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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期末考试试题(VII)第一节:听小对话,按要求做答。(每小题1分,满分5分)请听5段小对话及对话后的问题,选择能正确回答所提问题的图画选项。每段对话及对话后的问题仅读一遍。第二节:听大对话或独白,按要求做答。(每小题1分,满分20分) 请听6段大对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,请按要求做答。每段对话或独白均读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7小题。6When will they leave? A. At 10:00. B.At 8:45. C.At 9:00.7. What are they going to visit on the way back? A.A school. B.A lake. C.A hill. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9小题。8. Where is Jack Brown from? A.A university. B.A middle school. C.A primary school.9. What does Jack Brown ask Mr. Smith to do for his students? A. To tell them how to draw. B.To teach them Chinese. C.To give them a speech.听第8段材料,回答第10 12小题。10. How will the man go to Shanghai? A. By bus. B.By plane. C.By train.11. When does the man plan to leave? A. On the 20th. B.On the 22nd. C.On the 24th.12. How much does one ticket cost? A. 50 yuan. B.100 yuan. C.150 yuan. 听第9段材料,回答第13 15小题。13. What will Li Lei do this weekend? A. See afilm. B.Collect the rubbish. C.Attend a party.14. Which subject doesnt Han Meimei take on weekends? A. Chinese. B.Math. C.English.15. What does Han Meimei think of taking afterschool classes? A. Exciting. B.Boring. C.Useful. 听第10段材料,回答第16 20小题。16. Where did the old lady go one evening? A. The police station. B.Her grandsons party. C.The supermarket.17. How many people did the old lady see in the car? A. Two. B.Three. C.Four.18. What did she do as soon as she found a man starting the car? A. She took out the toy knife. B.She called the police. C.She ran away quickly.19. Why couldnt the lady start the car? A. Because she lost the key. B. Because it wasnt her car. C. Because something was wrong with the car.20. How did the old lady feel at the end of the story? A. Happy. B.Afraid. C.Sorry. 听第11段材料,完成表中21 25小题的信息记录。 第二部分基础知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分) 从所给的A、B、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26. -If you want to know more about the material, Ill give you_ address, you can go and see it. -Oh,Ive been to_place,its not far from here. Thanks! A. an, the B.the;a C.an,/ D.a;the27. -The boy is too young to understand what I say. It drives me crazy.-I think you should be_.A. excited B.worried C.patient D.nervous28. -How nice the fish tastes! Could you tell me who taught you to cook it? -To be honest,I learnt it_watching TV.1 learn to cook many dishes TV. A. by; in B.by; on C.in; on D.in; in29. - Which subject do you like, chemistry or physics? _ _. Im not good at them. A. Both B.Neither C.Either D.None30. He is one of the students_from the country. A. who e B.which e C.which es D.who es31. -Can I order a super large cake in your shop? -Yes, sir. We will do everything at our customers_. A. need B.request C.wish D.hope32. - Mary, do you have any plans for this weekend? -Im not sure.I_just stay at home. A. must B. may C. can D need33. -Look! You have_some weight! -Yes. Maybe I am too relaxed during the holidays. A. put away B.put up C.put on D.put down34. Not only I but also he_the film, because its so exciting. A. likes B.like C.is liking D.liked35. -Do you know why he_clean the classroom after school every day? -He is always late for class. A. made B.made to C.is made D.is made to36. -Now many young people smoke and get i11. -So we should do something_ can help stop smoking. Awhat Bwho C./ Dthat37. Mother often tells me,“I hope you_forget what I have told you to do at school! A. wont B.didnt C.arent D.do38. -Do you know_? -By Alexander Graham Bell. A. how the telephone was invented B.how was the telephone invented C. who was the telephone invented by D.who the telephone was invented by39. -Mum, can I go out to play football with Jim? _ _. You havent finished your homework. A. OK B.All right C.No way D.Its up to you40. -I want to improve my English as fast as possible, but I find it difficult. _ _. Practice makes perfect! A. No problem B.It takes time C.Sure, you will D.Thats all right第二节:完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。 I had never noticed her. She was not the kind of girl who could draw attention. She was not tall 41 looked ordinary(普通的).In class, she liked sitting at the back, reading or writing notes. One day I asked her 42 aloud the text. When I heard her standard(标准)American English, I looked at herwith new eyes. And I remembered her name - Kelly. Later on, the National College Speech petition would be held. One student in our school 43 to attend. I thought it over and filled in her name. Kelly practiced 44 for the petition. However, I was a little worried 45 she was always too quiet. Could she really_46 well in the petition? 47 the night of the petition, I sat in the front row of the hall very early. 48 seemed that she was really nervous. I felt upset, but Ijust patted her on 49 shoulder and let her go to draw lots (抽签). As a result, she drew No.9 while No.8 was a boy who was very good at giving speeches. Sure enough,No.8 was very_50 The whole audience(观众)made a warm applause(鼓掌) While they 51 about his speech with excitement, Kelly appeared on the stage. I with no courage to look at her.lt was her 52 time to go up the stage, so I couldnt be angry with her for any small mistakes. But at that moment, I found that l was so afraid of her 53 .The strong spotlight(聚光灯)and large hall made_54 so small that nobody seemed to notice she had been on the stage.I felt hopeless. But the moment that surprised me came.l clearly heard a voice, a very loud voice, Now, please focus on me. Three times in all, louder and louder. The whole audience fell 55 I could hardly believe that loud voice came from the girl, who was usually soft - voiced and didntcatch attention at all. She gave a perfect speech. I think l will never forget this touching lesson which my student taught me - never underestimate(低估)the power of the silent people.41.A.or B.but C.as well D.and42.A.read B.reading C.to read D.to reading43.A.allow B.allowed C.was allowed D.allows44.A.hard B.hardly C.harder D.hardest45.A.though B.because C.when D.if46.A.did B.be done C.do D.doing47.A。In BAt CBy DOn48.A.That B.This C.Its D.It49.Aan Ba C不填 Dthe50.A.success B.successful C.succeed D.successfully51.A.talked B.would talk C.was talked D.were talking52.A.one B.the one C.first D.the first53.A.success B.failure C.promise D.progress54.A.she B.her C.herself D.hers55.A.silent B.noisy C.sad D.angry 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节:阅读下列表格,根据其内容,选择最佳选项。(每小题2分,满分10分)15 - Day Tour for Beach LoversVisit beautiful Southern CalifomiaSurfing beachesAcmodations: Single or double rooms In beachfront hotelsPrice includes: Money for daily surfboard 3 - hour beginner s lessonsOther activities: Visit Disneyland Tour Beverly Hills and see the movie starshomeTour cost: Single room $ 1,999 Double room $ 2, 30015 - Day Ski Tour in the Green MountainsGo skiing in VermontAcmodations: Village hotels, with relaxing environment and the dining fortable rooms with nice furniturePrice includes: All ski equipment, lift tickets, and daily 2 - hour lessonsNight activities: Parties in the open air, rock music concertsOther activities: Shopping, ice skating, cross - country skiingTour cost: Single room: $ 2, 500 Double room $ 3, 20056. If you like skiing, you can choose to stay _ to enjoy your vacation. A. in a beachfront hotel B. in a village hotel C. only in a single room D. only in a double room57. It will take you _ to enjoy your vacation either in the green mountains or on the beaches. A. one week B. one month C. half a week D. half a month58. Which of the following does the price of both tours include? A. Lessons. B. Lift tickets. C. Daily surfboard. D. Ski equipment.59. How much do you have to pay if you book(预定) two single rooms for the Summer Surfing? A. $ 4600 B. $ xx C. $ 3998 D. $ 230060. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? A. People can get daily 3 - hour lessons before skiing. B. People must take their own ski equipment. C. People can visit Disneyland during the Summer Surfing. D. People must pay extra(额外的) money for the daily surfboard.第二节:阅读短文,根据其内容,选择最佳选项。(每小题2分,满分10分) Besides the spelling of the word, there are, clearly, many differences between American and Britishhumor. There is a mon belief in the U.K.that Americans dont understand irony(讽刺).This is ofcourse not true. But what is true is that Americans dont use it all the time. Irony may show up in Amer-ican edies, but people there dont use it as much as the British do in daily life. However, irony ismon in British culture. It actually runs in the blood of the British people. They use it as a way of pla-ying with their friends and laughing at their enemies, as well as themselves, in everyday conversations.This may sometimes make people unhappy if the listeners are not used to it. Things are quite different in America. After Americans use irony, they will clearly say that they areonly kidding. They feel the need to make a joke clearer so that it will not make other people un-fortable. Humor is tied so much to culture. American jokes are more clear and forward,a bit like Ameri-cans return. British jokes, on the other hand, are more subtle and usually with a hidden meaning. Thismay result from the fact that British culture is more reserved(矜持的)than American culture. However,we still find that certain American edies have made huge success in Britain. Therefore, although there are differences between both ic styles, there is still an appreciation(欣赏)and understanding of the others sense of humor.61. Why do British people use irony in daily life? A. To make friends with others. B.To fight with their enemies. C. To laugh at themselves. D.To make other people unhappy.62. What will Americans do after using irony in a joke? A. Theyll make another joke. B.They will say they are just kidding. C. They wont make their kids laugh. D.They wont show they are unfortable.63. The underlined word subtle in the Paragraph 3 probably means_. A明白的 B保守的 C直接的 D难以捉摸的64. What can we infer(推断)according to the passage? A. There is usually a dark hidden meaning in American jokes. B. British edies have not made any success in America yet. C. Americans and Englishmen understand each others sense of humor. D. American irony is difficult for people to use and understand.65. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. American humor and British humor B.American people and British people C. American culture and British culture D.American English and British English第三节:阅读短文,根据其内容,补全下面表格。(每空一词)(每小题1分,满分5分) Some people make you feel fortable when they are talking with you. And youll make friends with them easily. How is it done? Here are several skills that good talkers need to have. First of all, good talkers raise questions. Almost anyone, shy or not, will answer a question. A well - known businessman says, “At business lunches, I always ask people what they did this morning. Its a usual question, but it will get things going.” From there you can move on to other things, sometimes to really personal things. And how they answer will let you know how far you can go. Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they wait for the answers. For example, your questions should have a point, and help to tell what kind of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully. Real listening is important. First it means not to change the subject of your talk. If someone sticks to one topic, you can understand that he is really interested in it.Real listening also means listening to tones of voice. If the voice sounds dull, then,its time for you to change the subject. Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion(场合) of parting(分别 ). If you resaying good - bye, you may give him a firm(坚定的 ) handshake and say, I ve really enjoyed meeting you. If you want to see that person again, dont keep it a secret. Let people know what you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they ve known you half their lives.第四节:阅读短文,根据其内容,完成下列任务。(每小题2分,满分10分) Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school? If you do, you need to take control of your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry with people can cause you to lose friends. Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written” My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them.The book says that getting angry only makes problems . It can never make them better. Getting angry is not a natural way to act, the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily - all you have to do is tell yourself not to be angry. When a baby _ over, it only cries if people are watching it. Like a baby, you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do. The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. Here are our top three: Keep a record. Every time you get angry write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily. Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry. Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh! 任务一:请根据短文内容,分别写出、处所缺词语(每空一词)。71. 任务二:根据意思,用短文中恰当的单词补全句子。72.(1)I dont think they should speak to the elders, since its a little rude.(2) Whatever_ I will stand by you.任务三:请把上文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。73._ 任务四:请根据短文内容回答下列问题。74. What is My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals about? 75. What are the tips mentioned in the passage? (Write down at least 2 of them) 第四部分语言综合运用(共三节,满分30分)第一节:选词填空(每小题1分,满分5分) 选择单词或词组,用其适当的形式填空,使句子意思正确、通顺。每词限用一次,其中两词多余。steal, polite; introduce; look up to; disappoint; talk back, divide-into76. Its to leave without saying goodbye.77. You said you would e to our party, do not us.78. The students in Class 5 all _their handsome physics teacher.79. She often_ something when she went shopping in the supermarket.80. When he found his two - year - old son learned_ ,he felt angry and funny.第二节:补全句子(每小题2分,满分10分) 根据汉语提示补全英语句子,使句子意思正确、通顺。每空词数不限。81.每次去她家,她总是让我感觉宾至如归。 She always_ each time Im invited to her home.82.他很羡慕那些天生能力强的人。 He admires those who_ _83.吴老师看得出来她在极力回避她的目光。 Miss Wu can see shes trying hard _her eyes.84.我料想你父母会因为考试成绩而表扬你。 I _for the good results of the exams.85.专家们认为在某些方面青少年应该自己做决定。 The experts believe that in some ways teens should_第三节:初级写作(满分15分) 春节将至,美好的xx年即将开启。面对过去的一年,对于某些事、某些人,同学们一定还有些许遗憾,希望来年自己能做得更好。现在请你静下心来,认真审视过去的自己,查找不足,并谈谈心中美好的新年愿望吧。 提示:请使用过去时、将来时或其它相关时态。 要求:1.行文连贯、条理清楚、语句通顺、语法正确、书写规范; 2. 80-100词。十堰市xxxx学年度上学期期末调研考试九年级英语试题评分说明1. A2.C3.A4.B5. A6. C7.B8.A9.C10.C11. B12.C13.B14.A15.C16. C17.B18.A19.B20.C21. Century22. wide23.famous24. theater25. tourists 26. A 27.C28.B 29.B30. A31. B 32.B 33.C 34.A 35. D36. D 37.A 38.D 39.C 40. B41. D42.C 43.C 44.A 45. B46. C 47.D 48.D 49.D 50. B51. D 52.C 53.B 54.B 55. A56. B57.D58.A59.C60. C61. C62.B63.B64.C65. A 66. Raise 67. personal 68. carefully69. sticks70. enjoyed71. worse falls72.(1)loudly (2)happens73. 如果你是这样,你需要控制自己的情绪,不要轻易生气。74. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. / Its about how to control the feelings.75. Keep a record. Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. Do something different. (三个建议任意写出两个即可)76. impolite77. disappoint78. look up to 79. stole 80. to talk back81. makes me feel at home82. were born with (strong) abilities.83. to avoid meeting 84. suppose (that)your parents will praise you85. (be allowed to) make their own decisions(1)155小题,每小题1分,与本答案不符的不给分。(2)5665小题,每小题2分,与本答案不符的不给分。(3)6670小题,每小题1分,与本答案相符,可给满分。除上述答案外,如有其他答案,经商定后可给分。(4)7175小题,每小题2分。7172小题, 按空给分,每空1分,与本答案相符, 可给满分。除上述答案外,如有其它答案,符合试题要求,确实正确,经商定后可给分。7375小题,与本答案相符, 可给满分。 如有其它表述,符合试题要求,经商定后可给分。(5)7680小题,按空给分,每空1分,与本答案不符的不给分。(6)8185小题,每小题2分,与本答案相符, 可给满分。如有其它表述,符合试题要求,经商定后也可给满分;如只答对关键词组或句型,与之相关的时态、语态、语气以及固定搭配等有误,可给1分;关键词组或句型有误的不给分。(7)第六大题评分要求:一、评分原则1. 本题总分为15分,按6个档次给分。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,然后根据该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。3. 总词数少于试题要求所规定的,在本题总分得分中扣去1分;超过规定总词数的,不扣分;如果书写太差,格式、标点符号错误太多,以至于影响阅卷的,降低一个档次给分。4. 句子的整体结构、动词的时态、语态用法错误的每项各扣1分,不重复扣分;单词拼写、标点符号和大小写满4个扣1 分,不重复扣分。5. 评分时,应注意的主要内容有:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。6. 对完成了试题所规定的全部任务,语言得体、地道的书面表达,可给满分。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求第一档:(1315分)能写出全部或绝大部分内容要点;语句流畅,符合英语的表达习惯,行文连贯,具有较强的语言表达能力,基本无语法和词汇方面的错误,且可读性强;书写规范工整;全文允许12处由于使用较高级词汇或复杂句子结构所致的错误。第二档:(1012分)能写出大部分内容要点;语句较流畅,有少量语法和词汇的错误,但不影响理解,可读性较好。第三档:(79分)能写出大部分内容要点;语句基本通顺,有一些语法和词汇的错误,但就整体而言,初步达到了预期的写作目的。第四档:(46分)能写出少量内容要点,漏掉或未描述清楚主要内容,影响了对写作内容的理解,但尚能达意;语句不通顺,语言有较多错误,只有少量句子表达正确。第五档:(13分)基本或完全没写出内容要点,只写出少数单词、词组或短语;语法、词汇和单词拼写错误较多,不知所云。第六档:(0分)未能传达给任何有关写作信息;写的内容均与所要求的内容无关;写的内容完全无法辨认。


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