2019-2020年高二英语 Module Three Reading Function Writing学案 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 Module Three Reading Function Writing学案 外研版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高二英语 Module Three Reading Function Writing学案 外研版选修6我的目标:能从文中获取相关信息完成表格,并能模仿课文,在提示下写出有序的记叙文我参与:重点:了解文章的细节,运用所学词汇和语句进行写作练习. 难点:模仿课文,用所学的词汇和所给的句子完成写作练习.一、我自学:Reading:The time I grew up with DannyWe spent long summar evenings in the _, _ worms for fishing, and _ left by the birds and then I discoveried that I was _ the biting of tiny fies. We would _, and wait for them to rippen. On windy days, wed _ the sony slope to the loch and feel the _ of the sea in our faces. We _ out of branches and built _ where we _ our first cigar. Once he _ my wounds in the stream when scratched my arms and cut the heel of my foot.At the age of 14Dannys parents _ to London. The pain was _ and I couldnt _ Danny for leaving me. I felt he had _ me. It was the worst _ I have ever experienced.NowIm _ Danny.while Im _ the happy times we spent together many years ago. Im _ my feelings, and I dont want to _ the recording of my lige and remember _.二、我探究:1、Think of the structure of the reading part and how to writh such a passage. (tense person order)2、Write some sentences according to the clue given to you on page 38 in writing part. You can use some sentences in function on page 35三、我评价:Join you sentences into a short passage to describe your friendship.四、我反思:(我的记忆)(我的体会)(我的疑问)

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