2019-2020年高考英语总复习 阶段综合 检测训练 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 阶段综合 检测训练 新人教版选修6第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:Be careful!I dont want any more ruined blouses.M:OK,so I have to separate the colors from the whites before putting them in this strange-looking machine.1.What is the man going to do?A.Identify some colors.B.Learn to use a machine.C.Have the clothes washed.答案:CM:Are you excited about your trip next month?W:Yes and no.I cant wait to go to Europe,but I suffer from acrophobia,which is an abnormal fear of heights.2.How will the woman go to Europe?A.By air.B.By land.C.By water.答案:AW:You made one of our most important clients angry.M:Listen to me.Its not the case.W:Sorry,but you are fired.3.What is the man trying to do?A.Defend himself.B.Make an apology.Cfort the woman.答案:AM:Mary,youre always at home.Dont you have any friends to go out with?W:Sure,I do.But all my friends are either out shopping or theyre boring.4.What do you know about Mary?A.She has few friends.B.She enjoys going out.C.She dislikes shopping.答案:CW:Can you explain it to me clearly on the phone?M:Its not easy to explain in several words.Shall we meet sometime to talk about it?W:Sure.5.What does the woman want the man to do?A.Make another phone call.B.Make something clear.C.Make a brief explanation.答案:B第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。M:Anna,it was great to meet you last week at the conference.I really enjoyed our conversation about the project.W:Yeah,it was interesting.Hmm.you know,Im in a bit of a hurry,but heres my card.We should definitely meet up again and continue our discussion.M:Sure,you still have my contact details,right?W:Hmm.this is really embarrassing,but your name has just slipped my mind.Can you remind me?M:Sure,Im Nick.Dont worry about it.Im terrible with names too.6.What does the woman want to do when greeted?A.Go to a conference.B.Get away from the man.C.Continue their last talk.答案:B7.How does the woman feel when asked about the contact details?A.Awkward.B.Guilty.C.Calm.答案:A听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。W:Im sorry,sir,but this flight has been cancelled due to some mechanical problems.M:Cancelled!So what am I supposed to do now? W:If your flight is urgent,I can put you on a waiting list for another flight this evening,but its on a first e first served basis,so there is no guarantee that you will be able to take that flight.M:Whats my other option?W:Well,if you can wait until tomorrow,we will put you up in a hotel for today and you can take a flight scheduled for tomorrow morning.M:Thats fine.Ill do that then.8.Why didnt the man take another flight that evening?A.It was cancelled.B.He didnt like to wait.C.There might be no seat for him.答案:C9.What do you know about the mans flight?A.Non-urgent.B.Non-scheduled.C.Non-guaranteed.答案:A听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。M:Hi,I would like to send this package to China and these postcards as well.W:OK.You will need some stamps for the postcards and I need to weigh that package,too.M:Alright.Er.,how much is this going to cost?W:Well,it depends.Do you want to send it via priority,express or standard mail?M:Whats the difference?W:Well,standard mail can take up to fifteen days.Priority is a bit faster and will arrive in about seven to eight days.Express is the fastest,but its also the most expensive.It only takes three days and you can track your package online.M:I see.Well,theres no rush.Please send it via priority mail.Please be extra careful,the contents of the package are fragile.10.How is the mans package charged?A.By size.B.By piece.C.By weight.答案:C11.How soon will the mans package get to China?A.In about two weeks.B.In about one week.C.In less than one week.答案:B12.What kind of thing does the package contain?A.Something solid.B.Something soft.C.Something weak.答案:C听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。W:Professor McKay,can you tell me what you think your report on old people will achieve?M:We hope that it will help to change peoples feelings about old age.The problem is that far too many of us believe that most old people are sick,lonely and unhappy.As a result,we tend to find old people,as a group,unattractive.And this is very dangerous for our society.W:But surely we cannot escape the fact that many old people are lonely and many are sick.M:No,we cant.But we must also remember that the number of such people is no greater among the 60s to 70s than among the 50s to 60s.W:Really?M:Yes.And why should we expect people to suddenly change when they reach their 60th or 65th birthday any more than they did when they reached their 21st?Now that the puter age has arrived in industry,the normal age for retirement may be lowered to 60 or even 55.Shall we then say that old age begins at 55?13.On what point does the man agree with the woman?A.There are wrong feelings about old age.B.Old age is dangerous for our society.C.Many old people are lonely and sick.答案:C14.What does the man say about old age?A.People begin to suffer from more illnesses at the age of 60.B.People of 60-70 are almost as healthy as those of 50-60.C.People show sudden changes when they turn to 60 or 65.答案:B15.Why are people likely to retire at an earlier age?A.More work is done by the puter.B.More people are unfit for modern jobs.C.People tend to get old earlier than before.答案:A16.What are the two speakers mainly doing?A.Arguing about old people.B.Discussing old peoples situation.C.Exchanging ideas about retirement.答案:B听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。Today Ill talk about self improvement and give you some tips for getting rid of a bad habit.Habits are as we all know some sort of automatic behaviors and most of us employ habits that are far from good,thus we want to change them.There are many different bad habits:the habit of over-eating,the habit of telling lies,the habit of interrupting others when they talk,and so on.In spite of that,the tips below can be applied on whichever habit you want to break.The first question you should ask when you plan to break a habit is “How serious are you about breaking it?” If you really force yourself to get rid of it,your chance of succeeding is much higher than if you dont.Be aware that breaking habits requires focused energy and you need to concentrate on observing your behavior over a period of time.It is also important that you find out exactly what your thoughts and feelings are each time you perform your unwanted behavior.When you write this down,you will be much more aware of why you perform this habit.Then write down some alternative behaviors to the habit you want to get rid of that would be a better and more positive way to handle the feelings or the situation that is associated with it.Select one or a few alternative behaviors or habits and start to practice them.Be careful to observe your behavior and as soon as you notice that you are practicing your old habit,stop yourself and start the new alternative behavior you picked out previously.17.What is a habit according to the speaker?A.The way that someone behaves.B.A thing we do without thinking.C.An action that is considered bad.答案:B18.Which plays the leading role in breaking a habit?A.How much we desire to break it.B.How many tips we will apply.C.How long we observe our behavior.答案:A19.Why should we write down our feelings when performing a bad habit?A.To see how we feel about the behavior.B.To check our awareness of the behavior.C.To find out the reason for the behavior.答案:C20.How can we get out of a habit?A.By performing alternative behaviors.B.By picking out a new habit.C.By observing our behavior regularly.答案:A第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Like any good mother;when Karen found out that another baby was on the way,she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son,Michael,prepare for a new baby.They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl,and day after day,night after night,Michael sings to his sister in Mommys stomach.Finally,Michaels little sister is born.But she is in serious condition.With alarm in the night,the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal (初生的) intensive care unit at St.Marys Hospital,Knoxville,Tennessee.The days go by.The little girl gets worse.The pediatric (儿科的) specialist tells the parents,“There is very little hope.Be prepared for the worst.”Karen and her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot.They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby,but now they plan a funeral.Michael,keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister,“I want to sing to her,” he says.Karen makes up her mind.She will take Michael whether they like it or not.If he doesnt see his sister now,he may never see her alive.She dresses him in an oversized suit and marches him into ICU.He looks like a walking laundry basket,but the head nurse recognizes him as a child and shouts,“Get that kid out of here now!No children are allowed.Never disturb patients here.”The mother rises up strongly and said,“He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!”Karen leads Michael to his sisters bedside.He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live.And he begins to sing.In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old,Michael sings:“You are my sunshine,my only sunshine,you make me happy when skies are gray.” Instantly the baby girl responds.The pulse rate bees calm and steady.The next day,the very next day,the little girl is well enough to go home!Womans Day magazine called it “the miracle of a brothers song.” The medical staff just called it a miracle.Karen called it a miracle of Gods love!Never give up on the people you love.21.What may the underlined words “the infant” refer to?A.The baby.B.Karen.C.Mary.D.Michael.解析:词义猜测题。从本段中“Michaels little sister is born. But she is in serious condition.”和“.the neonatal (初生的) intensive care unit at St. Marys Hospital.”看出是“新生儿”。故选A项。答案:A22.Why did Karen firmly let little Michael see his sister in ICU?A.Because he could make his sister alive.B.Because his sister would be sent to a far hospital.C.Because his sister was going to die soon.D.Because his father wanted to take him away.解析:细节理解题。从文章第四段的“If he doesnt see his sister now,he may never see her alive.”看出答案。答案:C23.What do we know about the head nurse?A.The head nurse was careful.B.The head nurse was rude.C.The head nurse was responsible.D.The head nurse had no sympathy.解析: 推理判断题。从文章第五段的“Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed.Never disturb patients here.”推出答案。答案:C24.What is the general idea of the text?A.A boys singing saved his sisters life.B.The little girl is well enough to go home.C.Michaels little sister is born with a serious disease.D.No children are allowed to enter the intensive care unit.解析:主旨大意题。从全文看出答案。文章是写三岁的男孩迈克尔的妹妹生下来情况非常糟糕,面临着生命危险,在医院的重症监护室里,是迈克尔的歌声拯救了妹妹的生命,创造了生命的奇迹。答案:ABTaxis,the underground,driving.in London these modes of transport are expensive.As a student on a budget,I couldnt afford the 30 pounds (around 300 yuan) fare for a cab.Even a bus was one pound and 20 pence (about 12 yuan) for a single ticket.I didnt need to travel this way anyway.I had Mabelmy London bike.When I moved to Beijing,like every foreigner,I was delighted to discover I could take a cab cheaper than a single journey on the “Tube”.But something was wrong.I missed Mabel.That was when I met Mandarin Mabel,also known as Mandy,my Beijing bike.In many ways,Beijing is made for cycling.It is flat,an easy terrain (地形) pared with hilly London.The citys north/south/east/west grid structure is also easier to navigate than Londons unplanned,twisting streets.However,Beijing es plete with its own dangers.The rules of the road are flexible.Bikes,cars,pedestrians all float up and down lanes in both directions.pared with Londons terrible cycle paths,in Beijing,every road has a huge,wide cycle lane.But cars,taxis and motorbikes see no reason why they shouldnt use these as a shortcut,and why they shouldnt beep at you to get out of their way when they do.Despite the beeping,though,Beijing traffic is more good-natured.In London,the road is an active war zone.People shout,swear and beat on each others windows.Beijing drivers never get actively angry.In fact,often they dont even see cyclists.Obviously that means its up to the cyclist to see them.Mandy is a true Beijing bike.She is rusty;she makes loud noises every time you push her pedals,and I have had to make several emergency repair stops for her.But cycling round Beijing on a sunny day is a joy.It is just me,Mandy and the city.25.What is the point of the article?A.To tell us what makes the author love cycling.B.To pare cycling in Beijing with London.C.To introduce the differences between Mabel and Mandy.D.To explain why Beijing is made for cycling.解析:主旨归纳题。作者由伦敦昂贵的交通费用,谈到了自己在北京骑自行车的经历,比较了在北京与伦敦骑自行车的不同,所以答案为B项。答案:B26.What can we conclude from the first paragraph?A.Bicycles are the most popular means of transport in London.B.To save money,the author used to travel around by bus in London.C.The expense of public transport makes some people want to buy a bike.D.The author didnt travel around London because of the high cost of public transport.解析:推理判断题。第一段里提到了在伦敦公共交通出行费用比较高,但没有提及哪种交通方式最流行,所以A项不对;该段提到了作者为了省钱,选择骑自行车出行,所以可以推知B项不对,C项正确。文中提到了“I didnt need to travel this way anyway.I had Mabelmy London bike.”这不等于作者不外出游览,所以D项不对。答案:C27.What does the author think of cycling around Beijing?A.The citys twisting streets make it hard for the rider to find the way.B.Cars,taxis and motorbikes on the cycle lane pose a threat to cyclists.C.With the flat terrain and wide cycle lanes,its safer to cycle in Beijing than in London.D.The traffic in Beijing is worse than in London due to the citys flexible road rules.解析:细节理解题。由第四、五段提到的在北京自行车道上的潜在危险可以推知B项正确,C项的“its safer to cycle”不对。由第三段“The citys north/south/east/west grid structure is also easier to navigate than Londons unplanned,twisting streets.”可知twisting streets 指的是伦敦的情况,所以A项不对;由第六段“Despite the beeping,though,Beijing traffic is more good-natured.”可知D不对。答案:B28.What can we infer from the article?A.In the authors view,Beijing drivers are less polite than London drivers.B.In London,cars,taxis and motorbikes are allowed to use the cycle paths.C.People in London follow the traffic rules much more closely than those in Beijing.D.Mandy breaks down so easily that it makes the author miss her London bike Mabel.解析:推理判断题。从第四段作者描述的北京马路上的交通状况“The rules of the road are flexible.Bikes,cars,pedestrians all float up and down lanes in both directions.”可知,在北京人们在马路上行走过于随意,所以可推知C项正确;由倒数第三段“In London,the road is an active war zone.People shout,swear and beat on each others windows.Beijing drivers never get actively angry.”可知A项不对;第五段提到了“But cars,taxis and motorbikes see no reason why they shouldnt use these as a shortcut,and why they shouldnt beep at you to get out of their way when they do.”从作者说话的语气可推知在伦敦,cars,taxis and motorbikes应该是不允许开上自行车道的,所以B项不对;D项所述的因果关系文中没有体现,所以不对。答案:CCOcean coral is fadingThirty years ago,if you looked down from a plane at the east coast of Australia,you would be greeted by the breathtaking beauty of the Great Barrier Reef,the worlds largest coral (珊瑚) reef.It stretched for over 2,600 kilometers in the blue sea,containing countless corals and small islands.It was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1981.However,this natural wonder of the world is being taken away from us.Coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef has dropped by more than half over the last 27 years,The Guardian (UK) reported.“If the trend continues,coral cover could halve again by 2022,” said Peter Doherty,researcher at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).So unless we start acting now,there wont be any “heritage” left in the future.Coral reefs are an important part of the oceans ecosystem.They are a source of food,and act as protection for young fish.But in the past three decades they have been under threat around the world mainly from increased storms,a growing number of crown-of-thorns starfish and coral bleaching (脱色).Storm damage caused nearly half of the coral losses.In the past seven years,the reef has been affected by six major storms,each leaving a trail (痕迹) of destruction.The crown-of-thorns starfish is also causing problems.Scientists believe that run-offs (支流) containing a large amount of fertilizers have caused the population boost (增长) of this coral-eating animal.Outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish usually start two or three years after major floods in northern rivers.Coral bleaching accounts for about 10 percent of coral damage.It is usually due to ocean acidification (酸化) and rising temperatures because seawater absorbs more carbon dioxide from the air.This disrupts (扰乱) the corals ability to grow and build structures.The good news is that corals can recover if given the chance.But this is slow.And the future of the oceans coral is largely in human hands.“We cant stop the storms.But we can achieve better water quality;we can tackle the challenge of crown-of-thorns,” says John Gunn,CEO of AIMS.“However,its future also lies with the global response to reducing carbon dioxide emissions (排放).” 29.What can we learn about the Great Barrier Reef from the article?A.With the worlds second-largest coral reef,the Great Barrier Reef was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.B.The Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its coral cover since 1985.C.At the present rate of loss,the coral cover will reduce by another 30 percent within a decade.D.Coral reefs are an important part of the oceans ecosystem and can prevent ocean acidification.解析:细节理解题。由第一段可知A项不对;由第二段“Coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef has dropped by more than half over the last 27 years.”可知B项正确;由第二段“If the trend continues,coral cover could halve again by 2022”可知C项不对;由第六段可知海水吸收大气中过量的二氧化碳会导致海洋酸化,海洋酸化导致的珊瑚白化可能会引起珊瑚死亡,所以D项的can prevent ocean acidification不对。答案:B30.Which of the following has led to the biggest loss of the coral cover?A.Coral bleaching.B.Increased storms.C.Rising ocean temperatures.D.Outbreaks of coral-eating starfish.解析:细节理解题。由第四段“Storm damage caused nearly half of the coral losses.”可知B正确。答案:B31.What can we do to prevent further coral decline of the Great Barrier Reef according to the article?a.Improve water quality.b.Reduce global carbon dioxide emissions.c.Disrupt the coral-eating starfishs ability to build structures.d.Control the population of the crown-of-thorns starfish.e.Make ocean absorb more carbon dioxide from the air.A.a,b,c B.a,b,d C.a,c,e D.b,d,e 解析:推理判断题。由最后一段提到的“.we can achieve better water quality;we can tackle the challenge of crown-of-thorns”以及“.its future also lies with the global response to reducing carbon dioxide emissions(排放)”可知推知B项为正确答案。答案:BDDeal with lossMy little brother,Ty,and I were close growing up.We bickered (斗嘴) over stupid stuff but we told each other everything.Or so I thought.There was nothing particularly memorable about the cold winter Arkansas day when Ty killed himself.He got home and cheerfully greeted everyone as usual.Once dinner was ready,he joined the family for barbecued chicken.I noticed then that he wasnt talking much.But it didnt seem like anything was wrong.I had no idea it would be the last time Id see him.It was nearly 8 oclock when I heard what sounded like breaking glass ing from Tys room.My dad went to find out what ha

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