2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit 5 Going shopping单元综合测试卷 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit 5 Going shopping单元综合测试卷 牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit 5 Going shopping单元综合测试卷 牛津版一、词组互译(15分) (一)英汉翻译(10分)1稍等片刻_ 2a size eight_ 3给他买一个溜溜球_ 4fit me well_ 5许多种类的发夹_ 6call for help_ 7搭配我的裙子_ 8a discount on_ 9试穿它_ 10a good place to meet friends_ (二)用上面的词组填空(5分) 1This coat_well 2There is_ todays newspaper3Tomorrow is my brotherS birthdayI_4_I will call you later 5Does the skirt _?二、词汇(15分) (一)根据汉语提示及句意写出单词(5分) 1You need to wear football_ (靴子)when you are playing football 2My stickers are more expensive than_ (她的) 3I need a much_ (便宜的)one 4Is it my_ (顺序)to pay the money? 5He held a party without_ (邀请)us (二)用所给单词的正确形式完成句子(5分) 6He wants_ (visit)his parents on Saturday 7Who_ (read)newspapers?My mother is 8Please_ (not talk)in class 9Let him_ (walk)to schoo1 10My uncle_ (fly)to Shanghai once a week (三)根据英语解释及句意写出单词(5分) 11She looks_with long hair and in short skirt(nice to look at) 12Dont buy that dressIts too _(costing much money) 13The supermarket is in the_of the city(the middle part) 14The trousers dont_ his shirt(go well with)15There is a_shopping mall near my home(very big)三、单项选择(10分) ( )1Do you have a discount_ the clothes?I hope I can buy them_a 20discount Aon;of Bat;on Con;at Dfor;on ( )2He has to_20 yuan on the bookBut I neednt_any money for it Apay;spend Bcost;pay Cspend;pay Dtake;spend ( )3I want to buy a nice present_my mother and I must give it_her myself Afor;to Bto;for Cfor;for Dwith;to ( )4He is_ to buy _for his parents Arich enough;enough present Benough rich;enough presents Crich enough;enough presents Denough rich;presents enough ( )5My shoes are too small want to buy a new_ Aone Bones Cpair Dshoe ( )6I like the glasses a lotCan I_? Atry it on Btry on it Ctry them on Dtry on them ( )7The stickers_ too much,I cant afford(买得起)them Aspend Bcost Cpay Dtake ( )8He needs_ hamburgers because he is very hungry Atwo more Bmore two Cother two Dtwo another ( )9一Sorry,I am late_ 一_ AYoure wele BNot at a11 CThank you DThats right ( )10He is _his bookCan he_it? A1ooking for;find Bfinding;look for C1ooks for;finds Dfinds;looks for四、句型转换(10分,20空) 1There is a shoe shop near my home(改为复数句子) There_ _ _ _near my home 2There are some people in the bookshop(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _people in the bookshop? 3A lot of restaurants are on the top floor(改为同义句) _ _ _ _restaurants on the top floor 4some,in,there,shop,the,Walkmans are(连词成句) _ _some_in_ _5There is a cat over here(改为否定句) There_ _ _over here6I spend 5 yuan on the sticker(改为同义句) The sticker_me 5 yuan五、根据中文补全句子(10分,10题)1Simon的生日就要到了。 Simons birthday_ _ _2一你的脚多大尺码的?一8码。 _ _ _your feet? 一Im_ _ _3我们想要帮助中国贫困地区的孩子。 We want to help the children_ _ _ in China4杭州是个旅游的好地方。 Hangzhou is_ _ _ _ _5这个发夹和她的衣服很相配,但是太贵了。 The hair clip_her clothes,but it is_ _6这双鞋多少钱? How much does_ _of_ _?7我正在等着轮到我试穿这件外套呢。 I am_ _ _turn_try the coat_8我父母正在看电视。 My parents_ _TV9我的钱不够,你们有打折的吗? _ 10贫困地区的学生们没有零花钱。 _六、单句改错(5分,5题)( ) _1Sandy is paying on her shoes nowA B C D( ) _2There are some bread and some apples on the tableA B C D( ) _3The shirt is niceI want to try on itA B C D( ) _4That skirt fits you very goodA B C D( ) _5Thank you for helping me on EnglishA B C D七、选择句子补全对话(5分,5题) A:Hello, 1_ B:Good afternoonI am looking for a pair of shoes A:What color do you want? B: 2_ A:SorryWe have no red pairsWhat about the black ones or the white ones? B:I dont like blackId like the white ones A:OK ! 3_ B:Im a size six_4_ A:Yes,of courseAWhat size are your feet?Bwhat can I do for you?Cthey fit me very wellDCan I try them on?EId like a red pair B:Well, 5 _How much are they? A:They are¥200 B:oK!Here you are A:Here is your changeByebye B:Byebye 八、完形填空(10分) Tom lives in New YorkHis father has a shop and his mother is a doctorHe is seven years old now,and begins 1_to school this autumnIts far 2 _their shop and his father 3 _him to school every daySo he 4 _Never late for school and his teachers all 1ike him。 Its Monday today,Miss Hunt is teaching them to 5 _ from one to tenSam is studying hardSoon he carlcount 6 _Miss Hunt is happy and 7 _ “How many people are there in your 8 _,Sam?” Sam stands up and says,“Two,Miss Hunt “ 9 _”are they? “My father and my mother” “Oh?”Miss Hunt is surprisedShe says,“There are three people in your family” “But rtow I am not 10_ I am at school,you know!” ( )1Ago Bgoes Cto go Dgo to ( )2Aaway Bfrom Cto Daround ( )3Awalks Bbrings Ccarries Ddrives( )4Adoes Bis Cdoesnt Disnt ( )5Acount Bwant Cknow Dask ( )6Ait Bthem Cthey Dits ( )7Aanswers Bsays Ctells Dasks ( )8Ahouse Bhome Cfamily Droom ( )9AWhose BWhat CWhich DWho( )10Aat school Bin class Cat home Dafter school九、阅读理解(10分)(A) “Ladies and gentlemen,this is your pilot(飞行员)speakingI hope you are enjoying your flight to Milan this morningNow we are passing over the nice city of Geneva(日内瓦),in the west of Switzerland(瑞士)If youre sitting on the left side of the plane,you can see the city from the windowWe are flying at 10000 metres and we are flying at the speed of 700 kmhIm afraid the weather in Milan is not very goodIts raining and theres a light wind blowingEnjoy the rest of your flightThank you for flying with us today” ( )1Theyre flying to Milan_ Ain the morning Bin the afternoon Cat noon Din the evening ( )2Geneva is in the_of Switzerland Anorth Bsouth Ceast Dwest ( )3They can see Geneva_of the plane Aon the right side Bon the left side Cnext to Milan Don both sides ( )4The plane is flying metres an hour at the moment Aone thousand Bten thousand Cseven hundred Dseven hundred thousand ( )5Whats the weather like in Milan now? AIts rainy and windy BIts fine CIts sunny but a little windyDIts snowy and sunny(B) (A)skin(皮肤),havedifferent,Different,people,colours,ofSome have black skinSome have yellow or white skin(B)There was a woman with orange skinIt was almost the colour of orange j uiceHow did she bee orange?She ate lots of tomatoes,carrots and squashesShe ate too many orange thingsThatS why she turned orangeBut she didnt want to be orangeShe went to a doctorThe doctor said,Stop eating orange thingsEat green things”(C)The woman did so,and she was not orange any more1将(A)斜线部分的句子按照正确的顺序排列。 _2Why did she bee orange? _ 3将(B)处划线的句子翻译成中文。_4写出(C)处句子的同义句。 The woman did so,and_ 5What do vou think of the woman?Can yotl give hersome advice(建议)?_十、书面表达(10分) 要点提示:1我家附近有一家名叫Star Shopping Mall购物中心; 2购物中心总共有六层,里面有许多店铺,如餐馆、快餐店、家电商场、书店、服装店、鞋店、体育用品商店等;还有电影院和游戏中心。 3购物中心早上9点开始营业,晚上10点关门:4每天都有大批的顾客光临。(词数:5060)参考答案一、词组互译 (一)英汉翻译 1wait a minute 2八码 3buy him a yoyo 4合身 5many kinds of hair clips 6打电话求助 7match mv dress 8打折 9try it on 10接见朋友的好地方 (二)用上面的词组填空 1matches my dress 2a discount on 3will buy him a yoyo 4Wait a minute 5fit me well二、词汇 1boots 2hers 3cheaper 4turn 5Inviting 6to visit 7reads 8dont talk 9walk 10flies 11beautiful 12expensive 13centre 14match 151arge三、单项选择 1C 2C 3A 4C 5C 6C 7B 8A 9B 10A四、句型转换 1 are some shoe shops 2Are there any 3There are lots of 4There are Walkmans the shop 5isnt a cat 6costs五、根据中文补全句子 1is ing up 2What size are a size eight 3in poor areas 4a good place to travel 5matches too expensive 6this pair shoes cost 7waiting for my to on 8are watching 9I dont have enough moneyDo you have a discount? 10Students in poor areas dont have any pocket money六、单句改错 1B trying 2A There is 3D try it on 4D well 5D with七、选择句子补全对话 1B 2E 3A 4D 5C八、完形填空 1C 2B 3D 4B 5A 6B 7D 8C 9D 10C九、阅读理解 (A)1A 2D 3B 4D 5A (B)1Different people have different eolors of skin 2She ate lots of tomatoes,carrots and squashesShe ate too many orange things 3有个妇女的皮肤颜色是橙色的。 4she was no more orange 5Stop eating orange thingsEat green things十、书面表达 There is a Star Shopping Mall near my homeIt has six floorsThere are a lot of shopsthere,such as,restaurants,fast food shops,electric shops,bookshops,clothes shops,shoe shops,sports shops and so onThere are cinemas and puter centres too The shopping mall starts at 9 amin the morning and closes at lopmin the evening There are a lot of buyers every day


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