2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 外研版必修1I. 单项填空1What are you doing out of bed,Tom?Youre_to be asleep.Asupposed BknownCthought Dconsidered答案A句意为:你不睡觉在干什么,汤姆?你应该睡觉。be supposed to do sth意为:(按规则、惯例等)应该做某事,如:Am I supposed clean all the rooms or just this one?我是应该打扫所有的房间,还是只这间?be known to be被知道是;be thought to be被认为是;be considered to be被认为是。2How do you react_your fathers suggestion?I reacted strongly_it.Aon;to Bon;withCagainst;with Dto;against答案D句意:“你如何对待你父亲的建议?”“我强烈反对。”react on“对起作用,有影响”;react to“对做出反应”;react with“与发生(化学)反应”;react against“反抗,反对”。3We were astonished_the temple still in its original condition.Afinding Bto findCfind Dto be found答案B考查非谓语动词。句意:发现这座寺庙仍然保持原来的样子,我们感到很吃惊。在一些形容词,如happy, kind, surprised, frightened, astonished, shocked, delighted, disappointed等词后面,常用主动式的动词不定式表示原因,作原因状语。4It may have been unusually cold recently but experts say its_for this time of year.Anormal Bformal Cordinary Dmon答案A考查形容词辨析。句意:最近天气出奇得冷,但专家说在每年的这个时期冷是正常的。normal“正常的”;formal“正式的”;ordinary“普通的”;mon“常见的,共有的”。5What our school_is that more than 60% of the students can enter the key universities every year.Ais tired of Btakes proud inCis proud of Dis short of答案C句意为:我们学校引以为荣的是每年都有超过60%的学生进入名牌大学。be proud oftake pride in为感到骄傲/自豪。be tired of对厌烦;be short of缺乏。6At the foot of the mountain _.A. a village lie B. lies a villageC. does a village lie D. lying a village答案 B全部倒装是将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前,此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:(1)here/there/now/then/thus等副词置于句首谓语动词常用be/e/go/lie/run等表示来去或状态的动词;(2)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语动词是表示运动的动词。7No conclusion_about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been made.Awill be reached Bis reachedCis being reached Dhad been reached答案A考查时态。句意:直到进行过几次讨论后才会得出是否会为了建主题公园而拆掉旧建筑的结论。本句是not.until句型。根据until从句的时态及语意可推断出进行讨论这一动作还没有发生,整句话是描述将来的事情,这时从句中常用一般现在时或现在完成时,主句用一般将来时。8Yao Ming wants to set up a Hope Project School,_poor children in remote areas to receive education.Aaims at helping Baiming at helpingCaims to helping Daimed to help答案B句意:姚明想建一座希望工程学校,目的是为了帮助偏远地区的孩子们接受教育。此处用现在分词短语作伴随状况,故选B。9The_expression on his face suggested that he was_at the extraordinary beauty of the picture.Aastonished;astonished Bastonishing;astonishedCastonished;astonishing Dastonishing;astonishing答案A考查以ing和ed结尾的形容词。句意为:他脸上惊讶的表情表明这幅画异乎寻常的美使他感到十分惊讶。astonished吃惊的,惊愕的,astonished look吃惊的表情。astonishing令人感到吃惊的。10Students often think_their holiday is,_they will have.Athe long;the fun Bthe longest; the funniestCthe longer;the more fun Dlonger;funnier答案C考查“the比较级,the比较级”结构。句意:学生们经常认为他们的假期越长,他们就会越开心。另外,注意have fun是固定短语。11We may find that learning a foreign language does not have to be_learning our mother tongue, but can in fact be twice_ Atwice as hard as;as easy asBas twice hard as;as easyCtwice as hard as;as easyDas twice hard;as easy as答案C考查倍数表达法。此处的倍数表达句式为:倍数as形容词或副词as,排除B、D;第二空格后无其他词,故as easy as中第二个as应去掉,答案为C。12What our school_is that more than 60% of the students can enter the famous universities every year.Ais tired of Btakes proud inCis proud of Dis short of答案C句意:我们学校引以为荣的是,每年都有超过60%的学生进入名牌大学。be tired of“厌倦”;take proud in“应改为”take pride in; be proud of“为感到骄傲”;be short of“缺少”。13Mr Brown gave me a very valuable present,_that I have never seen.Athe one BitCone Dwhich答案C考查代词。句意为:布朗先生送了我一个贵重的礼物,我以前从没有见过。one是“a very valuable present”的同位语,是定语从句的先行词,如果填the one则表示这个礼物就是我从来没有见过的那个,不符合常理。14Ive studied gardening as a hobby.Could I make some suggestions?_AGo ahead BYou will make itCDont mention it DTake it easy答案A考查情景交际。句意:“作为一种业余爱好我学了园艺学。我能提一些建议吗?”“请说吧。”go ahead“请说吧”;you will make it“你会成功的”;dont mention it“不客气”;take it easy“不要紧张”。15Did you do well in the math examination yesterday?Im afraid not.Some problems were not as easy as they_Asupposed Bsupposed to beCwere supposed to be Dwere supposed to答案Cbe supposed to do意为“应当,理应”,该题were supposed to后面要有be,与前面的were对应。be后面省略了easy。当不定式中含有be, have (been)时要保留be, have (been)。.完形填空Who do you think came up with the idea for the Paralympics (残奥会)?The man who organized the sporting events which became the Paralympic Games_1_was a doctor,Ludwig Guttmann.In his teens,Ludwig Guttmann was interested in medicine and worked as a_2_in a hospital.Then he_3_from medical school and became a doctor when he was 25 years old.Ludwig Guttmann_4_a successful career for the next few years._5_,because Ludwig Guttmann and his family were Jews,life in Germany was being very_6_for them.In 1938 Ludwig Guttmann_7_to the UK with his family where he continued his research_8_the best way to treat patients.The Second World War was going on and there were a lot of soldiers_9_in the fighting.Often they_10_the use of their legs and needed_11_and help.The disabled soldiers were often_12_and angry for they couldnt really live a normal life.Ludwig Guttmann used his new_13_to look after their injuries and he also tried to give them emotional strength.Ludwig Guttmann_14_taking part in sports could help a persons body as well as his mind and began to use_15_ as a treatment to help his patients.He wanted to give them back their selfrespect and dignity and _16_them to take part in sports.In 1948 the hospital held a sporting event called “The International Wheelchair Games”By 1952 the event began to_17_bigger with disabled athletes from other countries attending.By 1960 the games were called the International Stoke Mandeville Games and they were held in Rome alongside the_18_Summer Olympics.By 1968 there were 750 athletes from 29 different countries.Ludwig Guttmann himself died in 1980,even_19_the games were called “Paralympics”,but there is no_20_that he is the founder and father of the Paralympic Games.Its thanks to his hard work that we are all able to enjoy the Paralympics.1. A.hurriedly BeventuallyCtemporarily Dpulsorily2A.doctor Bsteward Cvolunteer Ddirector3A.exited BbenefitedCsuffered Dgraduated4A.enjoyed Baccepted Cdesigned Dexplored5A.But BHowever CTherefore DOtherwise6A.ambiguous BdifficultCapparent Ddiverse7A.moved BpouredCsubmitted Dflooded8A.of BoverCabout Dinto9A.dying BsacrificingCwounded Ddestroyed10A.made Blost Creduced Dlacked11A.treatment BmovementCdevelopment Dachievement12A.exhausted BchallengedCdepressed Dastonished13A.materials BexperimentsCmodels Dmethods14A.knew Bdenied Callowed Dapproved15A.music Bmedicine Csports Dparties16A.forced Bencouraged Callowed Ddrove17A.seem Bgo Crun Dget18A.yearly BlocalCindependent Dofficial19A.before Bafter Cuntil Dsince20A.evidence Bwonder Cdoubt Dproblem【语篇解读】Ludwig Guttmann是一位医生,也是残奥会的创始人。1B这个组织了体育赛事并最终(eventually)发展成残奥会的人是一名医生。2C十几岁时他就对医学感兴趣,并在一家医院做了志愿者(volunteer)。3D25岁时,他从医学院毕业,成为了一名医生。graduate毕业。4A接下来几年里他的事业很成功。enjoy拥有,享有。5B然而(However),由于他和他的家人是犹太人,他们在德国的生活变得非常艰难(difficult)。6B参见上题解析。7A1938年他和家人搬(moved)到英国。8Dresearch into对的研究,为固定搭配。9C二战期间,有很多士兵在战争中受伤(wounded)。10B通常,他们的腿不能走路需要治疗(treatment)和帮助。11A参见上题解析。12C残疾士兵由于不能过正常的生活而感到压抑(depressed)和生气。 13D他用他的新方法(methods)照顾伤员,而且尽力给他们情感上的力量。14A他知道(knew)参加体育运动不仅有益于一个人的身体,而且有益于他的心灵。15C他开始用体育运动(sports)这种方式治疗他的病人。14空后的“taking part in sports”是线索提示。16B他想让他的病人找回自尊和尊严,并且鼓励(encouraged)他们参加体育运动。17D到1952年时,国际轮椅比赛规模开始变大。get变成,符合语境。18D到1960年这项赛事和夏季奥林匹克运动会一样成为官方的(official)赛事。19A他于1980年去世,甚至在此项运动被命名为残奥会之前(before)。20C毫无疑问他是残奥会的创始人。there is no doubt that.毫无疑问。III. 阅读理解Oxford University has introduced confidence classes for female students to get them to pete for jobs in future and win chances to work in best panies.They may be young and gifted, but research at the excellent institution has found that female undergraduates(大学生)are shying away from applying for jobs in banking, finance, management consultancy(咨询), engineering and resource management.Partly as a result, starting salaries for women when they graduate are on average 2,000 to 3,000 lower than their male counterparts.“Women are earning less on leaving Oxford.It is ridiculous,”said Jonathan Black, the careers service director at the university.“We have high quality and high achieving students of both genders.But it appears that women are selecting lower paid jobs.They accept more prejudice in certain industries and are saying I wont struggle for that really high paid jobWe are not trying to push loads of women but we are trying to say, you should feel able to apply for these sorts of jobs.Boys seem to have more selfconfidence and see the bigger picture generally, even though their selfbelief is not necessarily based on any greater academic advantage.”The fourday programme at Oxford will help 45 female undergraduates improve their selfconfidence and decisionmaking, think positively and build up their strengths.Confidence training will teach them how to deal with the opposition and challenging situations.Successful female employees from RBS and BP, which are supporting the course, will talk about their lives and careers.RBSs involvement follows a promise by the bank to increase its national percentage of female graduate applications from 35 percent to 50 percent by xx.Sophie Kelley, 20, studying law at Oxford, is hoping the course will make her more confident in courses and interviews.“I am applying to Londons law firms for vacation schemes and it is so petitive,”she said.“The rejection letters dont give any real feedback(反馈),so Im expecting the programme might give me a hand and some advice.”Notes:institution n社会公共机构,制度,制定counterpart n与对方地位、作用相当的人(或物)gender n性别prejudice n偏见,成见1Oxford University brings in confidence classes in order to help_Afemale undergraduates build up their strengths in daily lifeBmale undergraduates make friends with girls at universityCfemale undergraduates get success with more confidenceDfemales fight against challenges in the face of danger2What is the worrying situation for female undergraduates?AThey dont like to work in panies offering low wages.BTheir opportunities are limited and their salaries are low.CThere are fewer females admitted to Oxford University.DThey refuse to work in banking and finance fields.3What is the mistaken idea for female undergraduates?AThey themselves dont like working on resource management.BThey themselves think they are superior to boys in all sides.CThey themselves think men and women are born equal.DThey themselves think they are not as good as boys.4What can we learn from Paragraph 5?ARBS and BP will admit females from now on.BRBS will create more job chances for girls in future.CRBS will be the only choice for female undergraduates.DAll female undergraduates from Oxford can apply to RBS.5What can we learn about Sophie Kelley?AShe hopes to benefit more from the programme.BShe has been rejected by the programme at Oxford.CShe feels the programme is ridiculous in modern society.DShe isnt fit for the world of petition and challenges.【语篇解读】 牛津大学为了让在校的女大学生在将来进入社会后更有竞争力,开设了“自信课程”,帮助她们树立自信,这个活动也受到了一些公司的支持。1C细节理解题。第一段第一句话的.get them to pete for jobs in future and win chances to work in best copmanies说明该项目的初衷。2B推理判断题。第二段第一句话的.shying away from applying for jobs in banking.和第二句话的.2,000 to 3,000 lower than their male counterparts说明女大学毕业生令人担心的情况是就业机会有限,工资低。3D细节理解题。第三段中的But it appears that women are selecting lower paid jobs.They accept more prejudice in certain industries.说明即使女生自己也在一定程度上看轻了自己。4B细节理解题。第五段第二句话的.increase its national percentage of female graduate applications.说明B项正确。5A推理判断题。文章最后一句话的.so Im expecting the programme might give me a hand and advice说明A项正确。


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