2019-2020年七年级英语(下)(河北教育版)UNIT 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming! 检测题.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语(下)(河北教育版)UNIT 8 Summer Holiday Is ing! 检测题 (时间:60分钟;满分:100分)听力部分(第一节). 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1. A. preferB. paperC. prepare 2. A. put onB. put upC. put off 3. A. NA038B. NA083C. NC038 4. A. walk down B. write downC. write out 5. A. Stephen is young, but he can work out the problem.B. Stephen is young, so he cant work out the problem.C. Stephen isnt young, so he can do everything. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 6. A. Wele here.B. No, I dont.C. Gate 10. 7. A. Its over there.B. OK. Here you are.C. Not at all.8. A. About five meters.B. Five meters high.C. Over five minutes.9. A. Yes, he didnt.B. No, he did. C. Yes, but he doesnt do it any more.10. A. You shouldnt do it.B. No, I dont think so. C. They are very hard-working. 听对话,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)11. A. Jills brother was born in June. B. Jill was born in June. C. Jills brother was born in July.12. A. Nick is going to the concert of a rock band. B. Nick heard the concert of a rock band. C. Dick is going to the concert of a rock band.13. A. The band is visiting three cities. B. The band has three singers. C. Three singers sing at the concert.14. A. Susans sister is good at languages. B. Susans sister is good at Chinese. C. Helens sister is good at Chinese.15. A. Roy got married last September. B. Roys teacher got married last November. C. Roys teacher got married last September. 听短文,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 16. When did this happen? A. One afternoon.B. One night.C. One morning. 17. How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door? A. One person.B. Two persons.C. Three persons. 18. What did the young man wear? A. A white shirt.B. A pair of glasses.C. Long trousers. 19. Who was the young man? A. He was a friend of the writers. B. He was a friend of the writers brothers. C. He was a strange man to them. 20. What was probably the end of the story? A. The young man was taken away by the police. B. The young man became their friend. C. The young man ran away.笔试部分.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)21. We are all _ at the _ football match. A. excited; excitedB. exciting; exciting C. excited; excitingD. exciting; excited22. We _ he will make great progress this term. A. sureB. are sureC. will sureD. are going to sure23. We boys like playing _ basketball and the girls like playing _ piano. A. the; theB. /; /C. the; /D. /; the24. I am looking forward to _ you soon. A. seeB. to seeC. seeingD. be seen25. Although she is _, she doesnt feel _. A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonelyD. lonely; alone26. Sorry, teacher._ are late for class again. A. Daming and IB. I and DamingC. ID. Daming27. I practice _ the piano at home every evening. A. playB. playingC. to playD. plays28. I dont care _ you have known the man. A. thatB. ifC. whereD. who29. We really have fun _ together with her friends in her place. A. gettingB. getC. to getD. gets30. We had a picnic _ last Sunday. A. in noonB. at noonC. at the noonD. on noon.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)One day, Johns parents told him that his grandpa would retire (退休)after working for forty years. John said 31 , “Im only nine, so it means Grandpa has been working. Er, a really long time.”His parents said, “Yes. Thats 32 we are going to have a surprise party for him.”John loved his grandpa and wanted to do 33 for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position(职位)on that card, so he decided 34 a new one for his grandpa.When the big day came, John was ready. But he 35 want to put his gift together with the others. He carried it around with him the whole evening.When all the other people had left, John took his grandpas hand and brought him over to a chair and gave 36 the gift.His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must 37 a nice gift. May I open it now?”“Sure!” John said excitedly.As Grandpa opened it, tears (眼泪)came into his eyes. John gave him the 38 gift he had ever had! It was a business card with his new position: FULL-TIME GRANDPA! John said, “Now your full-time job is being my grandpa!”“Well, 39 do I get paid?” his grandpa asked with a smile.“As many hugs(拥抱)as you want!” With 40 words, John gave his grandpa a big hug.“Well, I guess that Im the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa. 31. A. in factB. in timeC. in order toD. in surprise 32. A. whyB. howC. whatD. who 33. A. special somethingB. something special C. anything interestingD. interesting anything 34. A. makesB. madeC. to makeD. making 35. A. wasntB. cantC. didntD. doesnt 36. A. heB. himC. hisD. hes 37. A. isB. areC. wereD. be 38. A. greatB. greaterC. betterD. greatest 39. A. how muchB. how manyC. how longD. how often 40. A. itB. thisC. theseD. that. 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)A Bill was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He had a part-time job which got him up at five oclock. He was a newspaper boy.Each morning, Bill left the house at five fifteen to go to the center. The newspapers were delivered there by a truck at midnight. He carried them on his bike.In the winter it was still dark when he got up. But during the rest of the year it was bright. Bill had to deliver the newspapers to his customers(订户的)houses in all kinds of weather. He tried to put each paper in the box where it was safe from wind, rain and snow. His customers thought he did a good job. Sometimes they gave him tips(小费).Bill made about 70 each month and he was saving some of the money to go to college. He spent the rest on tapes and clothes. Once a month he had to collect money from his customers. Since many of them worked during the day, Bill had to get the money at night. Sometimes when Bill was ill, his elder brother had to deliver the newspapers. Once his father had to help him.Bill has 70 customers now, but he hopes to get more soon. Some day, when he has many more customers, perhaps Bill will win a prize for being a very good newspaper boy. He wants to win a visit to Europe(欧洲), but he would be happy enough if he won a new bike.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 41. Bill did a part-time job as _ .A. a waiterB. a driverC. a newspaper boyD. a salesman 42. In the passage, the underlined word“delivered”means _ .A. 收集B. 印制C. 分发D. 制造 43. How often did Bill have to collect money from his customers?A. Once a month.B. Once a week.C. Once a year.D. Once a day. 44. From the story we know the customers like _ people.A. cleverB. hard-workingC. youngD. poor 45. According to the passage, if Bill worked really hard, he could possibly win _ .A. more friendsB. more moneyC. more newspapersD. a visit to Europe or a new bikeBThere are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Most(大多数的)children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people dont work on Saturday or Sunday. In England most shops are closed on Saturday and Sunday. But in China shops are open every day. In England some people go to church(去做礼拜). The time between(在两者之间)Friday evening and Monday morning is the weekend(周末). It is time for rest. We cant work all the time. We have to work from time to time. We rest over the weekend(周末期间).46. Most children dont go to school on _ or Sunday. A. SaturdayB. MondayC.WednesdayD.Tuesday47. In China shops are open _. A. on TuesdayB. every dayC. on ThursdayD. from Monday to Friday48. We have _ at weekends. A. to workB. a good restC. lessonsD. a look49. Most children have _ days holiday every week. A. twoB. oneC. threeD. four50. There are _ people in most shops in England on Sunday. A. someB. manyC. noD. any听力部分(第二节). 听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) Information Sheet51. Its a good habit to keep our clothes _.52. Its good manners to say“_”and“Please”and so on.53. We should never say _.54. Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people _.55. And wed better not _ loudly in public.笔试部分. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)I have a very good friend. His name is Michael Wilson. He is a fine fellow(小伙子) and he is very smart.But there is one very strange thing about himhes very capable and he can do some very difficult things, but the funny thing is that he cant do some of the very simple(简单的)things in life.For example, he can drive a car, but he cant ride a bicycle. He learns languages easily, too. He knows Russian, Portuguese, German, Italian and Chinese. He can speak, read and write Russian and Portuguese. He can speak German, and he can read and write Chinese, but he cant speak it.Imagine(想象)that! Its very difficult to learn to read and write Chinese, but he cant speak a word.Isnt that strange? Is Michael Wilson funny or smart?5657题根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F);5859题根据短文内容回答问题;60题将文中画线的句子译成汉语。56. Michael can do everything well.( )57. Michael could ride a bicycle when he was eight years old.( )58. Is Michael Wilson smart? _59. Why did the writer think there is a strange thing about Michael Wilson? _60. _. 词语运用(共10小题,每小题0.5分,计5分) 根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空(每词或短语只限使用一次)。care field move away tennis noon organize exam if wish hamburger 61. How did you do on the English _, Danny? 62. We will play _ this afternoon. 63. Sometimes, people _ and they cant take their pets with them. 64. I like to take _ of my pet dog. 65. My uncle is working in the _ now. 66. _ they dont win, it will be a shame. 67. At _, we had a party. 68. We had _ and pop. 69. _ you a happy New Year! 70. Our school _ a special two-week summer camp. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)A)连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。71. are, the, for, They, summer, excited (.) _72. pets, ARG, care, without, a, of, takes, home(.) _73. His, field, left, alone, in, a, him, family(.) _74. you, Wish, summer, a, great, holiday(!) _75. I, parents, and, summer, are, this, planning, a, My, trip, to, Germany(.) _B)书面表达(计15分) 假如你是张红,你想参加学校组织的“走进美国家庭”夏令营活动,请你用英语写一份申请。申请的开头已给出。 内容应包括:1.你参加这次活动的目的;2.你的兴趣、特长;3.你希望住在什么样的美国家庭里。 要求:1.词数:80左右; 2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。提示词语:夏令营summer campDear Sir/Madam,_UNIT 8 Summer Holiday Is ing! 检测题听力原文及参考答案听力原文听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 1. Which suit do you prefer to buy? 2. You should put up your hand when you ask questions. 3. His flight number is NA038. 4. Would you please write down the words in your exercise book? 5. Stephen is not old enough to deal with the problem.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。6. Which gate should we go to?7. Please pass me the salt.8. How long is the bridge?9. He used to fight with others, didnt he?10. Do you think boys should wear long hair?. 听对话,选择正确答案。11. W: When was your brother born, Jill? M: In June.12. W: Where are you going, Dick? M: To the concert of a rock band.13. M: How many singers are there in the band? W: Only three.14. W: Whose sister is good at languages? M: Susans sister is.15. M: Is your teacher married, Roy? W: Yes. She got married last September. 听短文,选择正确答案。 It was quite late at night. I was reading a newspaper alone in my room when I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses standing there. He said that he was a friend of my brothers and wanted to have a talk with him. I didnt know if my brother had such a friend, but I had to let him in.As we talked, I found that he knew nothing about my brother. Then I came to know that his words were not true. Suddenly my brother rushed in and the young man was so surprised that he didnt know what to do for a moment. We caught the man and called the police at the same time.听力部分(第二节). 听短文填空Its a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy. Our city should be kept clean every day. Dont throw litter or spit about. Its good manners to say “Thank you” and “Please” and so on. We should never say dirty words. Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people in need. For example, when we are on a bus, we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies. We should also obey traffic rules. When the traffic lights are red, we should stop. And wed better not talk or laugh loudly in public.If everyone behaves well, our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.参考答案听力部分. 15 ABABB . 610 CBACB . 1115 ACBAC . 1620 BABCA笔试部分. 21. C 主语是人时,用excited作表语;作定语修饰物时用exciting。句意:我们都对那 场令人兴奋的足球赛感到激动。 22. B 句意为“我们肯定他这个学期将会取得很大进步”。表示“肯定”用be sure。 23. D play与球类名词连用时不加定冠词the,与西洋乐器名词连用时要加定冠词the。 24. C look forward to后接动词时要用动名词形式。 25. C 句意为“虽然她独自一人,但是她并不感到孤独”。表示“独自一人”用alone; 表示感到“孤独”用lonely。 26. B 表示主动承认错误时,要用“I and 某人”;其他情况用“某人and I”。 27. B practice后接动词时要用动名词形式。 28. B 句意为“我不关心你是否已经认识那个人”。表示“是否”用if。 29. A have fun后要用动名词形式。 30. B at noon是固定词组,意为“在中午;在正午”。. 31. D John said in surprise表示“约翰惊奇地说”。 32. A 句意为“那就是我们将为他举行一个惊喜晚会的原因”。why引导表语从句,Thats why.表示“那就是的原因”,故选A。 33. B 形容词修饰something,anything时,形容词要后置;something用于肯定句,anything 用于疑问句和否定句;该句是肯定句,故选B。 34. C decide后的动词要用动词不定式,decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,故选C。 35. C 该短文是用一般过去时叙述的,此处也应用一般过去时。含有实义动词的一般过去时的否定形式是“didnt+动词原形”,故选C。 36. B 及物动词give后的代词要用宾格形式,故选B。 37. D 情态动词must后用动词原形,故选D。 38. D 由句意“约翰给了爷爷他曾经拥有的最好的礼物”可知,此处用最高级形式,故 选D。 39. A 该句句意为“噢,我被付给多少钱?”询问价钱要用how much,故选A。 40. C with these words意为“说着这些话”;因words是复数,故指示代词用these。. 41. C 由短文第一段可知,比尔业余时间的工作就是当报童,故选C。 42. C 根据短文意思,画线单词delivered的意思是“分发”,故选C。 43. A 由短文第四段中的“Once a month he had to collect money from his customers.”可 知,比尔从他的订户那里每个月收一次钱,故选A。 44. B 从短文第三段的最后两句“他的订户认为他工作做得好,有时候他们给他小费”可知,订户喜欢工作努力的人,故选B。 45. D 由短文最后一段的最后一句“He wants to win a visit to Europe(欧洲),but he would be happy enough if he won a new bike.”可知,比尔如果真的很努力地工作,他可能会赢得去欧洲旅行的机会或者是赢得一辆新自行车。 46. A 根据文中的“Most(大多数的)children go to school from Monday to Friday.”可知答案。 47. B 根据文中的“But in China shops are open every day.”可知答案。 48. B 根据文中的“We rest over the weekend(周末期间).”可知答案。 49. A 根据文中的“Most(大多数的)children go to school from Monday to Friday.”可知,他们每周有两天的假日(休息日)。 50. C 根据文中的“In England most shops are closed on Saturday and Sunday.”可知,在周日的时候大多数商店里没有人。. 51. clean and tidy52. Thank you53. dirty words 54. in need55. talk or laugh. 56. F 由短文第二段的内容可知,他会做非常难的事情,但有时非常简单的他却不会。 57. F 由第三段的内容可知他会开小汽车,却不会骑自行车。 58. Yes, he is. 59. Because he can do some very difficult things, but the funny thing is that he cant do some of the very simple things in life. 60. 学会读和写汉语是很难的,可是他一个字也不会说。. 61. exam62. tennis63. move away64. care65. field66. If67. noon68. hamburgers69. Wish70. organized. 71. They are excited for the summer. 72. ARG takes care of pets without a home. 73. His family left him alone in a field. 74. Wish you a great summer holiday! 75. My parents and I are planning a trip to Germany this summer.One possible version:Dear SirMadam,I want to take part in the summer camp. Its a good way to improve my English and can help me know more about the American culture. I often surf the Internet for something new.I love sports and pop music. I do quite well in English and can talk with foreigners freely. Im very proud of it. I hope to stay in a large American family with three or four children. Im sure well have a great time together.Thank you.Yours,Zhang Hong

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