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2019-2020年中考英语阅读理解训练:15阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? Many people would think of Confucius, whose birthday was September 28. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution to the education today. Confucius lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him up. As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didnt give up studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports. Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time only children from noble families could go to school, but Confucius believed everyone should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime. Today, people still follow Confucius lessons. He told us that we all have something worthy to be learned. “When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.” He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.” Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.” he said.34. Why do we still remember Confucius today? A. Because he lived a poor life in his childhood. B. Because he had wise thoughts about education. C. Because he traveled with his students from state to state. D. Because he lived during the Spring and Autumn Period.35. As a child, how did Confucius learn music, history, poetry and sports? A. By teaching himself at home. B. With the help of his mother. C. By visiting many famous teachers. D. With the help of a public school.36. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “noble”? A. Poor. B. Bright. C. Wealthy. D. Cute.37. Which of the following is in the correct order? Confucius worked to help his mother as a child. Confucius educated about 3,000 students in his lifetime. Confucius father died. Confucius started the first public school in Chinese history. A. B. C. D. 参考答案34-37 BCCA (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 For ten weeks, in a great house on the island of St Thomas, Doctor Sharp, a famous scientist, tried to teach a six-year-old dolphin to speak English, Margaret Howe, an experiment helper, would live day and night with Peter, a dolphin. And they would eat, bathe, sleep and play together from Sunday to Friday, with only Saturdays off for Margaret. She lived her 1ife in swimming clothes - with a coat on colder evenings - and cut her hair short so thatshe could get on with Peter more easily. After a few days, Peter was being more and more interested in winning her attentions. He threw a ball against her shower towel to get her to play. As time went by, he only wanted to play ball with her and not on his own. The problem was that, just at the time Peter and Margaret began to get on well just as two best friends, the experiment ended and the lab was closed. After a few weeks, Margaret received the sad news that Peter had killed himse1f by refusing to breathe, and sinking to the bottom of his pool. Dolphins may not speak English - but, just like humans, they know all about broken hearts.38. What is Peter? A. A dolphin. B. A scientist. C. A doctor. D. An experiment helper.39. How many days did Margaret work a week during the experiment? A. Four B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.40. Which of the following is true? A. Margaret didnt leave the lab. B. The lab was closed and the dolphin died. C. The dolphin could speak English at last. D. Dr Sharp was satisfied with the experiment.41. From this passage, what can we infer(推断)? A. Dolphins arent worth studying. B. Margaret didnt like the dolphin. C. Dolphins may have feelings just like humans. D. Margaret had short hair during the experiment.参考答案38-41 ACBC (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 When youre not at home, many worries may start to crowd your mind. Did I turn the coffee maker off? Did I lock the door? Are the kids doing their homework or watching television? With a smart home, you can quiet all of these worries. A smart home is a home with a munication network. This network connects devices(装置), such as lights and TV sets, and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring, mobile phone munication or WiFi over the Internet. More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home, because it makes life much more convenient. It can help keep your room at a certain temperature. It can record what happens inside the home and send the video to your phone. When you are on vacation abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary. Some smart homes can receive a visitor, allowing him to e in and offering him a drink. They can even feed the cat and water the plants. Besides, smart homes are easy to fix. Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools, using only the guiding information. When a problem appears, you can deal with it yourself without paying a professional. However, for home-users, the smart home technology is far from perfect. It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices. Also, because the smart home system allow its owner to get home information from anywhere, it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers, who may secretly use or change the information in the system. Now, many scientists are excited at the future of smart home technology. Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator. While there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelier. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure-smart home technology will change the way we live and work.42. According to the passage, what can a smart home lock the door through? A. Electric lights. B. Mirror technologies. C. Mobile phones. D. Shopping programs.43. What is the third paragraph of the passage mainly about? A. The steps to use smart systems. B. The prices of smart programs. C. The advantages of a smart home. D. The tools for setting up smart devices.44. Which of the following is TRUE about a smart home? A. Smart homes cant help feed pets nowadays. B. Smart homes costs a lot of money at present. C. You cant control your smart home i n other countries. D. Its hard for hackers to get information from smart homes.45. Whats the writers opinion according to the passage? A. People will bee less happy in the future. B. Peoples life style will be different in the future. C. Mobile phones are the most important in smart homes. D. Smart homes are much better than other smart systems.参考答案42-45CCBB(来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。阅When was the last time you wrote a letter? A recent survey of 1,000 teenagers around the world found that a third of todays teenagers had never written a letter, half had not written a thank-you letter, around 83 percent had never written a love letter, and a quarter had not even written a birthday or Christmas card. In fact, 58 percent of teenagers plained that handwriting was “too slow” and 17 percent believed it was “outdated”.These results have caused worries that the art of handwriting may one day die out, even though many people still think it is an important skill.“Handwriting is one of the most creative art forms we have and should be given the same importance as other art forms such as sketching(素描),painting,or photography,”Jonathan Skyrme, general manager of BIC UK &Ireland, told the Daily Mail.The New York Times explained that a handwritten letter sends a message in a way that online messages can never do. “When you get an e-mail, you can never be sure that you are the only person to have received itor even that it was written by the person who sent it,” said the newspaper.As US author Simon Garfield once wrote,“E-mails are a poke(蜻蜒点水), but letters are a loving touch.”So imagine the powerful message you will send if you actually write out your thoughts for another person by hand, buy a stamp, take your note to a mailbox and wait days for your special someone to receive it. Their smile at your thoughtfulness will say it all.31. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A. Most teenagers hadnt written a love letter.B. The art of handwriting may disappear one day. C. 300 teenagers of todays had never written a letterD. Over half teenagers thought handwriting was out of date32. The New York Times and Simon Garfield may both agree that_ A. letters have some advantages over E-mails B. letters and E-mails have their own advantages C. Handwriting is as important as other art forms D. letters and E-mails send a message in the same way33. Which is true according to the last paragraph?A. It is funny to post a letter. B. Its boring to wait for a letter.C. People are glad to receive a letter. D. Its a waste of time to write a letter.参考答案31-33 AAC (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The British Museum, which has about 8 million works, is located in the Bloomsburyarea of London. The British Museum was set up in 1753, largely based on the collections of the scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury. Admission and opening times Free, open daily 10:0017:30. The Museum is open every day except for 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January. Museum galleries are open daily 10:0017:30, and most are open until 20:30 on Fridays. Closing starts from 17:20 (20:20 on Fridays). Tips for your school visit Booking your visit Contact the Ticket Desk at+44 (0)20 7323 8181 or tickets britishmuseum.org Cancelling your visit If you want to cancel your visit, you must tell the Ticket Desk at least three weeks before the date. Failing to do so may incur some cost. Booking Gallery(艺术馆) Please book at least one term earlier, especially book Greek and Egyptian galleries quickly, and confirm before making travel plans. Special educational needs There are different kinds of facilities(设施)for disabled students, so all works can be visited.Parking There is little on-street parking. There is limited parking in the Museums forecourt for disabled visitors only. Please telephone +44 (0)20 7323 8299 at least 24 hours in advance. Support us Your support is important to make the Museum share its collection with the world. The British Museum depends on support from different ways and there are many ways that you can donate to help the museum operate. Please consider supporting the British Museum today. 34. Who can visit the British Museum? A. George getting to the museum at 13:15 on Monday.B. Elizabeth ing to the museum at 20:30 on Friday. C. Mary arriving at the museum at 12:00 on December 26. D. Jennifer reaching the museum at 10:00 on New Years Day. 35. What does the underlined word “incur” in the passage mean in Chinese?A. 避免B. 负债 C. 逃脱 D. 招致 36. What do we know about the British Museum? A. Sir Hans Sloane donated 8 million works to the museum. B. All the cars can park in the Museums forecourt. C. Greek and Egyptian Galleries are popular with students.D. Disabled students are limited to some special works.37. What does the museum mainly depend on to operate? A. Support from Sir Hans Sloane. B. Support from different ways.C. Money from selling its tickets.D. Money from selling some works. 参考答案34-37 ADCB (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Marie Kondo is an expert(专家)on organizing and cleaning. She is considered an expert on clearing away unused or unnecessary things, known as clutter. She wrote a book called “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, which is a best-seller around the world. Marie Kondo says people can improve their life by changing the way that they think about all their thingseverything from books, documents and photographs to clothing.This is not the first time an organizing expert has written a book on clutter. Other books suggest wonderful things will happen when you organize your home. One book says that if you throw out 50 things from your home, you will truly find your life. Another book says that if you make clutter disappear, you will also lose weight. And still others promise a better job, more money and a perfect family if you simply organize the things. Marie Kondo told the Business Insider website that some of her customers have lost weight. “Your self-perception is improved by living in a clean and tidy room,” she said. “This can change lifestyles and appearances.”Marie Kondo teaches a method of organizing that she calls KonMari. MsKondo says KonMari creates a different relationship between you and your things. If the object meant something to you or served you well, you thank it for its service before throwing or giving it away. In her book, MsKondo suggests that you touch the item and ask one simple question, “Does it bring me joy?”If it doesnt, you give it away so that it may give joy to someone else.38. What does the underlined word “clutter” in Paragraph1 refer to?A. Marie Kondo. B. the best-seller.C. unused or unnecessary things. D. expert on organizing and cleaning. 39. The text is especially useful for those who care about_. A. their body shape B. their healthy dietC. their home buying D. their home environment40. According to the passage an organized home can help people_a. truly find life b. make more friends c. give joy to others d. lose weight e. improve self-perception f. educate kids A. abcd B. acde C. cdef D. abef41. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Organize your home and change your life B. How can you lose weight?C. Read the useful book and change your life D. How can you live a better life?参考答案38-41 CDBA

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