下载) the application (应用程序) called “16WiFi” and register(注册) with real names. In xx, the first Wi-Fi service was on Beijings buses, but the service failed. This time, it is reported that 500,000 people can use the service. People can use a 4G network, and the speed can guarantee(保证) that 50 people on a bus can watch videos at the same time. ( ) 51. Now there is free Wi-Fi on _ buses in Beijing. A. 18,000B.1,200C. 120D. 12( ) 52. In China, the buses in _ have top service of free Wi-Fi.A. ShanghaiB. TianjinC. NanjingD. Beijing( ) 53. The underlined word “passengers” here means “_” in Chinese.A. 客人B.陌生人C.乘客D.熟人( ) 54.The first Wi-Fi service was on Beijings buses in _.A. xxB. xxC. xxD. xx( )55. How do people on the buses use free Wi-Fi service? Download “16WiFi” Register with real names Buy a card with money Give some money to the driversA. B. C. D.第卷 (非选择题部分 共45分)五、词汇 (本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。56.Mays _ ( the students in the same class) are nice to her. They are good friends. 57. Liu Tao is very _ (happy) to meet his teacher in the bookshop.58.The students in our school have many after-school _.59.The school looks beautiful and _ (现代的,新式的).60. Yao Ming is one of my _ (偶像)B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 speak two many one parent 61. Mum, can I watch TV now? No, June. Do your homework_ .62. .Therere only five chairs here, but I have eight friends, so I need _chairs. 63. They often practice _ English in class.64. I go to Shanghai _ a year.65. There will be a _ meeting in our classroom tomorrow.C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 begin dress not be give seem 66. The children_unhappy. Whats wrong ?67. Who _ you the new bike ? My father does.68. This pair of shoes _ for you . They are for my grandfather.69. When_ your lessons _every day? At 7:30 in the morning.70. My little sister is only three years old .My mother always _ her in the morning. 六、句型转换 (本题共5小题;每小题l分,共5分) 请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 71.The woman in red is our English teacher. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is your English teacher?72. Mum does housework after lunch.(改写为否定句)Mum _ _ housework after lunch.73. Does Sandy often have any vegetables for dinner? (改成肯定句) Sandy often _ _ vegetables for dinner.74. What do you often do to celebrate Christmas? (保持句意基本不变)_ do you often _ Christmas?75. You write a letter to me . Thank you . (合并成一句话) Thank you for _ _ me . 七、短文填空 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。Many people love sports. At school, students play many d 76 sports, such as football, basketball and volleyball. In summer, students often go s 77 .Mike e 78 playing volleyball. Millie and Sandy like playing table tennis. They are good p 79 and often win m 80 . In a word, Sports are good for people . We should do more exercise.76. _ 77. _ 78. _ 79. _ 80. _八、阅读与回答问题 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Im Anna from America. How do I spend (度过) Christmas and New Years Day? Well, Christmas is a family holiday in my country, so I would like to stay at home and spend Christmas with my family. But I usually spend New Years Day with my friends. We often travel to other cities.This year I went to London with my friends Betty and Jim for New Years Day. And then next year Im going to spend New Years Day in Asia with my brother Tony ! We want to go to Hong Kong. Im going to spend a happy New Year of 2018 in South America. I hope all my wishes will e true. They must be very interesting and exciting.81.What would Anna like to do during Christmas?_82.How does Anna usually spend her New Years Day?_83.Where did Anna go to spend New Years Day this year?_84.How many people are going to Hong Kong to spend New Years Day next year?_85.What does this passage mainly talk about ?_九、句子翻译。根据所给提示将下列句子译成英语。 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 86. 我希望他梦想成真。 (hope dream) _ 87.看书是件有趣的事。 (fun) _ 88.让我带你四处看看吧。 (let) _ 89.假如他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们一下。(if) _ 90.早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。 (help) _十、书面表达 (共10分) Nancy 想要给国外的笔友Tom写信,请根据中文提示,帮助她完成英文信,词数90左右。 我和家人住在南京,就读于阳光中学七4班。高而苗条,是篮球小组的成员。我有一个好朋友Kitty, 她来自美国。 她妈妈是个英语老师,教我们英语。但是我们最喜欢地理课。她今年将到我家过年。我想为她买一份特殊的礼物。我们一起吃饺子,一起(举例自拟)我确信我们将玩的开心。Dear Tom How are you doing? My name is Nancy. _Best wishesNancy 七年级英语试卷 参考答案一、 听力1-5 BCACC 6-10 BBBAC 11-15 BAACA 16-20 BBABA 二、单选 21-25 DCCCA 26-30 DBBDA三、完形填空 31-35 BCADB 36-40 ACBDA四、阅读理解 41-45 CABAD 46-50 DBBAC 51-55 ADCBC 五、词汇 56. classmates 57. glad 58. activities 59. modern 60. heroes 61. first 62. more 63. speaking 64. twice 65. parents 66. seem 67. gives 68. isnt 69. do begin 70. dresses六、句型转换 71. Which woman 72. doesnt do 73. has some 74. How celebrate 75. writing to 七、短文填空 76. different 77. swimming 78. enjoys 79. players 80. matches八、阅读回答问题 81. She would like to stay at home and spend Christmas with her family. 82. She usually spends New Years Day by traveling with her friends. 83. London 84. Two 85. How Anna spends Christmas and New Years Day.九、句子翻译 86. I hope his dream es true. 87. Reading is fun. 88. Let me show you around . 89. If they dont give us a treat, we play a trick on them. 90. Morning exercises help us get ready for the day.十、书面表达 略 得分点 :1.我和家人住在南京 2.就读于阳光中学七4班。3.高而苗条,是篮球小组的成员。4.我有一个好朋友Kitty, 她来自美国。 5.她妈妈是个英语老师,教我们英语。6.但是我们最喜欢地理课。7.她今年将到我家过年。8.我想为她买一份特殊的礼物。9.我们一起吃饺子,一起(举例自拟)10.我确信我们将玩的开心。

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