2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空寒假精练(6).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空寒假精练(6)Passage 1One afternoon, many years ago, I went to pick up my mother from work. I got there a little early so I 21 the car by the roadside and waited for her.As I looked 22 the car window, there was a small park where I saw a little boy, around one and a half to two years old, 23 freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short 24 . The boy had a big smile on his face 25 he had just been set free from some sort of 26 . The boy would then fall to the grass, 27 , and without hesitation or without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a 28 on his face.Kids, when they fall down, dont view their falling down as failure, but 29 ,they treat it as a learning experience. They try and try again until they 30 . Not only was I touched by the boys persistence, but I was 31 touched by the manner in which he ran. With each attempt, he looked so 32 and so natural-no signs of fear, nervousness, or of being discouraged. His only 33 was to run freely and to do it as effectively as he could. He was just being a 34 -just being himself-being pletely in the moment. He was not looking for 35 or was not worrying about whether 36 was watching. He wasnt concerned about being judged. He didnt seem to be bothered by the fact that maybe someone would see him 37 and that it would be 38 if he did fall. No, all that 39 to him was to him was to acplish the task, to feel the experience of running fully and freely. I learned a lot from that 40 and experience, and have successfully brought that lesson with me in my many pursuits in life.21AparkedBstartedC rodeDbroke22AtowardBdownC outsideDover23AplayingBrunningCrollingD smiling24AwayBdistanceCtimeD length25Aas thoughBso long asCeven ifDnow that26AparkBcaveCcastleD prison27Atake upBget upCbreak downDlie in28AtearBsmileCpleasureDsurprise29AhoweverBinsteadCthereforeDanyhow-30AstopBwinCachieveDsucceed31AequallyBapparently CactuallyDluckily32AconfidentBjoyfulCquietDproud33AworryBdreamCaimDconclusion34AboyBchildCplayerDwinner35AapprovalBfortuneCchance Dtrouble36AanyoneBsomeoneCeveryoneDone37AfailBrunCcryDfall38AdisappointingBembarrassingCfrighteningDamusing39AhappenedBcaredCmatteredDrelated40AobservationBdiscoveryCstoryDIncidentPassage 1:21-25 ACBBA 26-30 DBBBD 31-35 AACBA 36-40 BDBCAPassage 2Many years ago, a baby boy came into this world. But 41 , he didnt e with a cry, which was a big 42 from the medical point of view. The doctor turned the baby 43 and slapped his bottom sharply. The baby cried and 44 . The father smiled and silently cried 45 . He held the baby in his arms and didnt allow the doctor to touch the baby anymore. That baby was me, and that man was my dad. Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child. And 46 , he never said “I love you” to me, either. Maybe its a Chinese cultural thing, or maybe thats the way my dad was. But 47 I felt defeated, sad or lonely, dad was always there. He was a man of 48 words, but I could always feel a very special 49 to him.When I was in high school, dad retired and 50 a food stand on the street near my school. Every day when I finished 51 , my classmates and I 52 pass his food stand. But I really hated talking to dad in front of his food stand, 53 I did not want my classmates to know that my dad was selling noodles on the street!One night, I couldnt 54 it any more and shouted, “Dad, could you stop selling your 55 noodles? I dont need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment, dad was 56 . He tried to say something but didnt. When he turned his head 57 , something happened that I had never seen and would never forget for 58 of my life. His eyes were filled with tears and sadness. It was the first time that I saw dad 59 . My mom later told me that dad was selling noodles to save money for my college education. I was such an idiot, and even today I still feel 60 for that night.41. A. abruptlyB. unfortunatelyC. expectedlyD. fortunately42. A. questionB. problem C. challengeD. solution43. A. upside downB. inside outC. up and downD. at the bottom44, A, existedB. producedC. deliveredD. survived45. A. as well asB. eitherC. as wellD. neither46. A. of courseB. by no meansC. on the contraryD. in vain47. A. whatever B. whicheverC. wheneverD. however48. A. few B. a littleC. littleD. a few49. AbinationB. conversationC. municationD. connection50. A. put upB. set upC. came upD. picked up51. A. schoolB. lessonC. courseD. task52. A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. might53. A. whetherB. thoughC. whileD. because54. A. standB. believeC. assumeD. prove55. A. wonderfulB. stupidC. deliciousD. strange56. A. confusedB. frightenedC. shockedD. disappointed57. A. outB. aroundC. downD. away58. A. the restB. the otherC. anotherD. other59. A. laughingB. shoutingC. huggingD. crying60. A. gratefulB. guiltyC. proudD. embarrassedPassage 2:41-45 BBADC 46-50 ACADB 51-55 ACDAB 56-60 CDADBPassage 3Did you hear the sports story that came out of Greece a few years ago? No, it wasnt from the country that started the Olympics, 21 it has an Olympic quality. The story came out of Greece, New York, and it was about Jason McElwain, a 17-year-old autistic(自闭的) kid, and Jim Johnson, a high school basketball 22 .Jason,who didnt speak until he was five and always 23 with learning challenges, was 24 for a basketball player, only five foot six. In fact, he never 25 the team. He was the team manager, who kept statistics and handed out water bottles.But Coach Johnson 26 Jasons enthusiasm for the game and his unselfish dedication to the team. So he decided if the score 27 , he might let him 28 a few minutes.Word got around and a group of students came to the game with signs 29 his nickname, “J-Mac,” and cutouts of his face placed on popsicle(冰棒)sticks.When Jason was put into the game with four minutes left, they 30 wildly hoping that he might even 31 a basket. In Hollywood, he would have done just that, and his teammates would have 32 him off on their shoulders. But in the 33 world of Greece, New York, Jason took a 34 and missed by about six feet. His supporters 35 and the coach worried that he may have set this young man up for 36 .But J-Mac 37 another shot, and another, and another. 38 he took 10 shots, and scored 20 points in his four minutes of 39 .And, yes, he was carried off on the shoulders of his teammates. And it was the career high point in the life of a coach who just gave a good kid a(n) 40 .21.A.ifB.thoughC.sinceD.for22.A.starB.gameC.coachD.play23.A.beganB.wentClistenedD.struggled24.A.shortB.bigC.goodD.ready25.A.gatheredB.organizedC.supportedD.made26.A.showedB.likedC.developedD.lost27.A.decreasedB.changedC.matteredD.permitted28.A.trainB.restC.playD.direct29.A.givingB.bearingC.callingD.keeping30.A.blamedB.laughedC.ranD.cheered31.A.scoreB.findC.fillD.hang32.A.cutB.carriedC.putD.knocked33.A.realB.modernC.wholeD.natural34.A.shotB.seatC.lookD.step35.A.noddedB.brokeC.agreedD.plained36.A.fameB.embarrassmentC.courageD.achievement37.A.tookB.heardC.gotD.fired38.A.In factB.In turnC.HoweverD.Meanwhile39.A.sorrowB.joyC.gloryD.guilt40.A.lessonB.chanceC.prizeD.awardPassage 3:【语篇解读】一位教练给了一个孩子一次机会,从而创造了一个奇迹。21. B。这个故事并非来自奥运会诞生的那个国家,虽然它具有奥林匹克的特征。这个故事来自纽约的一个小镇Greece。22. C。由下文可知,本文讲述的是一个男孩和一位中学篮球教练的故事。23. D。由上文的autistic (自闭的)以及“他五岁才说话”的事实,我们可以推断出Jason学习有障碍。struggle with斗争,抗争,符合语境。 24. A。根据后面的only five foot six可知他太矮了,所以不适合打篮球。25. D。由下文的He was the team manager, who kept statistics and handed out water bottles可知Jason实际上并没有成为真正的球员,而只是做一些计分、分发水壶之类的事情。make the team加入团队。26. B。虽然Jason并不是真正的球员,但教练很欣赏他对篮球的热情以及他对球队无私的奉献。27. D。28. C。教练很感动,所以他想如果赛场上比分允许的话,他会让Jason打一会儿球。29. B。bear此处的意思是“显示,带有”。signs bearing his nickname写着他的绰号的招牌。30. D。31. A。比赛还有四分钟就要结束的时候,Jason上场了。大家欢呼着,希望他能投篮成功。score此处用作动词,意思是“得分”。32. B。如果是在好莱坞电影中,Jason很有可能在最后关头投篮成功,队员们也会把他高高举过肩头。carry sb. off on sb.s shoulder将某人举过肩头。33. A。34. A。但是,在真实的世界里,Jason投篮未中。此处将现实与虚幻进行了对比。take a shot投篮。35. D。Jason投篮未中,他的支持者开始抱怨。missed, worried是关键信息。36. B。Jason投篮未中,观众开始抱怨。此时,教练开始怀疑自己的做法是否正确。他担心他把Jason置于尴尬的境地。37. A。take a shot投篮。38. A。Jason一次次地投篮。事实上,他投了十次篮。in fact用来作进一步的解释说明。39. C。Jason在四分钟内得20分。此处选glory突出他的成绩非凡。40. B。本文讲的是一位教练给了一个孩子一次机会,从而创造了一个奇迹。Passage 4It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my daughter, Gigi. That was, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream. I could _21_ speak when the police questioned me. After that, the policeman asked me to go home to wait. My friend Gloria came to _22_me. She took my hand and gave me _23_. It was a picture of a little girl _24_asleep in her bed, standing by the bed was a tall, blond(金发的)_25_. We prayed and waited by the phone until sunset. The _26_ never rang. Suddenly,the front door swung open. I looked up and _27_. There stood Gigi. I cried, throwing my _28_ around her. Gigi said:“I was scared. We were going really fast on an old _29_ road Id never seen before. But then a tall man walked out _30_ the car,and they ran off the road and hit a tree. Then the tall man _31_ the car door and pulled me out. He was really nice,and said I would be okay. I must have gone to _32_, because when I woke up it is in front of our house. He must have brought me home.” “But who.how did he know., where to bring you?”My voice broke. Gigi _33_ her head. Just then Gigi noticed Glorias picture. “Thats him!” she _34_ at the picture. “Mommy,thats the man who pulled me out of the car!” Gloria and I turned _35_. “Are you sure thats the man?” Gloria asked. “Yeah, thats him _36_ that he didnt have wings,and he was wearing blue jeans.”Later that night, the police found the_37_kidnappers. When questioned, the driver remembered turning away to _38_ hitting a tall blond man.Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from any one claiming to have _39_Gigi. There have been no logical explanations for her _40_. But from that day on, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.21A. hardly B. hard C. fully D. full22A. sympathize B. support C. fort D. calm23A. a map B. a picture C. a bag D. a book24A. healthy B. sound C. reliable D. reasonable25A. angel B. man C. maid D. servant26A. phone B. door bell C. clock D. radio27A. yelled B. screamed C. whistled D. whispered28A. cheeks B. shoulders C. arms D. hands29A. rocky B. smooth C. hard D. flat30A. in back of B. at the bottom of C. on the top of D. in front of31A. shut B. fastened C. opened D. loosened32A. rest B. sleep C. break D. yawn33A. shook B. nodded C. rolled D. trembled34A. referred B. aimed C. pointed D. signaled35A. sunburnt B. light C. weak D. pale36A. rather than B. including C. except D. other than37A. injured B. dead C. harmed D. hurt38A. stop B. avoid C. forbid D. keep39A. released B. relieved C. delivered D. rescued40A. escape B. breakout C. disappearance D. flowPassage 4:2125ACBBA 2630 ABCAD 3135 CBACD 3640 CABDA

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