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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module2TheRenaissanceHighlightsofMySeniorYear语境应用快检测外研版选修. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The doctors waiting room was bright and _(cheer)with yellow walls and curtains. 2. I was looking for a birthday present for my mother but I didnt find anything _(suit). 3. She had the _(able)to explain things clearly and concisely. 4. She was _(elect)as leader of the campaign group. 5. The documentary traced the _(develop)of popular music through the ages. 6. He firmly believes that she is _(innocence)of the crime. 答案:1. cheerful 2suitable 3. ability 4. elected 5. development 6. innocent . 用以上短语填空1. He _currently _the best British athlete. 2. As far as I _, education is about learning and the more you learn, the more equipped for life you are. 3. At the top of the bank my guide paused and _me. 4. She was _seeing the grandchildren again. 5. Ive heard whispers that the firm _go bankrupt. 6. Thanks to everyone who has _saving the child. 7. _, Lin Dan is sure to win the match. 8. She doesnt usually _any of the class activities. 答案:1. is;considered as 2. am concerned3. looked back at 4. looking forward to 5. is likely to 6. played a part in 7. In my view8. take part in. 句式仿写1. 真可惜, 简和乔治不能来参加这次聚会。 _Jane and George cant make it to the party. 2. 迪克发现自己在朝迈克家的方向走去。Dick _in the direction of Mikes place. 3. 直到音乐会开始, 他才露面。 _he appeared. 答案:1. It is a great pity that 2. found himself walking 3. It was not until the concert began that

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