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2019-2020年中考英语第三部分薯话题语篇突破话题十文娱与体育备考猜押三读写综合试题人教新目标版A. 信息归纳Everyone knows that exercise is important. It makes your heart and body strong. But you need to know the following things if you want to do sports scientifically(科学地)Get your body ready!Before you do any exercise, make sure to warm up for about five minutes. This is really necessary and important, especially when you suddenly want to play after doing no exercise for a long time. During warming up you should stretch(伸展) all parts of your body.Exercise enough, but not too much. It is best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that fit you.Exercise at fitness centers. There is a lot of equipment at fitness centers. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs or other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But the equipment is very expensive.Stop playing when you are hurt! If you get hurt when you are doing exercise, dont play again until you are well. Otherwise, it may bee worse.Dont get thirsty!Drink a lot of water when you are playing sports because of getting thirsty easily. If your body lacks(缺少) too much water, it will be harmful to you.Information CardWhat makes your heart and body strong1.Time that you need to warm up before doing exercise2.The frequency(频率) that is best for you to exercise every week3.The place where there is a lot of sports equipment4.The reason why you need to drink a lot of water while playing sports5.A【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了科学锻炼的方法。1. Exercise【解析】根据第一段第一、二句“Everyone knows that exercise is important. It makes your heart and body strong.”可知答案。2. About five minutes【解析】根据第二段第二句“Before you do any exercise, make sure to warm up for about five minutes.”可知运动前需热身大约五分钟。3. Twice each week【解析】根据第三段第二句“It is best to exercise twice each week.”可知运动的最佳次数是每周两次。4. Fitness centers【解析】根据第四段第二句“There is a lot of equipment at fitness centers.”可知有许多的运动器材的地方是健身中心。5. Getting thirsty easily【解析】根据最后一段第二句“Drink a lot of water when you are playing sports because of getting thirsty easily.”可知运动时你需要喝很多水的原因是容易口渴。B. 书面表达假如你经常和朋友们打篮球,却发现他们总是没有做热身运动就立刻进行剧烈运动,所以经常有人受伤,请你以“The Right Ways to Play Sports”为题写一篇短文提醒他们。内容包括:1. 运动前进行热身的必要性;2. 运动前与运动过程中需要注意的事项;3. 合理运动的好处。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。The Right Ways to Play Sports_B. 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:1. 提醒大家正确运动的方式,故用第一人称;描述现在的情况用一般现在时;2. 语句连贯,必须包含以下要点:运动前热身的必要性;运动前与运动中应注意的事项;合理运动的好处;3. 词数:80个左右,作文的题目已经给出,不计入总词数。不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。【写作指导】The Right Ways to Play Sports要点提示素材串联热身的必要性使我们的身体准备好运动(make.ready for) 运动前与运动过程中注意的事项1. 不必运动太多(too much)2. 当我们感觉不好时,最好不要再运动(had better not do)合理运动的好处能使我们健康、强壮和快乐【高分范文】The_Right_Ways_to_Play_SportsPlaying sports in the right ways is very important for us. Before we play sports, wed better warm up for at least five minutes. It can make our body ready for playing. And when we are playing sports, we dont need to play too much. Thirty minutes each time and twice a week is enough for us. And when we dont feel well, wed better not play any more. In a word, playing sports in the right ways can make us healthy, strong and happy. Lets do sports scientifically and make ourselves healthier.Group 2(xx原创)A. 信息归纳On August 5th, the xx Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games took place in Brazil. Many Chinese athletes who were full of bright hope took part in the games. The following news is about our Chinese sportsman Sun Yang.On the first day of the Games, one of the last events to finish was swimming, and Sun Yang came into the Olympic Natatorium(游泳馆) for the mens 400meter freestyle, with full expectations to regain his success and win the first gold medal for his country at the Summer Olympic Games. Lots of pressure was brought upon the big man, who would also be the only Chinese swimmer to reach the finals on Day One.Sun was also the world record holder. And he was in Lane Six, against his strong opponents such as Mack Horton from Australia, and James Guy from Great Britain.He got off to a good start, and he would hold on to the lead and remain at the front after 250 meters. But thats when Horton and Sun started to speed up, and by the next lap, the Australian would take over the lead, with the Chinese just behind him. Horton and Sun were neck in neck in the last 100 meters. But it was Horton who touched the wall first within 34155, with Sun just 13hundredths of a second behind. At last, Sun got a silver medal(银牌). After the petition, he cried sadly.Information CardThe date that the Olympic Games took place1.The petition that Sun Yang took part in2.The strong opponents of Sun Yang3.The marks that Horton got4.The medal that Sun Yang got5.Group 2A【主旨大意】本文是一篇新闻。主要介绍了备受瞩目的游泳运动员孙杨在xx年巴西奥运会男子400米自由泳比赛中为国家争夺首金未能成功,最后获得了银牌的赛事情况。1. On August 5th【解析】根据文章的第一段第一句“On August 5th, the xx Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games took place in Brazil.”可知答案。2. The mens 400meter freestyle【解析】根据文章第二段第一句“. Sun Yang came into the Olympic Natatorium(游泳馆) in the mens 400meter freestyle.”可知答案。 3. Mack Horton of Australia, and James Guy of Great Britain【解析】根据文章第三段第二句“.such as Mack Horton from Australia, and James Guy from Great Britain.”可知答案。4. 34155【解析】根据文章第四段倒数第三句“But it was Horton. 34155.”可知答案。5. A silver medal【解析】根据文章第四段倒数第二句“ At last, Sun got a silver medal(银牌)”可知答案。B. 书面表达自从孙杨痛失首金后,他抱着媒体痛哭的场景深深打动了国人,于是“金牌绑架”这个词应运而生。从小,我们就被大人们灌输凡事都要争第一的执念,别说差一分,差半分都是第二,而第二,就是一种耻辱。如今,我们这群被冠军意识深深洗脑的孩子走向了社会的舞台,又变成了新一批用小皮鞭抽着孩子往前的爸爸妈妈们。作为中学生的你有这种“金牌绑架(gold kidnapping)”的经历吗?请以此为主题写一篇短文。内容包括:1. 你有过这种“金牌绑架”的经历吗?自己或身边的人关于这个话题的经历或故事;2. 你认可这种观点吗?请陈述你的理由(至少2点以上)。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Since Sun Yang lost his first gold medal, Chinese people are moved by the scene that he cried sadly.Here es gold kidnapping._B. 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:1. 需包含以下内容要点:自己或身边的人“金牌绑架”的经历,表明自己的立场并给出理由(2个或以上);2. 叙述过去的经历多用一般过去时,表明立场和给出理由多用一般现在时。人称以第一人称、第三人称为主;3. 词数80个左右,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。【写作指导】金牌绑架要点提示素材串联开头:引出话题1. 孙杨失去首金后的痛哭;2. 自己类似的经历正文:对该观点的看法及理由1. 表明观点:同意(agree)2. 理由:尽自己努力(try ones best)享受过程(enjoy the process)不要有太大压力(too much pressure )结尾:总结 好心态,好结果(a good mood, a better result) 【高分范文】Since_Sun_Yang_lost_his_first_gold_medal,_Chinese_people_are_moved_by_the_scene_that_he_cried_sadly._Here_es_gold_kidnapping. I also had the same experience like Sun Yang when I was a primary school student. My mother was strict with me at my study. So every time I got 99 points rather than 100, my mother would be very angry and scolded me.I cant agree with this opinion. I think the first prize is everyones dream. If we can get it, of course its a happy thing. Meanwhile, even if we dont get the first prize but we have tried our best, its also OK. Just enjoy the process of doing it. Besides, dont put too much pressure on ourselves.If we do things in a good mood, we may get a better result.

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