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2019-2020年八年级英语下学期暑假作业二人教新目标版温馨寄语:只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 一、单项填空 (共l5小题, 每小题1分; 满分15分)从A、B、C、D中选以填入空白处的选项。 ( ) 1. I wonder _ without water. About a week A. how long man can live B. how long can man live C. when man can live D. when can man live ( ) 2. We have_ time to do it better. A. not B. no C. no a D. not a( ) 3. She returned home only to find the door open and something_. A. missed B. to be missing C. missing D. to be missed ( ) 4. What shall we do now? _its raining hard, lets play chess at home. A. So B. Since C. Though D. If( ) 5. _youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Since B. After C. Although D. As soon as ( ) 6. The hotel looks like_ fish.A. very large a B. a very large C. quite large D. a quite large( ) 7. After seeing the _ film, I felt quite _.A. boring; bored B. boring; bored C. bored; bored D. bored; boring( ) 8. Did you notice your mother go out a moment ago? No, I didnt. I _TV then.A. Have watched B. am watching C. was watching D. were watching( ) 9.The thin wire is_ to the thick wire. A. connect B. connecting C. connected D. connection( ) 10. Not only he but also I_ good at Maths. A. are B. am C. is D. were.( )11.She looks forward to _the flower-lined garden every spring. A. visit B. walk in C. paying a visit D walking in ( ) 12.Though it sounds a bit too dear, it is worth _ A. being bought B. buying C to buy. D. buying it ( ) 13.-Would you like to play football with us after school? -No. I am going to play tennis_ football.A. instead play B. instead of play C instead playing. D. instead of playing ( ) 14. Why _ go skating?A. dont B. not C. do D. doesnt ( ) 15. Why is eye contact the key _ munication. A. to B. of C. with D. for 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)阅读短文,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The weather is different in parts of the world. In some places it is _16_ and in others it is wet. If the weather is too dry. The land will not be _17_ for animals or plants. In wet weather there may be too much _18_. The rivers may go over their sides. The _19_ may take the bridge away. If the rivers go over their sides, a lot of people may not have enough food. If there is very dry weather for a long _20_, the river beds may be dry, too. In some other parts of the world the weather may be very cold. There may be _21_. When it snows, the trees and the buildings, everything looks _22_. In winter the days are short and the nights are long. On a cold winter _23_, when there are no clouds or winds, the _24_ is very clear. And the moon and stars are very beautiful. People may _25_ their coats and go out for long walks. When they e back to their houses, they may be happy to have hot coffee and cakes by the fire. ( ) 16、 A、cool B、dry C、cold D、hot( ) 17、 A、bad B、better C、well D、good( ) 18、 A、cloud B、snow C、wind D、rain( ) 19、 A、river B、air C、water D、wind( ) 20、 A、time B、way C、river D、month( ) 21、 A、rain B、snow C、blow D、clouds( ) 22、 A、blue B、green C、yellow D、white( ) 23、 A、day B、afternoon C、night D、morning( ) 24、 A、river B、land C、sky D、earth( ) 25、 A、put in B、wear C、take off D、dress三、阅读理解 (共10题,每题1.5分;满分15分)阅读短文, 然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。A One day an old man was selling a big elephant. A young man came to the elephant and began to look at it carefully.The old man went up to him and said in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.”“All right,” said the young man.After the old man sold the elephant, he gave the young man twenty dollars and said,” Now can you tell me how you saw the bad ears of the elephant?”“I didnt find the bad ears,” said the young man.“Then why did you look at the elephant carefully” asked the old man.The young man answered,” Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”() 26._ the elephant.A. The young man sold B. The old man sold C. The young man bought D. The old man bought () 27.The young man look at the elephant carefully because he_. A. wanted to find something B. liked the elephant C.hadnt seen an elephant before D. Helped the old man() 28. The young man looked at the elephant carefully. He wanted to find (out) _.A. some meat B. some money C. bad ears D. what it looked like () 29.At last the young man _.A. got some money from the old man B. wanted to buy the elephant C.Looked after the elephant D. didnt know the elephant had bad ears() 30.Hearing what the young man said ,the old man would be _A. happy B. angry C.pleased D.interesting BEvery town in the United States has a post office. Some are very small, and you may also find them in the corner of a shop. Others are larger buildings. They are open five days a week and on Saturday mornings. From Monday through Friday they are usually open from 8:30 to 4:30. If you know how much the postage (邮资) is for your letter, you can buy stamps at any window. In some post offices you can buy stamps from machines. Stamps are sold many different prices, from one cent (美分) to many dollars. If you are not sure how much postage is for you letter, you may ask the man or the woman in the post office for help. He or she will give you the stamps you need . If you are sending your letter far away, you should use airmail envelopes (航空信封) . Remember that postage will be more expensive for a letter to be sent outside the country. At a post office you can also buy postcards. A postcard is cheaper than a letter. Usually the price of postage for a postcard is about half that of a letter. The postcards that you buy at a post office do not have pictures. However, also they are not to be sent outside the country. Letters are an easy and cheap way to keep in touch with people in many different countries.( ) 31.The passage tells us that we can find _ easily in the United States of America.A. post office s B. large buildings C. small shops D. different banks( ) 32.The post offices in the United States are open _hours a day. A. seven B. six C. five D. eight ( ) 33. If you are not sure how much postage is for your letter, you can _.A. go and buy stamps from the machine in the post officeB. ask the man or the woman in the post office for helpC. get in touch with somebody you know in the post office D. send a cheap postcard instead of your letter ( ) 34.The price of postage for _ is more expensive.A. a beautiful postcard B. a letter written on envelope C. a letter by airmail D. a postcard with pictures ( ) 35.The passage tells us something about _ in the USA A .the post B. the postage C. letters D. postcards四、回答问题(共10小题,每小题2分;满分20分)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。 AMost people around the world are right-handed, while some people write with their left hands. About 10 percent of people are left-handed. There are a few more left-handed men than there are left-handed women. Why are some people born right-handed and others left-handed? No one knows.Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein were both left-handed. Left-handed people do better in some jobs, such as in art, music, theatre, film and law. They also do better at sport. For example , left-handers do better than right-handers at sports where people use their hands. There used to be far fewer left-handed people a century ago than today. This is because peoples feelings towards the left-handed have changed a lot over the years. Parents used to punish(处罚)left-handed children until they began using their right hands like other children. However, today people no longer look down upon left-handed people or think them strange. There are even products for left-handed people, such as left-handed scissors, guitars and cameras. There will probably be more and more left-handed people in the future, as they are getting more respect.Every year on 13 August, there is Left-Handers Day. This is a day to celebrate left-handed people and their successes, and to encourage right-handed people to make more products for left-handed people.36. How many people in the world are right-handed? _37. What kind of sports do left-handed people do better at? _38. Are there any products for left-handed people? _39. When is Left-Handers Day.?_40. How did many people use to feel about left-handers?_ (B) A pet mouseIn Europe, North America and many other places around the world, people like to have pets. One of the best and easiest pets to take care of is the mouse. It is easier and cheaper than a dog, and it is a better friend than a cat. A mouse is interesting to watch. It loves being with people. And it does not bite and scratch(抓;挠), like some pets.A mouses house is not as expensive as a dogs. You can use a shoe box, but a stronger box is better. It will be easier to clean. Put a smaller box into a bigger box. This will be a good bedroom for your mouse. Your mouse can sleep in its little box. It will be safer and happier there than in the big box.A mouse needs a lot of exercise. It does not like having nothing to do, so give it something to climb on. Make two floors in its house. Then it can climb up and down.A mouse eats everything. A cat loves fruit. It does not eat as much as some pets, but it eats more often. Give it something to eat three or four times every day. Like all animals, a mouse needs good, clean water. A bottle is better than a bowl, but a bowl is better than nothing. Do not forget to wash its food and water bowls every day. 41. Why is a pet mouse better than a dog or a cat?_ 42. Why should the mouses house be a small box inside a big one?_43. What is the use of a two-floor house for the mouse?_44. How often should you feed the mouse?_45. Can you use a bowl to feed the mouse? _五、短文填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)A )阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词。 robots spend factories fly able housework answers other work spaceIn one hundred years everyone will carry a small puter. The puter will give people the (46)_ to all their questions. We will all have (47)_ at our home. So well be (48)_ to let robots do most of the (49)_. While making a telephone call, well also be able to see the other end at the same time. A lot of people will live and work under sea or in (50)_ because there will be big towns and (51)_ there. .Robots will do most of the work, and people will just (52)_ two or three days a week. Theyll be able to (53)_ to the moon in a spaceship and (54)_ their holidays there.46. _ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._ 51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ B) 阅读短文,然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空。I really enjoy spending my free time on the beach. Yesterday I _55_(phone) several friends and invited them_56_(go) to the beach. Polly said ”I dont like staying at the beach all day. Half an hour is enough for me. Ben said “I always avoid lying in the sun because I dont want to get a skin burn. Anyway I have to finish _57_ (write) my position.”Luckily ,Olivia was very happy to e with_58_(I).She said,” I can just imagine swimming in the warm sea! Its a _59_(love) day. Maybe we could go fishing, too. And lets practice playing volleybal!”I said “Volleyball? With you, Olivia? NO! I hear youre the _60_(good)player in your school.” (55) _ _ (56) _ (57) _ _ (58) _(59) _ (60) _ 六、综合阅读(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第61- 65小题。 Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea, said Matt.Its not a good idea to keep pet dogs.Pet dogs _(A)_their hair on the floor, on beds and on sofas, and they need to be washed often. Dogs are noisy. Nearly all dogs(C)冲叫strangers. Some dogs bark more loudly than others. (E)A few dogs bark all night. This stops people from getting any sleep. Not all dogs are friendly. Asmall number of pet dogs even attack people.(G)Whats more, (B) its mon for people to live in flats. They have no_(D)_but to keep their dogs in small spaces. However, dogs need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free.Finally, owning dogs can be expensive.So keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.61. 在划线部分(A)和(D)的空白处填上一个适当的单词:_; _ 62. 文中划线部分(B)所指代的是:_63. 将文中划线部分(C)译成英语:_64. 写出文中划线部分(E)和(G)的同义词或短语:_; _65. 在文中找出能够说明本文主题的最佳语句:_ 七、阅读与表达(共两节,A节5分,B节10分:满分15分)A) 阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框A-E中选出可以填入短文空白处的正确答案。 We are always using body language in our daily munication. When we talk with each other, we may use body language. For example, in the USA, _66_ when they think someone is clever. However, human beings are not the only ones who use body language. Animals also use body language and facial (面部的)expressions to tell each other _67_. When a dog is happy, its ears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open. When it is angry, _68_. If an elephant spreads its ears, it means ”watch out!”. To show friendship, elephants will touch each other with their trunks(象鼻). _69_and like to show each other their feelings. An angry dolphin will sometimes slap (拍打)its tail on the water. A happy dolphin will play with its friends, _70_. Not only humans but also animals can use body language to municate, but the things they “say” to each other are different. A.how they feel and what they think. B. Dolphins live in groups C.making small jumps into the air. D.people point to their heads E. it will look straight at you. B) 请你以Body languages are _ 为题写一篇小短文,(词数80-100)。步骤与要点如下: 1确定主题,并在文中说明原因; 2围绕主题,进行叙述; 3讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。 要求: 1补全标题; 2字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范; 3鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。短文的开头已绐出,不计入总词数; 4作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照图文中的内容,但不可以直接引用图文中的句子;5作文中不要出现考生和相关人物的真实校名和姓名。暑假作业拓展练习备战中考八年英语试卷(二)一、单项填空 15 ABCBA 6-10 BBCCB 11-15 DBDBA二、完形填空1620 BDDCA 2125 BDCCB三、阅读理解 26-30 BCDAB 31-35 ADBCA四、阅读回答问题36. 90 percent of people in the world are right-handed. 37. They do better at sports where people use their hands38. Yes, there are. 39. Every year on 13 August. 40. They looked down upon them or thought them strange. 41. Because it is easier and cheaper than a dog, and it is a better friend than a cat. 42.Because the small box will be a good bedroom for your mouse. 43.The mouse can climb up and down in the house. 44.Three or four times every day. 45.Yes.五、短文填空46. answers 47. robots 48. able 49. housework 50. other 51. space 52. factories 53. work 54. fly 55. phoned 56. to go 57. writing 58. me 59. lovely 60. best 六、综合阅读 61. leave; choice62. to live in flats63. bark at64. Some; In addition65. Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea./ Its not a good idea to keep pet dogs.七、A、66-70 DAEBC B、(略)

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