2019-2020年高三英语复习 Unit3 Computers练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语复习 Unit3 puters练习 新人教版必修2一、词性转换1. _ vt.简化 _ adj.简单的 _ adv.简直;只不过2. _ v.出现 _ n. 外表、出现 3. _ vt.解决;解答 _ n.解决方法4. _ adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的 _ adv.就个人而言,亲自 5. _ n.应用;用途;申请 _ v.应用;用途;申请6. _ n. 类型;vt.& vi.打字 _ n.打字员 _ n.打字机_7. _ vi.出现;发生(形近词) _ vi.上升;升起 _ vt.升起;提高;种植;饲养;抚养8._ adj.电子的 _ n.电 _ adj.电的,电动的 _ adj.与电有关的 二、选词填空 in a way / make up/ after all/ deal with/ as a result of/watch over/ in mon/ in reality/ go by/ with the help of 1. She didnt want to go to the party, so she _ an excuse.2. Lili and Lucy are twins, and they have much_ .3. _his teacher, he had made greater progress in his English.4. The new teacher is fresh from university, so he really doesnt know how to _ his badly behaved students.5. Well, the story is too much for Mary. She cant understand it. _, shes only two.6. With time_ , the little girl is getting prettier and prettier.7. _ , his biology has improved, but there is still a long way to go. 8. They told me it would be cheap, but _ it cost me nearly $500.9.The driver was seriously injured _ his careless driving, and now he _ in hospital all the time by the doctor.三、语段翻译事实上,Mike 是个懒惰的孩子, 他总是编制一些理由当要求去做事情时。即使在他父亲的帮助下, 迈克仍然不知道怎样处理事务。他父亲非常生气以至于他说, “从今以后, 我要监视你的所作所为”。后来, 在某种程度上事情有所改善。毕竟迈克没那么愚蠢。结果, 他父亲表扬了他的进步。_, Mike is a lazy child. He was always _ some excuses when asked to do things. Even _ his father, Mike still didnt know how to _ affairs. His father was _ he said to Mike, “_, I will _ what you do.” Later, things improved more or less _. _, Mike is not that stupid. _, his father praised him for his progress.四、句子翻译1. 我认为,他们彼此毫无共同点. 2. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎变得越来越差.3. 他如此的用功以致于他不久在英语学习上取得了快速的进步.4. 在过去的三十年,我的家乡发生很大变化,很多工厂被建立.5. 不管怎样,我的目标是为人类提供高质量的生活.6. 由于网络的广泛使用,来自世界各地的人们可以分享知识.7. 过了2个小时我才成功地解决这道数学题目.8. 从20世纪50年代开始,科学家们致力于癌症的研究,但是事实上他们有很长的路要走. 书23一、词性转换1.Simplify,simple; simply 2. Appear; appearance3. Solve; solution 4. Personal; personally 5. Application; apply 6. Type; type ;typewriter;typist7. Arise; rise; raise; 8. Electronic; electricity; electric; electrical 二、选词填空in a way / make up/ after all/ deal with/ as a result of/watch over/ in mon/ in reality/ go by/ with the help of 三、语段翻译In reality; making up; with the help of; deal with; so angry that; From now on; watch over ; in a way; After all; As a result四、补全句子1. gone by; 2. With the help of our teacher/With our teachers help3. In a way4. made up an excuse for his being late5. by their appearances 五、句子翻译1. In my opinion, they have nothing in mon.2. As time went by/on, my memory seemed to get worse and worse.With time going by/on, it seemed that my memory got worse and worse.3. He worked so hard that he made rapid progress in English study before long.4. In the past/last few years, great changes have taken place in my hometown, and many factories have been set up.5. Anyhow/Anyway, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.6. Because of/ As a result of the connection of the Internet, people from all over the world can share knowledge with each other.7. It took 2 hours before I succeeded in solving this math problem.8. Since the 1950s, scientists have done research into/on/in cancer, but in reality/in fact/ as a matter of fact/ actually they have a long way to go.


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