2019-2020年九年级英语下学期辅导试题(3) 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下学期辅导试题(3) 牛津版翻译下列句子:(2) 你觉得火星上的生活怎么样?_do you_on Mars?(3) 因为人口数目的快速增长,地球变得越来越拥挤。The Earth is being_ _ _ _ because of_ _ _ _ _.(4) 我们有望在周末完成这个工作。_ _ _ _we can finish the work at the weekend.(5) 随着技术的发展,我们的宇宙飞船能够运送大量的乘客去火星。_ _ _ _technology,our _can carry_ _ _ _to Mars.(6) 如果宇宙飞船以光的速度旅行,火星之旅可能非常不舒服。If the spacecraft _ _ _ _ _,the _ _ _might _quite_.6.饼干有各种各样的形状。Biscuits are_ _ _ _all kinds of shapes.(7) 火星上的重力大约是地球重力的八分之三。The gravity on Mars is about_ _ _on the Earth.(8) 人们必须穿靴子来防止自己漂浮进太空。People would have to wear boots to_ _ _ _off into space.(9) 与地球生活相比,火星上的生活在一些方面将更好。_ _life on the Earth,life on Mars would be better _ _ _.(10) 每个学生有一个连接到网络的电脑。Every student has a puter_ _the network.(11) 火星上的生活不仅有挑战性而且有趣。Life on Mars would be _ _ _ _ _.不但汤姆而且他的父母每周日都去公园。Tom_ _ _his parents_ _ _ _every Sunday.(12) 你知道火星离开太阳多远吗?Are you_ _the _between Mars and the Sun?Are you_how far Mars _ _ _the Sun?(13) 对我来说,如果我不能踢足球,生活将是很乏味的。The life will be _for me_ _.(14) 住在那里我们可能得病。We might get_ _ _ there.(15) 我不确定是否它值得冒险。Im_ _if it_ _ _ _.(16) 地球上的商品很难找到。Goods on the earth_ _ _ _. 一、单项选择1.(xx江苏南京中考) The documentary A Bite Of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? - _. A. I think so B. Pretty good C. Its my pleasure D. All right2.(xx江苏南通中考)How do you like your school life? .A.Its a famous school B.Its very colorfulC.Id like to study there D.I like my school3.(xx辽宁鞍山中考)After the rebuilding our school is being_ . A. more and more beautiful B. more beautiful and beautiful C. beautiful and beautiful D. the more beautiful 4.(xx贵州毕节中考)_ the development of economy, my hometown is being more and more beautiful A. In B. On C. By D. With5.(xx贵州黔东南中考) With the_ of society our environment is being worse and worse. So we should do what we can our environment. A. develop, protect B. developing, to protect C. development, protect D. development, to protect6.(xx山东烟台中考)-How many girls are there in your class? -_ them_ over twenty. A. A number of, are B. The number of, are C. A number of, is D. The number of, is 7.(xx湖北鄂州中考) A number of people _ killed by the terrorists at the Urumqi train station. _ terrible it is!A. were; HowB. was; HowC. were; WhatD. was; What8.(xx贵州安顺中考)About of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class.A. two fifth B. two fifths C. second five D. two five9.(xx上海虹口 二模)The Bund as well as Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower _ thousands of foreign tourists every monthA) attractsB) attractC) will attractD) are attracting10.(xx福建福州中考) Dont go to school _breakfast . Its a bad habit .A. after B. with C. without 二、根据所给的汉语填写单词。1.(xx江苏宿迁中考) Im afraid to ride a roller coaster, especially when it moves at a high _ (速度).2.(xx江苏盐城中考) Johnson likes to take down what happens every day in the _ _(形式) of diary.3.(xx甘肃兰州中考 When we _ (比较) western culture with Chinese culture, youll find many differences. 4.(xx江苏无锡中考) It will be a dangerous trip. Are you sure you want to take the _(风险)? 三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.(xx江苏无锡中考) (pare) with the older model ,the new robot costs less but lasts longer.2.(xx高淳二模)The Chinese people should remember the terrible thick fog in Beijing. We must try our best not to have the air (pollute). 一、 单项选择1. About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _.A.two-thirds, 1970 B.two-thirds, 1970s C.two-third,1970 D.two-third, 1970s2.The food will be sold _.A.with the form of boxes B.in the form of pills C.with a form of box D. in a form of pill3.We think life on Earth is better than _on Mars at present.A.it B.this C.that D.one4.I _he was an astronaut,but now I know that he is a famous scientist.A.think B.thinks C.thought D.thinking5.Everyone knows China is getting _.A.strong and strong B.stronger and strongerC.more strong and strong D.strongest and strongest6.Japan is a _country,but China is a _country.A. developed ,developed B. developing ,developed C. developed ,developing D. developing ,developing 7.- _ is the population of your city ?- About two million.A. How B What C. How many D. How much 8.-A number of students_in the dinning hall. -Let me count. The number of the students_about 400.A.are ;is B.is ;are C. are ;are9.Its our duty to _ people _too many trees.A.stop;cutting down B.prevent;to cut down C.keep;cutting down D.make;cut down10.How do you_life in the countryside?A.think B.like C.think of D.find out11._on Mars have to wear special boots_themselves heavier.A.Human;to make B.Humans;to make C.Human;make D.Humans;making12.She could swim_7.A.on the age B.on the age of C.at the age D.at the age of 13.We can solve the problem_many ways.A.on B.in C.at D.over14.(xx临沂)-Im sorry,sir.I cant finish the work on time.-Never mind._,the work is quite difficult.A.At least B.For instance C.After all D.First of all15.-Jims grandpa has changed a lot.-So he does .He spends more time than he used to_chess with his new neighbour.A.play B.playing C.played D.plays16.The cars made in China are cheaper than_made in Germany.A.those B.that C.ones D.these17.The teacher speaks very slowly and clearly_make all the students understand him.A.so that B.in order that C.in order to D.so that 18.I wonder_this piece of music is worth_.A.that ;listening B.if; listening to C.that;listening D.whether ;listening 19.China has a much_population than that of Japan.A.larger B.more C.smaller D.less 20.-Whos that man_sunglasses?-Hes Jack Ding. He is our English teacher.A.on B.for C.of D.with二、根据所给词的中文意思填词。1.I dont think too much_food(干粮)is good for our health.2.-How many_(行星) are there in the solar system(太阳系)?-There are eight.3.The journey to Mars will probably be very_(不舒服的).4.He made such_(快速的)progress that his parents were very glad.5.Crime is on the_(增加)every year in the world.6.Each_(乘客)is allowed to carry 30 pounds of luggage free of charge.7.This kind of bike is _(专门地)designed for disabled people.8.Its dangerous to give a_ (陌生人)a lift.9._(电子的)music is now very popular among young people around the world.10.We are in_(同意)with their decision.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.If everyone protects our earth ,there will be less_(pollute).2.With the _ (develop) of science, we can enjoy life better.3.You will get ill from _(live)in such a wet place .4.Life in the past was _in China .(efortable). 5.A space sleeping bag is usually fixed to the walls to prevent _(float).6.These chicken wings are really _(taste).Where did you buy them?7.The doctor told him to have a _(sleep)pill before going to bed to help him sleep well.8.The road is always_(crowd)during the rush hour.9._(pare) with schools in the countryside ,schools in the city are better in many ways.10.At present ,transport_(bee)better and better already.11.We all know there are lots of _(advantage) of living on Mars.So we wont move out of Earth to Mars.12.Is this keyboard_(connect) to the puter?13.Finally ,we reached an _(agree).14.Im wondering if it it is worth_(read)again.15.Is there any_(possible)that youll be back by the weekend?16.If you dont warm up before taking exercise ,you risk_(hurt)youself.17.Could you tell me the _(different)between the two pictures?18.You cant expect_(learn)a foreign language in such a short time.19.Well stop learning the new lesson here today,and go on with the_(discuss).20.Millie is going to have her hair _(cut) this afternoon.21.She finds her new job very _ (challenge).22.If you want to have more time_(relax),youd better make a better plan.23.My teacher told us light_(travel)much faster than sound.24.Humans cant survive_(with)water,oxygen or food.25.We dont know if it is _(real)safe to travel by spaceship.


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