2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习13 并列句28例.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习13 并列句28例1、If you watch carefully, you can see _ the man does the trick with the cards.AwhoBwhatChow Dwhich 答案C2、If you want to be safe on the road, you should_.(1)Cross the road when the traffic light is green(2)Not play soccer on the road(3)Fly a kite on the road(4)Listen to MP5 when you cross the road(5)Stop and look both wayslook left,,look right and look left again A. (1)(2)(3) B. (3)(4)(5) C.(1)(2)(5)答案 C3、The hospital is new _ very dirty.AandBorCso Dbut 答案D4、My mother often plays table tennis _my father doesnt like sports. AandBbutCso Dor 答案 B5、-Let me help you carry the box.-No, thanks. Its big, _ there is nothing in it.Aand Bso Cbut Dbecause答案 C6、It was a great day, _ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.Aand Bbut Cor Dthen答案B7、I would _ stay at home and watch TV than _ a walk outside.Arather; takeBlove; to take Clike; to takeDlike; taking 答案 A8、your help, we can finish the task on time. A. Without B. Instead of C. Thanks to答案 C9、Its one oclock now. I must go.Its raining outside. Dont leave it stops. A. when B. since C. until答案 C10、Oh, dear! Who made the table so dirty?Jack Martin. They were drawing on it just now. A. Neithernor B. Bothor C. Eitheror答案 C11、The harder you_, the better progress you _.Awill work Bwork; have made Cwork; will make Dwill work; make 答案C12、You can either sing _ dance _ weekends.Aand, on Bor, on Cand, atDor, in 答案 B13、Jack, ., or you will get heavier.Adoesnt play sports any more Bdoesnt eat so much meat Cdont play sports any more Ddont eat so much meat答案D14、Learn hard, or you _ pass the exam.Awill Bdont Cwont Dcan 答案C15、My sports shoes are nicer than yours?Yes, but mine are _ yours.Afortable Bmore fortable Cthe most fortable Das fortable as答案 D16、He _ the volunteer group last year and _ many activities since then. A. took part injoined B. joinedtook part in C. joinedhas taken part in答案 C17、My father feels _ because he heard from _ today. Ahappy;an old friend of heB Bhappy;an old friend of hisChappily;one of his old friendsDhappily;an old friend of him答案 B18、-What do you think of the book ? - I dont like it at all . Its _ interesting _ exciting . Aneither , nor Bnot , but Cnot only , but also Deither , or答案A19、Many Chinese students think science subjects are _ foreign languages.Amore difficult as Bless difficult than Cmuch difficult than Dso difficult as 答案B20、We have two rooms _, but I cant decide _.Ato live, to choose which oneBlived, choose which one Cto live in, which one to chooseDlive, which one 答案C21、Stand over there, _ you can see the pandas better.AandBorCbutDso答案 A22、Could you tell me _, Mary?Of course. Go straight, and youll see it on your right.Awhere is the cinemaBwhere the cinema isCwhere was the cinemaDwhere the cinema was答案B23、Suzy was making a snowman _ Kitty was standing beside her.AwhenBwhileCuntilDand 答案B 24、She is very good at painting. She can paint _ her teacher. Aas better as Bas well asCas good as Dso well as答案B25、How about going hiking this weekend?Sorry. I prefer _ rather than _. Ato stay at home Bto go out;stay at homeCstaying at homeDgoing out;stay at home答案A26、_ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.AForBEver sinceCNow thatDBy now答案C27、In order to make up for the lost time, they are working _.Alike crazy Bas crazy Clike crazily Das crazily答案 C28、would rather _at the hotel than _out on the streetAstay;hang Bstay;to hang Cto stay:hang答案 A

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