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2019-2020年九年级9月第三周周考英语试题一单选(共30分)( ) 1. Do you know_I saw yesterday? It was my favorite star, Jack!A . whom B. when C. where D.how( ) 2 The student didnt find much_about the topic on that website. A . report B. information C. story D article( ) 3 . The teacher told us the earth_around the sun. A. going B. went C.was going D.goes( ) 4 .Nancy asked me_. A.if can I arrive in time B.that we made a mistake C.what was wrong with my new bike. D.when are we going to leave( )5. Go straight and _ left. The hospital is next to the post office. A. turn B.take C.go D.carry( )6. The science lab is _the right of the library? A. on B. for C. in D.at( )7. My sister_two hours writing the article yesterday.A. paid B. spent C.took D. cost( )8. A. The doctor told me_ too much meat.A. dont eat B. not eat C. no eating D.not to eat( )9.-Are you goimg to buy the red car or the black car?-The black car. I dont have enough money. So I will buy the car which is _A. more expensive B. most expensive C.less expensive D.least expensive( )10. Jane suggested_ his father for advice. A. to asking B. asking C. ask D. to ask二 .完形填空(共30分)One day my wife and I went shopping by car. We had a lot of things_1_, because my brother and _2_family were ing to spend the weekend with us. We stopped the car _3_a stone. An hour later,we came back to the car._4_ of us carried a lot of things. Then trouble started. We could not open the car door.“Oh,dear,”said my wife. “_5_are we going to do?”“Lets ask that policeman,” I said.The policeman was very kind _6_was glad to help us. A few minutes later, he got the door_7_. Just at that moment, _ 8_angry man came up and shouted, “What are you doing_9_ my car?” We looked at the number of the car,and our_10_turned red.( ) 1. A. to buy B. to carry C. to take D. to bring( ) 2 A.her B.his C.our D. their( ) 3. A. at the back B. after C. in front of D.in the front of( ) 4. A. All B. None C. Neither D.Both( ) 5. A. What B. How C. Why D. When( )6. A. so B. and C then D. or( )7 A. to open B. to close C. open D. close( ) 8. A. the B. a C./ D.an( ) 9A. about B. on C. with D.to( ) 10. A. eyes B. heads C. noses D. faces三.任务型阅读(20分) Getting information and direction One day, Bill has to go to New York. Its his first time there, and he doesnt know his way around the city. He has a meeting at 10 oclock, and he wants to be there on time. The meeting is in the Peters Building on 34th Street, but Bill doesnt know the way. At that time Bill meets two men and he asks them for directoins.“Excuse me!” he says,”Can you tell me how to get to the Peter Building on 34th Street?”“Sure,”answers one of the men.”You can get there in five minutes. Go to next corner and turn left. Walk three blocks and there you are.But the other man says, “Dont listen to him. Theres a better way. Get on the bus here at this concer.It stops right near the Peter Building.Then the first man says,” Oh, thats on East 34th Street, not West 34th. Its quite a distance from here. You must take the subway. Take the cross-town bus.”Bill looks his watch. Its almost ten oclock. “Thanks a lot,” he says, “I think I should take a taxi.”He gets into the taxi and leaves. But the two men are still arguring and pointing in different directions. Next time he needs to ask directions, he should ask a policeman! 根据短文内容,完成下列各题:1. Why does Bill have to go to New York? Because he_.2. Where does Bill want to go?He wants to go to_on 34th street.3. When does Bill have a meeting?At_.4. According to the first man, how can Bill get to the Peter Bilding?Go to the next concer and_.Walk three blocks.5. What does he do in the end?He_to Peter Bilding.四短文填空,用正确形式填空(分) trouble, direct, depend, how, good, get, if, different, take, policeWhen you are lost or have some kinds of problems it might be an idea to ask, for information or help, so it is important to know _1_to ask for information_2_and properly. Usually people chance the way they speak when they talk with_3_people. It mostly_4_on the people you are speaking to or your relationship with them.Sometimes, when you know the people very well you may talk more_5_to them. Just like”Tom, where is my pen?” However, if you dont know them very _6_,it might he better to speak in a more polite way like. “Excuse me, could you please?” Sometimes it may_7_you a little more time to express what you want. Such as ”Im sorry to_8_ you, but ”or “Excuse me. I wonder _9_ you can help me.”before asking for help.In a word, if you want to_10_some help when you are in trouble, you must be polite first, or you wont get the answer you want.附加题1 你能告诉我银行在那里吗?Could you tell me _ _ _ _?2 你知道怎样才能到图书馆吗?Do you know_ _ _ _the library .3 我们正期待着读你的小说。We are_ _ _ _you novel.4 托尼每天花半小时弹钢琴。Tony_half an hour_the piano every day.5. 她每天请求汤姆照顾她弟弟。She _ Tom_look after her brother yesterday.初三年级英语第3周周考答题卡班级_ 姓名_ 总分_ 一单选(30分)1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._二完形填空(30分)1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._三阅读(20分) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._四短文填空(20分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._10._ 一 单选ABDCA ABDCB 二 完型ABCD ABCD CD三 阅读 1.has a meeting 2. the Peter Building 3. 10 oclock4.turn left 5. take a taxi四 短文填空1.how 2. politely 3.different 4.depends 5.directly 6.well 7.take 8.trouble 9.if 10. get


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