2019-2020年九年级英语上学期12月月考试题 牛津版(I).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期12月月考试题 牛津版(I)请将选择题的答案写在后面的表格内第一部分选择题(共55分)一、选择题(20分)( )1. Heres_180-word introduction to the art festival which was written by _ university student standing over there. A. an; a B. an; the C. a; the D. a; a( )2. When I arrived there, the old man _ with a knife, _ a lot. A. was wounded , bleeding B. wounded, bledC. has wounded, bled D. has been wounded, bleeding( )3. 1 doubt if he _ in the discussion tonight.I believe if he _his homework, he will join us.A. will join;will finish B. will join;finishes C. joins; finishes D. joins; will finish( )4. Mr. Chen told us that _ of the earth _covered with water. A. four thirds, wereB. three fourths, isC. three quarters, wasD. three fourth, are( )5. Hes never stopped from smoking, _ he? _.He is much healthier now.A. is; Yes B. has; No C .is; No D. has; No( )6. Could you please tell me_?A. whats your name B. when he will return backC. that he is really interested in English D. which is the way to Tiandehu Park ( )7. Our parents are always strict_ us,especially_ our study. A. with,with B. with,in C. in,with D. in,in( )8. Driving less, walking more is good for our health. So Id rather _ an hours walk to work than _ a car.A. to take; consider driving B. take; consider to driveC. to take; to consider to drive D. take; consider driving( )9. Mom, my classmates are playing outside. Can I join them? _ your homework . A. Until, has been finished B. Until, finishes C. Not until, will be finished D. Not until, is finished( )10. Have you found the information about famous people you can use for your report? Not yet. Ill _ after school.A. which, search for it B. who, search for it C. what, search it D. that, search it( )11. Its really terrible that _kids can only have _sleep. A. so little; such little B so little; so little C. such little; so little D such little; such little( )12. It is said that there may be much _ tomorrow.Well, if Lucy doesnt go because of the rain,_ . A. rainier, neither will I B. rain, neither do I C. rainier, so do I D. rain, neither will I( )13. You dont know what great difficulty I had _ the two tickets. But the film is really worth_ twice. A. managing to get; seeing B. to manage to get; seeing C. managing getting; being seen D. managed getting; to be seen( )14. Amy, please read your report again._ you read, _ mistakes youll make. A. The more careful; the less B. The more carefully; the fewer C. The more careful; the fewer D. The more carefully; the less( )15. Some parents prefer _ the wall blue for their children _ them a feeling of peace. A. to ; paint B. to paint; to give C. painting; to giving D. painting; giving( )16. His sister wants to have him _ the radio, but he has had it _ already.A. repair, fix B. to repair, fixed C. repaired, to fix D. repair, fixed( )17. It was great _ him to devote all the time he had _ the garden of the city. A. of, to developing B. for, developing C. for, to developing D. of, to develop( )18. Jim was seen _ in the library from 3p.m. to 5p.m yesterday. He is often noticed _ the library. A. reading, to enter B. to read, to enter into C. reading, entering D. to read, entering into( )19. What was the French writer talking of ? The new script _ his novel. A. was based upon B. which based upon C. he based it upon D. based upon( )20. Are you sure you dont mind my opening the window? _.A. Certainly not, please B. Yes, do please C. No, do please D. Yes, youd better not.二、完形填空(15分)阅读短文,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Long long ago, there was a river. The river was very 21 . He had spent long time being alone and refusing to share his water with any fish, plant or animal. His life was full of loneliness and sadness. One day, a little girl came to the river. She was going to move to 22 country and decided to put 23 favourite little fish into the river. This little fish, named Scamp, was a happy fish. 24 he fell into the river, he felt the rivers loneliness. Scamp tried to 25 to the river and wanted to make the river 26 . But the river told Scamp to go away. Scamp didnt 27 . He kept asking and 28 in the river, and 29 he started jumping in and out of the water. 30 time went by, the river became happy and they became good 31 . But one day, this little fish was caught by a little boy. The river spent that night thinking about how much 32 it was to have a friend, and how much he had missed by not 33 him. Before, he was so 34 . From then on, the river became friendly to others and made friends 35 the plants and fish in the river.( )21. A. kind B. unfriendly C. outgoing D. strange( )22. A. other B. another C. else D. the other ( )23. A. his B. her C. my D. your( )24. A. Until B. If C. Because D. When ( )25. A.talk B. laugh C.cry D catch( )26. A. brave B. weak C. happy D.sad( )27. A. grow up B. give up C. get up D. e up ( )28. A standing B. swimming C. praising D. fighting ( )29. A. finally B. slowly C. hardly D. luckily( )30. A. While B. Since C. Whenever D. As ( )31. A. classmates B. brothers C. parents D. friends( )32. A. fun B. time C. money D. stress( )33. A. having B. attacking C. reporting D. eating( )34. A. tired B. untidy C. stupid D. valuable( )35. A. for B. about C. with D. over三、阅读理解(20分)AOne day an ant was drinking at a small river and fell in. She made desperate(不顾一切的) efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant was very tired, but she was still bravely doing her best when a dove saw her. Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade of grass, which supported her like a raft(筏子), and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man e near. He was walking along barefooted(光脚)with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life.( )36. The ant could not reach the side though _.A. she cried for help B. she asked the dove to save herC. she tried very hard D. she could swim well( )37. The dove saved the ant because _.A. she was the ants friend B. the ant had been struggled in the water for a long timeC. the ant was very tired D. she took pity on the poor ant( )38. The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _. A. a leaf B. raft C. a piece of wood D. a blade of grass ( )39. Just as the man shot at the dove, _. A. he felt something biting him in the foot B. the dove hid himself in the grass C. the ant told the dove to leave at once D. the dove immediately flew away( )40. In writing the story, the writer wants to show _.A. how clever the ant was B. how kind the dove wasC. how the ant and the dove helped each otherD. we often need help from others, therefore we should help others as much as we canBDo you want to know how and why a fall leaf changes color? We first have to understand what leaves are and what they do.Leaves are the worlds food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots and take CO2 from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and CO2 into glucose(葡萄糖), a kind of sugar. Plants use it as food for energy and growing. A chemical called “chlorophyll” in the leaves gives plants their green colour. As summer ends and autumn es, the days get shorter and shorter, and trees “know” to begin getting ready for winter. During winter, there is not enough sunlight or water. Trees rest during this time and live on the food they store during the summer. They begin to shut down their food-making factories. As the green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves, we begin to see yellow and orange leaves. The bright reds and purples we see in leaves are made mostly in autumn. In some trees, like maples, sunlight and the cool nights of autumn turn the glucose in the leaves into a red colour. And we can enjoy the beautiful red leaves during autumn. ( )41.Which should be in the box?sunlight CO2 glucoseA. air B. sugar C. water D. wind ( )42.The underlined word “chlorophyll” means _.A. 叶绿素 B. 脂肪 C.蛋白质 D.淀粉( )43.The leaves turn yellow because they are short of(缺少) _.A. water and CO2 B. glucose and energy C. sunlight and water D. sunlight and CO2 ( )44.Which of the following is NOT true? A. When autumn es, the days get shorter and shorter.B. During winter trees live on the food they store in summer.C. During winter some of yellow and orange colors are still in the leaves.D. Trees begin to stop making food in summer.( )45.This passage tells us_.A. the plants can grow well only with the sunlight B. there are all kinds of plants on the earthC.not all the colors of the leaves are from chlorophyllD.maple leaves change the color as other trees 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_装订线1.第二部分非选择题(共65分)四、词形变化(20分)1. I dont think the criminal saw me. She _(偷)a necklace from an old womans handbag then.2. After hundreds of tries, the inventor _(成功)and his new invention soon swept the world.3. The twins look nearly the same and usually the elder brother _(错认)for his younger brother.4. I dont like this sweater. Please give me a _(有吸引力的)one.5. I hate watching chat shows because I always find a great deal of _(对话)in them.6. What he has done is seriously _(违反)the law, so he will be in prison for two years.7. In 1992, Hepburn _(颁发)with this great honor for her charity work.8. The government has provided very modern _(设备) for our school.9. The elderly couple seem to have some problems with their _(发音), so they cant make themselves understood.10. It is believed that these machines _(控制)by puters in a few years time.11. The _(music)addresses and telephone numbers are recorded in yellow pages.12. Mary, _(not reply) to your pen friend in the USA since you are too busy studying for the ing exams these days.13. Its far _(possible)for him to go out on a rainy day because he likes staying at home.14. Tomorrow is my grandpas _(99)birthday. Well have a big party for him.15. The problem the leaders paid attention to _(solve)next week, isnt it?16. It is said that some heavy-polluting factories in my hometown _(shut)already because of PM2.5 in the air.17. Its a pity that the disabled are _(polite)laughed at sometimes.18. Would you please help us describe one of the most famous _(direct) appearance in English?19. _(tell)you the truth, most of us dont get used to typing on the puter.20. “Youre not children any more, so youd better do it by_(you).” the father said.五、任务性阅读(10分)What makes a successful speech? First, you should have a good speech script which tells your own life, feelings and experience so that your ideas and language can catch peoples attention. And some skills are necessary, too. Here are some suggestions on giving great speeches:Beat nervesRelax yourself before and when making a speech. Practice your opening sentence three or four times. This will help make a sure start and a successful speech. When you stand on the stage, think of the audience as your family members and friends.Keep it naturalNatural body languages will help your speech: smile, stand straight and look at the audience. Do not drop your head or play with a pen. Also, dressing yourself nicely will help the audience feel respected.Pace and pause(节奏和停顿)Pace and pause add color to your speech. Speak fast enough to keep people excited and slowly enough for people to fully understand you. After an important point, pause for a moment. Itll change the atmosphere(气氛)in the audience.Tips on 1 speechesMain tipsThings to doAdvantages 2 scriptHave good ideas and language about your real-life events Peoples attention is 3 by your ideas and languages. 4 on speeches A: Practice opening sentence three or four times. B: Think of the audience as your family members and friends.A: This can give you a 5 start and then you will give aspeech successfully.B: This can help relax 6 A: Smile, stand straight and look at the audience.B: 8 yourself formally.A: These natural 7 languages will help your speech.B: The audience will feel respected.A: Speak fast enough sometimes and slowly enough other times.B: Pause 10 an important point.A: People are kept 9 and can fully understand you.B:The atmosphere in the audience will be changed.六、阅读表达(10分)In the Renaissance Period (文艺复兴时期)(15001650), people became interested in higher education. They wanted to learn the ancient languages such as Greek and Latin- languages that were used in the old times, and study mathematics, science, and so on. Many universities were set up during the 16th century.University education was a privilege (特权)of the rich. Girls were not allowed to attend and poor people could not afford to go. A member of a wealthy family could attend university at the age of ten. He might study in different universities and since the teaching was all done in Latin, it didnt matter which country he studied in. It was not unusual for a young boy study one year in Italy and another in France without speaking either French or Italian.It was possible in the 16th century to plete university without learning how to read or write. Since books were handwritten, there was not enough to give one to each student. Often, only the teacher had a book. He would read to the students who would memorize what he said. Tests were oral, not written, In fact, many students finished school without ever writing a word.For the not so wealthy, grammar schools were built in towns. They learned basic grammar and mathematics, and took part in Bible study. At home, girls learned washing, cooking, dancing, and how to take care of their family. Poor children rarely attended school.The Renaissance was a time when learners did not simply accept what they were old. They did scientific experiments themselves to search for answers to the mysteries of the space. Copernicus calculated that the earth turned around the sun but was afraid to publish his works for fear that the Church would punish him. Galileo(伽利略)later supported this. The watch, the telescope and some others were some inventions of this period.1. What did people bee interested in during the Renaissance Period?_2. Were the rich allowed to attend university at the age of ten?_3. Only the teacher had a book in the 16th century, why? _4. What did girls learn at home?_5. Who later supported the opinion that the earth turned around the sun?_七、缺词填空(10分)If you have seen the xx hit movie The Avengers(复仇者联盟),you must know Captain America, a h 1 who has super power and beats his enemies with his shield(盾牌),Two years on, Captain America is n 2 to save the world again in the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He must fight a horrible bad guy that happens to be his old friend. The movie o 3 on April 4 on the Chinese mainland. Unlike superman, Captain America is not from a 4 planet(星球). He used to be a human named Steve Rogers. But after a top secret Super-Soldier project in the 1940s, he turned into the powerful and heroic Captain America. During the second World War, Captain America got h 5 and nearly bled to death.Then he “fell asleep”. When he woke up, 70 years had passed. He became a member of a universal peacekeeping organization. But soon Captain America finds that besides fighting against bad guys, he has to deal w 6 his own honesty, too. B 7 he is from the 1940s, the modern world gives him many shocks. Modern science is new to his eyes. Whats more, he finds that in modern society, its harder to tell whos right and wrong. A 8 you take may be good for some people, but b 9 for others. Thats tough for the superhero to accept.But it is these struggles that have made Captain America a lively superhero. Go to see the movie and find out w 10 he can manage the modern world and beat the bad guy. Captain America will show you how to build a peaceful world.八、书面表达(15分)假设你是9年级学生David,你遇到了一些问题,你写信给21世纪英文报的“知心大姐”栏目,希望得到帮助。问题如下:1. 作业太多,经常熬夜,上课昏昏欲睡;2. 喜欢篮球,曾经参加校篮球队的选拔,但没有被接受;3. 自认为有表演天赋,梦想做一名成功的演员,参加了戏剧俱乐部,去年在一部剧中扮演过主角,受到了高度赞扬,但是这占用了很多的时间;4. 已经想了很多方法来解决这些问题,但没效果。希望要求:1. 语句通顺,书写规范。2. 文章必须包括所有内容要点,第4点可适当发挥12句。3. 词数100左右,文章开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear agony aunt,Im a Grade 9 student. These days I have some problems, and I dont know how to deal with them._Yours,David九 年 级 英 语 参 考 答 案 成绩_单选 CABBA DBDDA CDABB DAADB完形填空 BBBDA CBBAD DAACC 阅读理解 CDDAD CACDC 词汇变化 1. was stealing 2.succeeded 3. is mistaken 4. more attractive 5. dialogue 6. against 7.was presented


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