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2019-2020年九年级下学期阶段测试(七)英语试题I听力测试。(共30分)第一节:情景反应。(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1AHow do you do?BNice to meet you,tooCHow are you?2AIm from JapanBIm reading in the roomCIm at school3AThats rightBThank youCIm very glad4AYes,Id love toBSorry, I cantCI want some apples5AWho are you?BYes,I am Mr. BlackCHold on,please6AWith pleasureBIts a pleasureCNot at all第二节:对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7AAn actorBA singerCA student8AHes washing his shirtBHes cleaning the floorCHes taking a walk9ABecause he is speaking too fastBBecause he is speaking too slowlyCBecause he doesnt know what to say10APeters motherBPeters sisterCPeters teacher11AIn a museumBIn a schoolCIn a shop12A8:30B8:00C7:30第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答13至14小题。13How is the man going to Beijing?ABy trainBBy planeCBy bus14How much does it cost? A1304 yuanB1403 yuanC1034 yuan 听第二段材料,回答15至16小题。15Who likes the wine in the restaurant? ALucyBMikeCNeither16Will they go to this restaurant next time? AYes,they willBNo,they wontCWe dont know第四节:短文理解。(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17Andy likes _ AdrivingBdrinkingCswimming18Charlie became angry because _ AAndy hit a policemanBAndy was hurtCAndy drank again19The policeman was _ when he saw Andy pushing his carAhappyBangryCsurprised20Andy had to get off his car and pushed it because _ Ahe left his license at home Bhe had drunk too much Csomething was wrong with his carII单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21Jim,was your Mend born _ September, xx ?AinBonCatDfor22Mr. White taught _ math last termAyourBtheyCusDhers23一Is _ magazine yours,Tom?一NoI dont have _ magazine like thisAa;aBthe;theCa:theDthe;a24一Yesterday all the classmates went to the museum except youWhat was wrong ?一I _ in the hospital looking after my grandfatherAamBwasCwereDis25一Would you like some _ ? No,thanksIm not thirstyAbreadBhamburgersCwaterDcakes26Mr. Chen told the students _ puter games all day Adont playBnot playCno playDnot to play27I have never seen _ teacher beforeHe has helped me a lotAso an outgoingBsuch calm aCsuch a friendlyDso serious28 _ did you go yesterday morning? I went to our school library to read books on physicsAWhatBWhereCWhenDWhich29This kind of food looks _,but it doesnt taste _ Agood;wellBwell;good Cgood;goodDwell;well30I cant understand what the book is about because it _ in French AwritesBwill write Cwill be writtenDis written31一Jim,would you mind passing me the newspapers?一_Here you areANot at allBYoud better not CIt doesnt matterDAll right32一If you dont go there,_ Aso do IBso will I Cneither do IDneither will I33一Must I return the book this week?一No,you _You can _ it for l5 daysAmustnt;keepBneednt;borrowCneednt;keepDmustnt;borrow34He _ the litter on the ground and threw it into the bin Aput upBpicked upClooked upDsent up35一How old is your son this year? 一_We will have a special party for his _ birthday tomorrow ATwentieth;twentyBEight;eight CNinth;ninthDTwelve;twelfth36一Wheres your brother, Jane?一Hes not in Chongqing these daysHe _ Beijing Ahas gone toBhas been toChas been inDhas got37一You should be _ careful when you take the chemistry exam 一I agreeIn this way, I will make _ mistakesAmore,lessBthe less,the moreCmore,fewerDthe more,the fewer38I got up late this morning,_ I had to go to school by taxi AorBthoughCsoDbut39一Mum,can we go to the art museum tomorrow?一SureBut first we should find out _Awhat can we doBif it will be open Chow can we go thereDwhere we can go40一I used to play tennis,but now Im on the soccer team一 _AThanksBGood ideaCI hope soDPeople sure change完型填空。(每小题2分,共20分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Everyone has a personalityOne person might love to run and jumpAnother may prefer to sit and thinkAnimals have personalities, 41 Scientists study their behavior,or the way they act,in order to learn more about themHere are 42 kinds of animals that have special personalities A cat called Phoenix doesnt need anyone to open doors 43 himWhen he wants to go out,he just pushes a special doorbellThe doorbells inventor thought that many people would rush to buy the cat doorbells,but 44 have been soldThat may be because not many cats have the same personality as PhoenixScientists at Seattles Woodland Park Zoo gave carved pumpkins(雕刻的南瓜) to their chimpanzeesThey wanted to know 45 their chimpanzees played with the pumpkins before eating themA chimpanzee called Jumoke 46 a lot of time picking out the biggest pumpkinAnother chimpanzee called Alafia looked for a pumpkin she could fit over her headCongo,a chimpanzee from South Africa, chose a pumpkin with a face he liked best 47 chimpanzee showed his or her personality while making choicesMost parrots can only repeat(重复)words their owners say, 48 one parrot,named Alex,is a talker and a good listener! When his 49 showed different objects to him at the same time,Alex can pick out the yellow object,the biggest object,or even “ the one under the square”Alex also has a good memoryIf his owner asks,“Alex,what color is corn?” Alex answers,“Yellow”He can do this even if there is 50 corn in the room41AtooBalsoCeitherDneither42AthreeBfourCfiveDsix43AfromBforCtoDby44AmanyBfewCmuchD1ittle45AwhereBwhenCwhatDhow46AtookBcostCspentDmade47AAllBEitherCNoneDEach48AbutBandCinsteadDbesides49AfatherBmotherCteacherDowner50AnotBanythingCnoDany阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳的答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A xx Billboard Music Awards(美国公告牌音乐奖)was broadcast live from the MGMGrand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at 8 p.m. on Sunday, May l8Here is the list of awardedARTISTAWARDSTop ArtistJustin TimberlakeTop New ArtistLordeTop Male ArtistJustin TimberlakeTop Female ArtistKaty PerryTop Billboard 200 ArtistJustin TimberlakeTop Radio Songs ArtistJustin TimberlakeTop Touring ArtistBon JoviTop Social ArtistJustin BieberTop R&B ArtistJustin TimberlakeTop Rap ArtistEminemTop Country ArtistLuke BryanALBUMAWARDSTop Billboard 200 AlbumJustin Timberlake,“ The 2020 Experience”Top Rap AlbumEminem,“ The Marshall Mathers LP 2”Top Country AlbumLuke Bryan,“ Crash My Party”Top Rock AlbumImagine Dragons,“ Night Visions”Top Latin AlbumMarc Anthony,”3.0”Top R&B AlbumJustin Timberlake,“ The 2020 Experience”51xx Billboard Music Awards was broadcast _ Ain Los AngelesBin Las VegasCon FridayDon May 852Top Rap Artist goes to _ ALordeBKaty PerryCLuke BryanDEminem53Justin Timberlake won _ awards this time A5B6C7D8B It was a winter morning,just a couple of weeks before ChristmasWhile most people were warming up their cars,Peter, my husband,had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to workWhen he arrived,he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually doesAfter 10 hours work,he returned to find his bike gone The bike,a black Kona l 8 speed,was our only transportPeter used it to get to work and daily lifeOur life depends on this bikeI was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our storyShortly after that,several people in our area offered to helpOne wonderful stranger even bought a bike,and then called my husband to pick it upOnce again my husband had a way to get to and from his job People say that a smile call be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more soNo matter how big or how small,an act of kindness shows that someone caresAnd the results Can be everlasting54The story happened _ Ain summerBafter Christmas Con Christmas DayDin winter55The bike was so important to the couple because _ Athe mans job was bike racingBthe family has nothing but this bike C it was a nice Kona l8 speedDPeter used it for work and daily life56People got to know the couples problem from _Aradio broadcastsBa newspaperCTV newsDa stranger57From their experience,the couple have learnt that _Astrangers are usually of little helpBone should take care of their bikeCnews reports make people famousDan act of kindness Call mean a lotC These days the hit South Korean TV drama “My Love from the Stars” attracts thousands of Chinese TV viewersIts about a love story between a woman and a 400-year-old alienThe heroine(女主角) Cheon Song-yi likes to have “ fried chicken and beef ”,especially on snowy days,which made fried chicken and beer bee one of the most popular kinds of food on Valentines Day this yearHowever, it is reported that overeating them is bad for our health As the saying goes,“ Hunger breeds discontentIt means food is the most important to peopleIn todays society, many hotels where they stand,rush from all kinds of food,in Fujian,Sichuan,Guangdong,Shandongeven dishes of Italy, Japanese cuisine,Korean food and so onWe all know that health is closely connected with the foodToday, we take a look at the food on the table nowFood is divided into many kinds such as vegetables and fruit,beans,meat,cereals,dairy and so on,and they all influence our healthThereforein order to achieve a reasonable meal,we have to remember that eating till 80 full,not being choosy food anorexia,not overeating and eating clean food are very important We all hope to be happy, so we should take good care of our healthHealth is much more important than anything elseMoney can do many things,but it cant buy happinessHowever,if man has good health,he can enjoy the pleasures of human lifeTherefore,we must pay attention to three things to make sure of good healthThey are healthy food,fresh air and enough exerciseThats why we have to stay away from fried chicken and beer from now on58“My Love from the Stars is _ Aa new movieBa TV drama Ca new bookDa hit CD59“ Hunger breeds discontent” means _ in Chinese A饥饿让人开心B人们喜欢饥饿 C民以食为天D人们不满意食物60If we want to achieve a reasonable meal,we should _ Aeat 80of the food on the tableBbe choosy food anorexia Ceat things we like as much as possibleDnever eat too much61Which is wrong according to this passage?AFried chicken and beer became popular on Valentines Day this yearBOur health is influenced by different kinds of foodCHealthy food,fresh air and enough money can keep us in good healthDHealth is much more important than moneyDHis famous parents might be worth(身价)165 million,but it seems Brooklyn Beckham decides not to depend on themInstead,the 15-year-old boy is learning the real meaning of money-by making his own Brooklyn Beckham,Victoria and David Beckhams eldest child,has started a weekend job at a West London coffee shop where he is paid2.68 an hourA member of staff said that Brooklyn did start working in the shop and got on OK with other members News of his decision to make his own money and not depend on his rich parents made him a good model for other teenagers Last year, Beckham,who had retired from football,said,“We try to lead by example,by showing them its important to work hard” And one friend of his family said that Brooklyn would have been encouraged to take the job by his parents Children who grow up in different cultures have different views on money In many western countries,children are usually taught to believe that money is made instead of being givenThey usually buy things with their own pocket moneyThey take up part-time jobs in their free timeHowever,most of the Chinese children dont have any conscious(意识)of making money through their own hard workSome children think that their parents will support them foreverWhenever they meet difficulties,they will turn to their parents or friends for helpWhy cant they solve these problems by their own? The main reason is that they are always depending on othersIn fact,they have got the ability to work out these easy problems Children in western countries show their independence(独立性)They take pride in themselves by making their own decisionsMany Chinese children,however,are still looking to their parents or even their grandparents to tell them what to do or which job they should choose As secondary school students,we should learn to be more independentWe should find some new ways to solve old problemsWhat we are learning in school or after school now will be very helpful some dayTo us students who want to make great achievements in the future,it is the most important to learn how to be independent62From this article,we know that Brooklyn Beckham _ Ais Victoria and David Beckhams youngest son Bis a good model for other teenagers Cdepends on his parents and grandparents Dgets on badly with other members in the coffee shop63Children in western countries dont ask their parents for money because _ Atheir parents want them to study very hard Btheir family is not rich enough to support them Cthey think money is given instead of being made Dthey think money is made instead of being given64According to the passage,we know that some Chinese children _ Adont depend on their parents at all Bcan make their own decisions easily Cthink their parents will support them forever Doften take up part-time jobs in their free time65_ is the best title of this articleABe More IndependentBDavid Beckhams Good SonCChildren in Western CountriesDDifferent Ways to Use Money第II卷(共50分)V任务型阅读。(每空2分,共6分) 阅读下文并回答问题。 China is a great country with the largest population in the worldIn order to solve the population problem,our government decides to have one-child policyWhen it is carried out for some time,many people see not only its advantages but also its disadvantagesTherefore,one-child policy has been out of date,and two-child policy has been carried out these days If you have a brother or sister, you already know you are different from each otherYou live together in the same house and with the same parents,but you have different personalities Why is this? One possible reason is the way your parents treat you First-born children receive all the attention from their parentsMost families have twice as many photos of a first-born as any other childParents usually give first-borns more responsibility(责任)and depend on them to take care of younger brothers and sistersAs a result,first-borns are often responsible,hard-working and seriousThey often want to do well at school and workThere are more first-born American presidents-such as George WBush,George Washington,and Lyndon Baines Johnson-than the second or last-born children When a second child arrives,parents usually feel less excitedThe second child has to pete with the first-born for the parents attention and loveThese children often choose different sports and hobbies to do well at school and work,but have to be creative to get their familys attentionThey are often friendly and coolMany famous talk-show hosts were born last 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。66Has two-child policy been carried out in China these days? _67Which ones are more possible to be presidents,first-borns or second-borns ? _68How do parents usually feel when a second child arrives? _完成句子。(每空l分,共8分) 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。69They have cut down the trees on one side of the road(改成否定句)They _ _ down the trees on one side of the road70She added one teaspoon of honey to the salad(对划线部分提问)_ _ honey did she add to the salad?71Tom often gets letters from his classmates though he has left school(同义句转换)Tom often _ _ his classmates though he has left school72明天夜间重庆将有雨。There is going to _ _ tomorrow night in ChongqingVII口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. When shall we meet then ?B. Can I go with you ?C. How far is it from our school to the bookstore ?D. Im going to the bookstore near the market .E. But its not there any longer .F. How long does it take to walk there from our school ?G. Nothing .A:Hi,Jack! Where are you going this weekend?B:I like reading 73 A:I know that bookstore 74 B:Really? What has happened?A:It has moved into a big mall which is not far from our schoolB:A big mall? 75 A:It takes 5 minutesIt must have a new lookBy the way, whats your favorite novel?B:Never let me goIts an interesting bookA:I think soIm told to read as many books as possible. 76 B:SureWhat about meeting at our school gate?A:OK 77 B:Lets make it 14 oclock this Saturday afternoonA:All fightSee you then!B:See you !短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 If you are willing to e to southwest Chinas Yaan to look after 78 for a year at the Bifengxia Base of China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center(碧峰峡大熊猫保护和研究基地),the most fun job in China is waiting for you with the pay of 200,000 yuan (32,576 U.S. dollars) and an SUV for transport for a year “Many people at our center do the same job,but they cant get so 79 money,” said Heng Yi,an official at the centerHowever, he thinks it is necessary to organize this event 80 its really meaningful We just want more people to pay attention to giant pandas protection work and take an active part in it,” said HengSo far, most people have known that giant pandas are Chinas national treasures but they do not know how to protect 81 At present,volunteers at the center are mostly from Japan,Europe and the U.S.,according to HengIn his eyes,it 82 easy for people to do the job well unless they really love these giant pandas from the bottom of their heart “You 83 to be patient for this jobThe people want to ask for the job will be mainly white-collars (白领) from the big cities of China,we expectThey can eat 84 they want usually, but inside the giant panda base,the choices will not be

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