2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World素材 外研版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World素材 外研版必修4话题词汇1.mystery n.谜2.puzzling/strange/weird奇怪的3.witness v.见证4.give an explanation解释5.result in/lead to导致6.by accident碰巧经典语篇某论坛开设了一个主题为“Tales of the unexplained”的专区。请你根据以下信息,写一篇100词左右短文,发表在论坛。名称:报时怪石位置:澳大利亚中部的沙漠高度:348米现象:能够有规律地改变颜色,早上为棕色;中午为灰蓝色(dusty blue);下午为红色。注意:可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。佳作欣赏Have you ever heard of a rock which can tell time? There is one with the height of 348 meters. The rock just lies in a desert in the middle of Australia.Its color can alter regularly in a day,and it makes people puzzled about it. Its brown after sunrise in the morning.Interestingly,it turns dusty blue at noon. However,in the afternoon,its weird that red will appear on its surface.Scientists have been studying this amazing phenomenon for long but nobody has been able to explain how this happens. In the future,perhaps scientists can find out the exact reason.思维发散1.将第、两句用分词结构连成一句There is one with the height of 348 meters,lying in a desert in the middle of Australia.2.用主语从句改写第句What makes people puzzled is that its color can alter regularly in a day.3.用强调句型改写第句,强调at noonInterestingly,it is at noon that it turns dusty blue.4.仿照第句用现在完成进行时翻译句子一直下了三天雨。It has been raining for three days on end.重点单词A.写作单词1.attack (vt.& n.)袭击;攻击2.claim (vt.)声称3.surface (n.)表面;水面4.calm (adj.)平静的;(v.)(使)平静;(使)镇静5.unlikely (adj.)不可能的6.cover (vt.)占地 (多大面积)7.adapt (vi.)适应;适合;改编8.disappear (vi.)不见;消失9.generous (adj.)有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的10.reputation (n.)名誉;名声11.positive (adj.)正面的12.fortune (n.)运气;命运;财富13.frightening (adj.)吓人的frightened (adj.)受惊吓的frighten (v.)使惊恐;惊恐14.exist (vi.)存在existence (n.)存在15.sharp (adj.)锋利的;尖的sharpen (v.)(使)变得锋利;加强;使尖锐B.阅读单词16.footprint (n.)脚印;足迹17.creature (n.)动物;生物18.grey (adj.)灰色的19.journal (n.)杂志;学报;期刊20.sighting (n.)目击;发现21.mysterious (adj.)神秘的22.sceptical (adj.)怀疑的;不相信的23.extinct (adj.)绝种的;消亡了的24.fierce (adj.)凶猛的;残暴的25.destruction (n.)毁坏26.unpredictable (adj.)变化莫测的27.border (n.)边境;国界28.identity (n.)身份;特性29.myth (n.)神话;神话故事30.indicate (vt.)象征;暗示indication (n.)象征;表明.重点短语1.close up靠近2.die out灭绝3.throw light on阐明某事;帮助弄清楚4e straight to the point谈正题;开门见山5.due to由于;因造成6.be sceptical about怀疑7.adapt to适应8.go for袭击;抨击;适用;选择;喜欢.经典句式1.He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.他声称看见一个圆形黑色的动物在水中快速游动。2.There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century,although no one has seen one close up.自上世纪初以来,一直就有关于天池怪物的报道,尽管还不曾有人近距离地目睹过。3.They say that the lowtemperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.他们说,温度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。.课文语法填空Lake Tianchi is 1.located(locate) in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province.It is the 2.highest(high) volcanic lake in the world.There 3.have been(be) reports of monsters in it since the beginning of the last century.Meng Fanying,the director of a local tourist office,said that the monster seemed to be black 4.in colour,and jumped out of the water like a seal.Xue Junlin,a local photographer,claimed that its head looked like a horse,5.though no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature.A soldier said the monster was greenishblack and had 6.a round head with 10centimetre horns.Li Xiaohe,7.who was visiting the lake with his family,claimed to have seen a round black creature 8.moving(move) quickly through the water.Many people believe its 9.existence(exist).10.However,scientists are skeptical about this.1(1)make a claim for/on/to要求(2)claim to do./that.声称(1)He claimed that it was all a trick against him.他声称这一切都是一个针对他的诡计。(2)He repeated his claim that the people there backed his action.他再次声称,那里的人民支持他的行动。多维训练(1)单句语法填空The scientist claimed to have invented(invent) a new kind of car.The victims in the accident made a claim for damages.(2)She claims that she is related to the Queen.(用含有不定式的简单句改写)She claims to be related to the Queen.2 calm adj.镇静的,沉着的(not excited,upset,etc.);风平浪静的;无风的;v.(使)平静,(使)镇静(1)keep/be/stay calm保持镇静(2)calm down(使)平静(镇静)下来(1)The weather was fine and the lake was calm.天气很好,湖面也很平静。(2)It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency.在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。(3)Moved by what she said,he could hardly calm down.由于被她说的那些话所感动,他很难平静下来。词义辨析calm,quiet,silent,still(1)calm平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。(2)quiet宁静的,安静的,指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。(3)silent寂静的,沉默的,指不说话或没有声音。(4)still静止的,不动的,指(人体等)不运动的。多维训练(1)用calm,quiet,silent,still的正确形式填空Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened.He spoke no English and was pletely silent during the visit.Children find it difficult to sit still for very long.The airlines have invested enormous sums in quieter,more efficient engines.(2)单句改错Although she was frightened,she answered with a calm voice.within3应试指导分词作状语的考查(1)adapt (.) to (使)适应于adapt oneself to使自己适应adapt.for.为改编(写);改造以供之用adapt from根据改编(写)(2)adaptable adj.有适应能力的;能适应的;可改编的(3)adaptation n.改编本;适应(1)During the onemonth stay,I had to adapt myself to their American lifestyle and help them understand the best part of Chinese culture.一个月的生活中,我只好使自己适应美国的生活方式并帮助他们理解中国文化的精髓。(2)This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。(3)The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts.这土壤适宜于花生的生长。多维训练单句语法填空(1)The play is adapted from a novel.(2)These teaching materials can be adapted for older children.(3)When you go to a new country,you must adapt to new manners and customs.(4)This play is an adaptation(adapt) of a short novel.4die of/from死于,die down(声音、火焰等)逐渐减弱、降低die off相继死去,死亡殆尽die away(声音、光、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失be dying for/to do.渴望获得/做(1)Smallpox has pletely died out in this country.天花在这个国家已经绝迹了。(2)When the applause had died down,she began her speech.掌声平息后,她就开始演讲了。(3)The sheep the old man raised died off one by one.老人饲养的绵羊一个个相继死去。词义辨析die of,die from表示死的原因,die后既可接介词of,也可接from,两者的区别是:(1)若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词of。(2)若死因不是存在人体之上或之内,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词from。(3)若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则用of,from均可。 多维训练单句语法填空(1)According to statistics,a man is more than twice as likely to die of/from skin cancer as a woman.(2)She is dying to know(know) where youve been.(3)The excitement died down as time went by.(4)The singing of birds died away.(5)The cattle died off in the cold winter.5be due to sth.因为,由于;归因于be due to do sth.预期/预定要做某事be due for sth.期望得到某物(1)The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.这项工程由于缺乏政府的资助而不得不放弃。(2)Any money that is due to you will be paid before the end of the month.欠你的钱将在月底之前全部支付给你。(3)The meeting isnt due to start until three.会议预计直到3点才开始。多维训练(1)单句语法填空We are due to leave(leave) tomorrow.Respect is due to older people.Due to your carelessness(care),it doesnt work now.She is due for promotion soon.(2)单句改错His absence due to the storm.due前加was6多维训练(1)用exist的正确形式填空There exists a good way to solve the existing problem in geography.Do you know when the new Marriage Law came into existence?(2) 短语填空He could hardly exist on such a low wage.Some substances unknown are in existence naturally.The custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries.7多维训练单句语法填空(1)Its very generous of you to help me.(2)He is generous to the poor.(3)She is generous in giving her time to help others.(4)The young man is generous with his money.8 They say that the lowtemperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.他们说,温度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。be unlikely to do.不可能做be likely to do.可能做It is likely that.可能It is possible (for sb.) to do.(某人)可能做It is possible that.可能It is probable that.可能Not likely.不会;不可能。(1)It seems to me that hes likely to know the answer.在我看来,他很可能知道答案。(2)It is likely that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.如果继续吸烟,你的身体健康会受到损害。特别提醒(1)likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语。(2)possible和probable表示客观上有可能,不能用人作主语。probable的可能性比possible大。多维训练(1)同义句改写They are likely to be fired by the pany because of their fault.(用it作形式主语改写)It is likely that they will be fired by the pany because of their fault.(2)根据提示语填空The headmaster is not likely to attend(可能不来参加) the meeting,but it is possible(有可能) for us to e up with a solution by ourselves.Anyhow it is probable/likely(很有可能) that we can solve the problem in a satisfactory way.语境填词1.When an individual ant es under attack(攻击) or is dying,it sends out an alarm pheromone(外激素) to warn the colony to prepare for a conflict as a defense unit.(xx安徽)2.Study groups and class projects are examples of positive(积极的) peer groups that encourage people to better themselves.(xx江苏)3.No one could be more generous(慷慨的);he has a heart of gold.(xx天津)4.What earned the plant its awful reputation(名声) was its roots which looked like a driedup human body occupied by evil spirits.(xx重庆)5.She handed me an earring saying I should keep it in case somebody claimed(认领) it.(xx大纲全国).单句语法填空1.Both locally and globally,the continued spread of fullsun coffee plantations(种植园) could mean the destruction(destructive) of the rainforest ecology.(xx陕西)2.He found some difficulty adapting to the local culture.(xx广东)3.The disappearance(disappear) of the queues in these places may seem an unusual concern,but these are not the only places that markets have entered.(xx江苏)4.I would like to have my knife sharpened (sharp).5.Some natural things of the ancient time are still mysterious(mystery) to people today.短语填空1.Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some ment,always to the point.(xx福建)2.He told me that the teacher didnt let him do what he knew well due to safety but asked him to do what he disliked.(xx湖北)3.In fact,half of the 6,0007,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century.(xx新课标全国)4.When he moved to America,the children adapted to the change very well.5.If you really like the job,try your best and go for it!.完成句子1.From my point of view,it is unlikely to overe.(xx山东)在我看来,它不可能克服。2.They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.他们声称已经发现了治疗此病的一种药物。3.There have been many sayings about the origin of life on the earth.关于地球上生命的起源,一直有许多种说法。 写作素材(关于动物保护)1.像熊猫这样的稀有动物的存在使我们的世界丰富多彩,充满生机。2.不幸的是,最近我们听到吓人的消息。3.消息说由于人类的破坏,一些稀有动物正在灭绝。4.为了保护濒临灭绝的动物,人们不该攻击它们,也不能太靠近它们。5.应该让它们在它们的环境里平静的生活。提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用that引导的同位语从句。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)The existence of rare animals like pandas makes our world lively and colorful.Unfortunately,we have heard much frightening news recently that some rare animals are dying out due to humans destruction.In order to protect the endangered animals,people shouldnt attack them or go too close to them.We should let them live a peaceful life in their surroundings.七选五ForgivenessTo forgive is a virtue,but no one has ever said it is easy.When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.However,forgiveness is possible,and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health.People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness,according to a recent research. 1 Try the following steps:Calm yourself. 2 You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure:a beautiful scene in nature,or someone you love.Dont wait for an apology.Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize.They may have wanted to hurt you or they just dont see things the same way. 3 Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean being friends again with the person who upset you.Take the control away from your offender.Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain.Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings,learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you. 4 If you understand your offender,you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness,fear,and even love.You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offenders point of view.Dont forget to forgive yourself. 5 But it can rob you of your selfconfidence if you dont do it.AWhy should you forgive?BHow should you start to forgive?CRecognize the benefits of forgiveness.DTry to see things from your offenders angle.EFor some people,forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.FTo make your anger die away,try a simple stressmanagement technique.GIf you wait for people to apologize,you could be waiting an awfully long time.答案1.B2.F3.G4.D5.E.完形填空When I was a boy,every holiday that I had seemed wonderful.My 6 took me by train or by car to a hotel by the 7 .All day,I seem to remember,I 8 on the sands with strange 9 children.We made houses and gardens,and 10 the tide destroy them.When the tide went out,we 11 over the rocks and looked down at the fish in the rockpools.In those days the 12 seemed to shine always brightly 13 the water was always warm.Sometimes we left beach and walked in the country, 14 ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees.There were 15 in ones pockets or good places where one could 16 ice creams.Each day seemed a lifetime.Although I am now thirtyfive years old,my idea of a good 17 is much the same as it was.I 18 like the sun and warm sand and the sound of 19 beating the rocks.I no longer wish to 20 any sand house or sand garden,and I dislike sweets. 21 ,I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.Sometimes I 22 what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am 23 .All I want to do then,perhaps,will be to lie in bed,reading books about 24 who make houses and gardens with sands,who watch the ining tide,who make themselves 25 on too many ices.6A.teacher BparentsCnurse Dyounger sister答案B解析作者回忆儿时假日,根据常识可判断是其父母亲(parents)带他远游。7A.sea BlakeCmountain Driver答案A解析从后文提到的词语beach(海滨),sand(沙滩)等可知作者在海边(by the sea)。8A.played BsleptCsat Dstood答案A解析play with sb.与某人玩耍。9A.moved BexcitedCanxious Dnervous答案B解析孩子们在沙滩上玩耍应是兴奋的。10A.made BbroughtCwatched Dheard答案C解析我们堆起房子和花园,看着海水冲毁它们。11A.rolled BjumpedCturned Dclimbed答案D解析根据下文的looked down可知我们爬上了岩石。12A.light BsunCmoon Dlamp答案B解析根据下文的like the sun 说明是指太阳总是很闪亮。13A.and ByetCbut Dor答案A解析此处用and表示承接。14A.exploring BexaminingCrepairing Dmeasuring答案A解析explore意为“搜寻”,此处用现在分词形式作伴随状语。15A.sweets BsandCicecreams Dmoney答案A解析后文中有提示,且小孩口袋里的东西常为“糖果(sweets)”。16A.make BsellCbuy Doffer答案C解析有可以买到(buy)冰淇淋的好地方。17A.house BholidayCgarden Dtide答案B解析我现在已经35岁了,但是对于好的假期(holiday)的想法和小时候一样。18A.hardly BalmostCstill Dperhaps答案C解析与上句照应,多年来,我仍然(still)喜欢。19A.waves BtidesChands Dfeet答案A解析tides指“潮汐”,而文中指“海浪(waves)”拍打岩石的声音。20A.destroy BfixCuse Dbuild答案D解析build sand house(建沙房子)与文章开头make sand house同义。21A.But BHoweverCOtherwise DBesides答案B解析表示语义的转折且单独使用,用however。22A.wonder BfeelCunderstand Dbelieve答案A解析有时,我想知道当我年老的时候,我理想中的假日是什么模样。23A.strong BweakCyoung Dold答案D解析见上题解析。24A.children BboysCgirls Dgrownups答案A解析只有儿时人们才迷恋于沙子堆成的小房子,所以此处指“孩子们”。25A.happy BtiredCsad Dsick答案D解析happy开心;tired疲惫;sad悲哀;sick难受。这里是指孩子们吃了太多的冰激凌感觉不舒服了。.语法填空I can well remember that I was once asked to deliver a speech titledA Real Test in My Lifebefore the whole class at the age of 9!You can imagine how 26.terribly(terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes 27.fixed(fix) upon me.I had no 28.choice(choose) but to prepare for it,though.First of all,I was to draft the speech,which was just a piece of cake for me,a good writer.But the hardest part 29.lay(lie) in my oral presentation from my memoryfor to read from the paper was not allowed.The real moment began 30.when I stood on the platform with my legs trembling and my mind blank.But my 31.listeners(listen) were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me.Gradually I found myself back,giving out my speech with difficulty.After what seemed to be a hundred years,I found my audience applaudingI made 32.it!From then on,my fear of talking before a big audience 33.disappeared(appear)Actually,with my confidence building up,I now turn out to be a great speaker.Looking back,I know the greatest difficulty on our way 34.to success is our fear.Overe it,35.and we will be able to achieve our goals.短文改错Chengdu is a famous city with long history.Locating in the southwest of China,it is the capital city of Sichuan Province,it is called “the Land of Abundance”It is said that Chengdu got its name over 2,000 years ago and it had never changed since then.There is a large number of famous cultural sites and delicious snacks there,which have always been attractions to tourists from around the world.Tourists e not only to see the historical sites and taste the snacks,but also because that it has beautiful scenery.A walk at the sides of the beautiful Jinjiang River will offer a feast for anyones eyes.In a word,Chengdu,as a famous saying goes,is a city where you will not want to leave once you have e.答案Chengdu is a famous city with long history. in the southwest of China, is the capital city of Sichuan Province,it is called “the Land of Abundance”It is said that Chengdu got its name over 2,000 years ago and it never changed since then.There a large number of famous cultural sites and delicious snacks ,which have always been attractions to tourists from around the world.Tourists e not only to see the historical sites and taste the snacks,but also because that it has beautiful scenery.A walk the sides of the beautiful Jinjiang River will offer a feast for anyones eyes.In a word,Chengdu,as a famous saying goes,is a city 或where you will not want to leave once you have e.书面表达近日,我国全面放开二胎政策。就人们关于二胎政策的看法,你在许多同学中做了一个调查。请按以下要点写一篇调查报告。1不同的人持不同的观点。约55%的人支持,45%的人反对;2支持方的理由;3反对方的理由;4你的观点及理由。注意:1.词数100左右;2开头部分已写好,不计入总词数;3可以适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。Recently,twochild policy was put into effect in China, 参考范文Recently,twochild policy was put into effect in China,on which I made a survey among a group of students.Their views on it vary from person to person.About fiftyfive percent of the students surveyed hold the view that our country is in urgent need of the new policy.The reasons are chiefly as follows.For one thing,twochild policy contributes to easing pressure from the aging population.For another,it helps to relieve our burden when our parents grow old.Others are against it.In their eyes,first,it costs too much to bring up two children,which many families can not afford.Second,it will be more difficult to find a job in the future,if there are so many people in China.As far as I am concerned,I really want to have a little brother.Only in that way,can I learn to share and bee less selfish.

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