2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解精练(3)(II).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解精练(3)(II)说理议论(阅读理解)由 (xx四川广元普高第一次高考适应性统考)改编There is a problem each of us faces in following advice on emotional healing: apologizing is difficult. We are trapped in what we think of ourselves by holding onto our pride. We can be selfish and not willing to admit our most obvious mistakes. Pride eats away at us as we argue or ignore the mistake.Its happened to me. I have had too much pride and selfishness to apologize to a loved one I hurt. When I did want to apologize, I couldnt bring myself to face the other person. This is the pride Im talking about. Maybe apologies e difficult for men because theyre expected to be dominant (占优势的).Its like the joke that a man never asks for directions when lost. Ladies are more emotionally open than guys and are willing to express it. Still, both genders wonder how to correctly apologize.In shifting (改变)the focus on apologizing away from you, what does not apologizing do to other people? They feel hurt that you are not willing to municate your mistake. They lose trust in you as you hide behind your mistake avoiding reality. They bee angry with you, wondering why you will not tell them the truth. They may begin to counter your lack of apologies by not apologizing themselves and from this the relationship goes downhill as the two of you get caught in a power struggle.You need to municate your mistakes. A mistake you made is like a scratch and by not apologizing you are making the scratch a deeper wound and rubbing salt into it. You need to stop hurting the other person and yourself by learning to apologize. There is real power in apologizing and emotional healing.1.People find it hard to apologize for their mistakes because of their A.emotional feelingB.sticking to their prideC.making argument D.being trapped in lies2.Why are men more unwilling to make apologies?()A.They dont intend to hurt other people.B.They expect others to forgive them.C.They dont want to be considered weak.D.They arent good at expressing themselves.3.What bad effect will there be if you refuse to apologize for your mistakes?()A.Other people wont pay attention to you.B.You will lose confidence in yourself.C.You wont be forgiven even if you tell the truth.D.The friendship will get hurt and go worse.4.From the last paragraph, it can be inferred that Amunication can stop your making mistakesB.mistakes would turn into deeper scratchesC.apologizing is good for you and the other personD.apologizing is the most powerful in emotional healing语篇解读:每个人都会犯错,但是很多人犯错后因为内心的骄傲不愿意承认自己的错误,也不愿意向别人道歉,这不但对自己有害,还会伤害别人,进而影响人与人之间的关系。答案及剖析:1.B细节理解题。由第一段的We are trapped in what we think of ourselves by holding onto our pride可知,人们不愿意道歉是因为内心的骄傲,故选B项。2.C推理判断题。由第二段的Maybe apologies e difficult for men because theyre expected to be dominant可知,男士通常被认为处于主导地位,所以他们会觉得道歉很没面子,故选C项。3.D细节理解题。由第三段可知,如果你不为自己的错误道歉的话,就会失去朋友对你的信任,然后对方也不会向你道歉,最终导致友谊的破裂,故D项正确。4.C推理判断题。由You need to stop hurting the other person and yourself by learning to apologize可知,道歉对犯错的人和受伤害的人都有好处,故选C项。交流错误就是道歉,但是道歉不能防止人犯错,故A项错误;犯错后及时道歉就不会使伤害加深,故B项错误;由文章最后一句话There is real power in apologizing and emotional healing可知D项错误。【疑难词汇解读】1.eat away at 困扰,烦扰I wonder what was eating away at him.我不知道什么事情使他烦心。2.heal v. (使)恢复健康,恢复正常Most of their wounds wont heal properly.这些人的伤大多数都不会彻底痊愈。【长难句子分析】 and 他们可能会通过自己不道歉开始和你的不道歉行为对着干,为此,因为你们两个都被力量之争所困,你们的关系就会走下坡路。【陕西省xx五校联考】D阅读下列四篇短文, 从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Food picked up just a few seconds after being dropped is less likely to contain bacteria than if it is left for longer periods of time, according to the findings of research carried out at Aston Universitys School of Life and Health Sciences. The findings suggest there may be some scientific basis to the “5 second rule” the belief about it being fine to eat food that has only had contact with the floor for five seconds or less. Although people have long followed the 5 second rule, until now it was unclear whether it actually helped. The study, undertaken by final year Biology students and led by Anthony Hilton, Professor of Microbiology at Aston University, monitored the transfer of the mon bacteria from a variety of indoor flooring types (carpet, cement floor etc.) to toast, pasta, a biscuit and a sticky sweet when contact was made from 3 to 30 seconds. The results showed that: Time is a significant factor in the transfer of bacteria from a floor surface to a piece of food; and the type of flooring the food has been dropped on has an effect, with bacteria least likely to transfer from carpeted surfaces and most likely to transfer from cement flooring surfaces to moist(湿的) foods making contact for more than 5 seconds. Professor Hilton said: “Consuming food dropped on the floor still carries an infection risk as it very much depends on which bacteria are present on the floor at the time.”The Aston team also carried out a survey of the number of people who employ the 5 second rule. The survey showed that: 87% of people surveyed said they would eat food dropped on the floor, or already have done so. 55% of those who would eat or have eaten food dropped on the floor are women. 81% of the women who would eat food from the floor would follow the 5 second rule. Professor Hilton added, “Our study showed that a surprisingly large majority of people are happy to consume dropped food, with women the most likely to do so. But they are also more likely to follow the 5 second rule.”57. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. A toast dropped on the carpet is easier to be polluted than that dropped on the cement floor.B. A sticky chocolate dropped on the carpet is easier to be polluted than that dropped on the cement floor within 5 seconds.C. The food dropped on the carpet shares the same potential of being polluted with the food dropped on the cement floor.D. The food dropped on the cement floor is not as safe as food dropped on the carpet within 30 seconds.58. Eating food dropped on the floor still carries an infection risk because it relies on _ at that time.A. the type of bacteria B. the carpet C. the cement floor D. the surface of table59. The passage is developed probably by _. A. time B. spaceC. contrastD. example60. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The food which is dropped on the floor can be eaten safely.B. The bacteria have no negative effect on the safety of food.C. A research on the safety of food dropped on the floor is undertaken.D. People surveyed in the research are willing to accept the idea.【参考答案】57-60 DACC【陕西省西安市长安一中xx第二次模拟】A 阅读些列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出你最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 46. What will be exhibited in Geneva? A. A watchB. A kind of shoes.C. A bracelet.D. A photo.47. A newly-developed car has been produced by _. A. Vans and HermesB. Christian Dior C. Champion Motorsport D. Panerai48. It can be inferred that _. A. Goose liver is the favorite food of the Japanese people. B. Some children have built up a toy-brick-liked building. C. Mixing up olive oil with ordinary oil makes high-quality oil. D. Badly behaved designers used not to get what they deserved. 【参考答案】阅读理解46-48、ACD 【陕西省西安市长安一中xx第二次模拟】B 阅读些列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出你最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Scientists have long had it in their mind to make a robot lizard (蜥蜴). They began with finding out why a lizard can hang on a wall. They noticed the lizards toes were unique: They have suckers (吸盘), which enable it to hang on walls. They, therefore, made a robot with suckers on its hands and feet.The robot could hang on the wall but fell off when crawling. So, they went on researching. 6 years ago, scientists discovered that suckers only were not enough. It is the bristles (刚毛) on each foot that adds friction (摩擦) and static adsorption (静电吸附力) that makes a lizard move on the smooth wall easily without falling down. Then scientists made great efforts to fix thick bristles to the robots hands and feet. However, the effect was not satisfactory. The robot still couldnt attach itself firmly to the wall. Scientists got puzzled: How on earth can the lizard crawl on an extremely smooth wall or even on a ceiling without dropping off? An accidental finding inspired them: One day a scientist happened to see an animal attack a lizard and bite off its tail. The lizard broke away from the animals teeth and threw itself on a wall to escape, only to fall off heavily on the ground. The scientist wondered: Is it the tail that plays an important role in its travelling on the wall? He caught some lizards for an experiment. The result proved his assumption: A tailless lizard has no trouble walking on an ordinary wall but cant on a smooth one. A further study showed the lizards tail can prevent it falling over backward and, whats more, that the tail acts as an additional leg while one of the lizards legs leaves the wall, which is always the case while it is walking on the wall. Thus, Tailbot, a super tailed robot, is born. 49. What part(s) would be a must if scientists just wanted a robot which can hang on the wall? A. Suckers.B. Suckers and bristles.C. Suckers, bristles and a tail.D. Hands, feet, bristles and a tail.50. The bristles function as something _. A. to protect the lizards toes from injury B. to produce friction and static adsorption C. to prevent a lizard falling over backward D. to help a lizard move about without falling51. The biggest importance of a lizards tail lies in _. A. helping support the bodyB. serving as another leg C. sticking to the wallD. stopping slipping 52. What does the underlined part in the fifth paragraph refer to? A. A lizard often falls over backward while it travels on the wall.B. A lizard often has three legs on the wall while walking on the wall. C. A lizards tail will replace one of its legs while it moves on the wall. D. A lizards tail often stops it fall over backward while moving on the wall.【参考答案】4950、AB512、BC

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